The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys knew Bellatrix hated being hurt or showing pain, "You're the strongest person I know love, this is nothing I've seen you deal with worse" ,Krys said trying to make Bellatrix feel better. "Just think the bastard that did this to you is going to suffer later, I'm sure the dark lord has plenty in store for him, Later I'll even let you take your aggressions out on me" ,Krys said. She didn't even mean it sexually she just meant Bellatrix could take her aggressions out after the day she had she needed it.
She studied Krys for a minute, she knew Krys had seen her in worse pain giving birth and being on the brink of death on more than one occasion. Bellatrix's eyes lightend and she smiles wickedly knowing Rudolphus was in for hell. Bellatrix began to feel better no longer feeling the pain in her back, she just needed a minute for it to reset. She slowly brought herself up to her knees, not sure if she wanted to go any further.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix got to her knees, "That's the Bellatrix I know" ,she said trying to give her a boost of confidence. Krys really did love the woman, normally when people were in pain Krys would tell them to 'suck it up and stop whining' especially fellow death eaters but both Bellatrix and Krys didn't like to show when they were hurt so Krys understood. "Do you need to rest love, I can help you to the bed or back home if you'd like".
Bellatrix blushed slightly, then got up on her feet straightening herself up. She shook her head 'no' she didn't want to rest, she felt fairly well. Bellatrix swallowed, "Cissy...wants us to come home...." Bellatrix stated softly still unsure what to think about returning to the manor they had been gone that long, and Rudolphus would still be there Bella no longer trusted him. But she wanted to tell Krys what her sister said. "I didn't give her an was right before the fight downstairs. "
"Does she want us to come home or just you"? Krys asked, she knew Narcissa wasn't fond of their relationship and was still a bit scared of being poisoned. "I just have that feeling I'm not too welcomed here anymore and me and Rodolphus will probably kill each other sooner or later, the decision is yours love I'll go where you go". Krys meant it, she would follow Bellatrix to death if she had to.
"She didn't exactly specify, but she doesn't like the idea of raising Racey in a tree house. I said she had to talk to you...then you came tumbling down the stairs." Bellatrix stated if her sister only wanted her and the baby, she wasn't about to leave Krys everybody knew that, though most of them probably thought it was a fling and would end as quick as it started. "I just wanted to tell you... I'm not saying we should or shouldn't... Plus I like the tree house it's not as nice or as big as the manor but we'll be a few months when we win the fight we'll have everything we could ever dream of. We'll really be on our own. Also Rudy will be ordered by the Dark Lord as soon as the war is over." Bellatrix explained and ranted slightly.
"Everyone still thinks I'm just some dumb kid fucking an older woman, no one can just accept that I'm old enough to know what love is and that I truly love you" ,Krys said. She felt as if she was being judged for bringing Bellatrix and her child into a tree house, "You do whatever you think is right love, no matter what I'll still love you". Krys walked off and made her way out the door to the outside, she walked up the path to the garden a little ways until she was out of sight and sat down on the ground and put her head down, she sighed with disappointment and started to think that maybe Narcissa was right. Her heart sank the last thing she wanted to do was screw up Bellatrix's life or her baby's life, she let herself cry Krys loved Bellatrix so much and hoped that Narcissa was wrong and that she was only saying the things she did because she wasn't happy with their relationship.
Bellatrix's eyes widend slightly as Krys spoke bluntly. "I know you do Love, I love you too, it doesn't matter what they think, we have each other and Iracebeth and the dark lord. "She stated trying to make Krys feel better, not that it was Krys' fault they were in the tree house, it was Lucius and Draco for the idea and setting it up. Also Narcissa's and Rudy's fought for trying to kill them more then once. Bellatrix watched as Krys began to walk, "Where are you going?" she asked taking a few steps then stopped. Bella didn't know what to do, she stood there a minute then sat down on her bed. After a bit she began to pack the rest of her things, she was not going to live with the fear of her loved ones in danger she had told Narcissa as such. It's a good thing Bella didn't have much, the had a key to her room and locked Iracebeth inside, she was fast asleep and would be fine. Bella went to Krys' room and pack whatever was left in there, before returning to her room laying on her bed waiting for Krys, to come back giving her some space. 
