Love across time

Tom paused and then looked worried. "you don't like seafood? i'm can have my steak?" he offered looking worried that the other wasn't going to have enough to eat, flushing brightly as he was told he was loved before looking confused, frowning at the ring on his finger before looking up at Alex. "whats love feel like?" he asked softly, looking troubled. "i..i've never had someone to love i don't know." he admitted softly, "i know i feel something for you, something strong, and it's not hate, or anger, or annoyance like i usually feel for people... it almost feels like what i feel for Brax...only bigger." he admitted worrying his lip, leaning into Alex, feeling troubled because he didn't know if he loved the other too.
Alex laughed softly."I don't dislike it, crab's perfectly fine."He said nuzzling the other as he took a bite of crab. It wasn't his favorite in the world,but hey, he could live with it if he made tom happy. Rage tightening his chest as he thought over the other's words.Dumbledore had a lot to ansewer for in leaving tom with the orphanage who wouldnt understand him." is a desire to want to be with someone. To take care of them, as much as your taken care of. I want to make sure your given everything you deserve, that you want."He tightened his hold on his lover, whimpering softly in distress for having upset the man."Brax'd probably do a better job of explaining this..."he whined softly.
Tom paused and pondered then nodded. "when i'm with you, i feel happy." he stated softly. "and when your gone i feel sad and lonely." he admitted softly. "i can't stop thinking about you, and when we talk i feel so...proud when i make you laugh, and feel smug when i surprise you, and sometimes i even feel sad when you look as if you don't see anything, like when you look inside, and remember things you don't want to chest feels tight all the time, and i can always feel my heartbeat, and i can never seem to stop talking because i get nervous, only i'm not sure why sometimes." he admitted softly, stroking the others hand. "i can't stop touching you, and wanting to touch you, even if it doesn't make me feel good like when you...we... touch me THERE." he admitted blushing bright red. "i don't know what it is yet...but when i find out, i'll tell you?" he offered smiling a little at the other. the poor boy, didn't even realize he was already in love.
Alex smiled, something tight in his chest loosing as he nodded, a small shy smile curling his lips as he pressed a kiss to the other's mouth before returning to his food."When you find out, tell me."He muttered sighing softly. Just enjoying beind him with,before smirking."Oh so you wnt me to touch you...there?Whats it feel like, when I touch you there?"He smirked, wondering if he could make the other orgasm just by talking to him. Or if tom would get fed up and try to give him a blow job. Either way interesting moments. And ones he treasued, because it made him forget the rest of the bad things
he went beat red at the others words and he shivered a little, his breath hitching. " feels really good." he muttered sheepishly. "like your setting my whole body on fire..." he admitted licking his lips. "i like fire." he admitted softly his eyes narrowing as they focused on the others crotch, swallowing hard as he contemplated sucking the other off...or rather trying to.
alex laughed softly leaning back onto the couch,seeing where the other's eyes went he ran a hand over his clothed cock, raising a eyebrow."Do you want to try?"He asked softl, running his fingers through tom's hair,drawing him close for a kiss
Tom watched the other run his hands down his body, licking his lips eagerly as his pupils dilated a little, nodding at the question. "yes." he whispered, voice hoarse with lust as he kissed the other eagerly, thrusting his tongue into the others mouth before pulling away. "will you teach me?" he asked hopefully, lowering his mouth to the others pants, hesitating before licking along the bulge, through he cloth like he had seen in the magazine.
Alex moaned softly, shivering as the other touched him, fisting his fingers into the brunette's hair."I'll teach you whatever you want."He said hoarsly, shiting, raising his hips enough to pull his pants down,sighing as he settled back on the couch, running his fingers over his cock."Anything at all."He muttered sighing softly as he gave tom's head a gentle push towards his cock.
Tom smiled, pleased with Alex's acceptance of teaching him before hesitantly touching his tongue tot eh others cock, flinching at the taste before realizing he rather liked it and then continuing again, running the tip of his tongue from base to tip, smiling a little. "tastes good." he muttered softly, licking the tip, tasting the pre, his breath hitching softly. VERY good." he mumbled eagerly, licking the tip again, hoping for more, his fingers gripping the shaft to hold it still so he could lick as he pleased.
Alex swallowed hard, moaning as he gripped the other's hair tighter, trembling ever so slightly."Good.You taste good to."he muttered starting to come undone under the other's lips. It was to much, to see the blushing virgin taking his time on his cock.
Tom flushed harder and moaned at the grip in his hair, wincing as it tightened painfully. "Alex...not so hard." he ordered softly, nipping at the others cock, smiling a little, pleased that he was making the man come unhinged as he stroked and teased the flesh with his tongue. "am i doing it right?..." he asked nervously, looking up at the other with soft lashes. "when am i supposed to put you in my mouth?"
Alex groaned softly forcing his hand open,gently just stroking his hair. Whimpering softly at the other's words."You're doing fine."He swallowed shivering,"Whenever you want."He muttered sighing softly as he thrust against the hand holding him.Resting a arm across the couch back, tightening his hand so tightly on it, feeling the wood starting to bend with his frustration at not being able to do more, not wanting to scare tom off.
