The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Iracebeth removed the pretzel and giggled as Krys complemented her. Putting the pretzel back in her mouth. Bellatrix smiled, at the complement she hoped her daughter would be like her just with out the mental instablity part. Bellatrix finished picking around her plate, packing it away. "Is it cold outside? As long as it's not too cold I don't see why not." Bellatrix stated looking up at Krys.
"Hold on I'll go check love" ,Krys stated before standing up and making her way outside. When she got outside she felt warm so she took her shirt and tie off so that she was in only a tank top. Krys made her way back in and looked at Bellatrix, "It's actually still nice out love I was a bit hot when I went out there". Krys walked into the kitchen and grabbed a jug of juice and put some ice into it, "I'm thirsty" ,she said before grabbing two cups, "You want some love"?
"Kay I'll be here," She stated waiting for Krys to return with an answer. Continuing to watch the baby closely with the pretzel. She looked over to the deck and saw Krys with just her tank top on. "Alright then," She stated turning her attention to Iracebeth, "come on baby let's go outside." She stated bending down holding her arms out for her. Iracebeth looked up at her mother and reached up to her, still sucking on the prezel. "Yes please dear. We'll see you out there." Bellatrix stated walking toward the deck.
"Alright love" ,Krys responded with a smile. She poured two glasses and brought them outside to the deck, when she got out side she put the glasses on the table and muttered a spell to make the carpet appear on the deck. The puppy was already outside, it seemed as if he were attached to Iracebeth at the hip, it was quite cute. "It is really nice out, look up there Racey at the stars they're pretty huh"? Krys smiled as she asked the baby.
Bellatrix held onto her baby with the dog at her feet. If was quite nice outthe baby should be fine. Bella looked over the edge of the deck, Iracebeth hit her with the pretzel. "Hey! No hit Racey no." Bellatrix stated the baby pouted and put the pretzel back into her mouth. Iracebeth smiled seeing Krys, she looked up at the sky reaching up in an attempt to reach the shinny dots in the sky. Bellatrix found it cute, "One day little one you'll be flying through the night sky." She stated putting her down gently on the carpet to play with the pup.
Krys watched as Racey reached up toward the sky, she smiled at what Bellatrix had said to the baby. Krys wrapped her arm around Bellatrix's waist after she had put Racey down to play with the pup, "I love you so much" ,Krys stated before kissing Bellatrix on the cheek. Krys made her way over to the table and sat down in a chair after pulling one out for Bellatrix.
Once she put the baby down, Bellatrix leaned her hands on the rail looking into the garden they were surrounded by, then into the night sky, it was so beautiful. Bellatrix smiled when Krys took hold of her waist. "I love you too Krys," she returned following Krys over to the table sitting down in the chair that was pulled out for her. She looked around for a minute, then smiled she had her happy little family that she had always wanted. Bella had someone to love and to be loved in return, she had a house, a daughter, and a dog, and soon she'd have power over others once the war was finished and they won. Life was pretty good right now. "I'm getting tired love I'm going to go to bed." She stated getting up, grabbing Iracebeth, putting her in the crib, laying down for bed.
Krys woke up the next morning and turned to look at Bellatrix, "Good morning love" ,she said quietly. She got up out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. When she was finished getting dressed she made her way back to the bedroom, "I have to go out for a small mission it should only take me about an hour or two, I only have to get some information off of someone then I'll be back and we can have the day to ourselves like we planned" ,Krys gave Bellatrix a kiss before apparating from the room.
