Love across time

lex snickered tiredly smiling slowly."Hugs are for girls.Though you do look like one."He smiled tiredly, having not realized how much he'd needed to know. Having not realized how much he'd stressed himself, pushed himself further then he needed to, to just try and get through to draco again. Having not realized just how battered he'd been when draco just continuely pulled away from him."I'll help.Even if it means letting brax seduce you."He muttered yawning, snuggling into the blond, starting to go back to sleep. Now that the stress of trying to keep draco from committing suicide eased, he was tired.Having not realized he'd been flogging a body on the edge of giving up on him for years, and not just by coming back in time. Ever since blaise had died, he'd been running himself in the ground, taking care of both himself and draco.

Brax looked up from his homework, smiling slightly."Are they fine?"He asked worriedly, studying his friend. Noticng despite looking worried for once, his friend looked pleased with himself.
Draco smiled a little and nodded, laying his head on his brothers shoulder, closing his eyes. "i really shouldn't let him...he's my grandfather for fucks sake." he complained sighing a little. "but... he just smells so damn good!" he complained shaking his head. "and i'm scared... what if he only wants sex?" he asked softly. "i couldn't handle a one night stand, not now..." he blinked at the other and then. "it's too early for this...and you need to sleep. you drugged me to make me sleep, don't make me do the same to you."

Tom hesitated then nodded. "yes, i think so.. they had a few barriers to break down and i think Draconis just did that." he admitted, having spent up until Draco admitted to being worried about one night stands, listening outside the door. "you have to be a little more clear with Draconis." he stated calmly. "a little more serious and a little less flirty, he's worried you only want sex." he paused. "and if that IS all you want you better forget it... just sex, i think it would break him beyond repair right now." he admitted sitting next to his friend with a small sigh shaking his head. "but...they where cuddled up when i left, so i think Draconis should be a little more welcome to your advances now."
alex snickered a little bit, amused."its not like you can have'll be fine.."H muttered yawning as he settled in to sleep."No drugging. I'll sleep."He declared cuddling into the blond, going to sleep.Looking more at peace then he had in years.

Brx tilted his head, before nodding.Biting his lip s he thought."I'll have to think about it."He said looking thoughtul wondering what he would have to do to get the other to accept him. Smiling slightly as he settled back in the chair to think.


That saturday, after much begging from alex, found tom in diagagon alley with draco for the day with abraxas to get some new robes,because not only had alex asked the more fashionable draco to do it, but because the younger man's robes really were driving draco insane. Following that thought for a moment Alex sighed, wishing that he'd gone with the small group instead of staying behind to grade papers, at least he could have avoided this conversation.Getting into a politcal debate with the headmaster over tea, was not soething he wanted to be doing. Dumbledore smiled as he watched the younger man, tilting his head as he studied him."Though you are correct about the need to find muggleborn and muggle raised half bloods, sometimes by the time we could find them, the damage is already done. They're well on their way to being a dark wizard or witch,and need to be dealt with."Dumbledore responded to their argument, mentally smirking at the immediate reaction to that. Paling so fast dumbledore thought the teacher would faint, he smiled as he watched the other leave the room at a run, wondering what had upset him so.But wasn't it interesting that it had?

That evening Professor binns-a alive one still, not a ghost- was waiting for the small group to arrive."Ah, professor medici, boys.I am glad to see that you are back."He said relaxing, glad that they were safe, seeing as no one could get a comprehensible word about where they were out of the man looking for them. Biting his lip a little, trying to decide how to tell them,before deciding to be blunt."You're needed in the hospital wing, all three of you."
Tom sulked the entire trip, complaining that he didn't like hand outs, that he could buy his own clothes, that Abraxas touched him inappropriately, that Draco was mean. basically just making a nuisance of himself. but he ended up with Dragon hide pants of the finest quality, several silk shirts, dress slacks, and robes of fine silk and satin, his favorite material. he even got a new set of Dress robes, the black robes with the emerald patterns setting off the young man's dark eyes. he complained all the way back, but it sounded much more grateful now, Draco looking smug at Tom's 'new look' having even made the boy get a hair cut so it stopped laying flat and smooth, which didn't suit the young riddle at all, now it was messy and stuck up everywhere, making him look as if he'd just gotten shagged. he frowned, confused at the Hospital Wing statement and Draco shrugged, leading them to the hospital wing, Tom in his new clothes, with the three bags of new things shrunk down and in his pocket. "i wonder whats wrong?" Tom muttered softly, looking confused and worried. "we're not in trouble are we?" "no, i think we'd be heading to the Headmasters office if that was the case." Draco admitted poking his head into the hospital wing, and gasping at what he saw.
"Oh hell, get away from me.I dont want you touching me.Your old headmaster. I need to go find them.Nothing needs dealt with. GET AWAY!"Alex snarled slurred, having been drugged to the point he hadn't been able to get out of bed. Hving left the headmaster's office in a panic, and not able to think clearly, he'd done somethiing so stupid that the students who'd seen him, could only stare in shock. He'd going running through the slate slick floors, and taken a running leap onto the moving staircase....he was lucky he'd only broken his ankle and not his neck. Though the fact that he was still awake and moving after almost four calming droughts and a sleeping potion poured down his throat spoke just how panicked he was. Though Draco'd be the only one who understood what had caused him to forget that he'd asked draco to take them shopping. To deal with someone,for them, usually meant killing them. And he had two dark wizards teaching, and two in the making.... alex understandably panicked.

