Love across time

Draco smiled at her and bowed a little. "thank you for having us Lady Malfoy." he stated softly. "but i am afraid i must be rude. my brother is unwell at the moment and needs to stay laying down." he admitted softly. "he had a very large emotional upset and i'm afraid he didn't handle it well, i have him drugged up to his ears to keep him asleep until his body recovers but he will be very upset with me when he wakes up so i think a private room for him would be best." he admitted eyes twinkling with a familiar Malfoy mischief.
"Yes, Brad did mention something had happened. So I had the guest rooms connected to his rooms open.I do not think you can do well on your own."He said helping the three upstairs, wincing as she wrapped a arm around alex's waist to help draco make him walk."I am not questioning that you could, just that you are a teacher, and need as much rest as he does. So.We all shall look after him."The smaller woman's voice booked no argument nudging the door open and helping the two younger malfoys settle the third into the bed.
Draco smiled at her with a chuckle. "you remind me of my mother." he admitted :she used the same tone every time i brought Alex home from school with broken noses and black eyes." he shook his head. "he just couldn't stay out of trouble on the damn train." he admitted looking amused as he carefully laid Alex out on the bed, yanking the man's shoes off and then tucking him in sighing a little as he watched his brother for a moment. "i just hope they can heal from this pain..." he admitted softly glancing at Abraxas. "what do you think?"
Brax bit his lip, smiling when his mother left the room before sighing softly."I think if tom was doing what alex thought he was doing, he had to know alex'd react badly, he'll realize alex was just angry, and not that he'd said something he'd really meant.They'll heal. We just have to make sure alex's sanity surivives till they get back."He said gently brushing alex's hair out of his face studying the man."He really does look like a malfoy you know."he said wincing as the man cringed away from the touch."He' fine.Malfoy's always are."
Draco scowled a little his head tilted. "Malfoy?...oh, he's not really my brother you know." he stated calmly looking amused at Brax. "i used to think we where, we look so similar, but father, mother, and Alex all assured me that he wasn't really my brother." he admitted sighing a little as he shook his head. "be had better let him sleep." he muttered softly glancing at Brax. "what is it that you think Tom was doing? i have a theory but i'd like to have it proven correct." he admitted softy.
Brax smiled slightly, shaking his head."He wants to live forever."He shuddered swallowing hard."Horcruxes.He's hunting for a way to make them."He said softly, "Alex...alex got him to agree to not do it. To not look.I...I think he continued looking."He said remembering the conversation with alex about getting tom to agree to not do something. Belatedly realizing that this was it.
Draco shuddered a little. "Horcrux's are one of the things that drove Tom insane." he explained softly. "and Alex only got tom to promise not to make any more horcrux, he never made tom stop looking for immortality...there are many ways to gain such a thing, but most of them don't leave your sanity intact. it's probably why Alex freaked out, that and i think Tom was studying it with that girl, Minerva..." he smirked. "who amusingly becomes the transfiguration teacher and the head of the gryffindor house."
brax thought about it, before laughing."That's disturbing."He said before wrapping a arm around draco's waist,pulling him into his room."Between his worry about driving tom insane, and their fighting, and minerva...yea its no wonder alex snapped at him."He sighed slowly undressing the other. Even though they hadnt had sex, he did enjoy sleeping skin to skin with him."Now.As a elder relative, Im ordering you into bed,and not to worry for a evening. Just sleep."He said bullying the other into laying down.
Draco nodded and sighed as he flopped into bed, for once not arguing in the least as he wriggled out of his clothes. "is your mother going to be alright with us sleeping naked in the same bed?" he asked sleepily, blinking at his lover. too tired to actually care but well aware the ramifications of an angry mother.
brax smiled slpeepily."Dunno"He muttered already sleep.

two days later, and the first time Alex had manged to get out of bed he looked around stupidly, before his eyes landed on the small family at the table, biting his lip. Shivering a little remembering how many meals lucius had excluded him from."...morning."He muttered. Morgana smiled sweetly, "Come, alexander.Join us. We were just discussing brax and draco's relationship.I want them to marry."She announced laughing softly at the shell shocked look brax gave her at the sudden announcement
Draco choked on his orange juice and sputtered as he tried to clear his air ways going bright red. "i..i do not think that would be a good thing Lady Malfoy, there are....personal problems with me getting married." he admitted flushing harder. "i'm... already betrothed you see." he stated calmly, hooking his pinky with Abraxas's to inform him that this was an all out lie. "my mother would be very displeased if i was to get married to someone else...." besides, if they got that far Draco wanted to propose to brax himself!
Alex smiled slightly sitting down at the table. The last few days showing on his face, looking worn and tired. Like he'd been fighting for days, and was just given the chance to relax.Which...he guessed he was. Smirking slightly. "I think its a marvelous idea. Mother would want him to be happy, instead of with the whore of slytherin." Brax swallowed hard laughing, wondering who lex was talking about,raising a eyebrow at draco. Knowing his mother wouldn't be easy to get off this train of thought"Oh,well mother, IF we do get married, can draco propose?" "Of course."she said smiling."Though I would like you to agree that it is a option now,even if you don't get married for a few years."
Draco turned to glare at Alex. "pansy wasn't a whore!.... she got PAID to do that so she was a slut." he stated primly. "and i do have to agree she was completely beneath me." he hadn't meant to say was, but he continued on. "and ANYWAY! don't you think Brax is a little young to be worried about marriage!?" he demanded, looking a little freaked out. "i mean, we're only at the hand holding stage as it is!" he did not feel comfortable right then, he wanted to go have a few shots of the strongest alcohol they had and then go curl up in bed and die of mortification.
Morgana laughed softly before nodding."As you wish."she smiled before standing."I must be seeing to your father abraxas, we have some business to take care of.Have a good day you three. I have the mirror, should you need something, dont be afraid to call."She said before excusing herself and leaving.

