Love across time

"No."Pain filled those eyes as he moved away,avoiding looking at him, trembling ever so slightly."Tom, you can't make them."He said softly, knowing better then to believe that."You already made one. Killing at 16 is proof enough of that. You cant do it again."He muttered flipping through the pages."You'll drive yourself insane the more you break yourself into more pieces."
Tom scowled darkly at the other. "how would you know!? it';s a theoretical practice!" he snapped angrily. "i made one and i'm not insane now am i!?" he demanded grabbing for the book again. "Alex give it back!" he ordered, getting to his feet properly now, looking almost desperate. "i NEED it." because what no one realized, was that the art had already affected him, it had made him terrified of dying, though he'd already had that it made him desperate to make as many as he could so he would NEVER die. he was already a little insane, and more than a lot addicted to the dark arts that had created the very first Horcrux back in Merlin's own days.
Alex glared at him, holding the book out of his reach, shaking his head."No. I've seen what this much dark arts does to someone, I wont let it do it to you."He said wincing as his temper and pain snapped, sending a slap of dark magic at the other, more like a adult smacking down a child as a warning then with the true intent to hurt him."Please. Don't do this. I've seen what that many murders, that much dark arts does to a person.It WILL drive you insane tom."He whispered, not realizing he was going quiet. Like always, in true anger, in that rage induced moments he grew quieter, and was more disturbing for that cold silence. So much like lucius in those moments, when the pureblooded arscocrat showed through.
Tom gasped at the slap of Dark magic, his eyes wide with astonishment at the light sting. now one had ever done such a thing to him before, hell he'd never even been slapped, or punished at all before, it left him startled and shocked and then to his utter horror he found tears springing to his eyes. "but...Alex i..i need it." he whispered, like a child asking for a piece of candy after their mother had exploded on them, looking about as terrified as a child after getting punished for the very first time, hoping that their parent still loved them... and really, that's what Tom was, a small child who had never had anyone truly care about him before. he swallowed hard and his lip trembled and he sat down on the couch, struggling to regain control of himself.
lex cursed softly to himself as he crossed to the couch, his heart and head hurting as he sat down next to the other, wrapping his arms around him, pulling him into his lap, holding him tightly, burying his face against his shoulder."No you don't.Promise me you wont.. Please don't do this.Not to us."the last bit almost lost in a low mutter."Don't go where I can't follow."He said with a low whimper, holding him so tightly. tears spiking his eyelashes as the rage, fear and pain that had wrapped around them since he'd found out about brax, and worried about tom being the same, crystalfied and shattered,ripping his heart and sanity to shreds as he thought about losing this tom to voldemort. It'd been bad enough watching the orginal voldemort losing his sanity, it'd be so much watch to watch this one go.
Tom flinched as he was pulled into the others lap, clearly having been expecting pain. all the adults in his life hurt him when they where angry, but not Alex. he relaxed into the embrace, leaning into Alex before sighing softly. "alright Alex... i won't make another one." he promised softly. "the first one didn't work right anyway." he muttered softly, giving himself a reason not to continue. he could find another way to gain immortality, he had to find a way, Death was waiting for him and it crept up a little more everyday. "i won't make another one." but that didn't mean he wouldn't study it. "c..can i have a kiss?" he asked softly, like a child wanting to be reassured that he was still loved.
Alex smiled gently kissing the other, tangling his fingers in his hair,holding him close."I love you."He said gently stroking the boy in his lap, holding him close. Wanting to protect him from himself, not wanting to know what would happen if he had to watch him change...and knew with frightening clarity, that for this tom, the one he loved, he'd drive the world to its knees.
Tom sighed in relief as he was kissed, leaning into the other, simply enjoying the gentle contact, the good feelings that he so rarely got filling him once more. feeling loved and cared for and cared about. "i love you too." he whispered softly, snuggling tighter into the other. "i love you too." he would find a cure for death, and when he did he would share it with Alex, and they would live forever in happy bliss, living wherever they wanted to. "i'll always love you." tom promised kissing Alex's neck, wondering how he could get his book back. there where other theories in there that he could look into. maybe he'd just have to steal it back later.
Alex smiled,holding him tighter,fingers stroking over his lover's hand, smiling easier when he felt the signet ring pressing against his fingers. All would be well.He'd make sure it was.