Bellatrix yawned and smiled, hearing Krys. "Morning. " she stated sleepily. Snuggling back into the covers. Bellatrix sat up when Krys came out of the shower. "But.... It's our day...The baby was supposed to go up with we could have a break." Bellatrix pouted slightly, "Alright love I'll be here when you return." she stated accepting her kiss, watching her leave. Bellatrix stood and went to check on the baby. When she looked at the crib the baby and puppy were cuddling. She smiled shutting the door behind her. Bella started to prepare everything for when Krys returned. The deck was set, nicely. A black table cloth with green place mats, silver dishes very Slytherin. There were fresh logs in the fire, a bottle of champagne on ice, and two glasses. Bella went into the kitchen to start cooking their lunch. A stew, with bread, and a light cheese cake. Nothing too fancy, they'd have a larger dinner later. Bella turned everything on a low heat so she could feed the baby. She went to the baby's room, seeing Iracebeth awake playing with her toes. "What are you doing pretty girl?" Bella cooed, the baby smiled reaching for her mother. Bellatrix took Iracebeth in her arms, gently petting the pup, who picked his head up and yawned. Bella sat in the rocking chair, feeding Iracebeth. "Easy...easy...not so fast...slow down little one." Bellatrix cooed and rocked her child. When Iracebeth was finished she stopped and yawned again. Bella smiled and put her back in the crib with the pup, watching her cuddle with him. 
Closing the door gently, she went back to the kitchen, and put the burners where they should be. Hearing a pop in the other room, seeing Krys standing in the living room. "Welcome home love, your back early." she stated walking over wrapping her arms around Krys giving her a soft peck on the lips. Krys then pushed Bellatrix away, Bellatrix looked confused. "Krys? What happened what's a matter?" Bellatrix asked concerned, stepping closer again. 'Don't come any closer to me you skank!' keys snapped. Bellatrix was hurt and confused. "Krys why... did you just call me that? What's gotten into you?" Bella asked still confused. 'Where is he you no good cock loving slut! You've been cheating on me, with the Dark Lord again. I know you have everyones talking about it you ungrateful, unfaithful, whore." Krys snapped again. Bellatrix blinked her eyes appalled, by Krys' words. "I have not, who told you this, I'm faithful to you, I've never strayed from you, besides when I was ordered to carry the Dark Lords child, we've been through this, if anyone ever strayed was you, during that time you left me for Draco's friend Pansy." She stated offended and snapping back now. "Oh yes I remember now, and I loved every minute of it. She was so sexy compared to you, young and beautiful, not some dried up old hag like you. Fucking her was amazing, so tight, I should call her again, mmm. I need someone my age maybe younger. Makes me wet thinking about it." Keys went on torturing Bellatrix with horrible memories and words. "Krys... how dare you...I love you how can you say this to me...just last night you loved me and held me what happened...?" Bellatrix stuttered, she couldn't believe she was saying all this bullshit to her. Bella went to read Krys, but was intercepted by being thrown into the wall. "A realization Love, I never loved you, I played the darkest witch of all time for a fool, you thought I actually loved you, how pathetic. How could anyone love you...The Dark Lord doesn't even love you, he gives you missions to keep you out of the way. You were just a thrill ride, bitch fucking an older women was hot while it lasted, but I don't need you anymore. Bye bye Bellatrix." Krys went on playing a mind game with Bella, driving her sanity into the mud.  Bellatrix was crying. She looked up at Krys. Bellatrix went to stand up but was kicked hard in the ribs, hearing a crack. When Krys went to kick her again,Bella grabbed her foot and pulled her down quickly getting up, knocking over a chair before being hit with a curse flying into a table flipping if and breaking it. Then hitting the couch sliding it in front of the baby's door. Bellatrix was hurt and refused to hit Krys back she loved her. Then she felt the pain of a crucio burning through her body she screamed and the baby began to cry. Krys stopped and let Bellatrix stand, she was weak but she managed it in an attempt to plead with Krys. Bella turned to face Krys, and in an instant Krys took her knife and slashed Bella's stomach. Bellatrix  fell to the ground where she was stabbed three times in the back. The baby still screaming in the other room and the puppy barking. Krys gave Bella another swift kick then blasted more of the Tree house before silence. Bellatrix grabbed her wand and cast a flare and her patronious of  a bobcat. Hoping her sister would see, no one knew her patronious besides Cissy and Sereverus. Bella crawled into a small cabinet and waited, unable to make it to the baby. 