Alex laughed rubbing his eyes nibbling at his food slowly, the first he'd eaten since they'd left school."You should know malfoy's usually marry young."he pointed out sighing softly. Wanting to go home. Wanting to go back to tom...wanting to be forgiven.

Brax raised a eyebrow smirking a little."I don't think I want to know about this girl if she was UNDER you."He teased trying to keep alex relaxed so he'd actually eat.

Dumbledore smiled slightly as he stroked the owl sitting on his desk, smirking a little as he read the letter in his hand. Studying it, and glad that it was done. Now, to get the boy back here, alone while the medici's and the infernal malfoy was out of his hair.Surely that would drive the boy insane. Smiling as he wrote a reply, glad to accept the boy back into the school.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head "that bitch wasn't under me, over me or sideways of me no matter how the hell she tried." he grumbled reaching for the firewhiskey bottle that had just appeared thanks to a house elf. "hell she even tried to get into poor Alex's pants once!" he admitted shaking his head before he smirked. "hey Alex, do you remember when we spiked all the punch at the Christmas party? and all the adults got so drunk they couldn't even walk?" also trying to relax his brother.

Tom was so glad when he had gotten a response to his letter. he had bruises all over his body where the three boys had held him down and forced him into many different positions, shame, and pain where so heavy in himself that he could hardly think or walk, a small whim,per falling from his lips as one of the boys leered at him, as if daring Tom to tell. but tom WOULD tell, he would tell Draco, and Draco would kill them...Tom wasn't sure he could kill anyone again, not if Alex had been so upset about him trying to become immortal. Tom didn't want to be immortal anymore... he just wanted to die. he wrote another letter to Draco, explaining what had happened and named names and tucked the letter into his pocket, he would wait until he was at school until he sent it.
Alex laughed softly eating more,"That was fun.Fa-your father couldnt walk. First time I ever saw him drunk."He stuttered a little, finally feeling what he'd missed. Frowning as he glanced at the matching signet ring twirled around his finger he wondered what was causing so much distress to tom that the ring was sending a summons. "I have to go...need to get back to school.."He muttered rubbing his eyes standing slowly, making sure he was prefectly capable of doing so. having in his pain, been keeping up with the plan of seducing tom back, he wondered what was wrong.Trembling hard as he thought about it, nearly falling as his legs went numb under him, afraid and hurting. Wondering if this was his fault.

"My boy...are you ready to go?"Dumbledore said gently as he approached the younger wizard, holding out a arm."I came to get you so you could come directly into the school instead of by train."he sxplained stuying the boy, wondering just how much damage had been done.
Draco paused, looking startled as he stared at Alex. "Alex?...whats.....wrong.." he blinked as he watched his brother vanish, swallowing hard. "well that was...odd..." he admitted softly glancing at Abraxas. "i have a feeling we shouldn't go after him though..." he muttered softly, sitting back down.

Tom stood there, looking Dazed and sickly as he blinked at the Headmaster, nodding once, looking unusually subdued and timid as he grabbed his small suitcase of things and followed the headmaster out. "thank you headmaster." Tom whispered softly, voice hoarse from screaming as he swallowed hard and hesitantly took the headmasters offered arm.
Brax bit his lip watching the spot where alex had vanished, before looking at draco."If something happened. Is he clever enough to have left tom some way of summoning him?"He asked slowly, wondering if alex had branched far enough into light magic to be able to create a tracking charm with a warning attatched.

Dumbledore smiled slightly before apparting them to the school, gently patting tom's arm as he stepped back."Good day mr. riddle."He said easing away, heading back to his office. Knowing what he did, he had no desire to be with him anymore. "...tom?"Alex said softly as he stepped from the dungeons biting his lip,having gone straight to the dorms, having hoped to find his lover already there.
Draco paused and then nodded. "yes, i'm sure he did." he agreed before pausing. "but that would mean that Tom is in trouble wouldn't it?" he asked softly, swallowing hard. "i'm sure Alex can take care of it, we won't be able to find them anyway, it's better to stay here in case Alex brings Tom back here."

