Love across time

Brax whimpered at the other's reaction, curling up more, feeling like he'd been kicked.Breaking a little more. Maybe it was true...maybe they really thought he was just a whore...sniffling softly as he drifted to sleep.

Alex swallowed his laughter walking over and crouching in front of him."Are you giving head to a cucumber?"He asked smirkign a little, "I've had practice.lots of it."He snickered, running his fingers through the brunette's hair kissing his forehead."You dont have to love."He said looking distressed, maybe...did he give the hint that he wanted tom to do it right now?Dammit he hadnt wanted to rush things...
Tom shrieked in surprise, the cucumber suddenly in the air as he went beat red. " your not supposed to be here until dinner!" he complained glancing at a clock. "...oh..." it WAS dinner. "i...uhm.. i didn't... i just.. uhm." he took several deep breaths. "i anted to." he finally managed to state. "because it felt so good when you did it to me i wanted to see if i could do it to you." he admitted blushing harder. "because...because i wanna see what you look like, with my mouth around your cock and me sucking and..." he broke off and went beat red again staring at his hands. "sorry..."
"Oh hell..."alex groaned, closing hsi eyes as he pictured that rockign back on his heels a little as he struggled to pull his mind away. Before growling softly, pulling the other to his feet, pulling him close, lifting him up, wrapping his arms around him, smirking as he wrapped tom's legs around his waist."Hmm now that's something I'd like.Later."He growled softly, stumbling a little as he pressed the man into the wall, thrusting against him, holding the other's hips tightly. humping against him, despite getting off so many times already with him, he still wanted more. It was that damned blush."You're beautiful."He muttered dragging him down for a kiss, desperate for relief, without actually fucking him.
Tom gasped at the curse, worried that he'd done something wrong before laughing at the others statement, kissing him hard as he wrapped his arms around the other, moaning eagerly as he bucked into the others hips. "mmm. mmm yeah, oh fuck." he groaned, rubbing back before blushing harder. "do you really think so?" he asked softly, looking so damned cute as he blinked at the other, offering him a smile. "i'm not as beautiful as Brax, or Draconis." he commented. "or you."
Alex blushed, "No one's as beautiful as a malfoy."He grumped but smiled, kissing him slowly."But you are beautiul.And mine."He growled possessively, tightening his hands on the other's hips pto stop his bucking, swallowing hard."We...we came down to see ssain."He said softly, needing to stop before he stripped the other down. Hating that his moral code wouldn't let him fuck the boy yet, but he couldn't. Both glad and frustrated because he couldn't. Looking upset at the thought he smiled stealing a kiss before setting tom back on his feet, nudging him towards the serpent's nest.
Tom groaned a little and nodded. "and be damned if they don't know it too." he teased flashing the other a smirk. "yes, i am yours." he agreed. "and your mine. mm all mine." he purred licking the others neck before pausing, blinking as he remembered Ssain. "oh yeah." he muttered blushing hard as he looked over at the sleeping Basilisk, smiling a little. "i finally get to have a hatchling of my own!" he chirped, excitement staining his voice as he allowed himself to be manhandled over to the nest. "i've always wanted a family of my own." he admitted stroking Ssian. "i have a mother." he smiled at Alex. "i have a boyfriend." well that was bold. "and now we're going to have twins." he chuckled a little, excited by the idea. "i'm going to pick out a little girl." he murmured happily. "a little girl with bright green scales, and gleaming yellow eyes..."
Alex smiled a little laughing sfotly.It wasn't every day he was claimed as someone's boyfriend.though he wasn't about ti dsiagree."Hmmm if you tell me I'm going to have to figth for attention from a snake, I'm going to be whiney."He stated laughing as he sat down on the floor next to the next, smiling softly as he pulled tom down next to him,wrapping his arms around him tightly
Tom chuckled as he snuggled into the others side, watching the eggs with gleaming eyes, licking his lips. "oh...and,,, uhm...sorry." he muttered blushing hard as he suddenly remembered something. "i was going to keep it but then i felt guilty, which is weird because i never feel guilty." he pulled something out of his pocket and offered it to Alex, looking rather ashamed. it was something from Alex's room, a knickknack of some sort, Tom hadn't actually looked at it, it had just sat in his pocket. "sorry..." he muttered softly blushing hard, looking almost timid, as if afraid the other was going to smack him around for it.
Alex gaped at him, a hesitant look entering his eyes as he looked at the ring the other was holding.Biting his lip, before closing the man's fingers over the spelled malfoy crest ring. Spelled to look like the medici's line it was the only thing he had that had belonged to lucius."Keep it.I dont wear it, and...I want you to have it."He said, needing to lay his mark on the other,somehow, just so no one would try to claim what was his. Brushing his lips over the other's hair he sighed. Not really minding the stealing, at least he knew the other felt guilty about taking his things. He'd get them back eventually. " you ever think of wht could go wrong?How things could get so messed up in life?"He asked softly staring intently at the snake eggs, pain flickering over his face. Memories coming as he thought about it.