Narcissa saw both the Flare and Patronious. "LUCIUS!" she yelled he flew downstairs "Bella's in trouble! We need to get down there?" she stated. 'How do you know?" he asked "Trust me..!" then the appetated to the tree house seeing it in shambles hearing the baby crying. "Lucius get Iracebeth. " Cissa stated, he did so soothing her letting the pup out as well. "Trixie? Trixie where are you?" She stated before seeing the blood "Bellatrix!!" She called following the blood to the kitchen turning the burners off.  The blood stopped at a cabinet. Bella opened the door slightly. "" she asked shakily. "I'm here Trixie. Come on out." She cooed. "I... can' .. Hurts....I ..loved.... Her..." she said hysterically. "Give me the Baby, get Bellatrix out. " Narcissa said, Lucius handed the baby over grabbing a blood and beaten Bellatrix.  "Get her to the manor quick we'll be right behind you. "Cissy started to cry."You are not living out of my sight ever," she snapped threw tears. Lucius appereated to the manor and Narcissa and the baby and puppy shortly caught up. They cleaned and patched Bella up who was out like a light, put the baby and puppy in the crib. Everyone stayed in the room trying to figure out what had happened. 
Krys was instructed to follow a few members of the Order and take notes on where they were going and who they were talking to. It was a simple mission and was made easier by the fact that Krys could read them decently because none of them knew she was there. After a few hours Krys had collected all the information she would have needed and made her way to a small shop in Knockturn Alley to pick up something nice for Bellatrix. She ended up buying her a new dress and a few accessories to go with it before apparating back home. When she got there she looked around at the mess and the blood everywhere, she dropped what she had in her hands and looked around for Bellatrix and the baby, neither were anywhere in sight. She took another look around the house then decided to go up to the manor to see if Bellatrix had made her way up there, Krys hoped that everything was all right. Before Krys went to leave the house she reached into her pocket for her knife, her eyes widened, it wasn't there, "Fuck" ,she muttered to herself she must've dropped it somewhere. She was hoping to be armed with both her wand and knife in case someone was outside waiting for her.

Krys looked around with her wand pointed out as she walked up to the manor, when she finally got there she walked through the closest entrance she could which was the back door. She looked around the kitchen to see if anyone was there still holding her wand out knowing that certain people in the house didn't like her too much. Krys walked into the sitting room and seen Bellatrix sleeping, she was banged up pretty bad, "Bellatrix, Merlin what the f--" ,Krys began but was cut off. "What are you doing here? Come to finish the job"? Narcissa snapped standing in front of her sister blocking Krys from getting to her. "Narcissa what the fuck is going on"? Krys asked angrilly and confused. "Get out Krys and don't ever come back or I'll kill you" ,Narcissa said. "That's no surprise what did you convince her to leave me by beating her half to death". Krys was confused and scared she had no idea what had happened nor why Narcissa was threatening to kill her. "KRYS GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE"! Narcissa screamed. Krys didn't say a word she just tried to get to Bellatrix but now Lucius was blocking her way as well.
Bellatrix was fast asleep, she didn't know what was going on anymore. The love of her life just attempted to kill her. In her current state, she didn't even know where the baby was, or if she was okay. Bellatrix could hear yelling all of a sudden, coming to. Bellatrix slowly opened her eyes. "Cissy...Cissy...? Why...why...are you yelling?" she asked groggily, then she saw Keys. Quickly her eyes widened, full of fear, "You...!" and she flinched trying to get up, but fell back down, her stomach and back were killing her. "Trixie you're she wont hurt you again..I promise." Narcissa stated. Tears filled Bella's eyes, she wanted to be in Krys' arms but after what just happened she never wanted to see Krys, her heart was breaking. "I loved you hear me I loved you...!! I never betrayed you.... You tried to kill me....Why?... I loved you, you tricked me. You said you loved me..." She went on so hurt and stunned that Krys did this to her. "You never loved me.....I should have listened..." Bellatrix began to rock back and forth gently.  Bella's insanity was showing clearly, like she had re-escaped Azkaban. Though bandaged she was bruised and cut up, some still exposed.  "They say...the owl was a bakers daughter...lawd we know what we are but not what we may be..."She stated not even knowing what she was saying anymore play with her ring. Then looking at it she removed it, planting a kiss upon it before throwing it at Krys. Narcissa stood there crying seeing her sister so broken and hurt, this was not the woman from their childhood. Bella was crying hard again, laying back down curling into a ball. 
