The new girl

Draco watched Harry whisper in Tess's ear and saw her giggle. He raged inside and stormed out of the class straight into the arms of the big death eater who grabbed him and started to march him out toward the forbidden forrest saying "We need to talk"
Tess saw Draco storm out and smiled to herself. If he thought she was going to sit around and cry over him he was crazy. Tess brought her attention back to class but glance over at Harri smiling.
Harry knew he should be a bigger man but driving Draco crazy was one of his favorite things. And this mysterious Tess was so pretty. Harry slid his hand from her knee and slowly up her thigh, waiting to see her reaction.
Tess smiled when she felt harry's hand slide up her thigh. His hand felt nice. Harry didn't seem like the type to move quickly with a girl but she was enjoying this. She wondered how far Harry would go.
Harry had so much going on in his life, so much tragedy for one so young, but his excitement when he was with Tess overrode all of it. Initially Tess stiffened but quickly relaxed, he took that as encouragement and gently slid his hand further up her silky thigh to the hem of her short skirt. Tess was smiling slightly but also trying to keep her attention on the teacher, harry tried to do the same at least to keep up the pretense of being a good pupil. His heart beat faster.
At the same time Draco was being dragged into the forbidden forrest, the death eater threw him against the trunk of n ancient tree and smiled sweetly at Draco before unleashing a ferocious punch that blacked hes eye instantly. Draco moaned on the ground "you have two days boy, your father can protect you no more, get the job done. And our master has taken a specific interest in your girlfriend, i dont know why, but you'd be wise not to upset her." the death eater walked awy into the forrest leaving draco bruised and afraid. He sat against the tree and wept.
She didn't know what gave harry this extra encouragement but she liked it. She looked over at him smiling. He was very attractive. He was tall and his hand felt very nice so far. She decided she wasn't going to stop him. Draco was in the back of her mind. After the way Draco treated her, there was no reason to stop Harry.
Harry continued to slide his hand along Tess thigh gently squeezing until he reached her panties. Still she didn't stop him, this diversion was exactly what Harry needed. He was getting very excited.
She bit her lip when he touched her panties. Tess had to stay quiet or someone would notice. Harry was making her very wet and she was sure he could feel it. She would have never taken Harry for being so forward but Tess loved it.
harry slid his fingers into her damp panties, and tentatively stroked her pussy. Harry had to move closer so they sat very close together. He saw her bite her lip and it encouraged him as he tried to look like a good pupil but under the desk his fingers worked buisily.
A moan escaped Tess lips when she felt Harry's fingers on her pussy. She quickly put her hand over her mouth and looked over at Harry. He could tell she was smiling. Tess scooted forward in her chair to get closer to Harry's fingers.
Harry was feling very bold, and his horny teen body wasn't telling him to stop, his cock was straining against his pants. He was delighted when she adjusted her position and opened her legs a little more to allow him more access. Harry took advantage and slid a finger into her tight hot pussy and used us thumb to press on her sensitive clit. He hoped there wasn't much time left for the class, buthe wasn't in any position to check his watch.
She kept her hand over her mouth. She was breathing a little harder now. Tess looked over at harry with want in her eyes. She pushed Harry's hand away when class ended and got up pushing her skirt down. She smiled up at him when he stood. "What was that all about?"
Harry started to stammer an appology, "Tess i'm sorry i thought you liked it, I......" He stopped suddenly as he saw a wet Dirty and bloodied Draco walk past behind Tess, he wasn't sure if she saw him.
"I did like it Harry. Alot in fact." Tess saw him staring at something behind her and she looked past her shoulder. She gasped as she saw Draco walk past. "Excuse me Harry" she said without looking at him. Tess caught up with Draco and grabbed his arm to stop him. "What happend?" It was obvious she was concerned about Draco. She dragged him into and empty classroom to look him over. "Did that guy do this to you?" She said sounding angry.
"Tess it dosen't matter, I said they were dangerous powerful people, i meant it. go back to Potter tess, at least he knows what side he's on" draco sighed and turned to walk away, he needed to see if the potion had worked on Ginny. that may be his last option.
She stopped him before he left and pulled out her wand. "At least let me fix your face." Tess whispered a spell and Draco's nose snapped back into place. His face was still bloody but she felt better knowing he wasn't in pain. Tess turned and walked away from Draco. If he didn't want her around him then she would give him that.
Draco felt a seering pain then it was gone and he could breath again "Tess wait, i'm sorry for what i said but I hate to see you with potter and i'd like to keep you safe from the crap i've been drawn into" he sighed.
"It doesn't mean your allowed to act like an asshole to me. I told you i would help you get that scroll and you still did what you did. I wont forget that either and how you just left me like you did in the library." she was almost yelling by the time she was done. She was furious with him for leaving her and talking about her the way he did. She turned to walk away. She was in a good mood until she talked to Draco.
Draco knew that she had a point, he had upset her badlly and felt badly for it. however he wasn't accustomed to being addressed in such a manner, he didn't know weather to grab her and kiss her, or let her go. This girl confused him so much the pain he had endured and the threats he was living under seemed easy to deal with by comparison.
As angry as she was at Draco she didn't want him to be hurt or even worse, killed. She stopped and tried to calm herself before she turned around. "I'll help you get you your stupid scroll but after that I'm done with you."
Draco thought back to the warning the death eater had given him about upsetting Tess and he looked at the floor as he said "thank you, and it's probably for the best, but Tess when we get the scroll they may leave me alone but I fear they are very interested in you, any luck figuring out the ring you were given?"
"Whats going on with me is really none of your concern. When you decide what you want me to do to get the scroll, let me know." She turned and walked away. She didn't know if she wanted to hit him or kiss him.
Draco han't expected her to react with anger but really that was beause he was so used to getting his own way he had no sense of empathy. He reacted the only way he knew how, he grabbed her arm "I was trying to give you a warning Tess." he spat through gritted teeth "i'll get that scroll without your help, go back to potter, distract him if you wanna help, i'll busy myself with his girlfriend" he regretted the words as they were spoken, he hated the thought of her with Harry but he was very angry, all the emotions of the day running through him.
She pulled her arm back from him. She was speechless for a moment. When he said he'd busy himself with Harry's girlfriend she felt like he hit her. She didn't even know what to reply back to him. She was looking in his eyes. Even at that moment she had never felt more furious at him but she still wanted him. "When i do go back to Harry it's not for you and trust me you will be the last thing on my mind when I'm with him." she wanted to make Draco mad.
Draco was furious, normaly cool and cold he felt the heat rise seemingly from his boots. He grabbed her upper arms and forced his mouth onto hers roughtly kissing her. Before she had time to do anything he pushed her back focefully against a desk. His head spun. He turned and strode toward the door.
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