Almost a month later alex snarled as he stepped into his rooms, glaring at the two blonds sitting at the kitchen table, and despite being in different chairs, they were cuddling. His heart relaxing even though his temper was snapping more at the sight of the two. IT was good to see Brax relaxing enough to be cozy, but dammit, when his own snuggle buddy was MIA, no one should get snuggled."Have you see riddle?" Brax looked up startled from his book, having not heard alex call tom by his last name since they beginning of their romance.Wrinkling his nose a little."Not since he said he was going to the library to study.You?"He muttered nudging the writing draco, turning his head to look at him. Wondering what had alex in knots, besides that tom had to leave for vacation in a few days. Wondering what happened now. For the last few days, weeks really, the two had been going back and forth between arguing and being lovey dovey. He wondered what was wrong.
Draco looked up from his work and blinked at Alex, looking worried. "he was in the library last i saw, a younger year Ravenclaw took off with him, said she'd 'discovered' something." he rolled his eyes. "i think you remember her, McGonagall?" a wanna be Hermione if there ever was one. he scowled at Alex a little. "whats wrong with you anyway?" he demanded biting his lip a little. "did Tom steal your favorite pair of pants again?" Tom loved Alex;s favorite pair of pants, and took off with them as often as he thought he could get away with it. "whats going on with you two anyway? your like knifflers and Crups these days..." or in muggle talk, cats and dogs.
Alex twitched, groaning mentally at the idea of tom spending time with her."Yes he stole my pants, and nothing."He said annoyed. The idea of tom making a horcrux despite his promise had been plaguing him since he'd first realized the man was thinking about it."And nothing's wrong with me!"He shot over his shoulder as he ducked back out of the room before either malfoy could force him to answer questions, heading for the library.Wanting a few quiet minutes with tom before they got busy with getting ready for break.

Brax frowed watching him go, "Something's wrong. He's such a liar.Tom's not one for fights, and I know alex. He wouldn't pick one if he wasn't anxious about something."He frowned harder biting his lip. Wondering if he really dared to do what he was thinking about.
Tom was sitting with Minerva, scowling at a book in her hands in that cute little way he did when he got really focused on something. he always did that when he worked on a new potion with Draco, or tried to make his own spell, which usually ended up with him int he hospital wing, with Alex playfully berating him for taking careless risks. had Alex been further away he could have thought that Tom was simply trying to make a new spell, but he wasn't far enough away, and he could see the book 'Horcurx and other immortality means' in Minerva's hands, the one that Alex had confiscated from Tom. "no, Minnie, i promised i wouldn't make more Horcrux...i didn't promise i wouldn't achieve immortality another way, now what did you find?" and if the book wasn't the nail in the coffin, that was.

Draco sighed a little and shook his head. "i think i might know." Draco admitted. "Alex caught Tom with a book he shouldn't have had, in the future it's one of the things that lead tome into being the insane mass murderer that he would have become had we not been's...put him on edge." he admitted softly, closing his eyes. "and Tom is worried about going back tot he orphanage for Christmas, the other children are horrible to him there." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'm sure that everything will be fine when we come back from break." he hoped so anyway.
Alex snarled softly as he walked closer, standing across from the two, wondering how long it would talke the two to notice. Staring down at them, tilting his head as he read upside down. Pain and betrayal showing in those eyes, so much so siri stuck his head out of his shirt to hiss a question at him, wanting to know why he was suddenly so tense. Wondering if even in his quest, tom would even notice that he'd come.

Brax winced rubbing his eyes as he shifted to wrap his arms around him."I tried to convince dumbledore to let him come with us, and alex tried to get him to stay here, but he wouldn't bend. tom has to go back."He sighed softly, "Alex on edge isn't pleasant."He grumbled resting his head on the other's shoulder biting his lip."His..journals here. If we needed to, be sure that is we could...I know its not right...but they're tearing each other apart."
there where several things written on the paper 'sorceress stone' was at the top but it had been crossed off. 'body transmutation' was another but that too had been crossed off. "anti aging potion would work for a while... but..." "no that won't work... it's addictive and can create insanity... i don't want to be insane... Alex wouldn't like it. i have to find a way fro both of us to live forever,.... i don't want to die and i don't want him to leave me behind..." he sighed a little and closed his eyes. "so what did you find then?" "well there's another type of Horcrux, or sort of duplicates instead of... p..professor Medici..." "a..Alex...." Tom muttered, startled as he slid the book behind his back, looking decidedly guilty. "i...uh..." he seamed to know he was in trouble, hell he WAS in trouble. "Minnie you might want to leave..." Tom muttered softly, the young ravenclaw wisley fleeing.
Alex stared down at him, closing off the part of his heart that was breaking, looking down at him as professor to student instead of lovers. WEll....except for the words. As professional as he could be, even with pain lacing the words."Maybe you should go screw her, seeing as you asked her for help instead of me."He said simply before turning and walking away. It was hurting to much to think of something, anything beyond the bone deep pain. Gasping softly as he slipped into the alcove in the library near the door, doubled over with pain as he rested his forehead on his knees, wondering why it felt so hard to breath, to clear his head.
Tom looked completely horror struck as he gaped at the other, tears springing to his eyes as he realized what Alex had said, and he fled to the train before anyone could see him,, bursting into tears as the train rushed off, wishing for the first time in his life that he could just die.

