Love across time

Alex looked startled, staring at the man in his arms."And how did YOU figure out who he was?"He said looking tired, hoping the other didn't realize just how they were related.Hoping tom mistook them for abraxas's fathers get, and not his grandchildren."And it really wont bother brax."He muttered, stroking the others hair."Sleep love."
he smirked a little. "anyone with intimate knowledge of Malfoy looks and behaviors would know the two come from the same family." he stated simply. "i'm guessing their cousins." he admitted. "they have the same eyes, same hair, same chiseled face." he yawned a little. "same snobbish attitude and superiority complex, both as stubborn as a mewl." he yawned again. "mmm but...Draco's only a lil older...n Abraxas...likes older men..." he murmured something unintelligible and was asleep just like that.
Alex laughed softly, now that was entertaining.Smiling slightly as he went to sleep himself.

Alex smiled as he carried the other into his room, setting him down on the bed, with every intent of making him change clothes before they went to breakfast.Though he wanted to check with draco before he woke up his sleeping lover.Smiling softly as he opened draco's door, he looked shocked to see brax sleeping on one side of the bed,and draco watching him."You know you could just cuddle him."He muttered walking over, looking down at the youngest malfoy in the room, frowning.Sensing something wrong, but not able to find the cause of his uneasy.
Draco was gently stroking the blonds hair, looking up at Alex with troubled eyes. "i think he'd panic if i tried." he admitted softly. "he wouldn't tell me what was wrong but...." he swallowed hard. "there was blood... it was seeping through his pants... i cleaned it with a spell but..." he bit his lip hard, fighting back tears and rage. "did tom notice anything off last night?" he asked softly his head tilted making sure the blankets where pulled firmly over Abraxas so that Alex wouldn't see the bloodstain on the younger Malfoy's ass and down his leg. because Draco had only been able to stop the bleeding, by the time he'd noticed, the blood had already stained the expensive material.
"he didn't say anything."He said looking disturbed as he backed out of the room, shaking tom awake before going back to draco, pulling him up and wrapping his arms around him tightly."We should change know him.He'll be prissy about the pants."He said softly, holding draco tighter."we'll figure out what happened.We will."
Tom groaned as he was woken up, yanking the blankets over his head, he didn't want to get up! Draco shook his head though as he let his brother comfort him. "i'm afraid to touch him, i set my hand on his when he came in and he nearly panicked. if he wakes up with me taking off his clothes...what would any normal person think!? it's better to just wait until he wakes up and let him change himself..." he trembled in Alex's arms. "and i have a very bad feeling, that i already know what happened..."
"Hell..."Alex cursed softly realizing they really couldn't change the other's clothes."Come on.We're going to go ask tom."He muttered picking up the blond, holding him close as he walked back to his bedroom."Tom?Love, are you awake?Draco has something he needs to ask you."He said truly worried, and the tight ball of fear telling him he already knew to. He'd seen this behavior to many times, to be ignorant of what it meant.
Draco nodded as he followed his brother, swallowing hard as Tom sat up, rubbing his eyes. "mmm whassit?" "Tom, was Abraxas acting strangely at all last night?" he asked softly, Tom pausing, looking confused. "not that i know if, but i didn't see him really. he walked in just as i was leaving." he paused, looking back. "christ i didn't even look at him, is he upset with me? i hope not..." he muttered looking nervous. "whats going on?...why do you two look upset?" he demanded his eyes widening. "did...did he...did he try to kill himself!?" he demanded Draco looking startled."no! god no why would you think that!?" "...oh...he..he just...he tried to...a few years ago...that's all i just... the way you where acting..."
