Love across time

Tom flushed hard as he found himself underneath the other, but didn't protest other than a strangled sound of need and want that spilled from the others red lips, his eyes fluttering closed at the small kisses, letting off a few small pants. "please." this one sounded more like a plea, a soft whispered sound accented by a deep blush as Tom swallowed hard, squirming on the couch. "please!" he moaned feeling his pants being unbuttoned. he knew Alex wouldn't hurt him, so he felt rather safe in having his pants removed, forgetting about the scars that lined his ass, his lower back, and the backs of his legs. he arched hard, tossing his head back as a strange, strangled sound left the slytherin heir as he found a hot, wet, tight mouth around his cock, his fingers tangling tightly in the hair, unable to help himself. "ha...aaaah!!"
Alex smiled slightly, rolling his eyes up to watch the other come undone as he stroked his tongue over the other's cock, hissing softly around the other's cock.It felt...amazing to have this kind of control over him. Shifting he slid his hands under the boy's ass, having every intention of sliding his fingers into him, before he froze, even though his mouth kept mving over him, absently feeling the scars under his fingers. Closing his eyes as rage gripped him. Wanting to hurt someone who hurt him so badly. Cause he knew that wasn't just a occasional caning, he knew that. Lucius had done enough damage to draco to know what it looked like. Tom's scars...were so much beyond regular punishment. Whimpering softly, in pain and rage he focused on making tom enjoy himself, wanting him to come, wanting to give him a good memory.
Tom was moaning, thrusting his hips wildly, though you could see from his face he was fighting to control his body's reaction as he tugged on the others hair like a handle, trying to contain himself as he moaned again and again, trembling as he struggled to hold off the premature ejaculation that was building so strongly inside of him. "ca...can't.... a..aaah..." he was going to cum, and that was all the warning Alex got before the flood gates opened and Tom arched hard, jerking and quivering as he spilled into the others mouth, panting hard. "ah..h..haaaah ye..yesss n...." he jerked again, spilling some more, seed spilling down Alex's throat, more than a virgin should have been able to produce, but, after all Tom had been suffering for a day and a half with arousal, there was bound to be more cum than usual.
Alex swallowed around him, raising his head as he wiped his mouth, smirking as he looked down at the bruntte."Hmmm so good."He muttered shifting up kissing him slowly, ignoring the taste of cum in his mouth before making the other scoot so he could lay down next to him, resting his head on the other's chest, muttering a cleaning harm, sighing softly as it cleaned them both up. Glad to not having to admit that hed come as he watched the other come undone. There was only so much embarassment he was willing to put up with. Smiling as he pressed a kiss to the other's chest he yawned, pulling him close."...we probably should head back up."He said nuzzling him, trying hard to not think about the scars.
Tom went limp under the other, panting hard, looking as if the orgasm had left him dead, his eyes closed his face flushed bright red as he swallowed hard, licking his lips as he felt the cleaning spell, smiling as Alex snuggled him again. "can't move, tired. feel good." Tom slurred, clearly still riding his post orgasmic high, it would be a while before he came back down, not that anyone but Alex and Abraxas would notice that Tom had the look of someone who's just cum about him. of course, considering it was his first Tom was no doubt going to blush every time he saw Draco or Brax and blush thrice as hard anytime he saw Alex, and no doubt choke and pop a boner any time Alex looked at him. but for now, Tom was as limp as a rag doll and very happy to lay there.
Alex snickered before nodding."Then we'll stay for awhile."He said snuggling, settlign down to take a nap,feeling tired himself.

That even Abraxas frowned as he knocked on the medici's door, biting his lip.Worried because the two hadn't returned from their wanderings, and though, he was hoping that the two were tangled up in alex's bed, he half hoped they weren't. Tom deserved better then that after just meeting him."P-professor?"He stuttered a little, for once looking out of sorts and scared. He didn't know how his professor would take to having him show up.