Brax stared hit with shock as he watched teacher and headmaster struggle, along with the nurse trying to hold him in place to dose him agian."You can't!He's already had some.You're going to overdose him."He scolded shaking himself out of his shock.
Draco shook his head as he forced himself out of shock, pushing away the nurse and offering her a glare. "Tom, get over here." Draco ordered sternly, but not angrily as he once would have. his reaching out to Alex was already doing wonders on his mood. "you cuddle him from that side, i'll do it from this side. use Parseltongue." he ordered as he wrapped his arms tightly around his brother, Tom doing the same. "shh love, shhh we're here. we're here for you. he promised softly, kissing Alex's forehead as Draco muttered in a mix of French, German and Italian, a unique mix that only the two brothers where aware of, being as how they spent since childhood perfecting and creating it. "Abraxas, go to my rooms and get a Vial marked 'Alcedonia.' it is very powerful, take care to keep it well stoppered and make sure not to spill a single drop!" he ordered firmly. "you, you stupid woman." he snapped at the healer. "i need all of the antidotes to the potions you poured down his throat, NOW! Tom and i will keep him calm until Mister Malfoy returns."
The nurse nodded looking at the headmaster before bustling about to get the potions, wincing at the panicked whimpers escaping her patient. Holding the antidotes to the blond she sighed softly as he gently coaxed alex into taking them. Scowling a little, he'd done it so much easier.It'd taken a few people to drug him in the first place.

"...drago?"Alex muttered softly in itlalian.The trembling slowing as he realized who was with him."..dont feel so good."He muttered scambling to get over the two holding him, wincing as his stomach contents found themselves all over the floor. Snickering exhuastedly as he realized he'd thrown up on the headmaster.

Dumbledore winced a little as he waved his wand to clean up the mess, looking at Draco."Draconis. We were sharing a tea when he suddenly panicked and nearly did a head dive off one of the moving staircases."He said simply, watching the taller blond knowing he wasn't aware of enoug hto tell them what had panicked him so badly.

Abraxas sneered a little, like only a malfoy could as he stepped back into the room, walking to draco and handing the vial, looking angry at the headmaster for upsetting his friend's love so."What will it do?"he asked curious, not recognizing the potion
Draco smiled a little as he stroked the other. "it's alright Alex, your alright we're here." he promised, Tom gently nuzzling the teachers neck, muttering in Parseltongue that he loved Alex, that Alex was going to be alright. "Headmaster, with all due respect, sit down and shut up." Draco ordered. "we;re having enough trouble trying to keep him calm without you mentioning what set him off in the first place. and in all honestly it would no doubt be better for Alex if you left altogether." he admitted gently feeding Alex the last antidote, smiling when Abraxas came in. "ah, thank you mister Malfoy, it's a very special sort of calming drought. i designed it specifically for people with traumatic pasts, and suffering post traumatic stress disorder such as Alex." he admitted taking the vial, and very carefully pulling out the cork, pouring a small half a teaspoon into Alex's mouth and smiling with relief when the other instantly began to calm. it wasn't the first time Draco had used the potion, Lord Voldemort himself had taken more of the pale white potion than anyone else in existence. "all it does is force his mind to still and his body to stop tensing, it lets him come back out of his self induced panic, and out of any memories he might be trapped in. the best part is that even if someone like you or me where to take it right now, all it would do was put us to sleep."
"You need laid drago.Truly."Alex announced from where his head was pillowed on tom's hest, snickering as he watched the headmaster leave in a huff."Just go screw malfoy already. I'm tired of listening to you ramble about potions."He grumbled, while the potion did calm him down, it did have a habit of putting in one hell of a bad mood. Since he deemed that he should be able to control himself, and when he didn't, he wasn't happy about it."I suffer from nothing anyways.Except for a whny brother."

