The new girl

Tess looked down in Draco's eyes as she moved against him. Her face was slightly red and her hair was draped around her face. Her fingers were digging slightly into his chest. "I wanna make you come." she breathed out. She wanted Draco to come more then she wanted herself to. Tess wanted to give Draco all the pleasure she could.
Draco didn't even try to answer her, he was lost in her. The pain of her fingernails digging into his chest sharpened the pleasure he felt in his loins. He looked up into her green eyes she was flushed and her hair framed her face, the sweat on her brow just made her sexier. Tess ground down n him and he felt himself start to loose it. He gripped her ass as tughtly as he could and thrust up to meet her.
"Draco..." Tess moaned out loudly when she started coming against him. She could barely breath by this point. Her hips were moving against him faster. Tess leaned down pressing her lips against his. Draco's hand were gripping her ass tightly and she loved it. All Tess could feel or think was Draco. It scared and excited her at the same time.
Draco's whole body tensed as he came, groaning loudly as his cock spasmed and he shot his load into her. Coming together with Tess made him feel closer to her than anyone else in his life, and she was so hot. He held her close and tightly as he tried to get his breath back.
Tess's arm wrapped around Draco's neck when she rested against him. Her lips pressed against his ear gently when she whispered it against it "No ones ever made me feel like you do." she kissed his ear softly. Tess meant every word she spoke. She knew she was falling for him and she was falling hard. Tess tugged at Draco's earlobe with her teeth gently.
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