Krys' heart shattered when the ring hit her chest and fell to the floor, she heard foot steps and looked over to see Rudolphus standing across the room with a grin on his face. He mouthed the words 'I always win' before showing Krys her own knife in his grubby hand and turning and leaving the room before anyone else saw him. Krys looked at Narcissa then at Bellatrix, she refused to cry not wanting to show any weakness in front of people. Krys bent down and picked up the ring and turned away, "Goodbye then" ,she said sadly as she walked out the door, everything she ever cared about was just ripped away from her. Krys walked down the path to the manor finally letting herself cry silently as she took each step further away from Bellatrix. She apparated to the Leaky Cauldron and wiped her tears before entering the pub and sitting down at the bar. "I'll need a room for a while mate" ,Krys told the bartender. "And a strong drink". Krys reached into her pocket and pulled out some money and paid the bartender for the room and the drink.

Krys sat at the bar nearly all night, drinking and talking to random witches and wizards that would listen. She had never felt so hurt in her life, she couldn't believe that Rudolphus had gotten the best of her. When the bar finally closed that's when Krys decided to go up to her room to sleep. She passed out from the alcohol but the sleep didn't last long she was haunted by dreams of Bellatrix. She woke up and hit the closest thing to her which was an old alarm clock that started going off as soon as it hit the floor. "Son of a bitch" ,Krys said groggily as she stumbled out of bed and walked over to it. She picked it up and threw it at a wall causing it to shatter into pieces. Krys walked over to a chair in the room and sat down, she stayed up all night not wanting to go to sleep.
Bellatrix began to scream and throw a hissy fit, when Krys was no longer in the room. Narcissa tried to restrain her sister. "No!!"  Bellatrix screamed.  "I loved her..." she stated crying.  "I know Trixie just calm down shhh." Cissy cooed, petting her sisters hair. Lucius finally sat back down, looking at the sisters, he couldn't believe what happened, he had help Bella and Krys move out together with the child.  Krys didn't seem like that kind of person. Bellatrix snuggled into her sister crying hysterically, until she past out. She was out for awhile, then her nightmares that were long gone returned but they were worse, and everyone had Krys on it. Bellatrix began to scream, Narcissa came running to her to wake her and hold her. Once Bellatrix was awake she noticed she was in her room safe in the manor. Narcissa climbed into the bed with Bellatrix holding onto her. 
For the next few days Krys continued the same routine, she drank all day, barely ate and stayed up all night unless she passed out drunk. Whenever Krys would fall asleep she seen Bellatrix and it killed her more and more each time, eventually she started cutting small lines into her leg whenever she would dream of her. One morning she woke up after having another dream about Bellatrix and she cut herself so deeply that she passed out from blood loss, one of the local drunks found her after mistaking her room for the bathroom. The old drunk ran off and found out where Severus was. Snape had brought his daughter back to life for a second time. When she woke up the first thing she did was grab the bottle of rum that was on her bedside table and took a drink from it. Krys didn't even notice her father in the room, Severus looked at his daughter and his heart broke Krys' hair was a mess, her clothes were dirty, and her eyes were empty and cold. It seemed as if she wasn't herself anymore, she was an empty shell. "Krys" ,Snape said softly putting his hand on her shoulder. Krys jumped at the touch and backed away, "Shhh it's only me, calm down and tell me what happened" ,Severus talked to Krys as softly as possible. "D-dad, whatchu doin' ere"? Krys slurred after she realized he was there. "What happened Krys"? He asked again. "Sh-she thinks I tried to kill her, it wasn't me I loved her...I really really loved her but she hates was Rodolphus I swear it was" ,Krys snapped. She grabbed her hair and began to pull it as she cried, Severus grabbed his child and hugged her trying to comfort her. "I wish there was a spell to remove my heart so it could never break again" ,Krys cried. Severus nearly cried himself hearing these words, he handed her a potion that would help her sleep without dreaming. When she finally fell asleep he set off to find out what happened, his first stop was the manor.
