Love across time

Draco sighed a little, relaxing as the other relaxed again as he settled into bed with the other, carefully cuddling Abraxas, gently kissing his temple. "i'm glad i can help." he admitted softly, closing his eyes, a tear falling onto Abrax's shoulder. "i'm so sorry i couldn't protect you. i came to stop bad things from happening and...and i couldn't even protect the one person i care about besides my brother." he paused. "Tom doesn't count because he's a hellion." trying to lighten the mood a little. "and i wanted to thank you for those journals, they have been very, very helpful." he admitted.

Tom swallowed hard and wrapped his arms tightly around the other, finally breaking down and bursting into sobs once more. "it's just not fair...why did this have to happen to poor Brax?" he demanded, shaking his head as he clung to the other. "why did it have to be Brax who got hurt!? it s..shoulda been me...i'm stronger than Brax... i coulda handled it better than him...he mu..must think such terrible things..." did Tom know what had really happened, despite no one telling him?... of course he did, Tom was good at psychology and understanding people, he didn't have to be told to know why Brax suddenly didn't want to be touched. "i want to kill whoever did this, i want to slaughter them!" he hissed, voice choked with rage and tears before he sighed and sagged. "but i won't... i'll let you handle it." he promised softly, wiping his eyes on the others shirt. "please take care of my brother."
Brax snickered a little, raising a hand to wipe the tears off draco's face, "You can't stop everything."He muttered trembling a little."And you're welcome.I probably should get one for myself now..."he sighed smiling slightly. Glad that draco had moved on from trying to get him to tell who it'd been. he didn't trust draco not to kill him before finding anything out, and brax wanted to know what the hell was going on. Because he was so not weasley's usual type.

Alex held him tighter, pressing a kiss to hs head."No one handles...that... well."He said shuddering a little. He should have known the young voldemort would guess. After all, he'd always been good at seeing things no one else wanted seen."Of course I'll take care of him.And now, if your done wiping snot on my shirt, we probably should get him breakfast."He said leaning back,trying to lighten the mood. Knowing he had to talk to brax. If the malfoy wouldn't tell draco, maybe he'd let alex deal with it.
no, Weasley's usual type was more like...tom, actually. "i know i can't stop everything." he murmured softly, sighing a little. "if you ever need to talk about it, names or not...i understand what your going through." he admitted softly. "only...don't tell Alex, he doesn't know." he admitted softly, swallowing hard. "Abraxas... i really shouldn't... considering how i'm your grandson and all..but would you like to go out with me this weekend? i know this wonderful beach, you could get some sun, and i could bitch and complain about sand... it would be fun...what do you say?"

Tom sniffled a little, wiping his eyes. "i wasn't wiping snot!" he complained glaring at Alex. "i would never do something so disgusting!" he complained getting to his feet and wiping his eyes again. "but yeah, he's probably hungry." he admitted heading to the kitchen and ordering the house elves to make all of Brax's favorites, which happened to be all of Draco's favorites as well and carried it back to the room.
Brax smiled shyly, studying the other blond before nodding slightly."Of course alex doesn't know. Something would have blown up if he did."He grumbled before nodding perking up a little, smiling sweetly, though shyly."I don't get sun.I burn.And so should you."He pointed out laughing softly."But I will go."

"Alex snickered as he followed the other, smirking as they walked into the room."We have food. Sea food."He snikered looking at the horror struck look on brax's face, bending over and reting his hands on his knees because he was laughing so hard.
Draco paused, remembering that little fact then. "well we do have sunscreen spells in my time." he admitted. "it will keep us from burning so long as we apply it every couple of hours." he admitted with a small nod. "and we can lay under an umbrella for most of the time." he decided smiling a little. "we could make a picnic, with all sorts of good foods. and we can play some quidditch while we're out there, i have some brooms i brought with me."

Draco also looked horrified and rather disgusted as Tom flounced in with the tray of food, looking confused and then annoyed when he saw the selection of thinly sliced meat in gravy, fresh fruit in several bowls, and Draco's ultimate favorite, vanilla ice cream with Caramel swirled into it. "it would appear you and i have the same favorites." Draco teased chuckling as Tom stared at them before looking VERY self satisfied that the two where 'in bed together.'
Brax smiled,"I love flying."He said before studying the other malfoy, giving the other couple a look for giving him a hard time before takng the tray of food."Do you fly?"He asked as he started eating."And well,at least that'll make getting things for you easier."