Brax swallowed his laughter, smirking a little as he sat down in the seat, looking curious about the potion, and what had caused these two men such pain."So even if someone who took it who wasn't panicking it wouldnt harm them.That is a handy potion..."He said looking amazed at it.
Draco scowled and poked his brother in the forehead. "bastard." he complained rolling his eyes. "i will not." he growled. "abselutly not." he carefully extracted himself from Alex, letting Tom have the full comforting thing, as the boy was looking slightly put out about not being able to have Alex all to himself. "you'd best put that thought out of your mind now Alex because it is NOT happening." he sniffed, snatched the vial back and corked it. "yes, it is very handy, it took me almost eight years to complete and perfect." he admitted simply as he replaced it back into his robes. "unfortunately it is also very addictive, i can't find a way around that. too many doses in too short of a time and the person ends up throwing themselves into panic attacks just to have more." he admitted shaking his head. "of course i didn't know at first, and the person i was giving it to had some....unforeseen complications." yeah, it had driven the man so insane he just started torturing his followers and ended up slaughtering everything. "he's going to be fine but it's still worrying." Draco admitted blinking at Tom and feeling amused. yes Voldemort was going to be fine, because the man was never going to exist. "we should leave to let Alex recover."
Alex whined in distress, snuggling tigher against tom."No. You and malfoy can leave. My pillow's staying here."He demanded opening a eye to look at his brother."And should anyone say anything, tell them I'm going to shove something sharp and pointy up their ass."He growled possessively, nuzzling the brunette's neck.Calm and relaxed, though he felt he was missing something. In the haze of panic, really forgetting what had set him off. Though he'd probably remember at the most inopptune time later.

Brax snickered softly, "Oh don't worry, we're not going to take him away. He's looking to comfortable."He said smiling at draco, already planning the slow gentle seduction. Taking tom's advice and backing least long enough to show him he was serious and not just a one night stand."Though you should probably lay down to draco,"He said after a moment's hesitantion, wondering if he was going to get smacked for calling him by name."Between shopping and this, you need to rest to."
Tom smirked a little as he dragged his fingers slowly through Alex's hair, winking at Brax with a smug little smirk, Draco scowling but deciding not to press the issue as he shook his head, Tom gently kissing Alex's forehead. "are you alright now Alex? what happened? i heard you tried to dive off one of the moving staircases... not trying to commit suicide on me are you? he tried to keep his tone light and joking, but it was stained with worry an concern.

Draco looked wary at the warm smile but shook his head. "i can't sleep." he stated simply. "but i've already told you that...i'm not ready for sleep yet." he admitted sighing a little. "i suppose i could always sit down and rest though, my legs are a little sore. i didn't realize the poor state of Tom's clothes until you started commenting on what he needed. has he been going through all of his school career dressed like that? it's no wonder the slytherins don't take him seriously." he complained scowling darkly. "well they will take him serious now, mark my words or i will hang them all from the ceiling by their toes!" Draco was very protective of Tom suddenly, probably because he saw how much Alex loved him.
Alex squirmed a little, smiling a little sighing softly.Oh...well..that. It wasn't moving fast enough. he squirmed.I...needed to find you guys, didn't mean to break anything.He muttered sighing softly, wincing as he heard the stain in tom's voice, mistaking it for anger and not worry.

Brax laughed softly at the sudden protetiveness, walking out of the room with him, heading for the professor's rooms."Well we'll sit and play chess or something."He said laughing a little before nodding."Yes, he always has. He grew up in a orphanage, and dumbledore wont give him any money to see what he needs. And he wont accept things from me."He growled frustrated."And I only think he accepted them from you, is becaue it'd upset alex if he refused."
Tom sighed a little as he kissed the others forehead. but you knew where we where. you MADE them shop for me remember? he was pouting again, sulking at being forced to take handouts, but sounding grateful at the same time. it feels weird to have cloths that fit, i keep trying to hike my pants up, forgetting that i don't have to anymore. he smiled a little and wrapped his arms around the other. if you where anyone else i'd whine incessantly about it but...since your you, i guess i'll say thank you instead.

