Love across time

"Holy hell."Brax cyrsed as he got to his feet, stumbling a little as he cursed."Fucking hell."He looked confused and worried,"If he had to get him, where'd alex take him?Would he come back here or go to school?"He asked feeling helpless and angry that he hadn't been there to protect his friend.

Alex cursed softly scrambling over to him, wrapping his arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head. What happened love?What can I do?"Alex whispered starting to feel paniced, his heart racing as he held the other tighter. Fear twisting through him
Draco shook his head. "not tot he school." Draco stated sternly. "he's already there n doubt. Dumbledore's been trying to drive Tom out of the way for years, he's no doubt involved in all of this." he stated calmly grabbing his wand. "we better tell your mother Tom's been hurt, she's still on the school council she can MAKE Dumbledore let Tom come here." he stated firmly glancing at Brax, the same rage shining in his eyes as when Brax had been hurt. "i have some muggles to slaughter when all of this is finished." he stated a snarl on his lips. "and then i have a fucking headmaster to deal with."

Tom just cringed away from Alex, not seeing him, not seeing anything. "please...please..." Tom muttered through his heart wrenching sobs. "please... please no more, please no more...." trembling violently as he tried to get free of Alex, and if that wasn't a slap int he face as to what happened nothing was. though the letter that Draco sent to Alex would probably be a little more helpful. explaining that three muggle boys had held Tom down and taken turns raping him, for Merlin only knew how long.
Brax nodded looking up at the other, before cursing."Fucking hell. We have to go to diagon alley."He cursed loudly and viciously before grabbing the other's wrist, and apparating, looking around for his mother as they arrived at gringhotts. "Lords can I help you?"The smaller goblin looked up at the malfoy heir. "Where is my mot-" "Abraxas?Draconis?Whatever is wrong?"Morgana said as she excused herself from her husband's side, walking over to them."To's hurt. Dumbledore refuses to let him come to the manor. Your on the schoolboard, and alex's gone missing because he's hurt.We need both of them at the manor."He said smiling a little when the look of fierce protectiveness crossed her face."I will handle this myself."She said sounding so much like narcissa for a moment it was like she'd skipped a few years and found herself in their orginal time

Alex cursed silently, wincing as he stood, wrapping his arms around the ther gently as he led him down the stairs."No more I promise.Come on love, let's get you some'll feel better."He said letting him walk, not wanting to scare him more by carrying him. Vicious anger and fear twisting his body.
he nodded and followed Abraxas into the town, pale and shaking, eyes narrowed with rage, the only sighns at all of how close he was to completely losing control. "thank you Lady Malfoy." Draco managed to state his fingers twitching slightly, several of the goblins inching away from Draco. "i have to go get some Potions ready." he stated simply. "calming drought...sleeping potions...pain potions... healing," he muttered, making lists. because making lists calmed him down, and the more lists he made the less likely he was going to rush to the orphanage and slaughter everyone there. a Malfoy habit, it was amazing that Morgana hadn't noticed that Draco was a Malfoy yet, it really was. "make the bed, hide the mirrors....tom won't like mirrors, won't want to see himself..." Draco muttered, already starting to calm down. "make some soup, gotta make some tea... need books, lots and lots of study books so Tom won't think..." Draco had done all of this for Abraxas too.

Tom sobbed as he was carefully pulled to his feet and followed limply wherever Alex led him, staggering now and again as his legs tried to buckle, slowly starting to lean into Alex, trembling violently as he started to calm down and realize who it was he was that he was walking next to. "a...Alex.." he whimpered sniffing a little. "i...i tried to stop them." he whispered softly. "i...i yelled... i yelled and i yelled and no one came...." he sounded so traumatized. he probably was, it was bad enough getting raped by one person, but three? multiple times? that was too much even for the strong willed and hard headed Tom.
Morgana nodded waving the two away."Go take him home brax.And you'll fnid what you need in the potions lab and library at the manor.And draco?If your going to use alex's name, don't act like a malfoy."She teased before she walked back to what she was doing, before leaving the bank. intent on getting getting tom out of hogwarts, even if she had to go to the school herself. Brax laughed softly wrapping his arms around draco's waist, apparating them to the manor."Hopefully she never realizes how your related."he said snickering, the rage and fear giving away to hystercial laughter as he found himself sitting on the floor, laughing himself silly.

Alex winced,"Dont worry about it love. I'll take care of them like we took care of abraxas. I'll take care of you."He muttered whimpering in pain as he settled the other into his bed. His heart hurting because he should have realized, should have known something was wrong sooner. Hating himself for being so lost in his pain he hadn't realized his ring was telling him something. Gently tucking the blanket around him he sighed, knowing they should go to the manor, but he'd probably only splitch himself if he tried now. Sleep, then he'd see about getting them to malfoy manor.
Draco paused and turned to gape at her, startled only to find himself apparated into the Manor, sulking at Abraxas before sighing as he knelt down and gently took the others face in his hand, gently stroking his cheek. "shh, love." Draco murmured pulling the other into a tight hug, recognizing the wild laughter for what it was, panic and terror, Draco himself had done it when Abraxas had been raped, though he'd done it well out of earshot of the poor blond. "drink this." he ordered softly, pressing a small vial of calming drought to the younger boy's lips. "Drink it all."