Brax whimpered as he knocked on the door, shivering as he waited for draco to answer.Despite feeling dirty, feeling unworthy of being near the other, he...he needed the comfort. And...tom had left without noticing. MAybe...maybe draco'd take care of him. biting his lip he prayed that he would.
Tom flushed harder and bit his lip before looking up at the other. "your not mad?" he asked softly, looking relieved. "i can't help it...." he mumbled laying his head on the others shoulder, slipping the ring onto his finger, and smiling when it fit perfectly. " "go wrong?" he asked blinking up at the other before nodding. "yes...i think about them often." he admitted softly. "your thinking about painful things again?" he asked softly, worried about his lover.

there door snapped open and a grumpy looking Draco looked about ready to yell when he froze. "Brax?" he asked letting out all his breath at once. "are you alright? what's wrong?" he demanded moving out of the way. "i'll get a calming drought. one of the weaker ones." he decided rushing off to get the Tea going so he could put the calming drought in it. in Draco's opinion they worked better when they where in tea. "sit, sit." draco ordered gently. "i'll spell the door so no one can listen in."
"No, I'm not mad."He muttered avoiding the other's eyes as he stared at the floor."I always think of painful things. I grew up in a war torn family, nd my mother hated my very existance, because there was no mistaking who my father was.Though amazingly, draco hasn't figured it out."He sighed shivering a little. Waving tom off."Dont worry.I'm just thinking to hard."He said struggling to not tell him,because he was sure his boyfriend would hate him for not telling him sooner.

Brax nodded following the other in, wincing a little as he sat down into the chair, leaning back."I'm fine...just didnt want to be alone...."He muttered, sounding oddly detatched. so unlike him from just hours before. Siping the tea without protest, where he usually protested being drugged.But he knew...he needed it, otherwise he wasn't going to get any sleep.
Tom smiled as he wrapped his fingers in the others and kissed his cheek. "we need to give you some good memories to think about." he decided, gasping as one of the eggs started to rock. "lets start now!" he chirped beaming at the other. "and then, after we can make another with the dinner i made the house elves make. and then we can make another when i try to suck you off." he paused. "that was the right term wasn't it?" he asked slightly embarrassed. "i got it out of a magazine but sometimes their not all that accurate..." he was babbling again.

Draco frowned as he watched Abraxas' odd behavior, his head tilting a little. "Brax...whats wrong?" he asked softly, gently reaching out and setting his hand on the others. "has Tom done something?" he asked his head tilted. "tell me...i can help..."
Alex laughed softly, his pain melting under amusement."Confiscaated something didnt you?"He tesed before ndding,"And yes. you're correc."He said amused gently stroking his hand through tom's hair.