After about a half hour Krys stood up and made her way back up to the manor, when she got inside Narcissa gave her a nervous wave. Krys stayed silent and walked right past her making her way toward Bellatrix's room. She opened the door quietly knowing the baby was asleep, when she got inside she closed the door behind her. Krys made her way over to the bed and climbed into it she grabbed Bellatrix and held her close, "I'm sorry I walked out on you, I'm sorry for everything love I promise I'll do better" ,Krys said trying to hold back her tears but she couldn't. She started crying silently hoping Bellatrix wouldn't hear her even though she was so close to her.
Bellatrix had rested her eyes a bit she wasn't tired but it had been a long day, and she didn't want to cry. She heard the door open, but stayed in her fettle position. Bellatrix cuddled into Keys as her arms wrapped around Bella. Grabbing her hand gently, " don't be sorry, you needed air, That's why I didn't follow you. Everything? What do you mean?" She asked curiously. "Krys, you're a young woman you're doing the best you can actually you're doing better than your best." Bella stated sifting in Krys' arms she knew Krys was crying, Bella gently and carefully wiped her tears from her eyes. Bellatrix looked into her eyes, smiling softly.
Krys stared back into Bellatrix's eyes, "I feel like everyone is against me love, it's like no matter what I do it's never good enough because all they see is my age" ,she said quietly. All she wanted was for Bellatrix to be happy and didn't see why anyone would care as long as she was happy. "It's like they all think I'm ruining your life and that you'd be better off with someone else, you don't think that do you"? Krys asked she wasn't sure what Bellatrix actually thought because they had never really talked about it.
"It doesn't matter what they think, we are together, and I love you. You are just perfect the way you are. If we don't see the problem with age it doesn't matter what the others think...granted I thought it odd at first, but it doesn't matter we love each other. I'm happy, you of all people should notice the chanhe in my demenor. I was miserable with Rudolphus, everyone knew that, I'm the happiest I have been in years..." She stated wanting her love to cheer up, she was telling the truth nothing could make her stop loving Krys, well unless the Dark Lord grew a heart even then it would be difficult. "No of course not baby, if I thought I'd be happier with someone else I wouldn't have accepted your ring, no one is forcing me to love you. But then again you might do better with someone who was saner then I, no amount of healing will be able to fix me, ever." She replied thinking for the first time, that Krys coul do better than her, even though most of the time she thought she was better than everyone, but having this talk was making her think.
"Bellatrix you're perfect and I don't care how sane you are in case you haven't noticed I'm not the most sanest person either" ,Krys told her. She didn't want Bellatrix thinking she wasn't good enough, Krys thought for a moment while she looked into Bellatrix's eyes. "I'm still going to leave the decision to move back here up to you, I just want you to be happy no matter what it takes". Krys didn't want to move back and have to fear for her life but she also didn't want to keep Bellatrix away from her family so she was willing to take the extra precautions if it was what Bellatrix wanted.
Bellatrix tilted her head and pouted slightly. "You're saner than I, you won't grow bored or tire of me?" she asked it was another thing she thought about what If Krys grew bored with her and saught out another. "I've already made my choice love all of our things are packed and ready to go when we are. It's not the right time to return, the treehouse is our home. I'm happy as long as I'm with you."
"I could never grow tired of you, I love you more then anything you should know that by now" ,Krys said. She finally smiled at Bellatrix's words, she kissed Bellatrix softly on the lips and held her in her arms. "We'll let Racey sleep then we can go if you'd like, we'll come back when it's time for Draco's lesson" ,Krys suggested.
"I know I just wanted to make sure love. " she smiled at her. Bella sighed as Krys kissed her, she loved Krys' soft lips on hers. "Okay with me, she'll probably be up in a bit or so. So yeah we can head down in a bit. Sure we come for the lesson."
