Love across time

Draco grimaced a little and sighed a bit. "i can't help it." he muttered softly. "i've always been good at hurting's become a habit that i can't seem to break." he admitted getting up and moving over to a small locked box that Draco kept hidden. "yes, he got US something...journals.' he admitted, sounding...amazed. "he said, that since we weren't ready to talk to anyone about it, that we might write it down was...very thoughtful of him." Draco was lost, and they both knew it...the younger/older Malfoy, had fallen under his grandfathers spell. he pulled out a small necklace, the cord was made of black silk, and a silver serpent pendant hung off of it. it was a simply, but very meaningful thing to Draco. it was the very first gift that Draco had ever received from someone he loved. not Blaise, and not Alex, but someone who Draco had loved very much, who had died in his fourth year of hogwarts. they hadn't been IN love, just very close freinds, but Draco figured, that it would do. he quickly wrote a letter to Abraxas, and handed it to a school owl and sent it off. "and not a word Alex!" he ordered glaring at the man as he stalked into his bedroom with his journal.

the owl caught Abraxas almost to his rooms, and chirped as it dropped the letter and the necklace in his hands. 'Abraxas, i know that at times, i can be a little..heartless but i truly did not mean to upset you. i try to be better, but somehow i just fall into old habits time and time again. so, instead of trying to pretend i didn't hurt you, i will apologize instead. i once had a friend, who was more to me than anything else. he was my friend, my family, and more than that. he told me once that i would find someone who would change me for the better, and that when i found them i was to give this necklace to them. he died the year i turned fourteen, but i will always remember the words he left with me. in the short time i have known you, you have infuriated, embarrassed, and confused me, and though i have to say, any relationship between the two of us would be highly ill advised for reasons i shouldn't tell you...i ask that you take this necklace, and keep it safe. because you are the one person who has changed me Abraxas. changed me for the better, to the point where i was even able to heel old wounds that i never even realized was there. if you lose that necklace i WILL slaughter you, so don't! Draco Medici.'
Alex snickered as he watched the owl leave, taking his own journal back to his bedroom,crawling back in bed with tom. Settling back into the seat as he settled down to write. Biting his lip as he tried to decide where to start the nightmares. Before deciding, well. He might as well start at the beginning. Starting with the first time he realized that the man who married his mother, wasn't his father...and realized that he had a brother he could never claim. Absently stroking tom's hair as he wrote, not even realizing when the man woke. A slightly pained but content look on his face.

Abraxas smiled slightly as he stroked his thumb over the silver serpent, smiling as he folded the letter. Smiling to himself her relaxed, before changing directions. Heading to breakfast, and bribing the house elves to get him a nicely made tray of fruits and waffles, before heading back to the professor's room.Biting his lip as he looked around the empty living room, biting his lip as he knocked on the professor's door. "Draco?"He muttered opening the door a little, sticking his head in.The silver serpent flashing against the dark material of his t-shirt. for once dressed casually in slacks and a t-shirt instead of robes. After all, it was sunday. No reason to dress up.
Tom smiled as he felt the fingers in his hair, sighing softly as he opened his eyes and frowned as he watched the others face. "...Alex? are you alright?" he asked softly, reaching up and gently touching his face. "you look upset...did Draconis say something again?" he asked hesitantly. "i can go kick his ass if you want? i might not be stronger than him magically but i'm pretty good at Muggle dueling..."

Draco was sitting in his room, writing on the journal when Abraxas came in, blinking at him before sighing a little and smiling, nodding a little to himself. "come in Abraxas." he ordered softly. "i need to tell you a few things." he admitted softly, closing his diary and setting it to the side so he could focus all of his attention on Abraxas. "it's... complicated... i... i don't really know how to start..." Draco had to tell Abraxas, had to! how could Abraxas fuck his own grandson after all? and besides, Abraxas...and Tom, had a right to know, but Draco would let Alex tell him, and would ask Abraxas not to tell...
Alex laughed softly turning his head to press a kiss to tom's fingers, before nibbling on the skin."No.Just writing about my dad."He smiled slightly shifting the journal."Brax brought us journals to write in."He said smiling as he dipped his head, kissing the other, "Though the idea of you fighting wiht draco is amusing."He sighed resting his head on the other's shoulder, chewing on his lip.

