Love across time

Draco tensed when Brax kissed his shoulder, turning to glare at the student, opening his mouth to bitch the younger...older? no Braxas was definitely younger, Malfoy out when he was cut off by Alex's order. "yes lor Alex, of course Lord Alex, you only tried to kill me earlier today." he stated snidely, distracted by his yelling at Abraxes by subtly chewing out Alex instead as he flicked his wand at the stove gulping down his blood potion. "yes, he usually is, particularly when something upsetting has happened. i have a feeling young Riddle is about in a state of tears, i suggest you go now." he stated sternly. "and Mister Malofoy, any further such touches upon my person, will land YOU in the hospital wing, am i clear?" he demanded through narrowed eyes before flicking his fingers towards the entrance, indicating that Abraxas was to leave.
"Yes professor."Brax's snicker was in his voice as he ducked out of the room,going to search for his friend. Frowning when he found him in the dorms. A odd place for the man who usually hid elsewhere....then again it appeared he'd kicked everyone out. "Tom...?"Brax said softly approaching the man who was sitting on his bed looking decidely out of sorts.

"Go fuck yourself Malfoy."Alex yelled after he was sure Brax left, burying his face in a pillow. Not even bothering to try and control the magic that was slipping from his control. Sighing softly at the feel of darkness eating at his heart, so confused...not knowing what was going on. He just...he just wanted to fix things, not this. Not this confusing shit that was beating his heart to a bloody pulp.
Tom turned and looked at Abraxas, looking ashamed and timid, two looks that had never graced Tom's face before. "i..i kissed him." he finally stated. "and then i panicked an ran away...i think he hates me now..." he admitted swallowing hard. "i mean...i mean how do you tell someone that..that you've never kissed someone before?" he demanded, more to himself than anything else. "he won't want me when he realizes i'm a virgin...he won't...." he sighed a little and closed his eyes. "i wonder if i can obliviate his memory?"

Draco rolled his eyes as he headed into the room with Alex's favorite food and a glass of tea with calming drought in it. "just calm down and drink your tea." he ordered shoving it into the others hands. "tell me what happened and i'll tell you what it means." he stated simply, drinking his own cup of tea. "go on." he ordered offering Alex a scowl. "drink your tea and explain."
Brax smiled slightly studying his friend before laughing softly."I wouldn't try that."He said shaking his head."He came in in a roaring temper."He said softly, "Draconis said he was only like that when he found something upsetting...surely when you left you onfused him."He said softly sighing."Just tell him.Tom...he's confused."He said slowly remembering the look on the teacher's face. He'd been more confused looking behind that temper and demanding nature."You ran away...he probably thinks he did something wrong."

Alex ignored him for as long as he ould before sighing, knowing he wouldn't leave. Sitting up he picked up the cup scowling when he tasted the potion but drank it anyways."Bastard."He muttered before laying down, nibbling on the food avoiding looking at his friend."We...we were talking and he kissed me...and ran away."He said sounding more distressed then angry, not understanding what was going on."He acted like he wanted me, then he randomly ran away. It...he IS Voldemort.Someday anyways.I...I think he must have been screwing with me just because he culd."He said firmly, though he looked sad as he looked at his plate of food.Looking more heartbruised then he was willing to admit at the idea
Tom sighed a little and he nodded. "i knew it, he hates me, i fucked everything up." Tom NEVER swore, EVER, just part of 'i'm better than thou' act that he always had going. he ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes. "ok so i just go up to the guy and tell him that i freaked out because i didn't know what the hell i was doing!?" he demanded glaring at Brax. "yeah, i'm sure that will go down better." he growled before turning to stare at his toes, licking his lips nervously. "how did your seduction of Draconis go? was he alright at least?" he asked, changing the subject.

Draco smirked a little as he sipped his own tea before he sobered, pondering the facts for a moment then. "remember how Tom once told us that he had no sexual escapades until he left school?" he asked softly. "i think young Mister Riddle might have just had his first kiss. did he have a frightened look on his face or a smug one right before he kissed you?" it had been rather timid actually, no matter Voldemort's age he was NEVER frightened. "Tom isn't Voldemort yet, and yes he might enjoy fucking with peoples heads to get what he wants in this time, i honestly don't see how he would get an advantage through something like this. i think he's a blushing Virgin who just did more than he was ready for and panicked."
brax sighed a little."He doesn't hate you. He's confused. And he's easily pissed off."He pointed out looking startled at the cussing, cause it was so odd for tom to be doing it. Before smirking a little,"He's fine. I kissed him, go yelled at for it, threatened to be ending up in the hosital wing should I think about touching him again..."He smirked laughing a little. "It'll be fine."He said amused."Though if given the time, he might think of that reason himself."He said shifting subjects again.

