The new girl

She smiled and talked with Harry through class. He didn't seem as bad as everyone made him out to be. Class had come to an end and Tess rose to leave. She didn't want to push to far with harry. Before she left Harry had asked her to the spring dance. She had no idea that they were even doing such a thing. "I would love to go with you Harry." She said with a smile. She hadn't even done anything and he was already asking her out somewhere. "Would you maybe wanna walk me to my common room?" She was mostly asking in hopes that Draco would see them.
"er sure thing" harry walked with her, she was very cute her dark hair and sparkling eyes, and a body that no bloke wouldn't appreciate. That said, although he liked her well enough and fancied her there wasn't the spark he felt when he looked at Ginny. He knew he had asked her to th school dance essentially because he was afraid of rejection by Ginny, with everything else going on he couldn't have his dreams of her crushed.
As they walked to the common room Harry seemed else where. She looked over at him smiling. "You OK? You don't really seem to be here." Tess thought Harry was pretty cute and he seemed much nicer than Draco. Draco would have defiantly never invited her to that dance either. Just thinking about that made her angry.
"er yeah i'm fine, sorry lot's on my mind, so I'll meet you at the great hall friday night?" Harry was pleased he was going with Tess although she wasn't Ginny she couldn't be considered a consolation, she was very pretty.
Just as they reached the common room Draco came out seeing them together he nearly went for his wand, looking between them the sight of harry made his blood boil but the sight of tess with him made his heart turn to ice. "potter" he said as he strode past them he couldn't even aknowledge Tess.
"Well maybe friday you can try and forget about everything that's going on and just have a good time." She leaned up kissing his cheek softly. "Thanks for inviting me to the dance and I can't wait." She heard Draco say harry's name as he walked past them. She ignored him just as he ignored her. Tess turned and walked into the common room.
Draco was highly annoyed, at himself, at Tess and Potter. A first year ran around a corner and into him, Draco pushed the boy down and raged at him "stupid idiot! look where you're going!" He marched arround the miles of stone and pannelled corridors of the ancient school mostly looking for trouble. He eventualy found himself outside the enterance to the headmasters study. he started to think, how could he get in there. He stood staring at the gargoyle that guarded the stairway to the office for at least twenty mins before he saw an opportunity, Ginny Weasley walked up to the gargoyle wispered a password and the staircase appeared, Draco watched her go up to the headmasters office and started thinking. Draco remembered that she had been made the headmasters student assistant and therefore had access to his office. Now he needed a plan.
Tess sat in the common room for only a few minutes. The boy who caught her and Draco was laughing and whispering to others. He was pointing in her direction. She was pissed off now and got up leaving the common room. Tess walked around the castle trying her best not to get lost. After walking a while Tess saw Draco and he looked like he was hiding. It was getting a bit late. "What are you doing? Stalking that girl?" She said loudly not caring who heard.
"quiet!" hissed Drako, he watched the girl walk away then turned to Tess "that's how i'll get that scroll, where's potter?" he sneered.
"You think she will help you? Your crazy." It annoyed her that he was even looking at the girl. She rolled her eyes at him when he spoke to her. "I don't know. Why?" Even through all the hate she was harboring for Draco she still wanted him.
Draco wanted to explain everything to her, then she'd understand why he couldn't be with her, mind you that didn't explain her spending time with potter. "She'll help me, i;ll figure it out" he snapped. h held her defiant stare god she was beautiful
"She's not going to help you at all. Why would she?" She looked him the eyes as she stood there. She wanted to kiss him or touch him but she would never give him the satisfaction of knowing she still wanted him. "You wouldn't happen to know where the gryffindo common room is would you? I was gonna see if I could sneak in." She was being childish but she just didn't care.
