Love across time

Draco chuckled and gently nuzzled him before he noticed the shaking. "easy love." he murmured softly. "we won't do a thing until your ready.' he promised, gently stroking the others hair. "now i think Tom and Alex will be waking up soon, we probably should stay out here instead." he admitted with a small grimace.

Tom sighed as his eyes fluttered open, smiling softly at Alex who he noticed was also waking up. "i had an amazing Dream." Tom muttered softly. "you and i where getting married." he admitted softly. "and was in this beautiful white tuxedo, and you where in a black one, and all our freinds where all over the place, and Draco and Brax where already married with a beautiful little boy named Lucius." he murmured softly. "and i was going to become Tom Marvolo Medici." he admitted smiling a little. "and we where going to live in a little house by the sea." he sighed softly. "i love the sea."
brax laughed softly relaxing leaning into the touch kissing him again."You just don't want to go in when alex wakes up."He teased sighing softly. "I'm worried about them."he said biting his lip. Not only nervous because he didnt know how to help tom, but because of what weasley had said to him. Still driven to distraction by the thought he was a whore.

Alex whined a little stirring slightly as he turned his face into the other's hand, frowning a little."Gonna kill draco....drugged me..."he whined softly before smiling as the other's gentle words, and gentle dream easing the tighteness in his chest.
Draco sighed and nodded. "i am too." he admitted softly. "and i'm worried about you too.." he admitted softly, worry shining in his eyes. "you haven't talked to anyone about what happened... it's not good to keep that bottled in...please Brax... at least write it in a journal, or..i don't know!" he muttered laying his head on Brax's chest. "i don't want you do do something you'll regret later." he murmured softly. "i don't want you to suffer more than you have to."

Tom chuckled a little at the other and shook his head. "you know very well that if Draco drugged you then you needed it." Tom muttered with a shake of his head before he shifted and winced visibly. "...i hurt all over." he whimpered softly. "did Draco leave a potion?" he had, two calming droughts three pain potions and a vial of the dreaming potion with instructions for each. "..Alex...will you...look?...see what...whats broken?" he swallowed hard. he didn't know how badly he was hurt, he was scared to know, he had heard stories of rape victims being hurt so badly that they where incapable of sex ever again. Tom was afraid that would be the case...then Alex would never want him again. he was covered in bruises, and his ass was torn and bleeding sluggishly when he moved, but he would heal, and even better he'd still be able to have sex.
Brax sighed laying his head back on the grass staring at the sky. Looking tired and strained."I'm fine Draco."He said softly. Pulling on that malfoy mask, even if he knew it wouldn't work,after all he was talking to a malfoy. Before sighing softly."I haven't hurt myself in years.I am not that messed up."He protested.

Alex sighed oftly sitting up slowly, giving tom the potions before nodding. "Okay. I can do that."He said swallowing hard, afraid of what he'd find. Raising a hand as he cast the digasnotic charm he sighed in relief, "You'r'e going to be sore. And you're...going to bleed until the charm heals the damage,but you WILL be fine.You will be."He said shifting wrapping his arms hesitantly around the other, worried about him pullling away.
Draco sat up and for the first time he GLARED at Brax. "Abraxas, don't you DARE try to lie to me like that! i was raped myself remember!? i kept it bottled up and i tried to kill myself three fucking times!" he spat, worry making him harsh. "i tried and i damn fucking near succeeded each time!" he swallowed hard and looked down. "i'm sorry...i didn't mean to yell at you i just... i don't think i can live without you, and your hurting so much." he murmured softly pulling the other into a tight hug. "promise me you;ll talk to SOMEONE...maybe not me, but Alex or Tom, or even just a ghost at the school. hire a therapist or even just talk to your mother... but to someone..."

Tom sighed softly, relaxing into the bed, glad that he was going to be alright as he started to cry again, he was just that relieved. "i'm sorry i can't be a virgin for you." he murmured softly, looking up at Alex. "i...i wanted to be." he admitted smiling a little. "i..i still haven't wanked off you know...i...i only want you touching me." he admitted, flinching at the hug and then leaning into Alex, relaxing in his embrace. "i love you so much."
Brax winced cringing back from the other, burying his face against the other's chest as he shattered, bursting into tears. The words breaking him down, realizing how close he'd come to never meetng his love."It hurts. Its like I dont know what to do. It hurts to not be able to touch you."he sniffled."Even if Alex took care of him, it hurts to know he had to be paid to sleep with me. Like I wasn't enough to inspire lust all on my own."