Tom sniffled and then hiccuped. "i didn't want to..i wanted to be with you...i wanted it to be you." he whimpered softly. "please don't leave me...i'm not a whore...i won't fuck minnie, and i won't fuck no one.... i swear." he pleaded trying to reach for Alex's hand, wanting comfort. "please don't leave me.... i only want you..." Alex's words had affected the boy more than anyone had known.
Brax smiled slightly as he giggled downing the calming drought before he calmed. Looking at the blond he cuddled into his arms, crying softly. "How...I dont know how to help him.I..I should have been there to protect him."He snifled clinging to the man holding him.

Alex flinched, remembering his words guilt crashing through the man as he struggled to breath. Shifting he took tom's hand in his own, shifting as he gently stroked his hair with the other."Shh I know love, I know. I was angry, shouldn't have said that.Shhh I want to be with you to."
Draco held the other close. "you can do what he did for you." he explained smiling a little. "you can be there for him, help him with his homework, even do it for him, you can get his favorite foods and crack bad jokes when he starts feeling depressed. you can play games and get him books, and most of all you pretend that nothing ever happened." he explained softly. "you treat him like he's Tom, and that he only fell ill with a cold, you make him laugh, and try to help him keep his mind off things."

Tom sniffled a little as he squeezed Alex's hand as tightly as he could, not wanting the other to leave. "i love you." Tom whispered closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, breathing softly, unaware that Dumbledore had ordered the Rape, and was now even asking Septimus to rape Tom when school started again. unaware that Lady Malfoy was pulling every string she knew to get Tom out of the school and into the manor for the remaining two weeks of vacation, unaware that Draco was plotting the slaughter of three muggles.
Abraxas smiled nodding a little, resting his head on his lover's chest."I can do that."He smiled slowly.Knowing that he could, and knowing tom needed him to.

