The new girl

When Tess looked up at him with her beautiful red lips sliding over his pale cock Draco nearly came. holding himself he gasped "yessss thats so good!" He felt her moan gently against his cock and noticed she had started to touch herself,. he smiled
She sucked a little harder on the head of his dick when her tongue flicked against it. "Yessss thats so good!" she heard him gasp. Her fingers pushed her panties to the side and slid her finger over her wet pussy. She moaned against him again.
Draco was in heaven it felt mazing Tess was blowing his mind. he saw her hand had sneaked to her pussy. scared he was going to come too soon he pulled Tess up and lifted her onto the edge of the table.
He startled her a little when he pulled her up. He lifted her up setting her on the table. She was licking her lips as she spoke. "Did you miss me up here"
"oh i did miss you baby" cooed Draco pulling her to the edge of the table he kissed her and was surprised to find he quite liked the taste of himself that lingered on her lips. he began to kiss her neck gently nipping her smooth milky skin, as he moved down he pushed up her skirt and started to stroke her thighs positioning himself so he could kneel down bfore her.
She smiled widely at draco's response. His kissed her lips before kissing here neck and nipping slightly. Tess scooted towards him as he nipped her skin. She moaned softly when she felt his hands on her thighs. "Im so wet for you draco" she moaned out.
Draco knealt down in front of tess and pulled her panties off. he gently started to kiss the inside of her thighs he really wanted to make her come for him he wanted to give her all the pleasure she gave him. He loved feeling so close to her.
Her hand ran through draco's hair. "Your lips feel so good." She would have given or said anything he wanted at that moment. All she could think was "please dont stop." His lips felt wonderful everywhere else. She thought she might come instantly when his tongue touched her wet pussy.
he edged closer and closer to her pussy, he could feel how hot she was and wet for him. Tentatively he licked gently at her pussy lips, revelling in the taste of her and feeling her quivering response. he started to lick at her with more force and move his tongue toward her clit.
"Ohhh draco" she moaned out the moment she felt his tongue against her. Her body scooted closers to him as her fingers gripped his hair tightly. Seeing draco between her thighs turned her on more than she ever had been before. She knew she wasnt going to last long.
He eased a finger into her wet pussy and started to finger her slowly at first, as he concentrated flicking his tongue over the bud of her clit. He felt her grind herself into his face and enjoyed her gasping plea and moans.
Her body jerked forward and she started coming for him. Her fingers twisted in his hair. "Yessss Draco" she moaned out a bit loudly. She didn't care if people heard. Between dracos finger, tongue, and the sight of him between her thighs, Tess could barely control her breathing.
Draco felt her come on his toungue and he was so proud he had done this to her, reduced her to a quivering wreck. He stood up and looked into her eyes his erection in hand.
She looked into his green eyes and smiled at him. Tess leaned in and kissed his lips softly. "I wanna feel you come in me" she whispered against his lips. She wanted to make him moan and all out of breath.
Draco entered her wet pussy to the hilt and started pumping "oh Tess, Tess Tess!" he gasped as he lost his self control he was mad for her. His balls tightened and he shot his load with a loud groan "oh tess" he repeated and collapsed onto her, entwined together.
Tess moaned loudly when she felt dracos dick slide inside of her. She held onto him tight when he came for her. Hearing him moan so loudly for her made her quite happy. Her hands slid over his back as he collapsed against her. She loved making him feel this way. "You were awfully loud, someone could have heard us." She laughed little and kissed over his ear.
"i dont care who heard us Tess, you're wonderful" gasped Draco. He lay his head on her chest and listend to her heartbeat gradually slow down in sync with his own. Suddenly he felt Tess stiffen
Draco laid his head on her chest and her fingers ran through his hair. When Tess looked up she saw a slytherin boy standing with a book staring at them. She stiffened up instantly. "Draco someones watching us" she whispered.
Draco jumped up and looked arround, seeing the boy he pulled on his clothes quickly. The boy just stood there probably terrified of Draco but couldn't run now he'd been caught watching. Draco walked over to the boy he wispered to the boy who burst out laughing and strode from the library leaving Tess prone on the desk.
When Draco saw the boy he backed up getting dressed quickly. She thought he was going to yell at the boy to leave but instead walked of whispering something. The boy laughed and Draco walked out with him. Tess was more than livid when it happend. As mad as she was she was more hurt than anything. He just left her there. Tess slipped down and fixed her clothes up. She had no clue what Draco told the boy so she prepared herself for the worst. She made her way to her class not even sure what to think. She never thought once, that he would have done that to her. Tess got to class awfully early but no one was in there so she just sat down at a desk. "He's going to regret ever meeting me" she whispered to herself. She was going to get him back and hurt him just as he hurt her.
Draco walked back to the common room still lauging with the other sytherin boy. He knew that the real damage was done with Tess. He tried to tell himself what he had told the boy, that it was another notch on his bedpost, but he knew he couldn't lie to himself. He knew she wouldn't help him get the scroll but really he didn't care about that, he had a pain in his chest and it was caused by what he had done to her, but entering the common room the smug smile returned, this was Draco Malfoys domain.
Students began filing into class. Tess was deep in thought when she looked up to see the famous harry potter. She had heard all about him from fellow slytherins. They all hated him but they all made it very clear that Draco really hated him. She smiled to herself when she thought of an amazing plan to get back at Draco. Harry sat at a table by himself and Tess got up quickly and took the seat next to him. "Hi. I'm Tess. I don't thin we've met yet." She smiled at him. Of course he was cute but this was strictly business she thought to herself. Men troubles were already getting out hand with these british boys and she sure didn't need another problem.
Harry smiled at Tess, unusual to make eye contact with a slytherin that wasn't spitting insults at him. "hello Tess, you're obviously new to the school and haven't figured out that as a Syltherin you're supposed to hate gryffindors and especially me" Harry smiled at her again "neverless i'm happy to meet you, Is that an American accent?"
She smiled at him. "Well I'm not most slytherin." He was friendlier then she thought he would be to her, since she was a slyterin. "Yes is is and im happy to meet you too."
Harry found he enjoyed the class he spent with Tess, at the end of the class he had an idea, "um Tess er you're new here has anyone asked you to the spring dance at the weekend? It's not a big deal if you are going with someone else, but if not maybe you'd like to come with me?"
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