Bellatrix didn't move, she stayed in her bed, hardly getting up only to use the restroom. She wasn't eating, she had difficulties sleeping, still in pain from getting the crap beaten out of her, Bella hardly saw her daughter unable to really look at her without seeing Krys. Her room was dark, not letting in the hellish light of day. Bellatrix was dirty, tired, depressed, hungry though not acting upon in. Narcissa knocked on the door, opening it. "Bellatrix someone wants to see you." She stated Bella didn't move only laid there. "Mommy....Mommy." Iracebeth said she knew there was something wrong but didn't know what but she missed both her mother and Krys. Iracebeth's quick development she no longer needed to feed from her mother now eating baby foods. "Come little one your mother is sleeping Shhh..." Narcissa told the little one who in turn went "Shh mommy..seeping" it was the cutest thing one could hear from one so young. Narcissa knew very well her sister wasn't sleeping, not wanting anything to do with living. Another reason Bella wasn't doing much of anything was because she was doping herself up on random pills she found, on top of her pain medication. Narcissa came back alone this time lighting a candle so she could see. Sitting on Bella's bed. "Trixie you need to snap out of this, you hear me? Your daughter needs you. This isn't healthy, you've hardly touched your breakfast, you need to eat, your getting smaller, your hair is thinning, you're slowly killing yourself. I won't stand by and see it done Bella, you're going to get better even if I have to force you too. "  Narcissa stated kissing Bellatrix on the check leaving again. Once Narcissa was gone Bellatrix popped another pill into her mouth. Her heavy lided eyes looked even heavier, now a days she looked like a corpse. Waiting for death to take her away, that last pill knocked her out.
Severus made his way into the manor and looked around, he walked into the sitting room where he found Lucius sitting with a glass of wine and a book. "Lucius do you know what happened"? Severus asked quietly. Lucius looked up at Snape knowing exactly what he was talking about, "Apparently Krys tried to kill her fiance" ,Lucius said closing his book. He sighed before taking a sip out of his glass, "Something doesn't seem right though the look in Krys' eyes when Narcissa asked her if she came to finish the job.....she had no idea what Narcissa was talking about". Severus looked at Lucius, "Krys isn't herself anymore and I fear she is going to become a danger to herself, she's completely out of it Lucius" ,Severus told him.

Krys woke up a few hours later and looked around she got up and made her way back down to the bar again and ordered a drink.
Narcissa came downstairs blowing out the candle once she got to the sitting room. "She's still breathing," She stated looking at Lucius not having noticed Severus at first. "Hello Severus, how are you?" Narcissa asked. Before she could receive and answer she heard a thud followed by crying. "Excuse me." She apperated to the baby's room to see her crying on the ground, assuming she flipped herself out of her bed. She pick up the child cradling her close. "Shhh, it's alright shhh you took a little fall but your alright." She cooed getting the baby to calm down walking back to the sitting room with the child. "Sorry, anyway..." before she could finish her statement Bellatrix started to scream. Narcissa handed the child to Lucius, "One moment." she then appearated to her sister's room soothing her back to sleep. "Narcissa's been playing the part of a busy mother having two more children, the little one is easy, but the older one she hasn't been eating, sleeping, she can't even look at her daughter without crying. She looks worse than a corpse." Lucius informed Snape. Narcissa finally came back, "She's asleep for now."  
Severus looked at Lucius, "Seems Krys and Bellatrix have different ways of handling things, Krys has been drunk and cutting herself and wants nothing to do with anyone" ,Severus told Lucius right before Narcissa came back into the room holding the baby. Severus really didn't know what to say to Narcissa he knew she wouldn't believe him if he told her Krys couldn't of possibly hurt Bellatrix. Snape stood up and said his good byes and left.

Krys was on her fifth drink when Severus came across her in the bar, "Krys you need to stop drinking it won't help" ,he said calmly. She looked up at him and finished her glass. "I will sort this out I promise". Krys laughed, "There's nothing to sort out dad they all fucking hate me and think I'm some sort of monster" ,Krys said in response. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the ring, "Here dad get rid of this thing it only brings e pain". Severus sighed knowing there was nothing he could do that would convince Krys to stop what she was doing the only thing he could do was figure out exactly what happened and make things right. He made his way back to the manor and sat down with Lucius again, "She's awake and at the bar again" ,Severus told Lucius who shook his head. "Something just doesn't seem right" ,Lucius said right in front of Narcissa. He was usually a man to speak his mind even if it contradicted what his wife thought. "I apologize Narcissa but I don't believe Krys did this I'm going to help Severus find out what really happened".