Alexx growled softly trying to stay calm as he shifted his hold,laying back,cuddling the man against his chest."I don't care if your a virgin or not. I dont care, because I want you to be mine. For now, forever."He muttered kissing his head."I love oyu.I'm sorry I freaked out before break...but I was scared.You scared me.And minnie...well I dont like sharing."He muttered.
Draco held the other close, holding him tightly as he rocked the other gently, tensing when he was informed that the rapist had been PAID to do what he had done. "you inspire lust in me." Draco whispered softly, smiling a little at the other. "from the first second i laid eyes on you, till know i've wanted you to shad me.," he admitted with a small chuckle, holding him closely. "he said those things to hurt you, because he knew that they would hurt.

Tom shuddered against Alex and smiled softly. "i'm sorry too... i wanted to never die...that's all... i was avoiding the ones that would make me go crazy...or trying to." he admitted sighing a little. "i don't want to live forever no more though." he admitted softly. "i don;'t want to die now...but... i don't think i could live without you." he admitted softly. "i'm not going to try and be immortal anymore...i promise." he murmured before smirking. "and don't worry about Minnie, she's just someone i use when i need help." he admitted. "i give her things for her effort, like a book i got from a teachers room, or information i heard when people think i'm not paying attention." he shrugged. "it's a give and take relationship. i get what i want she gets what she wants.... besides she was dating Myrtle before she died so i sort of feel a bit guilty."
Brax smiled a little pressing as close to him as he could, sniffling."it did."He muttered rubbing his eyes, leaning back to look at the other, laughing softly."Oh so now I get to shag you?Does that mean I'm topping?"He asked giggling a little, almost hystercial but pained to.

Alex winced at the idea. Now that was not something he wanted to think about. That was disturbing considering he only knew her as a old woman. Sighing softly he stroked the other's hair, kissing him softly, lightly before drawing away, not wanting to frighten him away."Good. I don't want immortality, I just want every day with you."He said tucking the other's hair behind his ears, smiling easily, sitting up. "I'm going to get a shower. Do you want to join me?"He said before paling."I-not because...not because I want you, I do but not now. I just..."He stopped stuttering through a little."I thought you might need help standing in the shower."
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "of course your topping." he teased smirking. "but i'm still the boss." he teased kissing the other gently. "now, how about some nice hot cocoa from the house elves and another round of Calming Droughts?" he offered smirking a little at his little lover, his head tilted to the side.

Tom smiled a little. "your upset at the thought of two women dating when your dating a man half your age of all things?" he teased smiling a little as he lifted an eyebrow at him. "well...actually yes i would like to take a shower." he admitted with a small sigh. "or a bath might be better." he admitted. "even with help, i don't know how long i can manage to stand up." he admitted, feeling ashamed again. ashamed and filthy, dirty, defiled. he shuddered violently and scrubbed lightly at his arm, where a hand print bruise was around his upper arm, as if he was already trying to wash himself off.
Brax smiled a little resting his head on the other's chest before pushing away nodding."Lets go.And your not dosing me.And alex's is liable to kill you."He said rubbing blood shot eyes helping the other up heading for the house.

"Your not half my age. Just a few years younger."He pouted wincing as he rubbed at his arm,gently easing tom's hand away from what he was sure was red skin, heading for the bathroom,gently helping him undress as he filled the bathtub with warm water. Anger flashing over his face as he saw just how hurt the other was."I love you.'He said softly kissing him again helping th eother into the tub before undressing and getting in himself leaning back against the side, glad that tub had built in seats, leaning back with a groan.
Draco snorted a little. "Alex will see that i did what was right for him." he shrugged. "he was scaring Tom." he smirked. "and i will tell him as such when he comes at me with a knife. he gets horridly Muggle when he gets a little pissed off." well, a lot pissed off but that wasn't the point! he glanced at Abraxas and smiled, carefully carding their fingers together, giving Brax plenty of time to tug away if he decided he didn't want to hold hands yet.