Down in the chamber alex smiled as he sat down on the edge of the couch,gently stroking his fingers through the brunette's hair, looking delectably mussed up himself. Leaning down he kissed the other softly."Come on tom. We better get back before dumbledore wonders why we both missed dinner."He said concerned, having just realized how late in the evening it'd gotten to.
the door opened all the way revealing a sleepy looking Draco. "oh, Abraxas." he stated, rubbing his eyes a little, trying to chase away the fog of sleep and tears. "have you seen...Alex?" he asked hopefully. "he hasn't come back yet, at last i don't think he has, someone drugged my tea." he admitted yawning a little as he struggled to shake himself awake. "i know i have an antidote somewhere, i just can't seem to find it." he admitted, the sleeping potion in his tea cup had certainly calmed the blond down, he didn't even remember being mad at Abraxas for calling him Dragon...only Blaise was allowed to call him Dragon, HIS dragon... well now Draco remembered. "i wanted to apologize to you as well, i was out of line this afternoon." he stated, blinking sleepily at Abraxas. "you have your one hundred and fifty points back and you need not serve the detentions." he promised scowling as he dug through the cupboard to find the antidote. "damn labels..why do i write so small?"

Tom sighed as he felt the fingers in his hair, smiling a little. "that felt amazing." he murmured softly, his eyes fluttering open to smile at Alex with passion, lust and affection. "you know, your the first person to ever... you know." he went bright red. "i mean, i haven't myself..." he admitted flushing harder as he dropped his gaze, ashamed. "felt so good.." he muttered again, too pleasured to be embarrassed. "besides i often skip dinner, too many people...don't like crowds...still tired." he was falling back asleep.
"Cause you're trying to make it hard for alex to snitch things?"He said amused following the man into the room as he batted his hands away, searching for the anitdote, figuring he was more awake to read them anyways."And no, I haven't seen him.I was coming to ask if they were here.Tom's missing to, and they were together last I saw."He said worriedly biting his lip, before looking at the man more closely."Are you sure you shouldn't just sleep it off?"he asked looking at the worn out man.

Alex looked startled at the revelation. Of all the things he'd expected to hear, that wasn't them.Smirking a little, self satisfied he laughed picking up the heir of slytherin and making his way out of the chamber. Casting a invisiblity charm on them both, he carried the light figure to his rooms, wanting to cuddle still,and not ready to give him up. Pausing in the doorway he smirked watching the small scene in front of him, glad that he was invisble to the two inside. His heart hurting, because he'd remembered to late that blaise had called his brother dragon.To late, and he'd hurt him badly. Kissing tom's head as he choked on his tears, shuddering a little. Knowing it was going to be another sleepless night harassed by dreams, but he wouldn't trade it. Smirking as he watched brax and draco.
Draco blinked slowly as he was pushed away and sat patiently waiting for the antidote. "don't sleep." Draco stated. "i dream..i see things i don't wanna see...i see...HIM...screaming...always screaming..." he shuddered violently and motioned to the cupboard. "need the antidote, won't sleep no more." he stated, trying to find it for himself again. "Alex won't rape Tom if that's what your worried about. might feel him up or suck him off but he knows Riddle isn't ready for sex yet." Draco promised. "their probably curled up somewhere, being disgustingly sweet and mushy...mocking me for being alone." he growled scowling at nothing. "always's the only punishment...the only way i'll learn...." because Draco had known better than to love, but he had anyway, and that was why Blaise had died.

Tom whined but snuggled more intently into Tom, opening his eyes only when they entered the door, watching Brax and Draco, frowning in astonishment. "did you drug him?" he demanded lifting an eyebrow at Alex, looking amused. "he looks drugged." he didn't bother lowering his voice, having put up a silencing charm around the two, pausing when he heard Draco talk about dreams and screaming and being punished. "...he lost someone didn't he?" Tom asked softly, sad as he looked up at Alex, startled to see the tears. "your crying..." he muttered looking confused and worried, because he didn't know how to fix crying. instead he just gently wiped the others cheeks free of tears.
"Everyone sees things they dont want to see sweetheart."Abraxas muttered shifting, wrapping his arms around the other, smirking as he realized he was taller then his professor. Fitting the smaller man against his broader chest he gave him the antidote, before taking it away, "Now. We're going to go lay down.You need sleep,wether you like it or not. You have class."he scolded lightly picking him up easily slipping back into the man's bedroom settling him in the bed."You know alex wouldn't do that. He wouldn't mock you."He said tucking the blanket around the other blond, stroking his hair gently.