Brax flinched violently under the touch, hunching a little in his seat "No.. no tom didn't do anything.He's eating with lex in romantic bliss."He muttered wrapping his arms around himself,getting up."I'm going..."He said wavering on his feet as he stood to quickly.
he went beat red. "...well...yes...." he muttered sheepishly laying his head on the others shoulder. "look! that one's cracking!" one of the eggs in the back had begun to split, and Ssian raised her massive head, flicking her tongue as the first little snakeling spilled out. Male she informed them, Tom pouting a little, but still looking amazed as he watched the eggs. "this is amazing." he murmured excited. "i'm so glad i could share this with you."

Draco looked confused, and almost hurt when Abraxas pulled away. "Brax?..." he asked softly gently steadying the boy, but letting him go as soon as the other winced. "your not fit to go anywhere, come here." he ordered, carefully guiding the other into Draco's bedroom. "sleep." he ordered softly. "i'll be in the living room if you need me alright?" he asked softly, reaching out to stroke Abraxas' hair but stopping himself.
Alex smiled,"Me to."He muttered pulling the other over, between his legs restin his head on the other's shoulder.Cuddling him as they watched the snakes. Before his stomach tightened, shivering a little because he'd just remembered who nagini would become.Tightening his arms around the boy in his arms he nuzzled his neck."Mine."He muttered, not willing to share with voldemort,never.

Brax looked pained when draco looked hurt, curling up on the bed, and even as he reached out to stroke his hair, leaning towards the other's hand, despite not wanting touched, he wanted comfort." can stay...if you want to..."He muttered softly, not wanting to be alone.Just.. not wanting to tell him because he knew draco wouldn't want him anymore
Tom smiled as he watched snuggling into the other. "i wonder if someone can spoil a snake?" he muttered softly. he had already changed a great deal thanks to Alex. never in Voldemort's history had Tom ever tried to return something he stole, or felt guilty about it. never in voldemort's history would he have shared such a precious moment, or offered to let the other have such a rare snake as well. in fact, at one time Voldemort had even gone around, looking for the little things, slaughtering them to make sure no one else would get one, he had also killed any and all parseltongues he had found, all but Alex. "Yours." Tom purred, pleased with the statement. another change, before, Tom would have killed anyone who had tried to claim him, but he seamed pleased when Alex did. "look! there's another!" he chirped excitedly. MaleSsian stated, with amusement in her voice making Tom pout again. "damn..."

Draco hesitated then gently stroked the others hair. "i'll stay." he promised. "just give me one second alright?" he asked getting up and moving into the other room before coming back, a book in one hand and a deep purple potion in the other as he settled into a chair next to the other. "you won't tell me whats wrong, so i don't know how to specifically help you, but i think this might." Draco admitted softly. "it's a branch off of the Dreamless Sleep potion." he admitted softly, offering it to the other. "take a swallow? please?" he asked, clearly worried to death about the other, the vial marked with Draco's neat, yet small handwriting Voluptarius Somnium.
Alex laughed softly, biting his neck a little."You pout so cutely."He teased relaxing. Because he knew that he had changed things already, small things that would have never happened before, but for the better."There'll be a girl. No worries."He teased,Though I might claim a male. he hissed holding out a hand, laughing a little when the small serpent curled around his hand.

brax bit his lip before smiling."Thanks."He said softly swallowing the potion, before settling dwn to go to sleep. His face smoothing out as the potion made him go to sleep, for the moment letting what happened leave him.Feeling safe in draco's room, he knew the other man wouldn't let anything happen to him
Tom smirked a little as he was bitten, moaning softly as he licked his lips. "are you sure?" he teased smiling as he watched the snake curl around his arm. "i think you've been claimed." he admitted, missing one of the eggs splitting open. Female Toms head whipped around to see the very snake he had wanted, his breath hitching a little as if he had laid eyes on his own flesh and blood daughter for the first time, moving over and gently reaching down to pick her up. "oh Alex look, she's PERFECT." he whispered, stroking the scales. "Nagini, my little Nagini."