Alex snickered sitting down in a chair ,pulling tom into his lap as he studied the two."Does draco fly?Now thats a question of a century."He said laughing harder."If you ask potter, he can't. Anyone else,he can. He fails epically, at beating poter though."He said sounding amused, burying his face against tom's shoulder as he laughed.
Draco grinned a little. "i love to fly." he admitted before glaring at Alex. "and if you EVER mention that wast of space's name in front of me again i'll chop off your most important part and stuff it where the sun doesn't shine!" he growled. he had always hated Harry, but his hatred had grown to full blown loathing after Potter had failed to kill the dark lord, and then fled and hid until the death eaters found and killed him. "and i could ALWAYS fly better than him! he just had a better goddamn broom AND he cheated!" "who's potter?" Tom asked curiously. "and why does Draco hate him so much?"
Alex winced a little, having been thinking about the schoolboy, and not the adult's actions, who's very deth had pushed them even closer to this moment, and seeing the world come undone around them."Potter's...potter was a ally of sorts..and a unreliable one at that. He'd ended up making things so much worse."He sighed, thinking about it. Those even more desperate months before trying to rid the world of a dark lord, then the failture that had destoryed everything. Shivering he snickered,"We went to school with him, draco and harry despisedeach other from first meetings. Granted, draco was a prat."
Draco growled a little and shook his head. "Harry was more of one." he snarled getting out of the bed and stalking out of the room, annoyed with the discussion. no matter how much he had hated Harry he had begged the man to help him, to save him...but harry had run away instead, and had left Draco to suffer at the hands of madmen and rapists, and even worse, had left Alex in the hands of Voldemort....but they where there to change all of that, Harry would never be born 'The Boy Who Lived' if all went well....Harry would never become a Golden Gryffindor, Dumbledore would never manipulate Harry into becoming something he was not, would never ignore Draco's desperate cries for help, would never make Snape kill him, would never create voldemort....Voldemort himself...would never exist, it would only be Tom Riddle, a young boy in love with his DA professor. Draco just didn't want to remember then, and hid himself in the bathroom to wash the unclean feelings of rage and shame off his body..
Alex groaned watching him go before looking at brax, curling a lip a little."I know you didn't tell him.You WILL tell me now."He growled, staring at the malfoy over tom's shoulder.