Alex winced away from the touch,"I drugged him so he'd get some sleep.Not my fault he didn't check his tea before he drank it.And yes, yes he did.Horribly, and violently"He muttered, one of the reasons he'd gone to potions in the first place, had been to get the other to get some sleep.Shivering at the memory of what had happened he swallowed hard. Ignoring the crying remark he carried the brunette to the bedroom, settling him in bed before stripping down to his pants, crawling in next to tom after removing his shoes, cuddling close to him. Shuddering every once in awhile as he faught memories, and tears.
Draco shook his head. "not like this...never like much blood..." he mumbled softly, accepting the potion and whining when it was taken away, leaning into Abraxas as the man offered him comfort, Draco was too tired to remember that the man was trying to seduce him, too tired to remember that he was his own grandfather. and certainly too tired to care. "i don't want to sleep...don't like to sleep...i don't want to see..." he complained, but didn't struggle when Abraxas picked him up and laid him in the bed. "his very existence mocks me." Draco complained, voice layered with amusement and affection for his would be brother, relaxing into the hair strokes, slipping off to sleep.

Tom smiled a little as he watched Abraxas comforting Draco. "i think Brax will be good for your brother. he's always a lot more understanding than i am." he admitted simply, nuzzling Tom. "i wish i could help you, like Abraxas can help Draconis." he admitted softly, gently running his fingers through the others hair and down his arms, along the neck and across the belly. touching always made Tom feel better, though he never actually wanted to be touched when he was upset, which was weird....maybe touching would help Alex too? "i won't tease you, if you cry." Tom promised. "i've done it enough times to know that it really does help..."
Brax smiled a little, wondering how much trouble he'd get in if he crawled in bed with him, before deciding he didnt care. Climbing in bed, he cuddled the smaller blond, holding him gently as he fell asleep.

Alex sighed softly, relaxing under the gentle touches, nuzzling the man's neck as he wrapped his arms around his waist, holding him close as he yawned. Closing his eyes as he relaxed, letting the tears fall.Starting to fall asleep before he started to talk."Blood so much of was sticky...couldn't get it off...draco...thought I lost draco...thought he might have drowned in it....saw...saw father tortured...broken. Didn't know what to bad."He muttered before drifting all the way to sleep,holding onto him tightly as if tom was a favorite teddy bear. Crashing, because he'd gotten so little sleep.
Draco rested silent and still as he pressed himself into Abraxas, silent tears falling as he soaked the others shirt in his sleep. not that Draco would care, he just enjoyed having the firm chest there, the thudding sound of a warm, still alive heartbeat, a small sigh falling from the blonds lips. "Blaise..." he murmured softly, snuggling more firmly into Abraxas. "mmm..Brax..." he muttered softly barley a moment later, a soft smile on his lips for both names. well at least Draco did have some feelings for his young grandfather, though he would not act on them because...well, he was his bloody grandfather!!!

Tom kissed Alex's forehead, stroking and touching and gently murmuring comforting things as he nuzzled the other, sighing softly as he stroked the Other's back and neck as he was held, not minding in the least, not allowing himself to sleep until Alex had calmed into a proper, dreamless sleep, closing his eyes to dream himself.