Draco nodded. "i don't doubt." Draco admitted sighing a little. "Dumbledore...he." he shook his head a little. "it's different when it's's pity when it's from you. that is how young riddle see's it." Draco explained. "from Alex, it is simply making his young lover look his best, so that they can stand as equals, there is no pity about it, only necessity and want." he admitted looking amused as he opened his rooms. "makes sense?" he asked heading into the room. "i know very well how mister riddle feels. i've been through it myself." after the end of the war, the Malfoy vaults had been drained to near depletion by Voldemort, who spent it on silly things that he thought was important. if it hadn't been for Alex Draco would not be wearing nice robes or have the potions ingredients he now had. it had taken a great deal of effort but after a few years Draco had built up his finances in secrete, to thrice as much as he'd had before. "i might employ mister riddles help as well, he seems to be adept with potions, and making my own personal potions requires a great deal of skill that i cannot assume anyone but perhaps you and mister riddle has." he admitted. "do you think he would enjoy a part time job?"
Alex laughed softly siging softly.I know...but he said...something. I dont know...and I panicked...forget where you guys went. He sighed letting the other take care of him as he started to drift to sleep.And your welcome. I like seeing you in clothes that fit. Makes me wanna touch you. he purred teasing him, just because he could.

"I think he'd enjoy it, as long as you made it seem like you weren't hiring him out of pity, or because alex asked. Which you're not, and he didn't, so it'll be fine."He smiled walking in after the other,setting about making tea for them both. Biting his lip, wanting to ask, but knowing better then to snoop through private memories."he'll...he'll be okay wont he?"He asked thinking about the look on alex's face. That bone deep panic. Shivering. He never wanted to see him like that again.
Tom nodded and gently kissed the other to keep him calm. it's ok, he probably said something stupid and hadn't realized what he said. he does that all the time. he's just an idiot. he promised, sighing as he too started to drift off to sleep before groaning at the idea of touching. thats not nice Alex, you know i don't touch myself, and we can't touch here, the healer will hear us. your gonna get me all hard and then make me try to ignore it. cruel! he complained, sulking a little. because he STILL hadn't had a chance to wank, though he doubted it would feel anywhere near as good as Alex's mouth had been. which reminded tom that he needed to practice, he could get a cucumber from the house elves, or maybe a fat sausage?

Draco hesitated now as he set up the chess board, wondering if it would be ok... "Alex and i...we witnessed something terrible." he admitted softly, setting the board down. "i watched my lover, torn to pieces for the sick pleasure of a man gone insane." he admitted softly. "and both of us lost all of our freinds and family in one horrible swoop by the same man...we're all we have left." he admitted softly, setting up the pieces. "we, have bad memories, and sometimes...those memories are pulled to the front, and in Alex's case it drives him to do whatever he can to protect me, because losing me, would kill him...just as if i lost him, i would just...give up and die." he admitted sighing a little. "he'll be ok now...but it might happen again." he admitted. "particularly since it's one of the reasons why we're actually teaching here." he shouldn't be telling Brax any of that...but, Draco was lonely, and Brax was so warm and worried, that Draco wanted him to know...wanted Brax to know how broken he was, and want him anyway.
Alex snickered."sleep. When I get up, we'll go back to my rooms."He muttered yawning as he drifted to sleep. The last of the potion making him tired enough to want to sleep.

Brax looked thoughtful as he set up the pieces."You came to teach others how to avoid being killed?"he questioned, not understanding but wanting to know. Sighing softly running his fingers through his hair. Before perking up a little."I need to go shopping."He announced looking at the other,"Will...will you be okay by yourself?"He asked, having had a idea, but he didn't want to tell him just yet.Hopefully it'd help them both.
Draco paused and hesitated then. "maybe someday i will tell you." he promised shaking his head. "i will be fine." he stated dismissively as he got a book instead. "i intend to finish this book soon anyway, and without Alex here to bother me i might actually manage to read a few pages." he admitted sounding amused as he settled into his chair, pausing. "and Abraxas..." he stated glancing up at the other. "thank you for helping me when my brother deemed it necessary to drug my stubborn ass. it was very kind of you." he paused then. "but next time i find you in my bed, i will hex you." he warned before going back to his book. his threat had lacked much venom, so it was hard to tell if he was serious or not.
brax laughed."Ah well, until you're drugged again, I'll hold you to that."He said flashing a amused grin before he left.