Brax frowned harder, staring at the man.Wondering why he would tell him if he hadn't told draco, who was not only his lover, but family. Frowning at the thought looking startled as he looked at the medici heir. Despite the green eyes, there was a slant to his eyes, teh delicate shaping of eyebrows, that glistening blond hair. Staring, and wondering how draco had never noticed. Swallowing hard he looked at tom, biting his lip."Will you go get me something to drink?"He said, knowing his friend was going to be pissed. But for some reason, he trusted alex not to kill wealsey, where the other two wuld have.
Tom scowled as he watched Draco storm off and scowled harder when he was politely told to buzz off, but he slipped off Alex's lap and gently kissed Brax's forehead. "rest well, i'm going to go do our homework." he informed him, that was a shock, usually Brax had to beg just to get help with his homework, now tom was offering to DO it. well, at least Tom was changing for the better, he left, even managing not to slam the door shut in his fury and stalked to the slytherin common room to sulk.
Both blonds' watched him go startled before sighing. Settling down to talk. When draco got out of the shower alex smiled slightly as he pressed a kiss to brax's forehead, stepping to meet his brother as he entered the room."I need to go out. He's out.I gave him some sleeping he's going to be pissed when he does get up.I'll be back."He said snickering a little, glad he wouldn't have to deal with their grandfather when he got up and realized he'd been drugged. Smirking as he headed down to the great hall, glad it was lunch time, and wanting to deal with weasley before going to go find tom. Knowing the other man was upset with him,but...shutting off the whiny emotional side for the moment, he knew tom would understand why he was dealing with wealsey first. Pausing in the doorway he wrinkled his nose as he surveyed the room, searching for wealsey.
Septimus was laying in a chair, smirking as he flirted brazenly with a gryffindor and a hufflepuff boy, both blushing and laughing, slim and slender, small for their age and black haired. if that didn't scream 'tom is next' nothing did as Septimus flung an arm around the smaller one and offered him a very inappropriate kiss, which none of the teachers seamed to notice. then he turned and did the same to the other one, both of the poor clueless boys breathless and giggling by the end of the kisses.
Alex's eye twithed a little as he watched the scene, wondering if it bothered him more because he knew what became of his family, or because the boys looked so much like tom. Growling a little he loped easily over to the three, picking up the gryffindor and bodily putting him out of the chair before sitting down across from him."If you have a taste for reluctant men, you really should pick on someone your own size weasley."He said softly, a deception because despite the relaxed sitting posture, the soft voice, there was coiled violence there, a careless grace that had made him deadly on a battlefield. A awareness that he wanted to kill the man sitting across from him.
the man yelped loudly as he was punched out of his chair, the two boys gasping with terror as they watched their professor bodily harm a student. "ow! what the FUCK!?" Septimus demanded his eyes narrowed. "what the hell are you doing!? you gone mad or something!? i don't take unwilling partners!" though one could say that the two who where watching with wide terrified eyes where definitely underage. "Your insane! get the hell away from me!" Septimus demanded hatefully as several of the teachers finally took notice of what was happening.
Alex smirked waving at the teachers."Oh I just needed to talk to mr. weasley, he was having dueling practice without supervison."He smirked to himself as the teacher's calmed. It was so good to be a malfoy somedays. Before turning his attention back to the weasley in front of him he looked at the two students."They're underage, and getting hired to have sex with someone isn't right, espicially if the man doesnt have a choice."He smirked sticking weasley's ass to the chair, "But you are right, I AM insane, and I really don't like teaching. So I have no issue with dealing with you if you come near malfoy again or get anywhere in the vincity of riddle out of class."He said in a low purr just for the two of them as he stood straightening out his clothes before his smirk widened. Muttering a hex, "cunctator iucunditas He smirked leaning down and patting weasley on teh shoulder."i wouldn't try having sex for awhile."he said amused as he knew even if someone figured out what the delayed pleasure hex did, it couldn't be lifted by anyone but the caster before it ran out in a few weeks.
Weasley went pale as he listened to the threats, swallowing thickly as he tried to get out of the chair. "wh...what did you do to me!?" he demanded his eyes wide. "Professor Medici what did you do to me!? i had to! he TOLD me to!" he pleaded swallowing hard. "please! what did you do to me!?" like all Weasley's, Septimus was a bit of a coward. and if it meant getting out of a punishment Septimus was more than willing to give up who had payed him off, and even throw in a few lies to make it out that he was also a victim in all of this.
Alex turned back, walking over and bending down to look at him, quiet rage filling those serpent eyes."Who?"He growled, not that he was going to release the hex. Let weasley suffer for it. He just wasnt going to kill him in the near least maybe not. Undoing the sticking charm he tilted his head a little. Looking amazingly innocent for a man who could make raods run red with blood.Smirking a little."And I did no more then what you deserve, worm."
he whimpered at the others growl, swallowing hard. "Professor Thorn! it was professor Thorn! he told me to do it! said if i didn't he would make my life hell, said if i did i'd make enough money to let my little brother come to school! we weren't sure he was going to be able to come, he couldn't this year even though he's eleven, we didn't have enough money to get him his school things, and the school funding programs aren't available to pure bloods!" he admitted with a small whimper. "please! i was just trying to protect myself! take the curse off please!" it was hard to tell if he was lying or not, though anyone could prove that poor little Artimus Weasley wasn't going to make it to school, though because of health issues, not money.
"IF yo lied to me boy, Ill make your days a living hell."He muttered before straightening up, before shrugging."No. You're lucky draconis didn't come down with me.Thankfully all I did was stop you from having sex. If you lied to me, I'll let him deal with what you did to his lover."He purred before walking out, heading for the slytherin dorms. Now that business had been taken care of, he felt easy enough with things to deal with pleasure, and dealing with tom was going to be a pleasure indeed. Smiling slightly to himself he stepped into the common room, looking around for the head boy.
Septimus whimpered as he nodded hard, swallowing thickly as he glanced at the two dark haired underage boys and fleeing, both of them looking very confused. Tom was laying on one of the couches, fast asleep a book in his hand. one that he really shouldn't have had, one that talked about the Horcrux's. one that he no doubt 'borrowed' from Slughorn the previous year. he groaned on the couch and sighed softly as he snuggled into the pillows, muttering something unintelligible under his breath as he scowled, clearly having a bad dream of some sort.
Alex scowled darkly at the book easing it out of his hand and srinking it. Pocketing it he smiled slightly gently stroking the other;s hair, "Tom, wake up love."He muttered looing worried.
Tom whined a little as he shifted and woke up, blinking slowly. "uuhn?" he asked looking around, as if trying to find someone, panic suddenly on his face. "Brax!?" he demanded his breath hitching. "oh god they ate him! Alex we have to go save brax!" well, that must of been some bad dream. "i..i..." there was a pause then. "i was dreaming..." he sighed relaxing a little rubbing his face with his hand, using the other to prop himself up with. "Brax and you and Draco and i where all on this island, and there where all sorts of red headed bastards on it and they where eating you all alive, only you and Draco where fighting them off and they couldn't seam to see me, but they where swarming all over Brax." he shuddered. "i need therapy..."
"Maybe."Alex said before raising the book he'd been holding, "Or you need to stop reading crap like this before you go to sleep."Pain, misery and fear filled his eyes for a brief moment before he slammed the door shut on his emotions being the emotionless beautiful malfoy he'd been taught to be."No one could read this without dreaming something fucked."he added flipping through the book
Tom scowled before paling as he saw the book in Alex's hand. "hey...that's mine!" he complained scowling again as he reached out to snatch it back. "it's just study!" but Alex knew better, Tom had already created one of the things, one a journal, thanks to myrtle. though it had been flawed, leaving a copy of Tom's memories in the journal, not something Tom wanted. he didn't want anyone to see the pain that he had gone through. "give it back Alex!" because he didn't want the other to see the notes, didn't want him to see him actually trying to make more, his plans to make Nagini one, enhancing her intelligence through it once he had all the bugs worked out of course.
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