Abraxas looked concerned biting his lip."At the beginning?Though if you tell me your straight, I'm going to call you a liar"he said softly sitting down on the bed, fingering the next absently, worry and fear on that face, strain even though he tried to lighten the mood. Biting his lip he studied the other man.
Tom relaxed and smiled a little as he moaned softly at the nibbles, licking his lips. "your father?" he asked curiously. "will you tell me about him?" he asked softly. "besides, Draconis is so SMALL." he admitted with a smirk. "and i've taken on kids twice my size." he paused. "of course... considering how good he is with a sword..." he shrugged. "either way, i'm sure i would win."

Draco snorted. "oh no i am VERY gay, a fact that annoyed my father to no end." he admitted hesitating. "alright...the beginning." he muttered. "or more, the beginning of the facts." he turned and looked at Abraxas. "i, an Draco, Abraxas, Malfoy." he stated simply. i am from about eighty years into the future. i don't know specifically, i am very bad at math... you'll have to ask Alex later maybe, he would know for sure." he admitted sighing a little. "your son, or who will be your son, Lucius Malfoy ends up being a rather...well, terrible man." he admitted. "but not as terrible as who Tom becomes." he admitted, voice choked with horror and fear, simply continuing to talk. "we traveled back in time, in a last ditch effort to stop Tom from becoming the most terrifying Dark Lord the wizarding World has ever seen." he shuddered violently. "in that time he calls himself Voldemort, and the only thing he really cares about is killing, as violently as he first his goals where good, but something happened in this year, that just drove him mad., as time went on the only thing that mattered was death...we, Alex and i, came to stop whatever happened to Tom, in hopes that he can be the leader that he was meant to be." he admitted swallowing hard. "we where only supposed to come, stop what was supposed to happen, set tom on the right track, and leave...neither of us anticipated Alex falling in love with him...or me being..." he paused, looking amused. "er...'propositioned' by my own grandfather, who actually ends up being YOUNGER than me, which is VERY awkward i have to tell you!." he bit his lip and cut himself off, glancing at Abraxas, finally brave enough to face the others reaction.
Alex shifted, sighing softly."Me and draconis aren't brothers. Not really."He said."Well.Not that he knows about anyways."he bit his lip nuzzling the other's neck."We...we ran away from a war, and the only way I could protect him, was pretend he was a sibling. Because no one would think to look for him here.But...his father.Was a bastard by any standards. He...had a affar with my mother, resulted in me, then he got married, had Draconis.When...when I searched for him when I was older, I found draco. And loved my little brother."Pain came in the words."My father forbid me from telling I settled for being his friend, and pretending we're brothers, when we really are."He sighed leaning up to kiss him slowly, tossing his journal onto the bedside table,settling on top of the other man, kissing him slowly.

Brax stared. Blinked slowly. Thinking it over before shuddering, because he knew that name. Tom was already using it. or the moment shoving the thoughts of who he'd become away, because tom was still the friend he loved. Biting his lip he smirked a little."Me being related to you doesn't matter."He stated."It's not like I can get you pregnant.And you are care about me don't you?"He said a hesistant smile on hsi face. Looking out of place on his face for the legendary playboy.
Tom looked shocked, horrified even, "i'm so sorry Alex.." he muttered softly, yelping in surprise when he found himself pinned to the bed before kissing back, slowly exploring with his tongue, all too happy to let Alex 'change the subject'. "mmm, Alex." he murmured happily. "you feel so good. i love it when you make my insides burn." he admitted lifting his hips so they brushed their groins together. "aaahm yeah."