Alex frowned a little before biting his lip."Oh."He blushed a little leaning back against the headboard as he sipped his tea."He...he looked timid. like he wasn't sure what the hell he'd just done."He laughed softly snickering at the idea of tom being a blushing virgin, even though he was. That was just to amusing...he groaned a little as his body responded to the thought of the blushing virgin."Okay. I'll talk to him. He probably thinks I hate him or something seeing as I walked in here roaring and abraxas was here."He said smirking studying the still half dressed blond.
Tom snorted a little and shook his head. "i think they both have tempers, Draconis' is just a little more 'all the time' and Alexanders is more ' only when something sets me off.' he smirked a little. "but Merlin if he isn't handsome when he's pissed." he muttered softly. "you should probably be a little more careful in your approach towards Draconis, i have the feeling that both the Medici brothers are a lot more dangerous than they appear...remember the words at the Dining hall during the first year feast? about Death being the last enemy? i think they may have faced a great deal of enemies, even though their so young... i think their killers." but that only seemed to attract him even more.

Draco smirked a little. "like that thought did you?" Draco teased, if they hadn't decided long ago that they where more like brothers instead of lovers Draco might have been jealous. "i threatened Abraxas." Draco supplied simply. "told him if he touched me he was going to end up in the hospital wing." he smirked a little. "i didn't say how of course." he sighed a little. "that boy is FAR to seductive for his own good, i don't know if i'll be able to hold him off all week, let alone all year." he growled under his breath. "and if you laugh at me Alex YOUR ending up in the hospital wing yourself!"
"True,draconis' temper seems to burn colder,but longer then alex's.."Brax smiled a little tilting his head,enjoying the thought of winding the man up before he paused,thinking over his friends words. Amused at seeing that the idea of them being deadly just seemed to attract the other more. "If they have, I could understand how someone could lose to them.They beat the living shit out of each other in the duel...and that was just thinking goofing off I think.I wouldn't want to face them in a real duel."He smirked a little."Draco said something about one of the only times alex's ever lost was because his oppenant ran him into the ground, and couldn't even enjoy the victory cause he collapsed to."

Alex wrinkled his nose blushing at the teasing."Shut up you."he ordered before smirking."Well, at least you know where you get your sexual whims at Draco."He said looking serious though he was trying hard not to laugh."Surely you can beat a 17 year old into leaving you alone, even if you would enjoy the touching."
Tom nodded a little smirking a bit. "i can see Alex doing that." he admitted licking his lips, aroused at the thought of Alexander never loosing, amused at the thought of topping the other, making him BEG. "fuck..." he groaned setting a hand to his crotch, trying to stop the hard on from forming. "dammit this is all that goddamn blonds fault! offense Brax." he teased before scowling again. "i was perfectly happy with being Asexual until he came along!" he complained sighing a little. "this sucks..."

Draco chuckled a little and then shook his head. "i WILL smack you again." he growled scowling at his oldest friend shaking his head. "i can't help it that i haven't got laid in years! and Abraxas is very handsome no matter us being related." he paused then. "but, then again... we are both men so it's not like it's as taboo as if it where a man and a woman..." he muttered softly, biting his lip a little. "but i can't just roll over and let him have it either." he scowled. "he's not going to have it at all! Dammit Alex this is all YOUR fault." he complained, storming out of the room, sulking again as he slipped into his own bed and pretended to go to sleep.
"You could just wander out and see if he's up and about still.After all, you ARE head boy, you can do things like that.And shuld you just walk by his suite...well you were making sure no students were bothering the new guys."He snikered a little amused by his friend's complaing.Not even bothering to get offended, it was just to amusing to see tom in such a mess.