Tom blinked and then smirked, watching the others frustration growing before he carefully slid the head into his mouth, closing his pink, luscious lips around it and giving it a firm SUCK before slowly moving lower, moving until it hit the back of his throat until he gagged and jerked back up, scowling as he realized he needed a LOT more practice for that.
Alex panted softly, swallowing hard as he gently stroked the other's hair."Be caureful lovely.Dont want to get sick."He said stroking his hair shifting a little, wincing as he felt the wood break under his hand as he struggled to stay in conrol.
Tom nodded. "sorry." he muttered offering the other a small smile before he went back down on the other, stroking and sucking, shy and blushing but surprisingly talented with his tongue as he took the other almost to the back of his throat and then back out again, bobbing his head like he, once again, had seen in the magazines his one hand stroking the rest of the shaft, his free hand stroking Alex's balls, working off of mixed templates and information sources. he hoped it was working the way it was supposed to.
Alex moaned shivering, "T-t."He stuttered wrapping his fingers in the other's hair as he jerked him off his cock, coming as he bent down,curling up a little as he panted, his stomach hurting he came so hard. Splattering them both the cum. whimpering softly as he licked the white substance off tom's chin."That...tom..."He muttered in pleasure,holding him close, ignoring the cum smearing on their clothes
Tom smirked when the other came, choking on the amount of cum flooding his mouth, jerking back and letting it coat his face instead, licking his lips as he looked at Alex with wide astonished eyes, filled with surprise and glee at having caused such a reaction. "well, i guess i WAS doing good." he decided smirking a little. "do you have a handkerchief? i have cum in my hair." he admitted looking amused. "and despite what people tell me i am very doubtful it makes a good hair gel."
Alex laughed shaking his head, waving his hand to cast a scogiy, smiling as he kissed the other softly."there.All clean."He said gently brushing the other's hair out of his face, worry showing for a minute."Sorry.Meant to warn you."He muttered blushing, laughing as nagini stuck her head out of tom's pocket to see what they were doing and why her human was panting so.
Tom smiled a little. "that's ok, you let out a lot more than i thought you would so i woulda choked anyway." he admitted laughing a little. "besides, i take great pride in pleasuring you so much you couldn't talk." he teased snuggling into him, laughing as Nagini poked her head out, gently stroking her tiny head, murmuring that everything was alright, that it was all fine, kissing her tiny nose before kissing Alex intently. "mmm i'm tired...feed me crab." be ordered sleepily, looking smug and pleased.
"Oh yes master."He snickered doing up his pants again, pulling the brunete into his lap, letting him snuggle as he fed him a bite of crab. "No going to sleep.We have to go back upstairs."He grumbled pressing a kiss to his head as he fed him, amused and content.Feeling sleepy himself, but he knew if they didnt get upstairs, dumbledore would only take more of a interest on where he disappeared to.
Tom groaned a little but nibbled on the crab, pouting when little Nagini stole some of the pieces from Alex's fingers. apparently she liked crab too, smiling a little. "why do we have to go back upstairs?" he whined rather pathetically. "there's a bedroom down here.." he complained, pouting at Alex. "and if we go upstairs your going to make me sleep in the slytherin dorms so Dumbledoofus doesn't get suspicious about me sleeping in a teachers rooms.
Alex laughed softly at the pouting feeding another bite to nagini,snickering as she ate it, kisisng him softly."Because Dumbledork already thinks I'm trying to corrupt young peole to my dark ways. I don't want to give him a excuse to look closer."He said before sighing looking at the other closer, kissing him slowly."We'll stay down here. Then wake up for breakfast."He said standing,picking the other up,cuddlign him against his chest as he headed for the bedroom. Carrying the tray of crab to, just wanting to snuggle, lay down and sleep. Feeling the strain of avoiding the headmaster settling onto his shoulders.
he sighed a little and shook his head, looking highly amused. "are you here to corrupt students to your dark ways?" he asked looking amused, a little too amused truth be told. "your no dark wizard, your too kind and nice." he stated simply, snuggling him and kissing his neck. "just because you have dark preferences, doesn't mean your evil...dumbledoofus doesn't understand that."
"I wouldn't say that. I've done to much to ever be a light wizard."He shrugged focusing on the boy in his arms before his thoughts strayed to far, setting him on the bed and sighing softly."No. I didn't start teaching to corrupt some.I came to help."He said his chest tight, because it physically hurt to think about telling him,but he couldn't.He couldn't hurt this boy, because he knew if Tom knew what he'd become, it would hurt him."Anyways,draco'll worry if I don't show up to breakfast, and he needs help resisting brax."He said with a tired snicker
Tom smirked a little. "i don't think Draco will be resisting Brax for much longer." he stated simply. "yes Draco and he are both Malfoys, but i'm sure Draco already told Brax that.Brax won't care, their both men for one thing, and incest isn't all that uncommon among the pureblood families. it's how they stay pureblooded after all." he shrugged a little and yawned. "mmm but i did give Brax some advice." he admitted softly. "i hope he listen's." he snuggled into the other and sighed softly. "mmm tired."
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