Draco nodded at Brax's shudder before he rolled his eyes. "the fact of the matter is that we ARE related and i cannot in good conscience allow you to seduce me." he complained primly, though without heat.of course, since when had Abraxas ever cared about what other people 'allowed'? he paused when Abraxas asked if he cared and he sighed, dropping his head in a picture of defeat. "yes damn you...i care...i care a little too much i think." he admitted softly, closing his eyes. "i care so much that it hurts sometimes." he admitted swallowing hard. "and it hurts even more because i know i can't have you." he paused. "well, actually i thought i couldn't have, i can't have you! stop staring at me you make it hard to think!" Draco ordered, getting flustered and self conscious and nervous and just all around stammering and blushing and being adorable.
Alex smirked a little,glad the other weas letting him change the subject. Sighing softly as he settled down further on top of him,"Hmm you make me burn to."He smiled shifting, tugging the boy's shirt up, running his fingers over his pale skin, deftly undoing his pants, gentle fingers stroking tom's cok kissing him.

"If nothing else, you sound as boring and prim as a proper malfoy."Brax smirked getting up, walking across the room and pinning draco to the chair he was sitting in, leaning in close, resting a knee between his grandson's knees. "Though we're not techincally, related for another sixty years.You haven't been born yet."He said lowering hsi head and kissing him slowly, burying his hands in the blond hair. Hair he knew well, wondering why he hadn't see it before.
Tom moaned eagerly, arching into the other as he rocked his hips again, panting softly, flushing hard as he tugged his own shirt off and tossed it tot he side, biting his lip as he shivered, laying his head back down as he felt, and memorized everything that Alex was doing to him. "a..aah." he groaned his hips jerked at the touch to his cock, moaning into the kiss, his fingers tangling in Alex's blond hair, holding him close, making rather pathetic begging noises that he would later deny.

Draco sniffed simply and lifted his nose in the air like any Malfoy would at the sight of a poor insult, gasping when Abraxas leaned into him, pinned him into the chair, trying to cringe back before groaning softly, bucking into the knee at his groin, his mouth opening for Abraxas' tongue, his hands settling on the others hips, his breath hitching as lust roared to life inside of him at doing something so...forbidden. "fuck." Draco hissed softly. "you make, an incredibly, valid argument." he muttered softly. "but i'm not completely convinced yet..." so stubborn.
Alex smirked against his lips, stroking him harder."You're sounding a little breathless there lovely."He hissed softly before shifting into parseltongue.Hmm your just a pretty little snake aren't you? He hissed softly leaning back far enough to pull his own shirt off, sighing in pleasure as he ground himself against his thigh,holding off getting rid of the pants. Becaue he knew tom wasn't ready, and damned he'd end up screwing him if they got naked now.

Brax snickered softly, "Stubborness is unbecoming."Brax purred kissing him again, before drawing away."Of course, I think I might have to seduce you in time."He said smirking, remembering the other's words, not ready to push a man who'd been hurt so badly."I'll convince you someday. Just not right now."He said bending to kiss him again before dancing away."Now. You better write this scene in your journal so you can wank over it later.I'm going to go shopping."He snickered before ducking out of the room, pausing in the hallway as he tilted his head staring at alex's door. Leaning back in, unable to stop."Tom's here?"He asked amused.
Tom mewled loudly at the stroking and made some more begging noises, his hips snapping into the hand eagerly. "ple...please." he begged, arching against the other, shuddering at the use of parseltongue, his breath hitching and his pupils dilating. "a..aahng...." whining when the other pulled away, grabbing his own cock before he could stop himself, stroking his own thick hard cock, masturbating for the first time, looking startled and shocked. "a..aah, nnnng yess..."