Alex snickered watching him go. Well, this was going to be amusing, and it wasn't the first time Draco blamed him for everything. Smirking as he laid there for a few more minutes he perked up.He was a teacher.He was allowed to wander about the school if he should choose to do so. Laughing at the idea he dressed again, trading teh fighting leathers for a pai of snuggly fit slaks, that left nothing to the imagination-including the fact he was wearing nothing under them, and a emerald green shirt, the color of slytherin's green, which made the snake eyes even more offputting. Smirking to himself he headed for the door,even if he didnt find tom, he'd enjoy terrorizing his students as he walked off the hard on that was currently killing him.
Tom paused and then smirked. "your right, i CAN do that." he chirped, pleased with the idea as he hopped off the bed, stripped naked and pulled on a pair of Dragon hide pants, not bothering with underwear, he never wore underwear, and a tight green shirt that made his green eyes shine in the lighting of the castle, pulling his raven locks into a ponytail so that his handsome face wasn't hidden, and clipping a blood red jewel into his ear, which he had only just recently got pierced. blushing Virgin he might have been, but the art of looking his best was definitely on his list of skills. he smirked at Abraxas and left the room, and when Alex found him tom was scolding two third years for fighting in the halls, the two not even paying attention because they where too busy blushing at their sexy head boy.
Alex sneered as he walked up behind tom, raising a hand, not even bothering to go for his wand before casting the spell that his death eaters lived in fear of. Not an unforgiveable, hell not even a deadly hex, but something the man had tweaked so he could control it. Smirking as it took hold, the spell made it feel like someone had just been cuffed around the ears with a smack, though it could get worse...until it was like cricuio, but he was faced with 3rd years, so he'd treat them as such. "You're supposed to be listening to the scolding children, not imaging what he'd look like out of his clothes."He drawled from behind tom, standing close his chest raising with his breath brushing against tom's back, having crept closer silently. His words ghosting over the shell of the head boy's ear.
both third years yelped and clapped hands to their ears, snapped out of their daydreaming as Tom went tense under Alex, an audible gulp as he swallowed hard, fighting not to dart away, and fighting not to be snappish or cross. "Professor Medici..." he muttered softly, timid, but sultry at the same time. he shuddered softly and swallowed again. "detention for both of you." he stated sternly at the pouting students. "you'll be cleaning the grounds." he ordered sternly both students pouting furiously. "go see the groundskeeper." "!?" "yes now!" Tom snapped sending both students scuttling as Tom turned embarrassed green eyes to Alex. "i...uhm..." he meant to apologize, but all he could manage was a deep blush.
"Mr. Riddle."He smiled looking amused, groaning a little.Goddamnit he couldnt tear his mind away from the mental image of tom as the blushing virgin. Smirking a little he tilted his head, letting Tom stuttered for a few minutes before dipping his head to kiss him slowly but throughfully. Raising a hand to cradle the back of tom's head, fingers tangling in his hair. Using all those years worth of skill on the man in front of him. before raising his head he panted softly, lust and yearning showing in serpent eyes."Now,that is how to kiss someone."He said smirking a little,teasing him as he stepped back.Though he'd never admit it, he'd quite enjoyed tom's fumbled answer to the skilled kiss. It wasn't perfect, but it was so,innocent, that he really was enjoying himself.
Tom flushed harder as Alex stared at him and gasped as he was kissed, hesitantly mimicked Alex before gathering his self confidence and rushing forward, his tongue tangling with the others as he moaned softly, leaning into Alex for more contact, uncaring that anyone might come along and see them, he would just say that he had seduced Alex, protecting both of them. after all most of the teachers where worried that Tom had only one friend, and no sexual interest. they'd be so relieved that they'd overlook the fact that he was kissing a teacher. he tried to follow Alex when the other pulled away, and swallowed as his eyes fluttered open. "yes...that certainly was a proper way to kiss." he muttered, smug and self satisfied once again, though he brought a hand up to touch his lips as only a virgin would. "i'm sorry i ran away earlier...i've, never kissed anyone before." he admitted blushing harder. "i sort of...panicked i guess..."
Alex smiled stepping forward, brushing his lips across the boy's forehead."It's okay."He muttered, having calmed once he'd realized why the man had run away."But dammit, I'm going to have to be nice to dray for being right."He muttered to himself whining at the idea. Dammit, he liked having the option of annoying his friend. But...he could be kind because he was unexplainable relieved that it wasnt his fault the other ran.

"Professor Medici, may I have a word?"Dumbledore's amused voice interrupted his pleasant thoughts, and alex was inexcuseablly glad to be facing tom because he knew hatred and anger showed in his eyes.

Stepping away from the younger man he shifted, letting tom be hidden from view by his bulkier lithe frame before he faced the headmaster."No you may not. I have rounds to still do, and I know why you want to talk to me about."


