The new girl

Tess was bent over all the way by now. She was pushing back against him as hard as she could. "ohhhh Harry" she moaned as quietly as she could but it was still loud. Her hips jerked back against him as she started to cum. Her pussy was squeezing him tight. "harry cum" it came out as a whisper and she was breathing a little hard.
Harry pounded away as hard and fast as he could, the sweat dripped from his forehead onto her back as his balls slapped her ass as he finally gripped her and held himself deep inside her. Her pussy worked his cock, he gasped as she milked him.
TTess stood back up and leaned back against Harry. She bit his neck and was breathing slightly hard. "Harry you feel amazing" her heart was pounding and she was sure Harry could hear it.
Harry held her close for a few momens "you too Tess, but we'd better get out of here, I dont think you need to try the other dresses on?, I like that one a lot" He smiled at her and they hurriedly sorted themselves out. "you'll really turn some heads in that dress" he added. Harry was buzzing but still he didn't really know if he felt anything more than a physical attraction to Tess, when he thought about Tess his body reacted, when he thought of Ginny his soul soared.
Tess smiled and left with him. Harry was holding her hand as they made there way back to school. She was feeling very happy and being with Harry was part of it. He made her feel wanted and he didn't seem to care just about the sex. When they got back to the school Tess kissed Harry's lips softly and said her goodbyes. She headed to her room to put her dress away. The dance was tomorrow and she was so excited about it. Her mind was on nothing but Harry.
Draco sat in the Slytherin common room, in a mood he only usually experienced when he was with Tess. Tonight he would be able to hand over the scroll and then devote all his time to pleasing Tess. He would be able to be with her openly without risking her safety, he turn his back on the coming war and enjoy being a young man again. He would take Tess to the ball and they'd be a dazzling couple, he'd be able to mock Harry, he'd bound to be taking the idiot girl Ginny whom so recently had been at his whim.
Tess walked into the common room and noticed Draco on the couch. She smiled instantly. It annoyed her that someone could have such an affect on her, so quickly. She walked past him up to her room. She wasn't going to let him get to her tonight. She was happy, really happy and she didn't want him to ruin it.
Draco saw Tess and smiled "ah new dress for the ball? What time shall we head down Tess?, i thought a little late so we could make a grand entrance, what do you think?" he asked her cheerfully.
"Excuse me?" She was confused. He never once mentioned the ball. It pissed her off that he thought she was sitting and waiting for him. "You never asked me and someone else already did. You also made it perfectly clear that a public thing for us didn't work so what makes you think im sitting around waiting on you." She tried to keep her voice down but she was thoroughly pissed. He was crazy.
Draco was furious, it never crossed his mind that she wouldn't go with him, he thought it was obvious. In a cold menacing voice he asked "and with whom are you going?"
"Is it really any of your business who I go with" she started to walk up the stairs to her room. She looked back at him. "Your a jerk Draco why would I even want to go with you." Luckily no one was in the common room at this time because she could tell this was going to get heated.
Draco stood, "you're a harlot Tess, I was trying to do the right thing by you i see now how stupid i was. If you wont tell me who your going with, so be it, i'll find another girl to lavish my affection on" he tried to sound like he couldn't care but in truth his heart was heavy.
He had enraged her by calling her a harlot. "Im going with Harry Potter. I don't care who you go with Draco, I just hope I don't have to see you. You were nothing but a complete waste of my time and it wasn't even that great." She was lying completely. She refused to admit anything to him now.
Draco was surprised at himself for being hurt more than angry at what she had said. he left the common room collecting his bag containing the scroll on the way. his anger at potter grew but only as much as his sadness for the situation with Tess. He headed to the forrest where he would wait for his meeting to hand over the scroll, maybe some time would help him clear his head.
She regretted what she said instantly, but it was too late. Draco just walked away from her. She knew it would kill her if he showed up with someone else to the dance. She stood there before a moment. She refused to let her pride get in the way of what she really wanted, which was Draco. She took off after him. She almost lost him inside the castle but saw him heading outside. She chased after him into the forest but stopped quickly when she saw the death eater. She hid quietly behind a tree. She didn't think it was a good idea for this man to know she was out there.
Draco handed over the scroll to the death eater. "here's the damn scroll" He was surprised to see his aunt bellatrix appear from behind a nearby tree. "my dear Draco, thankyou for fianally delivering this" she said theatrically. "i'm sorry it took so long, but sneaking it away from dumbledore wasn't easy." said Draco defensively "of course dear boy" she cooed "we have a new task for you, that's why i'm here, my colleague seemed to think that your commitment to our cause was waining?" Draco stiffened, and said "not at all, I meerly wanted to keep a friend safely out of any conflict, however it seems that is no longer an issue, so what do you need me to do?" Bellatrix smiled at him and said "our master wishes you to keep an eye on his new prize asset, he's recently discovered he has a daughter at this very school, do you know a girl called Tess?" Draco's jaw dropped
Tess gasped as she heard her say daughter. She covered her mouth quickly. Her mind was racing. What did that mean for her. Her father was the dark lord. She didn't know if she should be happy or terrified. She pulled the ring, that she had been holding onto since she got it, from her pocket. She looked at it and assumed it must have been his. Her other hand was tight over her mouth. These people seemed awfully scary to her. Her mind was still racing when she peaked around at Draco. She said they didn't think he was committed to their cause. She didn't want anything to happen to him.
Draco knew instinctively to mask his shock and pulled himself together. "I know of her, what do you want me to do?" he asked hoping that she didnt already know of their brief affair. Bellatrix answered "The dark lord has given her a gift, he wants you to help her discover it's power,..oh and Draco, this could cement our family's place at his right hand, DO NOT screw up, for all our sakes, especially your's"
She listened silently. She had already knew she was going to do whatever it took to keep Draco safe. No matter what she couldn't let anything happen to them. Tess looked down at the ring wondering what she meant by its power. She slid the ring back into her pocket and made her way back to the castle. She would speak with Draco when he returned to school. She waited outside of the castle for him looking up at the stars. So much was going on and she was unsure of what to do about all of it.
Draco took a walk arround the dark lake before heading to the castle. A few hours before he would have loved this assignment of helping Tess. Now, however, it had all changed, if she were to be seeing Potter he'd never get close to her again. As h approached the Castle somettime later he was surprised to see Tess outside.
She was laying in the grass playing with the ring. She had wondered what it did. She slid it on her finger and held up her hand to look at it. It was an ugly big ring. It felt like it weighed a lot. Her mind was still racing as she thought of the man that was her father. Did this mean she had to join up with him. She new about the things that were going on with the death eaters. Was she going to have to become one? It was crazy to think she was his daughter. She wondered if he was even capable of love. She hadn't noticed Draco's return as she laid in the grass thinking.
Draco didn't see her until he was almost on top of her. He looked downcast "er Tess can we speak? I mean can I speak with you without us trying to kill eaach other?" he asked, he noticed she looked a little pale and was toying with her new ring.
She looked up at him with a smile. "Want to lay down with me?" She patted the spot next to her. She already knew what he was going to tell her. "I would never try to kill you by the way. No matter how annoying you maybe, I would miss you." She pulled the ring over her finger and slipped it back into her pocket.
Draco lay down next to Tess and laced his fingers togther behind his head. "I'm sorry I called you a harlot Tess, I didn't mean it. And i know it's not much of an appology but I need your help, please?" Despite their earlier argument he felt close to her.
Sho scooted over and rolled onto her side. Tess rested her head against Draco's shoulder. "Help with what?" Her hand moved over Draco's chest. She missed being with him. Despite everything that was going on she felt less worried about everyting with Draco beside her.
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