The next day alex blinked sleepily at the two people standing in his kitchen, snarling softly."Get.Out."He ordered. Morgana smiled slightly as she approached the angry medici, knowing better then to touch him. Even if he claimed to be a medici heir he was a malfoy one to. She'd bet mney on it. "No. You're coming home with me.For the rets of break."She said smiling slightly at the sleepy tom who'd appeared when alex'd started yelling. Hoping the brunette could calm the blond."Tom, it's good to see you. Brax sent me to get you, so you two can finish break at the manor."She said glaring at the headmaster beside her, knowing he wanted to protest, but knowing he wouldn't. Not if he wanted to live, ecause she recognized that look in alex's eyes, he was heartbeats away from a slaughter. They needed out of this school before he lost control.
Tom whimpered at the yelling and curled up on himself, trembling next to Alex and pressing himself into the other. "don't wan to...please don't make me go back...please..." he pleaded. "i don't want to go back to the orphanage..." all he had heard was 'go back' and in an instant he was terrified again, sobbing into Alex's chest. anyone with a heart would have felt heart wrenching pain seeing the normally so very proud Tom Riddle broken and Frail like that. Dumbledore had broken Tom, broken him and it was doubtful that he could be fixed. "please don't make me go back." Tom pleaded, his voice a panicked, hoarse whisper as he clung to Alex. "please....please..."
lex snarled softly as he clung to the other, holding him protectively in his arms, pressing a kiss into his hair."The manor?"He said studying the lady malfoy, relaxing at her nod."Draconis is waiting for you."She said gently resting a hand on his arm, apparating them all. Wincing as they arrived at the manor. Alex smiled slightly when he caught draco and brax hovering on the front stairs."Anxious are we?"He said the biting tease barely hiding the rage and guilt under the words as he shifted tom in his arms, heading up the stairs towards them."Tom we're visiting brax. Not going back.We're at the manor."She said soothingly.
Tom started sobbing all over again when they apparated, certain that they where back at the Orphanage, hiccuping when he managed to lift his head and look around, blinking as he realized they where indeed in the manor. "don't want Brax...see me like this." he whispered softly, not realizing Brax could hear him. "he'll worry...don't want Brax to worry..." he muttered softly before drifting off to sleep, Draco swallowing hard as he felt his chest constrict, handing Alex several Vials. "Tom is to take ALL of them except the second blue one." he ordered. "the second calming drought is for YOU and i expect you to take it." Draco ordered softly. "i will deal with the muddles that did this and Brax can help you keep Tom calm." he promised gripping the others shoulder. "Tom will be alright...he has you now."
Alex frowned pausing on the steps as he looked at his brother, "I dont need anything."he muttered ducking his head before he headed to the bedroom he'd been given. Brax frowned wathing them go, shivering a little pain on his face. He...his friend was so hurt."I think we're both going to need to take care of them."He said biting his lip."I doubt he's slept since he left here. And he wasn't sleeping well before that."He said softly moving to follow after. Quite willing to hurt alex if it meant taking care of him.
Draco nodded. "stay here Brax, this could get a little messy." he muttered sighing a little as he followed Alex into the room silently,, watching as Tom laid out in the bed and obediently took his potions from Alex, the potions putting Tom into a relaxed, peaceful sleep almost immediately. "Alex." Draco stated as soon as Tom was asleep, setting his hand on his brothers shoulder. "Alex look at me." he ordered sternly, his eyes serious. "you can't help Tom if your seconds away from loosing control." he stated calmly. "you NEED to take this calming Drought before you DO loose control...because if you loose control, and Tom gets scared, or even hurt because of it, you might never get him back." he explained softly. "now drink the potion, get in bed with your Tom, and sleep." he ordered softly. "For Tom, if not for yourself."
Alex stared at him slowly, rocking back on his heels, chewing his lip. "CAnt."He muttered looking away, shoulders slouching."Cant... dont deserve him. Cant let myself be taken care of."He muttered."Wont because I deserve to be hurt for hurting him."He muttered the rage turning back to what it had been orginally, breaking the strong malfoy under a depression so great he couldn't see no one blamed him, not when he blamed himself.
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. "sorry about this Alex..." he muttered softly. "Petrificus Totalus." the wand unseen, but the spell taking hold anyway, Draco freezing all of Alex's body as he carefully made sure that the other hit the bed, Tom rolling over and snuggling into Alex with a small, almost happy sigh as Draco pried Alex's mouth open, and MADE him drink the potion, forcing the other to both Calm down, and Sleep. not releasing the petrificus spell until he was certain that Alex was completely asleep, wiping his forehead before heading back out to Brax. "Alex is going to be SO pissed when he wakes up... it's a good thing that potion lasts twelve hours at minimum..."
Brax laughed softly.'He's going to kill you.Before anyone else, he's going to kill you."He said shaking his head turning to kiss him,wrapping his arms around the slightly shorter blond's shoulders."Now. Do you need to brew more potions, or do you want to go flying?"
Draco sighed a little. "the potions can wait." he muttered softly, rolling his shoulders. "i need to fly." he admitted rubbing the bridge of his nose. "and i need a calming drought for myself." he glanced at the other. "do you want one?" he asked pulling out two vials out of his pocket. he ALWAYS had calming droughts on hand. ALWAYS!
Brax shook his head at the man's endless supply of droughts, grabbing the two brooms from his room as they headed downstairs."No. I'm not the one who has a homicidal death eater going to wake up in 12 hours ready to kill me."
Draco snorted a little. "no but you do have a 'broken' best friend." he admitted softly, clearly just as worried about Brax as he was about Alex and Tom as he accepted one of the books. "Seekers game?" he suggested smirking a little as he pulled the Snitch out of his pocket, waving it about. "bet i'll win."
Brax smirked slinging a leg on his broom before deftly pulling the ball out of his fingers."Nope."He snickered letting the small ball go. A few hours later he laugehd delightedly as he laid back on the grass next to draco, schooling his features into one of heplfullness."winnning only two out of 5 isn't so bad draco."He said smiling slightly.
Draco snorted as he rolled his eyes, laying out on the hill. "i LET you win." he teased smirking a little as he sighed smiling a little. "mmm that's the most fun i've had in years." he admitted softly smirking at Brax. "thank you." he muttered gently kissing the others forehead. "before i forget." he admitted sitting up on an elbow. "i was wondering if you where ready for a real kiss?" he asked his head tilted, smiling at him. "because i fear i might not be able to stop myself." he teased playfully carefully reaching out and stroking Brax's lip. "and every day that passes...i find myself falling more and more in love with you."
Brax blushed darkly, smiling shyly as he pressed a kiss t the blond's wandering fingers, before reaching out and tugging him down for a kiss. Kissing him sweetly teasingly as he slid his tongue past his lips, using the skill that had long made him everyone's favorite seeker at hogwarts.
Draco groaned softly as he smirked, catching the others tongue with his teeth, holding it in place as he sucked on the others tongue. humming softly before releasing it. "you act as if your the dominant in this relationship." he teased smirking a little at Brax. "i beg to differ." he teased chuckling a little as he kissed a line up the others neck before kissing him again, this time pressing his tongue into Brax's mouth, sighing softly as he explored the others mouth. "mmm delicious."
Brax growled a little biting down softly, hands fisting the other's shirt kissing him harder."Hmmm I think I am."He said trembling a little. As much as he wanted it, his stomach tightened at the idea of bottoming.Kissing him again he sighed,"We probably should go inside though."
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