Draco shook his head a little. "i am NOT going to read Alex's diary Abraxas." Draco stated rolling his eyes. "everything will be FINE." he sighed a little. "i don't know what i'll do with myself though, Alex is going to be bitchy the entire break, and your not going to be here for me to escape with." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "i was going to go home for the break but then i remembered that it is currently housed by people who are not supposed to know i exist yet."
"Well,you could come anyways.It's not like you don't know-"He stopped staring at the crushed look on alex's face s he stumbled in. Looking even more out of it then he'd come in. Staring because he knew right at that moment the train was leaving, and..."Alex?"He asked softly yelping as the other tripped over thin air, catching him as he fell.Bracing himself as he stumbled."Alex?"He muttered wincing at the look on the other's face.

Alex stumbled away from him, headign for his bedroom,collapsing onto the bed, curling up, crying softly. Not actually believing that he'd said that. That he'd been so cold...but he'd been so shocked, so hurt that the other had been researching without including him.
Draco gasped as Alex walked in, watching in horror. "something bad has happened...something VERY bad.," he whispered softly grabbing a calming drought, the strongest one he had and mixed it with tea. Brax stay in my room alright? Alex isn't going to have much control right now... put up wards and silencing spells." he suggested swallowing hard, waiting for Brax to do as told before moving into Alex's room. "Alex...Alex drink this." Draco ordered, hoping to get it into Alex before the man blew up, if he even did, it was hard for Draco to tell what the man was feeling when he was that upset.
Brax nodded snapping up the wards and silencing spells before waiting. Knowing this was going to be ugly. Alex whimpered curling up more refusing to even look at his brother, tears soaking the pillow under his cheek."...hates me...did mean it....didnt didnt!"He keened softly, magic swirling around them, as he lost control. not anger, but pain. Pain as deep on the two of them, letting draco know just how very devasted he was."Didn't...didnt mean to yell...didnt want him...horcruxes...didnt mean to say it...I was scared..."he muttered to himself."Now..he's gone...gone and he wont come back...not...not to me..."he whimpered louder.
Draco grimaced as he felt the pain, nodding to himself, understating what had happened as he pressed the vial tot he others mouth. "shh, it's alright Alex. take this, it will help." he promised softly, pouring a mouthful in and using a muttered spell to make Alex swallow. with how devastated the other was he doubted Alex would even notice. "Tom will come back, he knows you love him, Tom needs you just as much as you need him. it will be alright." he promised softly, stroking the others hair. "now, another drink." he ordered, his voice calm, even as tears slid down his cheeks.
Alex whined softly but not protesting as the other made him take the potion, drifting off to sleep as the emotional tormoil was pulling him under. Waking up, he was going to be a mess,but for now, he was crashing.

Brax winced as he watched Draco come into the room, pain flashing in his eyes."How is he?"He asked softly, worried as he got up wrapping his arms around the slighter man, worried about the tears falling down his face. "Did he hurt you?"He asked, having witness enough to know alex could do it if he wasn't thinking clearly, running his hands over the other, looking for injuries.
Draco shook his head as he sat down,. "no, he was 'broadcasting'. his magical powers carried his emotions and when they hit me i felt his heartbreak." he admitted sighing as he laid his head on Abrax's chest, inhaling his scent as deeply as he could. "Alex said something hurtful to Tom...something he didn't mean but something that made Tom hate him, so he thinks." he admitted softly. "i didn't get to learn exactly what he said but whatever it was.... it's not pleasant." he admitted softly. "i think Alex needs to get out of the castle for a while..."
Brax cursed softly. There were so many jabs that a upset alex could make at his friend. Knowing just how to get through the brunette's guard. he sighed softly nodding. "Pack things for you both. I'll floo mother and inform her we're all coming."He said kissing the other gently before moving away before the other could respond. Returning in a half hour wincing slightly as he looked at draco, "Can we wake him up enough so we can apparate him?"He asked, looking at alex as he curled up around draco's smaller frame.
Draco nodded gently shaking his brother. "alex, Alex wake up." he whispered softly gently smacking his brother awake. "we're going to apparate Love." he murmured softly, glancing at Abraxas. "i've already told Dumbledore that we're going to visit family for the break." he admitted softly shaking Alex awake again. "come on now Xander." he ordered softly, using a long unused nickname, something Draco had often called Alex, because Alex was 'too kiddish' and Alexander was 'too long'. "Come on, up we get." he ordered softly. "i have a key to the wards, so we can apparate right out." he admitted smiling at Brax. "lets go meet your mother."
Alex looked startled at his nickname, shivering a little, smiling as he wrapped his arms around draco,leaning into him. Brax nodded, glad that they'd be able to leave without walking the disabled man around.Because thats what he considered the man now, disabled enough to not be able to function.Hopefully things would change. Apparating them he smiled slightly when they weren't even settled when his mother's hands closed on alex's arms to settle the man.

Morgana Malfoy smiled slightly at her son, looking startled to find herself holding a man on his feet who could be a younger son. Smiling gently at the three."Welcome to malfoy manor."
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