Draco bit his tongue, and through gritted teeth he said "follow the red head girl i was watching, she's a gryfindor, i've things to do so if you'll excuse me" he walked away. This situation with her was driving him nuts. He had thought of trying to win ginny over to help him, but even if he could pull it off, which was highly unlikely it would take too long. Instead he headed towards the potions section, maybe there was another way to bend her to his will. On the walk down there his mind wandered toward Tess he hoped she couldnt get into the gryffindor common room, it would distroy him if she were with potter.
She could tell it bothered Draco about the harry situation. He instructed her to follow the red headed girl and walked off. It infuriated her that he honestly didn't seem to care what she was doing. She had thought he had feelings for her but maybe she was wrong. Tess had no real intentions to go to the gyrffindor common room and just headed back to her own. She was in no hurry to get back and she was more than upset about the whole Draco situation.
Harry saw Tess wandering back to her common room, she looked forlorn. "Tess wait" he called and ran to catch her up. She looked upset "are you ok Tess?" he asked with genuine concern.
"Like you even really care" she walked past him more annoyed then ever. Not only was he acting like an asshole but now he wanted to pretend he cared. She wanted to lash out and yell out him. She also wanted to push him against the wall and have her way with him. She stopped and looked back at him "by the way if your going to gossip about my sex life to your little friends make sure you include the fact that it was less then enjoyable." She kept walking and whispered the password at the common room portrait and walked inside.
Draco sat on the floor in the potions store room he and tess had cleaned out. he was slaving over a cauldron, this was his third attempt to make the potion as described. if it worked he could make Ginny adore him and therefore help him, he needed to make progress. He was already afraid of the big mysterious death eater that could seemingly roam the castle at will, but now he was giving gifts to Tess he probably wouldn't take kindly to draco upsetting her.
Tess decided she needed to forget about Draco. He was obviously not the man she had thought he was. She sat down on the couch reading through her potions books. Not before long she fell asleep on the couch.
At breakfast the following day, Draco watched intently for an opportunity to slip the potion to Ginny, but she was flirting with potter and there was no way he'd let him get away with anything. Mind you if Tess saw harry flirting with Ginny maybe she'd realise what an attention seeking rat he was.
Tess slept awfully and was already cranky when she walked into the great hall. She saw Draco and he was intently staring at the gryffindor from last night. On top of him staring at her, the girl was flirting with harry. She was more than annoyed and the day hadn't even begun. She made her way to the table and picked at her food. She felt like going unnoticed today and just keeping away from both boys.
Draco eventually decided on putting the potion in a bottle of butterbeer, he carefully poured it in and added a hair from his head. He slipped the bottle into ginnys bag and would wait to see what would happen. His thoughts turned to Tess, maybe he could get some credit back with her if he found out some information about her mysterious father.
Tess finished her breakfast and headed to class with some friends she made. She decided to just ignore both boys and any who approached her. Once she got to class she sat down at a desk by herself.
Tess did not look at all happy when harry took the seat next to her in class, "i'm sorry do you mind if i sit here only malfoy has taken my regular seat?" asked harry. Draco was sitting a few rows back staring daggers at Harry. The situation with Tess infuriated him, he wanted to protect her but she was so stubborn. He started to think back on their time in the store cuboard, empty class and library, he wanted her so badly a large bulge grew in his trousers.
She saw harry coming out of the corner of her eye. At least Draco was smart enough to avoid the seat next to her. Harry started talking and Tess heard Draco's name. She glance back at him to see he was glaring at Harry. She quickly turned back to Harry with a smile. "I don't mind at all. Are we still on for the dance?" She was excited about the dance and felt it would be a nice change from the craziness going on with Draco.
Harry smiled at Tess "of course if you still want to go with me?" he asked. He had heard rumours fom the Sltheryn house that she had been with Draco and honestly he was a bit jelous "tomorrow night will be great fun." he said giving her knee a tentative squeeze.
"Of course I still want to go. Every girl will be completely jealous of me since im going with the chosen one" she said jokingly. She smiled at him and put her hand on his. "Yea im sure we will have a great time." She liked harry. He calmed her down.
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