Iracebeth watched the man with black hair, he reminded her of Krys. She reached out for him, looking at him through eyes that was a bright cheery combination between Bellatrix and the Dark Lord. "Love?" she asked wanting Krys. 
  Narcissa looked at her husband, unsure of what he was getting at. "How so? I know my sister is not telling a story you carried her back here yourself. She looked scared to death when Krys came in. I've read a bit from her I saw the two of her for yourself you'll see it she's can't put up a fight currently probably won't even know you're there." Narcissa stated, curiously. She wasn't sure what happened and though her sister is miserable she wasn't 100% on Krys' guilt or innocence. 
Severus looked at the baby confused for a moment then realized that the little girl had spent time with Krys and it wasn't hard to tell that the two were related. He didn't know how to respond to the baby so he gave her a shy wave and a smile. Lucius looked at his wife ad sighed, "I know what you saw when you read her but I know what I saw when I seen Krys' face, you and I both know when she is lying and when she came in confused it wasn't an act, we live in a crazy world where anything can happen for all we know someone could have gotten a hold of a piece of Krys' hair a brewed a polyjuice potion" ,Lucius said. He had watched Krys grow up and knew her very well and if she had wanted Bellatrix dead the woman would be dead or closer to it then she was. "Narcissa love, let me just look into things and if I'm wrong I will let it go".
Iracebeth smiled and giggled when the tall man with dark hair, that looked like Krys smiled and waved at her. She continued to reach for him, not getting vary far. 
As Lucius spoke to her she looked at the child seeing her trying to get to Severus. She sighed, he was right though all evidence pointed to Krys, anything could have happened somewhere in between.  "Alright dear, you have a point, I didn't see what you saw, I was worried about Bella. I wasn't paying attention to anything else. Investigating sounds like a good idea, if you discover something please inform me." She stated Lucius was making sense, and she had been doing so much she was blind to quite a bit of things. Iracebeth turned around and crawled backwards, and climbed down from Lucius, determined to reach the other person in the chair across from her. She reached the floor and crawled over to Severus looking up at him reaching her arms up for him to pick her up. All of a sudden there was another scream and crying that followed. The baby looked at the ceiling, "Mama?" she could hear her but not see her. "Be back in a bit." Narcissa stated quickly getting to Bella, unable to see, she felt around for the bed, climbing up grabbing her sister,"Ssshhh it's alright Bella you're alright. "
Severus looked at the baby reaching up for him, he hadn't held a child since Krys was little. He picked the baby up and sat her on his knee and bounced his leg up and down like he used to do with Krys to get her to laugh. Iracebeth smiled at him and began to giggle, "I didn't know you were so good with kids Severus" ,Lucius joked. Severus just gave Lucius a look, "When Narcissa gets down here we'll go look around see if we can figure anything out". Severus agreed to Lucius' statement and the two sat in silence waiting for Narcissa to return.

Krys began a game with one of the local drunks that involved them dropping knives between their toes, the first one to stab themselves in the foot lost. Krys had beaten the guy twice and that was after drinking nearly a full bottle of fire whiskey. The bar roared as the game continued and Krys dropped yet another knife in between her toes without even scratching the skin. After a few more rounds Krys called it quits and put her shoes on and headed back to the bar and sat down.
After about five to ten minutes she Narcissa got her sister to quite down and be still. She waited until Bella was out again, before sloping away. When she returned to the sitting room she heard the baby laughing, looking at Lucius then over to Severus bouncing the babe on his knee. "Aww how sweet I bet that brings back memories Severus." Narcissa stated with a smile. The baby was still smiling and giggling. "Sev....rus....Sev..rus...Sev'rus" She clapped her hands happily she knew another name well kinda.