Draco snorted a little. "like your one to talk, your just as stubborn as i am Abraxas." he complained, panting softly as he looked confused, frowning when the other danced away, looking about ready to murder Abraxas for leaving Draco with a hard on. "yes Tom is here, why?" he demanded moving after him before pausing at the sound of Tom's over eager and pleasure filled mewls. "...oh..." he muttered going bright red as he slowly backed into his own room, looking rather aroused by the sounds his brother and his brothers lover where making. "Abraxas.... your going going to suffer greatly as soon as all of this is over." he promised with an annoyed growl, slinking back into his room to enjoy a good wank.
Alex laughed softly lifting his hips enough so he could watch what the other was doing, staring entranced as he licked his lips biting his lip. Really, really wanting to slid into the man. Whimpering as he twisted, laying down next to him, laying on his side. Sliding a hand in his own pants, fisting his erection as he watched tom. "Hmm such a lovely cock."He muttered lowering his head, pressing a kiss to his stomach.

Brax's laughed followed him out of the room, amused. Well, he was going to have draco chasing after him in no time. Whistling softly as he walked out. Having every intention of enjoying a peaceful day to himself.
Tom moaned, as his eyes fluttered open, staring at the other as he watched the other fisting himself as well. "oh god... Alex..." he moaned, panting hard. "so hot..i'm so hot inside..." he moaned stroking himself faster, running his hand along the length, still moving much slower than most would, looking almost lazily graceful in his motions as he bucked into his hands. " fuck..fuck, am i...doing it right?" he asked, certain he was at least close, considering how GOOD it felt.

there was a small growl from behind Abraxas, strong hands grabbing him without warning from behind, a hand clapping over his mouth to keep him from screaming as the Malfoy was dragged into an abandoned classroom. "my my, you ARE pretty." a firm voice whispered. Septimus Weasley, Arthur Weasley's someday Father had Abraxas pinned to one of the nearby table in seconds. "filthy little Malfoy, sleeping with everyone under the sun." he smirked viciously, letting Abraxas see him, not caring in the least. "but i wonder, just how much you've done?" a hand removed the blonds wand, the other muttered a sticking charm, forcing Abraxas' hands to remain fixed in place over his head. "mmm yesss, so helpless, i'm going to enjoy this. have you ever bottomed before Abraxas? or are you too much of a PRUDE to lower yourself to such standards?"
Alex moaned softly, biting his lip as he looked the other over flushed and panting."Oh yes. Perfect."He teased kissing the other man, before shifting again, laying down on top of the other man, smirking slowly as he closed his hand around tom's, foring their hands around both their cocks, moaning softly at the combined stroking, eyes fluttering shut.

Brax snarled softly as he looked at the weasley through the fall of his hair, kicking out. "I'd consider screwing a threstal before I lowered my standards to bottom for YOU."He snarled jerking at his stuck hands. Angry and pissed at having been caught with his guard down.
Tom moaned, tossing his head back as he arched into the stroking squeaking in surprise as he was rolled onto, flushing hard as he tried to understand what was happening, before deciding it didn't matter what was happening, his hand joining Alex's as he stroked and tugged, panting hard. "a..aaah please, mmm yesss." he moaned eagerly. "so close, so close!"

Septimus snickered as he dodged the kick, grabbing the others pants and yanking them down to his ankles and then off before sticking his left foot tot he floor, then his right, forcing Abraxas spread eagle, in a position that was not at all comfortable, and made him lean against the table or fall over. "mmm your not in much of a position to Deny me anything little whore." he growled smirking viciously. "and you know what the best part is?" he leaned forward. "i'm getting PAID, to rape your feminine little ass." he hissed. "i get paid for it, because no one would touch you otherwise, your too nasty to touch, a filthy little fuck toy that no one would touch without getting paid to do it."
Alex laughed softly thrusting into their hands, needing the feel of moving on top of him, otherwise he was going to rush things. Smirking a little as he stroked him, moaning softly as he came, splattering come on the brunette's stomach, burying his face against tom's neck to keep from yelling.