"You don't approve of my duel with draco.Well....screw that. You told me I had complete freedom in my classroom, and I decided to choose to show them a all out duel. And we didn't even curse each other with dark magic."He said his expression and voice tightly controlled even as magic swirled around the three."Go away."He said his temper slipping a little, his annoyance at being interrupted with tom showing.
Tom smiled before he froze when Professor Dumbledore walked in on them, blinking at the man his head tilted reaching out before he could stop himself and gently gripping Alex's wrist to help calm the other down before stepping into view. "i think the duel was a good thing headmaster." he admitted softly. "a great many of the students, myself included had....idea's about battle and duels, idea's that it was glory and strength and..." he shook his head. "and fame and power but it's not. it's dirty, and messy and dangerous. we all thought, what with the War going on with Grindelwald...that we would all have our chance to be great in a duel...well, talking with the other seventh years...we don't think that anymore. in fact most of them, myself included, would rather stay out of battle as much as possible, thanks to professor Medici's Duel with ..with professor Medici." he wrinkled his nose. "that is highly confusing." Tom always did have a silver tongue, especially when he was telling the truth.
Dumbledore tilted his head, looking at thte two. By themselves, he would have meddled to get them to do what he wanted.But alas, he had a feeling the two would just tagteam until he was so wrapped up in words, he'd have no idea what to do."As you say Mr. Riddle. Maybe it was a good thing to have a duel."

Alex snickered looking at the other man,"Just call him-"He stopped before he said what he usually called his friend. Smirking wider."Just call him dragon, cause he did say not to use his name.Thats NOT his name..sort of."He snickered before moving to walk away."Come tom,"A sublte smirk, lust flashing through green eyes "I'll walk you to the dinner hall.We've almost missed all of dinner in our ramblings. Draco's liable to injure me.
"He said tugging the arm with tom still holding it, pulling him after him like a well trained puppy before meeting dumbledore's eyes as they past."He's right, fighting is down and dirty, and I have no qualms about taking a shower after."He sneered before walking away, leaving the professor to complate that. Hell, he was willing to take whatever scheming the man did, as long as he kept it away from tom. Not only to stop who tom would become, but because in a very short time, he'd come to care for the boy.
Tom smirked a little, "that was very amusing to me." he admitted, feeling smug and satisfied at having gotten his way over the silver haired man yet again. "i do beleive i would not survive if i called him Dragon." he admitted looking even more amused as he allowed himself to be dragged along. "i will tell Brax to call him Dragon. the poor Malfoy just doesn't know what to do, he usually doesn't have to fight to get his way you know, no Malfoy does, makes them very stubborn when they find out that they will not simply be handed something on fine china and silver platters." well at least Draco and Abraxas where well suited for each other then, they where both as stubborn as mules. "how about i call you Alexander and i call him Professor Medici?" he asked with a small smug little smirk at the thought of being able to call a professor by their first name yet again.
Alex smiled a little as he let the other amn's arm drop,"If you must, call me alex. Only my mother calls me alexander, and it usually results in me being turned over her knee and paddled."He deadpaned, titing his head as he damn near choked on the explanations of malfoy.Oooo he was just going to have to tell draco he was royally screwed.Which he should know, seeing as he was the malfoy heir."Now.Where you serious about lessons, riddle?"He said studying the man as they approached the doors."You might not want to run into the war, but still, its always better to know what the hell your getting into then run into it blindly."He said smirking a little.Cause well, he just had the vision of dueling, to see who could top the other.And since he never lost...he mentaly groaned sighing as he thought about the blushing virgin under him
Tom smirked a little. "i am always Serious Professor." he stated simply, looking at the other. "i am simply not capable of telling jokes. i do TRY but they never come out right." he admitted looking Very amused now as he looked the other over. "besides, i do not intend on bothering myself with a silly man like Grindelwald." he stated with a sniff. "he is week and foolish, the only reason why the Headmaster has not killed him yet is simply because the bastard is very good at hiding. this war will be done with by the time i have graduated." he seemed so very sure of this. "have a good evening Professor, we will have to talk some more about lesson planning." he smirked a little. "and while i am aware that you never loose, i do intend on trying to win." with that challenge laid down he joined Abraxas at the lunch table and informed him of everything that had happened.

(just so you know, i got a job for the day hauling hay, i'm leaving in 15-30 minutes and i won't be back till tomorrow. i dunno if they have internet there so if i don't respond after i've left i'll talk to you when i get home.)
Alex shook his head, to amused to see him go. really, this was going to be interesting.

