The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Oh no love it's is better you tell me now" ,Krys said in a shy tone. She gave Bellatrix a soft smile before eating another cracker, Krys looked at Bellatrix and held the pack of crackers out, offering Bellatrix to take one. "If you'd like something else I can go make you something" ,she offered.
"I still feel bad that I hurt you. I don't want to harm you ever, well not anymore. I love I'd through myself in harms way before I'd let someone harm you." she stated and it was true, Bellatrix would kill for Krys. Bellatrix looked at Krys a soft smile appeared as she took a cracker, "No thanks love I'm not hungry. Thank you though. " Bella replied nibbling her cracker.
"Don't worry about it love I love you and the past is in the past, we've got a future ahead of us to worry about" ,Krys said as she grabbed Bellatrix's hand, she looked down at the ring and smiled. "I can't wait to call you my wife love you make me so happy". Krys cuddled up to Bellatrix and snuggled into the blanket covering them, it felt nice to be able to spend time with someone like this.
"True, we do have a future to look to." Bella stated, they'd be raising a child, they'd be married, both on either side of the dark lord, life was looking pretty good. "Yes as soon as We win the war we'll be together, till the end of time." Bella smiled brightly looking at their hands. As Krys snuggled in Bellatrix held her close, anything was nice with the one you love. 
Krys loved it when Bellatrix held her close, she felt a sense of security with her. "Yes we will be together till the end of time after we win this war everything will be perfect" ,Krys said with a smile on her face. The thought of being in a position of power was exciting and she could hardly wait, people would bow down at their presence and cower in fear at the mention of a death eater, yes it was very exciting to Krys. "Bellatrix I can't wait for the day when the dark lord is in full power".
"Yes as soon as this silly war is over, we'll be together, no one can stop us." Bella's smile grew. Bellatrix had follow the Dark Lord too far to fail now. Power, her postion would follow soon. Once they won, she'd be the Dark Lords right hand. "Nor can I Krys, 20 years of planning, though 14 years in Azkaban, we're almost there. "
"Yes Bellatrix we are almost there, I can feel it every day we get one step closer to winning and I love it, the anticipation is killing me I just can't wait for it and with Dumbledore gone we have an even bigger advantage" ,Krys said looking into Bellatrix's eyes. "We're going to win this war there's no doubt about it and when we do everything we've ever wanted will be ours for the taking". Krys' smiled even wider, she was 100 percent behind the dark lord and wanted to see him be in full power and she would fight to see it happen.
"No more hiding, life will be wonderful." She smiled brightly, that was a thought, 'no' longer hiding from orders other would be hiding from them. "All we have to do is wait for the Dark Lords word, then we'll follow to the death, which they're not strong enough so we'll be fine. The stuff won't need to be taken it will be given to us." she hissed playfully. Bella couldn't wait for the battle.
Krys bit her bottom lip a dark look in her eyes, "I'll follow to the death if I had to but I know we'll win it's a guarantee that's why the dark lord wanted that old man dead because he knew he was their strong point with Dumbledore gone they'll crumble, there's power in numbers and we have a lot of people on our side" ,Krys said in a dark tone. Her eyes were filled with darkness and excitement, a dangerous mixture when it came to Krys. "The blood of thousands of muggles and mudbloods will fill the streets everything will be perfect" ,Krys said right before taking a sip from her glass, she thought of her mother when she had said that. Krys despised muggles because of what happened to her mother and how she was treated when she was growing up, muggles were nothing but filth in her eyes.
"Now now dear, your getting yourself wound up. Kay, everything is and will be alright, save it for the battle itself." Bellatrix stated, hearing Krys's tone grow darker. "He's gone, dead as a door nail, they are weak. The blood of thousands will indeed paint the homes and streets they'll all suffer. All of the muggles, mudbloods, squibs, halfbloods and anything not pureblooded. The world will be a better place for all." Bella stated taking a sip of her own drink.
"You're right love I should save it for the battle, I just have so much built up aggression and I have no idea what to do with it" ,Krys stated before finishing what was in her cup then refilling both glasses. "I've always been that way though it drives me mad sometimes, when I was younger I used to set fire to things" ,Krys let out a small laugh. "Like your door for instance, I was so pissed off at Crabbe that day he had called me a filthy little dyke and before I could get him back he had went home so I set fire to your door, again sorry for that I'm just no good at handling my aggression or adrenaline properly". Krys turned her head as she heard the puppy move, when she realized he was just shifting positions she turned her attention back to Bellatrix, "I'm sorry if I ruined the mood or anything with being so amped up".
Bellatrix nodded in agreement, "I used to torture small animals and insects when I was younger, it calmed me down." She stated that's how she'd pass her time since she couldn't hurt her sisters. "Thanks love. " Bella smiled as Krys refilled her cup. "So that's what happened to my door? Pretty good reason to set it on fire...don't worry about it. It's in the past. No it's fine this is wonderful. She smiled softly.
"Yeah that's what happened" ,Krys told her. "You're welcome love....just let me know when you've had enough because I'll just keep refilling it". Krys laughed a little bit, she wasn't an alcoholic but when she drank she wanted to get a buzz. She looked over at Bellatrix again, "So love tomorrow I'm thinking maybe we can have lunch outside, if you're up for it" ,Krys suggested the weather had been nice and Krys loved to go outside.