Abraxas snarled softly, before realizing he was fucked.Or would be. Whimpering softly as he leaned against the table, because he had no desire to fall over he winced at the man's words. Whimpering as he rested his cheek on the wood. "People touch me."he said softly, fear coming through. Wondering, remembering draco's reluctance.Maybe... maybe it wasn't they were related.Maybe it was that he'd slept with so many others.
Tom arched, tossing his head back as he got closer and closer to his impeding orgasm, whimpering with pleasure as he panted and muttered. "u..uuh... yes, so good... oh fuck ALEX! YES!" he squealed arching hard as he came, spreading thick lines of cum across their bellies, going limp again, panting with a chipper little smirk on his lips. "mmm yeah."

the man smirked a little as he tan his hands along Abraxa's ass, stroking the tight little entrance that would soon be his to enjoy. "oh yes, people touch you, sluts, harlots, whores. people with no class and little blood status. people who are BENEATH you. but your equals and betters know don't they? people like Tom Riddle, Alexander Medici, even Draconis, they know your nothing but a whore, a slut willing to spread your legs for anyone." a dry finger forced it's way into Abraxas' ass without warning, no doubt causing a pretty harsh pain. "they know, they know that your nothing but a dirty little harlot, even your father knew. and now, i'm going to prove it, by taking you, again, and again until your begging for more."
Alex laughed sotly as he kissed smiling lips before laying down next to him. Cuddling close as he settled down, muttered a cleaning charm before wrapping his arms around the other tightly."hmmm I could get used to waking up to you."He snickered softly, running his fingers thrugh the brunette's hair.

"fuck!Fuck!"Brax cursed jerking, trying to get away from the fingers and hands touching him, whimpering as the other touched him. "N-no. They don't.They know better."He whispered, desperate to believe that. Holding onto the hope that tom knew him better, despite his harsh words, he knew his friend cared about him. Struggling to keep a clear head. Needing to figure out a way out of this."Stop!Go away."He whispered as he broke as more fingers joined the first, gasping softly as the other touched him. It hurt so bad...and broke something inside the proud malfoy.
he giggled a little and nodded, smiling a little. "i should go though." he muttered with a yawn as he sat up. "i have a trasfiguration and an arithmacy essay to finish." he admitted rubbing his eyes before smirking at Alex. "would you care to join me for dinner in the Chamber of Secrets? Ssian's Eggs are going to hatch tonight, or so she claims." he admitted. "you could have your pick of the litter as it where."

Septimus laughed as he pushed in more fingers, stroking and teasing the battered flesh. "come now Abraxas, you know you like it, your a little whore and you know it...oh! i see. your dry." he smirked and spit onto the others ass, pulling his fingers out to wipe them into the spit before shoving his fingers back in. "there, is that better you little slut?" he demanded smirking a little. "you know, if you beg, beg for more, i can make sure it hurts a lot less, it doesn't have to be all that painful." he smirked, his fingers tangling hard into Abraxas's hair and yanking the man's head back into a painful position. "yes, i'm going to enjoy fucking your tight little ass. i almost think it's never been touched before." he sounded like he was laughing at Abraxas. "am i your first you little slut?"
"I'd love to.Come get me before you go down."He yawned letting the other go, before cuddling his pillow, with every intention of going back to sleep.He didn't have to be up...though he did kind of want to go see what draco was doing.Smirking a little he bounced out of bed fixing his pants, pulling tom after him, kissing him hard."We'll have dinner."He said before crossing the hall opening draco's door."Love, you want to go to lunch with me?"He said before smirking at the sight in front of him. "... I'm sad brax is missing this."He said leaning aginst the doorframe.