The next morning brax smiled as he held the books in his arms, amused because he'd helped alex and tom back to the teacher's bed late the night before, before leaving them sleeping tangled together like puppies. Siling slightly he stepped into the room biting his lip. because he was nervous, wondering how the brother's would react."Draco?"He said nervously studying the blond curled up in the window seat, walking over and sitting beside him, fingers playing with the leather bound book in his hands.
Draco was simply staring out at the grounds, and for a long moment he didn't seem to have noticed that the other was even in the room. "you know... i went to school here." Draco admitted. "when i was young, i used to sit by the window an stare out at the stars, and wish that i could fly away from everything." he admitted softly, turning to look at Abraxas for a moment before. "i suddenly...don't feel the urge to fly away." he admitted sighing a little as his head thunked against the glass. "and that, is a very dangerous thing for me." he admitted. "because i can't stay..." or rather, he didn't think he could,. eventually the spell would break would it not? and then what would happen? Tom would be left alone, Abraxas would be sulking, and perhaps it would all even have been for nothing. Draco hated thinking sometimes, and he'd spent all night doing it. "what is that?" he asked, suddenly noticing the book. "did you need help with homework?" automatically assuming it was a text book of some sort.
Brax wrinkled his nose looking almost offended laughing softly."No. I don't need help with homework."he bit his lip, shifting nervously, playing with the clasp of the book." said you have memories.things you didnt, or couldnt share with I thought...if you could write, maybe they wouldnt pain so much."He said holding the two out towards him."I got one for alex to, but you can choose first."He said blushing ever so softly, the malfoy and medici crests silver and ornate, the perfect things for these two pained men.
Draco looked surprised, and for once REALLY showed it, his eyes wide as he took in the gleaming ornaments and the leather bound backs, accepting the one with the Malfoy crest, wondering if Abraxas knew, or if it was for another reason altogether? "why not two Medici Crests?" he asked, looking puzzled as he undid the clasp, clearly only curious as he was definitely intending on keeping the Malfoy crested journal. it only made sense. "...thank you Abraxas, i don't think i have ever received a gift so thoughtful as this." he admitted smiling as he stroked the paper. "i will use it often." he promised looking the boy over, wondering if he aught to say something but decided not to. "Tom and Alex are still sleeping. would you care for some breakfast? i have English muffins and eggs on the stove."
Brax grinned, nodding."Breakfast sounds good."He said chipper now that his gift had been well recieved. Running his fingers through his hair as he blushed a little deeper."Oh.Well. Uh."he stuttered a little, wondering just how much embarassment would it be to admiting to searching all of diagon alley,grihgotts, then malfoy manor for two crests, but only able to find the one medici crest anywhere. "I could only find one medici clasp. I had to raid my own library to find yours."He smiled slightly."Thankfully my mother wasn't curious about what I was doing."
Draco lifted a surprised eyebrow. "why would you have a Medici clasp?" he asked before shaking his head. "oh never mind, of course one of our relatives has been married at some point or another." he complained closing his diary again before smiling at the Malfoy Heir. "i am shocked that you would go through such an effort just for a." he paused, considering the politest words possible. "a troubled, broken, old professor like me." he had been about to say 'a silly schoolboy crush' but that would have been a little too hurtful he supposed. "ah yes, your mother, i don't beleive i've had the honors of meeting her." he admitted. "though i've heard the rumors." he smirked a little. "hufflepuff wasn't she? as beautiful as the moon itself if i remember correctly." there was no disgust in his voice like some of the pure blood supremacists had when they talked about Abraxas' mother. but then, Draco knew one did not have to be a pure blood, or a slytherin to be remarkably amazing. just look at Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood!
Brax nodded slightly, anger showing on his face. Having caught what the other man was going to say before he'd changed it. "she is."He stood setting the journal on the table."I must be going. I forgot I had to write a essasy."He said walking out.

Alex sighed leaning against the door,watching the scene for a moment, sighing softly."You do know how to hurt someone."He muttered rubbing his eyes, eyes going to the bok draco was still holding."He got you something?"he said looking startled.
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