Tom nodded to Dumbledore, looking unfocused and very out of sorts, sort of dazed and lost as he turned to blink at Alex, a look of horror crossing his face as he turned and fled. he couldn't let Alex see him. he was filthy, dirty, completely unworthy, he was....tainted and defiled and Alex didn't want him anymore and now he never would.
Brax nodded sighing softly."Well.We better get to planning this wedding, mother will be disappointed if we don't."He teased leaning over to steal a kiss, focused on making the other not think about what could be happening.

"Tom?Tom!Stop!"Alex cursed softly as he ran after the other, cursing that he hadn't eaten in days as he tired quickly. Frowning as he lost the other he cured, before starting back to his rooms, setting up the room exactly how he wanted it, and thought about how to find tom.
Draco went beat red and he blinked at Brax. "you do realize i'm your grandson right!?" he demanded sulking at the other as he kissed back. "you have to find my grandmother and at least screw her before i can even come into existence might h!" he complained softly. "and i refuse to not exist!" Draco whined. he might have been older but he could be a damn little child when he wanted to be.

it wasn't hard to loose Alex, specially when Tom knew all the parseltongue passageways and Alex didn't. it only took Tom ten minutes to get up to the owlery to send the letter off to Draco, the man would get it about two minutes after Tom jumped off the astronomy tower, where he found himself standing, staring down at the cold hard ground at least a hundred and fifty, if not two hundred feet down. his ring sending pulses of terror and fear...and the will to die straight to Alex.
Bax laughed,"Hm when the time comes, I'kk have a heir. For the moment, I so do desire you to be with me.And prove you exist."He teased dropping into the other's lap, finding it adorable and endearing that the other was sulking.

Alex cursed as the ring sent him on a quest through the school. Cursing silently but empathically as he ran. Freezing for a moment as he stepped out onto the tower's landing, cursing as he watched tom step out, cursing as he lundged out, wrapping a hand around the other's wrist, pulling him back, wincing as tom nearly pulled them both other, tossing his full weight back to make sure they stayed on the roof. Whimpering softly as they hit the stone, whimpering as tom landed on top of him.
Draco snorted a little and sniffed. "no, you have to have Lucius Malfoy, my father!" he complained pouting at the other. "he HAS to be a pureblood." he complained looking rather upset. "i'm more than willing to be with you love but...i don't want to unmake myself either...i don't know what that would do to ME." he admitted softly, kissing the others neck. "time travel isn't exactly legal in my time. it's not well practiced." he admitted softly. "at least, not that anyone knows about."

Tom swallowed hard and closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh as he stepped off the roof, relief washing over him as he felt himself falling, yelling in pain as he found himself jerked short, looking up at Alex with pain and horror filled eyes as he was yanked back up, tears now trickling down his face as he landed hard on the other. " i want to die." he whispered softly, though he didn't try to get up. "you don't understand...i want to die..."
Brax laughed softly, shivering slightly."He HAS to be you say?"He teased before sighing softly in pleasure"Love you've already changed time.You've split it...even if I don't marry, you'll exist because somewhere in time, Voldemort exists, if you didn't exist, none of this would have happened.So you created something split, two paths but close enough to cross every once in awhile."He muttered struggling to remember what his mother had told him about time travel as he trembled a little in the other's hold. Trying not to be afraid, relaxed still,but nervous.

"Oh bloody hell that hurt."He cursed softly resting his head back on the cement,shivering lightly as he wrapped his arms around the slender man, shifting him, pressing a kiss to his head."Don't die.Dont go where I cant follow."He said softly, desperate to keep him there, desperate to stop tom's quest to create horcruxes, desperate to make him not leave him. Magic swirling around them in his distress, showing that heart breaking pain of being abandoned.Again. Trembling, because he knew he wouldn't survive if tom didn't.
Draco blinked, looking startled. "what? really?" he asked staring wide eyed at Abraxas. "well thats new." he admitted. "i didn't know that. well as long as i don't unmake myself i guess i'm free to do as i please then huh?" he asked smiling a little. "bit i do think it's a little early to be talking about marriage." he admitted sighing a little. "i don't want to get married, and wake up one morning to realize that you hate me for it." he admitted softly, stroking Abraxas's cheek. "i want to be sure that it's the right choice for both of us, because we love each other so much we just couldn't stand to be apart." Draco was old fashioned that way. "hey, it;s an Owl." he muttered startled as a letter dropped into Draco's lap, the blond picking it up[ and reading it over, paling till he looked see through.. "...Tom's been raped..."

Tom whimpered softly and slowly began to pick himself up, letting out no more than a sob as he staggered to his feet and headed to the edge again. "can't live...i just can't." he whispered pain in every word and step. "no one will want me... i'm dirty...disgusting....defiled...." he collapsed at the edge and trembled violently. he couldn't bring himself to step off the edge again, it was too much for the poor slythrin who broke down and began to sob wildly, curling up where he was and rocking himself, as if that would make him feel so much more didn't.
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