in the morning, Draco had slipped free of Abraxas, making sure not to wake the other as he started making breakfast, his eyes ringed and red from crying through most of the night, though they had not been unhappy tears, just sad ones from remembering Blaise, and trying to sort through his emotions about Abraxas. he swallowed a large gulp of coffee, wincing as it burned his throat. "fuck." he whispered, laying his head against the wall. "these things always happen to me...fate hates me...why do i have to be punished again and again?" he demanded softly to himself. "why the FUCK does this keep happening to me!?"
"Because your dad was a bastard, and you're just a pretty little fuck toy?"Alex said sarcastically as he walked out of his bedroom rubbing his eyes as he pulled the door shut so they wouldn't wake up tom. Smiling a little as he crossed the room,wrapping hsi arms around his brother, holding him close.Offering silent comfort, then deciding to piss him off. Smirking he leaned back to look at draco."So. Does this mean you're dating brax?I an tell tom we need to plan a wedding for the relatives."He teased quietly, taking comfort in knowing the two younger men slept soundly.
Draco sighed a little as he shook his head. "that's not funny Brax." he grumbled, but he did sound amused as he leaned into his brother, accepting the comfort. at the goading Draco pulled back and swung at his brother, trying to clock him in the jaw, but Alex had always been ready to dodge Draco's wild swings. "fuck you!" Draco spat, turning to stalk into his room before pausing. "goddammit!" he cussed again storming to the bathroom instead and slamming the door shut, he didn't want to deal with this shit, he would rather go home and suffer the consequences of being the last death eater. alive anyway. but, it was Alex's spell and Alex's power, and it would take Alex to get them both back...if they even could.
"Ow.Shit.Fucking moody ass bitch."Alex winced as he fingered his jaw, wondering if the man was even aware that he'd hit him. having been to slow this time to doge it. Whimpering a little he sighed sitting on the kitchen floor he closed his eyes.Knowing his brother wanted to die was one thing, to let him go anddo it was another. Drawing his legs up he shuddered as he wrapped his arms around his legs. Trying desperately, to not to break down again. It was the last thing he needed. Shivering, because it hurt so much, to think about losing Draco. The last blood relative he had left...he wasn't willing to let him go.Even knowing Draco hated it here, wanted to go home, wasn't enough. Because if he went back with him, they wouldn't survive it.
there was a small noise as Tom slipped out from where he'd been hiding behind the door and settled behind Alex, pulling the man into his chest, listening as the shower turned on, Tom's lips gently kissing Alex's bruised jaw. "shh love." he murmured softly. "it will be alright." he promised, rocking Alex gently. "i have you... everything will be alright." he murmured kissing Alex's temple, wondering if Abraxas was aware of the things that where happening only a doorway away. probably not, and for once Tom thought that was a good thing. "Draconis is just upset, he doesn't mean the things he does." he murmured softly nuzzling the others neck. Draco would, no doubt apologize later and be back to his...ahem, chipper behavior.
Alex trembled in his arms, cuddling aginst his chest. "No, he meant them."He muttered, closing his eyes. Despising the idea of draco hating him. His walls crumbling even more at the thought. Having kept it together this long, he'd thought he'd be okay, but tom had knocked a hole in his defenses...then draco was tearing them down even more. Now... he was finally feeling the despair and anger that had driven to war scarred men into doing something desperate, into trying to change time.

Shifting he cuddled into the other's arms, holding him tightly, almost painfully so."...need to get ready for class..."He muttered moving to get up.

Brax frowned as he stepped out of the bedroom, looking adorable sleep mussed, raising a eyebrow at the two on the kitchen floor."What's wrong?"He muttered softly, wincing when he realized that the usually anally aware man was totally out of it to the point alex hadn't even realized he was there.
Draco held Alex closely. "he didn't and you know it." he murmured softly, nuzzling him gently. "you'll see. and don't worry about class, Brax will go and tell the rest of the students that your sick for now." he promised kissing his ear a little. "come on, let's go back to bed." he murmured softly looking up at Brax. "Draconis said something and it wasn't pleasant..." he muttered softly. "or the meaning behind it wasn't... Alex is taking it hard, will you let the class know he's sick? i wouldn't try talking to Draconis right now, he's pretty upset right now.. i'm not sure why yet. i think he's upset that he let you cuddle up to him last night."
Brax winced before nodding."I'll take care of it.And keep anyone from coming to see if they can 'help.'"He said smiling sadly at his friend before ducking out of the rooms. Heading for class.