The next day alex glared at his coffee cup, shifting his glare to the potions master smirking at him."You.Do.Not. have. to. me."He snarled biting off each word as its own sentence, having only gotten a few minutes of sleep curtisy of dreams from his residence nightmare.between batle dreams and tom induced dreams, he was not happy."Shut up."He snarled glaring at the room as it filled with students, knowing he was going to scare a few, but his temper was sliding that shining edge into deadly, were even lucius and voldermort walked quietly around him.

Brax tilted his head nudging his friend as they looked at the head table, taking his seat."Tom, what did you do to the poor man?You said he was okay..."He said studying his friend.Slightly amused to see the cooly aloof teacher so out of sorts
Tom frowned a little as he watched Alex grumbling. "i don't know...i..i don't think i did anything." he admitted biting his lip a little. "i'll talk to him after potions." he muttered softly, because this time they where in Potions class instead of DA. "oh, and don't forget to start calling Draconis Dragon." he teased smirking a little. "Alex said it would be a good idea." so he was lying a little, so what? Tom wanted to see what would happen.

Draco just snickered again and shook his head, handing the resident grumpy ass a pepper up potion before he swooped out into the mass of students. "ignore the dark and gloomy." he ordered sternly. "today we will be making a very complex potion, and though i doubt any of you are actually capable of making this potion, you will be doing so anyway. the Polyjuice potion requires month long preparations, several ingredients that are not available in the student cupboards, and if i find ANYONE sneaking off with a few ingredients that they do not need, i will be chopping odd your hands, and feeding them to the Kraken out in the pond." he flicked his wand at the board, the written instructions sprawling across the page.

"Polyjuice, really?" Tom complained sulking a little. "we made this in our fourth year." he smirked a little. "remember? boy those gryffindors sure can jump." he yelped in fright when Draco's cane smacked the table in front of Tom without warning, barley missing the headboy's fingers. "this is NOT a social class! any talking outside of what is required for the potion will be penalized through points!" "what crawled up his ass and died?" one of the gryffindors complained, Draco hissing in fury. "fifty points from Gryffindor for cheek and another twenty for cussing! now get to work!"
Brax snickered a little. Wow gryffindors could be stupid. And not to mention pissing off draconis even more. Sighing softly the blond malfoy bit his lip as they started working on the potion."Alex's going to kill you if you piss him off even more."He muttered to tom looking at the defense teacher grading papers.Though he knew the defense teacher didnt have a class first thing in the morning, he didnt understand why the man was here, in the dungeon grading papers when he was wickedly pissed.

Alex grumbled over the papers, glancing at draco as he past by him."If you keep it up your going to be growing greasy hair and look like a overlarge bat."He teased sipping the pepper up potion.While he did feel more awake, it did nothing to relieve the stress,because well, now that he was more awake, he was more aware of the riddle scion. Without raising his eyes from the papers in front of him he spoke."Mr. Black, if you think of putting that in mr. riddle's potion I'll curse you into a bloody spot on the floor. Now, cease and disist"Alex snarled in the quiet room, still focusing on the grading papers.
Tom nodded. "i know." he admitted smirking a little. "but i'm certainly not going to be doing anything during class." he admitted shrugging his shoulder a little as he stirred his potion as was required. Tom and Abraxas where Geniuses, Abraxas was better at potions though, and they had made Polyjuice before so they didn't have to focus too hard on it. "i'll wait until after class to see whats wrong." he decided, jumping when Alex yelled at Black, who held a very small potions ingredient, Draco hissing in rage.

"one hundred and fifty points from gryffindor Mister black and three detentions!" he spat. "and out of this class this instant! do you not realize how explosive these potions can be!? do you not realize how much DANGER you could have just put us all in! this is NOT a playground Mister black! this is NOT a class where your griffindor idiocy will allow you to goof around willy nilly and not suffer the consequences! i had expected better from a seventh year student, no matter their name or house! get out of this classroom Black and i don't want to see hide or tail of you until your detention tonight at eight!" he spat, sending the boy fleeing out of the room, Draco turning his furious eyes on everyone. "anyone caught trying to sabotage ANY potion will be handled accordingly, see that it does not happen again!" he hissed.

"finish your tasks and get out of my sight!" the room quickly cleaned out, leaving only Tom and Abraxas, most off the cauldrons stored in another room to stew and seep as was required. "stupid idiotic moronic!!!!." Draco hissed, unaware of the two students left behind. "i'm glad you caught that Alex, that stupid little... little... he could have gotten us all killed the stupid little bastard!" "thats your cue." Tom teased Abraxas, snorting a little as he moved over to Alex. "sir? is there something wrong?" he asked, worried, startling Draco so badly he nearly fell out of his chair.
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