Brax whimpered softly, glaring at him through grey eyes, the fall of blond hair hiding his face."Fuck you."He snarled angry that it was his first time, and hating the other for laughing at him.Helpless rage gripping him before whimpering. Knowing this was going to go one way or the other...and his pride could take it...he could give up a little, if it got the other away from him.Hoping if he begged, the other stopped this."PLease... please dont do this. I dont want you....I want..."He trailed off, paling slightly."Stop please."He begged
Tom smiled a little. "just come down during the Dinner hour same as if you'd be going to the dining hall. we can spend the night there." he decided grinning as he kissed the other intently and then bounded off to find a cucumber from the house elves. Draco was on his hands and knees, fisting himself with his head tossed back, moaning, blushing hard as Alex walked in, squealing in horror as he scrambled to cover himself. "a..ALEX! get OUT!" he shrieked, throwing a pillow at the other, wanting to finish in peace.

Septimus laughed again and brought his hand down, hard across the others ass, cupping it tightly, making the sting worse. "now that isn't the kind of begging i want to hear." he growled, smirking as he brought h his hand down again, on the other cheek this time. "your such a NAUGHTY boy you know, strutting about the castle, fucking everything that moves, i think it's time you had a taste of your own medicine, don't you?" he asked, smirking as he leaned down, smelling the inside of Abraxas' neck. "mmm you certainly smell like a two knut whore."he smirked. "i bet you fuck like one too.
Alex laughed softly as he ducked out of the room, pulling the door shut. To amused before settling down to enjoy his afternoon.

Brax whimpered softly flinching as he was smacked."please, I'll be good."He said, in a broken whisper, for a man who'd been pushed past his endurance level. Shattering himself on the jagged edges."Please fuck me...please..."He begged, begging because he just wanted it to end, shivering a little, because the world was starting to go dark. So stressed, so out of it, he was actually starting to lose consciousness. Not that he thought that would save him,but at least he wouldn't have to hear weasley's mocking laugher.
the man laughed again and with a softly muttered spell Abraxas was slick with cum, and the harsh, painful thrusts where smoother and more gentle at the begging. "mmm yes that's it, beg me to fuck you like the little whore you are, beg me to rape you!" he hissed, fingering the others prostate, ordering Abraxas about, making him say dirty things, made him call himself a whore, unworthy, useless, worthless and various other things, giving the other pain anytime Abraxas hesitated or refused, before finally fucking him, and fucking him hard, enervating the man any time he passed out, so that he had to endure every brutal moment of the cock in his tight little channel, and the others mocking tones, the growing pleasure, forced on him through experienced hands and unfair spells. fucking Abraxas without mercy until the Malfoy came at least twice before filling the tight ass with his own seed, and then left the other there, naked, bleeding, and broken, the sticking spells breaking once Septimus was far enough away.
Brax whimpered softly as he redressed himself.Frowning when he realized it was almost dinner time.Pulling himself together, rubbing his eyes as he stumbled down to the dorms, wincing a little as he saw tom gettig ready."Date?"He muttered softly collapsing onto his bed curling up under the blanket, cuddling his pillow. his body hurt, and he felt hurt and dirty. Like it was his fault for enjoying it was his fault for what had happened.

"Tom?"Alex smiled a little poking his head in the door, excited to go see the snakes, biting his lip. Nervous because it was like a date thing, instead of just randomly being together.
Tom nodded."yeah." he admitted ruffling his hair to make it messy. "i need to go practice..." he muttered, fleeing the room without looking at Brax, normally something that was, well normal, tom always did that when he got excited about something, but now he had missed his freinds pain, his anguish... Tom had missed the tears on his freinds face, a fact that would later cause him the most guilt he had ever experienced in his short life.

when Alex entered the Chamber Tom was sitting on the couch in the corner...licking something. he didn't appear to have noticed Tom entering yet as he licked and suckled on and then, all at once it would become obvious what Tom was trying to do when he took the cucumber halfway into his mouth, and then yanked it back out as he gagged. "dammit, this is harder than it looks... Alex did it so easy..."
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