"I'll tell you don't worry. Wine's good for the heart any way." she stated smiling brightly. Bellatrix wasn't ready to drink how she had before, not after being posioned, she wasn't ready to risk it. "Unless you've put something in it I should be fine, lunch outside sounds great dear." she replied.
Krys' jaw dropped and she looked at Bellatrix shocked, "I would never EVER put something in your drink, I love you too much" ,Krys said. She gave Bellatrix a soft smile before kissing her, "I mean that you know I love you and I can't say it enough". Krys wrapped her arms fully around Bellatrix, "So any ideas on what you want for lunch"?
Bellatrix chuckled nerviously, "I know dear, I was only joking, if you wanted me dead I'm sure I already would be. Plus after seeing you when I woke up from my dying episodes you cried, you couldn't kill me you'd cry before doing it. So I'd know something was up." She stated hoping to make Krys feel better. After she was kissed Bellatrix smiled. "I know, I love you too. " as Krys wrapped around Bella, Bellatrix's arms wrapped around Jrys' neck. "Oh hmmm...I don't know, I don't know if I'll even be hungry by lunch time, but how about a pasta?"
"I can make pasta tomorrow if that's what you want, anything for you my love" ,Krys said with a smile. She sat quietly and watched the fire as the two sat together for a moment. Krys took another sip from her glass and set it back down, "So any ideas on what you want to do now"?
"Okay dear, whatever is fine with me really, I'm not that picky." She stated softly. Bella forgot about her glass, until she saw Krys take a sip and Bella did the same. "Well, it's been a long exciting day, why don't we lay down and rest. " bellatrix suggested.
"You're right it has been a long day we should get some rest" ,Krys agreed. She stood up and picked up the blankets and folded them neatly and put them back into the closet. Krys followed Bellatrix to the room and laid down on the bed, she smiled at her fiance and pulled her close to her kissing her before pulling the covers onto them both. "Good night love".
Bellatrix stood up as Krys picked up the blankets. Once it was cleaned up Bella lead the way to the bedroom. Bella leaned into her soft kiss. "Good night baby,I love you," She stated cuddling into her.
As Bellatrix cuddled into Krys she wrapped her arms around her, it wasn't too long before Krys drifted off to sleep. When she woke up she snuck out of bed quietly and made her way to the kitchen. She made Bellatrix breakfast and put a heating charm on the food to keep it warm until Bellatrix woke up.
Bellatrix fell fast asleep, cuddling with Krys, dreaming of the beautiful life the four of them would have. It was her, Krys, the baby, and the puppy who still didn't have a name, she dreamed of the quaint home they'd have once the moved from the manor grounds, with the Dark Lord in charge. She didn't feel Krys leave the warmth of the bed. Bellatrix smelt the delicious aroma which must have been breakfast. She was forced awake from the smell and her own stomach. She walked out of the room and toward the kitchen since Iracebeth was still asleep. "Morning love,smells even better out here. " She smiled taking a seat at the table. It was different she was used to walking down the stairs and seeing her sister in the morn but this felt great.
"Good morning love, how did you sleep"? Krys asked as she grabbed the jug of orange juice out of the fridge and poured them each a glass. "I have to go grab something from the manor today was wondering if you would like to come with me, if not I can just go as quick as possible and come back here to you" ,Krys smiled softly as she sat in the seat across from Bellatrix and began eating. Krys wanted to grab the rest of their things and put them into their new place.
"Much better than the night before, thanks. What about you? How did you sleep?" Bellatrix asked then taking a sip of her orange juice.  Bellatrix thought about it for a moment, "Sure I'll go I have some stuff still up there. After breakfast I'll feed Iracebeth and we'll go." she returned a smile to Krys and began to eat her food, not really in the mood to play with it, she was still a bit tired. Once she was finished she cleaned her plate then went to feed the baby. Walking into her room, she went to pick Iracebeth up, and she was burning hot, as if she was being roasted over a fire, "Baby your on fire, my poor thing." She said crassling the little on bringing her close to her chest to feed her. Iracebeth became fussy and wanted nothing to do with it,which was odd for her. This sickness came so sudden what could have gotten her sick so quick? Bellatrix's eyes widened and she gasped. Bellatrix had fed Iracebeth while she was poisoned, the baby was poisoned by Bella. She began to cry, quickly she stood up trying to keep the babe awake, "Krys! Please tell me you have more of the potion you gave me yesterday. Iracebeth is sick because of me..."She cried more now, then the baby started to cry as well. 
Krys finished her breakfast and got up and washed the dishes that were left over, when she heard what Bellatrix said she dropped the plate that was in her hand and ran to the room. "Yeah love I've got some left my father gave me a few bottles just in case the first treatment didn't work, hold on I'll go get it, don't let her fall asleep" ,Krys said quickly. She rushed into the bathroom where she had put everything her father had dropped off and searched the shelf until she found the right bottle. After finding it she ran back to the bedroom and looked at Bellatrix. "You're gonna have to open her mouth while I force it down, she's a baby she won't understand that it's good for her" ,Krys told Bellatrix as she summoned a dropper. She stuck the dropper into the bottle and filled it up, "It'll be easier and less painful if we do it this way".
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