Alex cursed moving away so he could pace."No, he was.."He stopped, pacing not looking at them as he tried to work off the argression. As by far the more violent of the three in the room, he couldn't leave until he was sure he wouldn't curse everyone within sight until someone confessed."Brax's hurt.he...he doesn't want touched."He swallowed hard, trying to think of how to tell this man, who'd been so excited about his date that he hadn't noticed his friend was hurt."No he's not upset with you. He's just really hurt.Draco drugged him to get him to relax."He said knowing it was true.
Tom swallowed hard and he flung the blankets off of himself, racing into Draco's room to settle next to Abraxas, Nagini sliding out of his pocket to gently kiss away the tears that where sliding down his cheeks. "Brax...oh Brax..." he whispered, gently hooking their pinkies together. something they had done as children, meeting in that secrete playground, promising to stay freinds forever. "please be ok..." he whispered softly. "i'll kill whoever hurt you...i'll kill them Braxas!" he promised, his voice growing wild. "i promise! i'll make them suffer for what they did to you!" it wasn't quite the event that Draco and Alex where looking for, but Tom had already killed once, it would be so easy to kill again, but this time he had Alex to stop him.
Brax whimpered cringing away from the angry man,curling up more. Alex hissed softly, his eyes going wide.Wondering if this was the moment that had changed everything. Cursing softly as he walked into the other room he eased tom away a bit, ust so their pinkies were still together, cuddling tom as he rested his cheek against tom's shoulder. His rage choking him, swallowing hard as he panted to breath normally."We'll take care of him."He muttered soothingly, gently stroking the boy's hair.
Tom hissed with Rage as the other tugged him away, thinking Alex meant to pull him away from Abraxas, but relaxed as he was comforted instead, bursting into sobs. "take care of him!? i didn't even notice he was upset last night." he whispered, trying to wipe away the tears. "i was so focused on my own goddamn self that...that..." that his friend had been ignored. "g..goddammit..." and with that he stopped trying to hold back his tears, and simply buried his face in Alex's chest, and sobbed for his friend.
Alex sighed softly pressing a kiss to his head swallowing hard.Tears spiking his eyelashes as he buried his face against his hair. Trying hard not to think of when he'd held rabastan, the older man so broken and shattered at his brother's murder and rape.This was...goddamnit he couldn't change anything. Swallowing hard."He knew you were excited.So he didn't say anything.Brax wouldn't want you to be upset like this."He muttered lookign up at draco,needing help because he was quickly losing his own control.
Draco moved over to them and gently pressed kisses to both their foreheads. "Tom, crying isn't going to stop this." he whispered softly. "and killing whoever did it, killing ANYONE is not going to make Brax feel better." he explained softly, Tom sniffling as he wiped his eyes on Alex's shirt. "then what can i do!?" Tom demanded, Draco smiling. "you can stay here, with him, stay close, give him the support he needs, and help him heal, hold him when he cries, and not treat him like brittle glass." he explained softly. "you can carry his books when he's feeling tired, and get food from the kitchen when he doesn't want to get out of bed. and by GOD you can tell him, time and time again that you love him and that you will always be there for him." he smiled. "that, will be the best thing you could EVER do for him."
Alex smiled slightly as he looked up at his brother, wincing at the small broken whimper from the youngest malfoy's throat."Shush sweetheart..were here..."He muttered.