Alex stumbled as he let the other put him in bed, laying out on his stomach, sighing softly. Looking more like a broken child then a deadly death eater."Draco hates anyone cuddling up to him...wont let me..."He muttered sounding seriously out of it. in a effort to stay in control he was disconnecting from himself.And damned if he wasn't doing a good job of it...and yet it still felt like he'd been guted.
Tom nodded a little as he stripped off the others shirt and straightened him out on the bed before straddling his ass and summoning up some oil from Draco's room, pouring it gently onto the others back before he began to massage the flesh, shockingly talented considering his hatred for getting close to people. but, being that Abraxas was on the quidditch team the man usually needed a good rub down, and he never stopped whining. "he's probably afraid of getting close to anyone, if he lost someone as badly as you said he did he's simply locked himself away and refuses to let anyone else close." he muttered softly. "he's just scared Alex, and coming to a school like this with Abraxas dogging his steps?...he's just snapping at anyone he can to try and relieve his own stress."
"hmmm maybe...."Alex sighed relaxing as the tension settled deep into his muscles started to ease away. Muscles so tight and knotted it was amazing he could be as flexiable as he was.Muttering softly in pleasure he sighed, turning his head so he could watch the other, trying to keep his thoughts away from sex.But damn, the man was sitting on his ass. Struggling for ontrol because he knew tom couldn't,wasn't ready for it. Cracking a eye to look at the blond in the doorway before closing his eyes again."Come in here instead of hovering.I'm not turning to look at you.Bastard."He grumbled, more annoyed then he said, his jaw hurt dammit. Though the anger was really hiding fear.Because he'd never admit to being afraid
Tom smiled as he felt the knotted muscles coming undone under his fingers, sighing softly as he licked his lips glancing over at Draco when he noticed him, startled. Draco offered a hesitant smile before moving into the room, moving over to Alex and gently touching his jaw. "i was wondering why my fist hurt." he admitted softly. "i was sure i'd missed..." he sighed a little. "i'm sorry Alex... i didn't mean it... i didn't mean to swing at you know how i get, i worked up i just..." "explode?" "yes...thank you." Draco muttered softly. "i was so...confused by Abraxas that i just snapped at you because you where there." he gently took his brothers hand. "i love you, your my family...i would never abandon you, never." not even for death, no mater how much Draco wanted it. "please don't be mad at me." fear in Draco's voice, because he wouldn't survive eing abandoned by Alex like he'd been abandoned by everyone else...and yes, Draco counted Death as abandonment.
"Go grew something."He grumbled, more annoyed because he was still in pain then anything else before sighing in relief. To hear the words. IT was...relaxing to hear it. To hear the brother that didn't know he really was his brother to claim him.His heart hurting,feeling bruised and battered but better she smiled a little."I didn't sleep well last night.Wasn't up for dodging a random ass fist first thing in the morning."He grumped before sighing."I'm not mad. Just..."He trailed off, looking up at him. Fear showing in those green eyes. Fear and pain, and memories."Don't wrry about it."
Draco sighed a little and shook his head as he stroked the others face. "i'm not going to jusy pretend there's nothing to worry about Alex...we can't handle that." he glanced at Tom who nodded and slipped off Alex and gave him a firm kiss before leaving to find Abraxas. "all of this is very stressful." Draco admitted, sighing as he settled next to his brother, snuggling into him for the first time since Blaise had been slaughtered almost three years ago. "Abraxas made me realize something." he admitted softly. "i'm broken Alex..." he admitted softly. "i don't realize i've hurt... i didn't realize i'd hurt you... and that's... that's not something i can just sit back and let happen...your the only thing i have left, the only person i still love and care about and...i can't stand being able to hurt you so easily...." he swallowed hard. "i've distanced myself so much from you that.. i can't even tell when your hurting anymore." he admitted pressing himself tighter into his brother. "so..i'm..i'm going to change that...even if it means letting you hug me." he complained with a teasing smile. all through their childhood Draco had complained that hugging was for GIRLS. "even if it means giving in to Abraxas." he admitted softly. "will you help me Alex? i'm tired of being broken."
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