the potion did more than just cause a person to go through a dreamless sleep. it was a potion that brought out good dreams, dreams that would make Abraxas smile, like having a picnic with Draco, feeding the 'professor' fruits. dreaming of the time he and Tom met, giggling in a muggle playground because he knew if his father caught him he would get in trouble, but not caring because Tom was just so much fun. dreaming good things and calming things and sometimes tender things that would cause Brax to relax and smile, Draco gently stroking the others hair as the boy slept.
Alex laughed softly watching the other,pressing a kiss to the man's neck."She is perfect."He pouted a little petting his own snake, biting his lip as he thought of a name."Siri."He muttered stroking the snake watching tom. He was, so beautiful watching his snake."I think I'm jealous of a snake."He teased before smiling wider."Tom, we probably should be going.It's getting late, and I don't need dumbledore breathing down my neck for being out."

Brax smiled relaxing at every stroke of his hair, every scene that came to him.relaxed and easy, taking the comfort the other man offered.
Tom laughed as he carefully placed Nagini into his shirt pocket, shaking his head a little. "at least no one will think it weird that i have a snake, i ALWAYS had the things on me the first couple of years." he admitted smiling a little. "people got used to it pretty quickly, and being that your a parsel too i don't think they'll think it strange either." he admitted kissing Alex. "besides, there's no reason to be jealous. Nagini is going to be my bouncing baby daughter." he purred happily, already in love with the snake sleeping next to his heart. "besides your a teacher aren't you? you should be able to come and go as you please...i haven't showed you my special dinner yet, and i haven't gotten to try and suck you off." that declaration was matched with a bright blush.
Alex laughed softly, shaking his head."Dumbledore doesn't trust me, though he had to hire me,because he didnt have anyone else."He muttered before kissing him, laughing softly at the man. Because the other was so adorable with the snake."And special dinner?And are you sure?"He said blushing slightly, not wanting to force him to do anything. Running a hand down the other's back he kissed him slowly, smiling as siri settled around his neck like a necklace, burrowing under the collar of her shirt.
he smiled and nodded. "yes, i made the houseleves do it." he admitted laughing a little as he pointed to another corner where a table was set up, a small flair of light and candles shed light across the dark corner, giving it a very romantic feel. another thing that Voldemort would never have done, romance had just made the man sick, or so he had claimed. but now Tom was not only embracing romance, but he was taking charge in it. "i hope you like it." Tom muttered nervously. "i wasn't sure what you might like so i guessed...we have steak, and crab legs." he admitted. "and whine, which since I got it i DO get to drink."
"Oh you do do you?"He teased sitting down at the table, reclinging in his seat,before transfiguring it into a couch, pulling the other down next to him, cuddling as he started eating the steak."And I'll eat about anything. And I do like it."He said kissing him softly, amused that tom had pulled so far away from voldemort."Lovely, just lovely.Like you."He said softly, blushing at the mushiness. Like tom, he usually wasnt like this, romantic, but tom was bringing the best in him.
Tom smiled happily, feeling pleased with himself as he cracked open a crab leg. 'i love crab.," he breathed grinning as he sucked up the meat like a vacuum. Tom had always loved crab, even as the insane Voldemort he had crab as often as was possible, even going so far as to raid muggle grocery stores for the tasty treat. and he never shared, ever, the last person he caught swiping bits of crab had lost all their fingers, even Nagini hadn't gotten any, but now he pulled a sliver of it, and offered it to the tiny baby snake and offered Alex a large chunk from the tray they where sitting on. "you should be honored." he ordered grinning. "i don't usually share." he paused then. "of course...Abraxas doesn't like seafood so i guess i never really had a chance to share before." he shrugged and cracked open another leg, feeling happy and content.
Alex smiled softly, leaning forward to nibble on the crab meat the other fed him, "I do feel honored."He said, because he truly understood how big it was. Nuzzling the other's neck he smiled,"Ah, it must be a malfoy thing then, to not like seafood."He said snickering at the idea, because draco didnt like it either. Wincing a little at the admittance as he fed a piece of meet to siri."I love you."He whispered, paling softly at the admittance. Having meant to say he loved the food,and...well opps.
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