A few weeks had passed since Lucius had set out to look for anything that would prove Krys innocent. He had no luck at all and without being able to talk to Krys because she was too incoherent to respond to anyone at this point he didn't even hear her side of the story. Lucius made his way into the manor after yet another day of finding nothing and he sat down in a chair by the fireplace in the sitting room, he looked across at his wife with the baby in her lap, "I have found nothing Narcissa, nothing at all to prove Krys innocent" ,he told her. Narcissa just shrugged her shoulders and sighed, "Maybe she really is guilty Lucius" ,she said. Lucius was just about to respond when Snape popped into the room, "The dark lord has called for a meeting and everybody that is in this house needs to be there, Narcissa go wake up Bellatrix" ,Snape said as he made his way to the table to sit down.

When the dark lord arrived he looked around the table, "Where's Krys"? He asked quietly noticing she wasn't there, his eyes fell on Narcissa who had a bit of a worried expression on her face. "Where is Krys"? He asked again only this time louder and more angry. Everyone fell quiet and looked at Narcissa and Severus as if they expected at least one of them to know. "I-I kicked her out of my house, my lord" ,Narcissa stated quietly. Voldemort's face twisted into an angry look, "And why is it that you threw a fellow death eater out of your home knowing there are aurors swarming around everywhere these days, for all we know Krys could be in Azkaban and it would be your fault" ,Voldemort stated coldly. "My lord if I may" ,Rodolphus began, Voldemort looked at him waiting for him to speak. "Krys was kicked out because she tried to kill Bellatrix, she just flipped out the day after Draco had hexed me, we don't know what happened maybe she had--" ,Rodolphus began but was cut off. "You say she tried to kill Bellatrix the day after Draco was taught how to curse people"? The dark lord asked, Rodolphus nodded his head, Voldemort looked at him with disgust, "That's odd because Krys was no where near the manor that day if she was doing as I told her and by the information I received, which was correct, then she was definitely out watching a former death eater of mine, the man was pronounced dead the next day so how could Krys have killed Bellatrix while she was killing someone else"? Voldemort asked coldly. "Narcissa seeing as you are the one who kicked Krys out then you are the one that is going to find her and bring her back here before I return tomorrow" ,Voldemort stood to leave then shot a look at Rudolphus. "You may want to check Rodolphus' room for a polyjuice potion.....I'll be dealing with you tomorrow when I return as well" ,Voldemort stared into Rodolphus' eyes and seen everything within those few seconds, he was pissed. The dark lord apparated out of the room and Rodolphus left quickly before anyone could ask questions.
When Narcissa went to wake Her sister, Bellatrix opened her eyes slightly looking at her miserably. "Come on Bella, the Dark Lord is coming we all need to attend." Narcissa stated. Bellatrix just looked at her sister, blinking not caring that the Dark Lord was coming. She could careless anymore. Narcissa uncovered her sister and pulled her up, Bellatrix had lost weight drastically and was easy to lift. Wrapping her arm around her sisters waist a put Bellatrix's arm around her shoulder. Narcissa carefully dragged her sister downstairs making her walk. Bellatrix's eyes were dark and heavily lidded, squinting slightly no longer used to the hellish light of day, hiding into the dark abyss of her room. Narcissa sat Bellatrix at the table then sitting close by to make sure she didn't fall. Bellatrix was frail and weak not having done anything for the past few weeks, nibbling on meals, hardly leaving her bed. After a few minutes Bellatrix rested her head on the table. 

Once Bellatrix heard her name, she took a deep breath, and hid her face. Upon hearing the young witch's name again, Bellatrix hid in her hair, silent tears falling. Bella heard his words, thinking Krys was in Azkaban hurt her, living through it, but if Krys was captured so young her life would be over. Bellatrix tuned out hearing Rudolphus' voice, she couldn't stand him, but she wasn't even sure of her feelings anymore now that Krys had tried to kill her, she had loved  Krys. Bellatrix tuned back in as the dark lord spoke, she was putting it all together, why would Krys have tried to kill her they were supposed to stay together that day besides Krys' mission. Bella tilted her head up to look at the Dark Lord, tears still in her eyes, her eyes then had a crazy gleam in them as she looked at Rudolphus, watching him leave, unable to find her words. Narcissa stood and grabbed Bellatrix helping her back upstairs, laying her down, before heading downstairs again. "Severus I'm going to need your help. Is she still at the pup?" Narcissa asked knowing she was going to need help and while they're gone Lucius can look around Rudolphus room.
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