"That sounds good to me love" ,Krys said, she bit her lip as she looked at Bellatrix, the woman was beautiful. "I am the luckiest person alive to have you" ,Krys leaned in and kissed her again this time deeper then before. Krys heard movement next to them and broke the kiss to look over at the baby, Krys jumped up when she seen the baby looking at her from over the bassinet's side. "Bella she she's pulled herself up"!
Bellatrix smiled at Krys, then she noticed Krys was biting her lip, "What's the matter?" Bella asked softly. Her smile brightened, "No babe I'm the lucky one." Bellatrix welcomed Krys' kiss, so loving and passionate. Still smiling as the kiss was broken. As Krys jumped, Bella quickly sat up, "What is it? What's wrong?" she asked worriedly, as Krys said the baby pulled herself up she looked at the bassinet, to see Iracebeth looking at them. She gasped the baby was up and just watching them. Quickly she hopped off of her bed, "Hey sleepy head." Bella cooed walking closer. 
It seemed as if a permanent smile had been plastered onto Krys' face when she seen the baby looking at them, "She's growing up so fast" ,Krys said. She had never actually watched a child grow up so it was an exciting experience for her, "This is amazing it really is". Krys looked at Bellatrix, "You did a great job love".
Iracebeth saw her mother and "father" watching her and smiling at her, so she smiled back at them cutely. "She is love, too quick for my taste." She smiled joking slightly, she was happy her baby was healthy and was growing. Bella melted at her Child's smile she was so cute. Bella wondered If her baby looked anything like her when she was little, she'd have to ask her sister, since she had most of their pictures and things. "All I did was give birth to her and feed her....there's not much I've actually done. Plus you helped, Thank you." she said draping her arm around Krys' shoulders.
"You helped her grow by feeding her and taking care of her, I didn't do much all I did was what I thought right to do" ,Krys replied. She felt Bellatrix's arm drape around her shoulder and she wrapped hers around the older witch's waist. Krys looked at the baby and smiled, "Pretty soon you're gonna be running circles around us". Krys kissed Bellatrix on the cheek, "Want to head back or did you want to stay here until the dark lord gets back"?
"True, but you hold her and play with her. Everything you've done has been right my love." Bellatrix stated, with her other hand she reached out and ran her hand over the baby's head. "As soon as she starts walking I'm flying away." Bellatrix joked laughing lightly. She took her hand back and placed it on her stomach. She couldn't believe such a little beautiful bundle of joy could come from her. Bella thought for a moment, "We should bring our things down to the house, then we'll come back to see Draco." She smiled.
"Ehh that's all just in good fun, she makes me laugh" ,Krys said with a smile. "I think that's a good idea love that way we can grab something to eat before we come back here" ,Krys stood up and began to grab everything up, she summoned a trunk and looked at Bellatrix, "You just worry about getting the baby home I'll grab all this stuff, a simple condensing spell should work wonders". Krys made the items smaller and packed everything into the trunk, she smiled with satisfaction, "Oh I am good" ,she said sarcastically as she closed the lid. "C'mon love let's get out of here".
"But....It still counts..." She smiled. Bella nodded her head in agreement to Krys' words. Bella began to grab a few things when Krys told her to have the baby ready. She walked over and bundled Iracebeth, it wasn't cold but she didn't want to take the chance of her getting sick. Bellatrix scooped up her baby, who clung to her, Bella nuzzled her baby and Racey let out a laugh. "Yes love you are good." she stated with a smile. "Let's go then. You got the trunk?" She asked heading to the door opening it.
"Yeah I got it love" ,Krys said in response. She made her way out the door and down the stairs dragging the trunk behind her. When she got outside she set the trunk down and levitated it to the tree house. Krys managed to get it inside then held the door open for Bellatrix and the baby. "I'll go make something for lunch, you wanted pasta right"?
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