Brax whined,cringing away from them all blinking slowly."What...why is everyone in my bed?"he whimpered curling up."Did...did i sleep with all you?"Horror and fear creeping into his voice as weasley's words came back to him..
Draco shook his head. "no love." he murmured softly, gently stroking his hair. "you slept in my bed because i didn't want you out in the halls remember? Tom and Alex are here because their worried about you." he admitted Tom offering him a shaky grin. "i'm sorry Brax, i should have noticed are you feeling? any better?..i...i can go and get you some breakfast, are you hungry?" he asked softly, biting his lip to keep from crying again. crying would not fix Brax, but maybe a lot of love and care could.
Brax cringed under the other's hand before relxing nodding a little."food would be nice."he said wiht a small shy smile,sitting up slowly watching the three of them nervously.

Alex winced his heart aching to watch any malfoy,any teen ac so shy around his friends. swallowing hard as he stood."Come on tom,we'll go track down some food."He said, not willing to let tom go alone. not knowing what happened was makng him cautious
Tom nodded, looking relieved to not be going alone and turned to Brax. "i'll get all your favorites." he promised smirking almost playfully. "Crab, Sushi, Tuna, oh and your ultimate favorite, Scallops!" he teased laughing as he flounced out the door before Abraxas threw something at his head...again, Draco making soft gagging noises at the promised selections. "please don't eat that in front of me." Draco whined pathetically once the two lovers here gone, shaking his head as he held a pair of pants out to Brax. "you need to change before they come back...there was...there was some blood." he admitted softly. "i'm afraid your pants are ruined..."
Brax looked startled,then pained.Realizing that he hadnt been able to keep it from ther other he avoided his eyes nodding a little as he sat up slower, smiling as he took the offered pants."Thanks."He muttered making his painful way to the bathroom to change.If anything he felt worse this morning then he had the nigth before.Whmpering he leaned against the counter wondering if he would be able to get back to bed.
Draco smiled softly at Abraxas and waited outside the door for the other to get dressed, after a moment he knocked on the door. "Brax? you need help?" he asked softly, sounding almost hopeful. as if he wanted to help the other, be helpful. "i'm made you some tea." that meant calming drought. "and i have some pain potion here for you as well." Draco knew what Abraxas was going through, he really did, though no one knew, because Draco had never told anyone, not even Alex.
Brax whimpered softly as he opened the door looking at the other blond as he used the doorframe to stay on his feet."help me?"He said looking at him through pained silver eyes, trembling ever so softly as the only thing keeping him upright was pure stubbornness and force of will."I...I cant walk back...""He whimpered.It was amazing he'd manged to go from the dungeons to draco's rooms at all.
Draco carefully wrapped his arm around the others waist, letting Abraxas use him as a crutch, knowing the others pride wouldn't allow him to be carried. "it's all right Abraxas." Draco promised softly. "your amazingly strong to even get this far." he promised smiling at the other as he carefully laid the other in the bed and offered him the pain potion first. "i'm going to get rid of your pants. Tom doesn't realize yet, he just thinks you got your ass kicked." he admitted, "i fear what he would do if he realizes you where..." he sighed a little and ran his hand through his hair. "can you give me a name Abraxas? i can handle it quietly, land him in Azakaban for life, no matter what his age.... and no one needs ever to hear your name..." discretion, was an important factor in any Malfoy's life.
Brax stared at him,panic filling those grey eyes as looked at him. Whimpering sofly as he spilled the potion in his distraught moment."n-no."he said panicing because he remembered what weasley had said.he'd been paid.And without knowing who paid he didn't dare get rid of weasley. Avoiding the other's eyes he shook his head."Alex...did alex guess?"He whispered pained.Because he hated his friend knwing,but was afraid alex would tell him. whimpering in distress, not wanting his friend to treat him differently.

With each person they past alex because more wound up, finally as they neared the kitchen stopping,pulling the other into his arms,pulling him into a aclove,burying his face in his neck."You wont go anywhere alone.And you'll let me and draco deal with the person who did this."He demanded holding him tightly,as if he could protect him through sheer force of will
Draco paused and then gently took the potion out of the others fingers so he didn't spill any more, shaking his head. " have to calm down." he murmured softly. "Alex knows, but Tom doesn't." he promised softly. "and Alex won't tell him, we had a hard enough time convincing him not to go on a killing spree with him thinking you where only attacked." Draco smiled at him. "he loves you very much, he would do anything to protect you." he gently took the others hand, and lifted it to his lips, gently kissing the knuckles. "i would do anything to protect you...please, Abraxas...let me help you."

Tom as getting more and more angry with every person they passed, trying to decide which person had DARED to attack the man he had claimed as family, gasping when he was grabbed, swallowing hard at Alex's words. "but...but Abraxas.... i can't just let the person who hurt him walk away! i won't allow this!" Tom protested, tears in his eyes again. "Alex you can't ask me to ignore Abrax's pain!"
Brax sighed softly studying the other man as he settled back against the pillows, Bitig nhis lip, because he wanted to tell him,but he couldn't. Not draco, who was a malfoy, who knew what he thought of weasley's in the future?They didn't get along in this time period, he didn't want to see what it'd be in the future. Shaking his head he scooted over,tugging the other man into the bed,making him lay down, resting his head on his chest."You are helping."He said softly.

Alex held him tighter,feeling the anger coiled in tom's body, burying his face against tom's neck,"I'm not going to allow anyone to get away with this. You take care of brax, I'm going to take care of the man who did this.I dont want you anywhere near him."He snarled softly, unable to make the words softer, because he was to angry and afraid, afraid of whoever did this to a quidditch player who regularly worked out, would see the slighter, smaller tom as a victim to. Wincing as he felt magic swirling around them, struggling to gain control again before he lashed out. "Love,I'll take care of this."He muttered against his skin.
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