Tom swallowed a little and nodded at Alex, offering the man a hesitant smile as he followed the other into the bathroom. he wasn't hurt too badly, just covered in heavy bruising. his ass had even healed for the most part, it was still red, and sore, but it had stopped hurting, and Tom could even walk with barley a limp now, though he was still as week as a kitten. he sank into the water gratefully, and grabbed the nearest wash cloth, loaded it with soap and began to scrub, and scrub, and scrub until he was pink, then red from the abuse, small frustrated noises falling from his lips as he began to sob again, no matter what he did, he still felt so filthy. so damn filthy as he covered his face with his hands and broke down yet again. it was amazing really, that he'd only tried to kill himself the once.
Brax smirked as he snickered, squeezing the other's hand lightly "A little upset?Just a little?"He teased before walking into the house, tilting his head."And just why would be get to be a muggle?You'd think if anything, he'd just samck around alot of magic."He said thoughtfully. Amused that a malfoy descent, no matter what draco believed, would resort to muggle fighting.

Alex winced gently wrapping his arms around him, holding him gently not wanting to spook him,gently drawing him against him with a sigh.Pressing a kiss to his head as he held him closer."Shhh love shhh.You're safe."He muttered the words sliding into nonwords as he muttered soothingly.
Draco smirked a little. "trust me, for Alex, that certainly was only a little upset." he admitted simply. "if Tom had been more...damaged, or even dead, there would have been no restraining Alex, not even with a heavy dosing of calming potion." he admitted shaking his head a little. "and no, when he get's all pissed off like that he tends to completely forget magic all together and just starts swinging." he laughed a little. "come on, we can get the house elves to make Tom some Crab and Alex a nice juicy steak."

Tom Flinched away from Alex when the arms wrapped around him, fearful it was someone else, but when he looked up at the other he relaxed and leaned into Alex, tucking himself tight into the other so that he could sob against the others chest instead, trembling and shuddering as he cried himself out again, slowly relaxing in the others arms as he began to calm down, breathing even. he'd sobbed himself to sleep, it was a good thing Alex was there or Tom would have drowned.
Brax laugehd softly as he headed for the kitchen, asking the elves for a steak and crab.Amused that his friend liked something the rest of them hated. Sitting down at the table as they waited for the food to cook. "Wow."He said sounding slightly amused."I'd never heard anyone ever going through a calming drought..."he smiled slightly as he tugged the other down for a kiss."I love you."

Alex smiled softly stroking the other's back for a few long minutes before gently lifting him up, drying them both off before settling them into bed, cuddling up against the other. Resting his head on tom's chest as he dosed, worried about the other worrying for a few minute sbefore exhaustion dragged him back under.
Draco chuckled a little and grimaced as he watched a dozen crab legs get tossed into a pot. "yeah, Alex is a powerhouse when it comes to stubbornness." Draco admitted smirking a little before sighing a little. "unfortunately that usually means we have to body lock him and then stun him two or three times before we can finally get him contained." he wrinkled his nose. "i think i want a grilled cheese too." he admitted glancing at a house elf and ordering a grilled cheese with cheddar, Swiss, and provolone. (mmmm yummy) even Draco's grilled cheese had to be complicated.

Tom whined a little as he was picked up and snuggled tighter into his lover, sighing softly as he mumbled Alex's name and nipped at the others neck before calming once more when they where in bed, sleeping softly on the bed with his hand tucked close to his mouth like a child, a slow tear trickling off his calm face as he slept.
Brax snickered a little as he wrapped his arms around him, leaning against his back as he leaned against him, pressing his lips against the other's neck as he muffled his laugh.not even the grilled cheese could be simple."You're amazing."hE said softly amused as he watched their food cook.

Alex whined tightening his arms around his lover,sighing softly.A comforting sound escaping as he felt the tears soak against his hair. So focused on making the other happy, that even in his sleep he tried to comfort him.
"and cut the crust off!" Draco ordered the house elves, shivering as he felt the lips on his neck, smirking back at Brax. "what are you snickering about back there?" he demanded his head tilted a little before he preened. "of COURSE i am amazing, i'm Draco Malfoy!" he chirped with superiority. "i'm the greatest Malfoy that ever lived." he paused. "except maybe for you, but you haven't done all those amazing things yet, so as for now, i am the best."

Tom sighed softly at the tightened grip, relaxing into the hold as he heard the comforting noise, snuggling into his lover with a happy little murmur a small smile curling his lips as he dreamed happy things.
Brax laughed kissing his neck again."Arrogant git."He muttered amusedly, nuzzlng him a little before straightening to answer the other's question."Not even your grilled cheese can be simple. You're so demanding."He said wrapping his arms around his waist, swallowing hard as he spread a hand across his stomach,pulling him tightly back against his chest, bending his head to nibble at pale skin."I know some things I'm better at."He teased
Draco snorted a little and grinned at Brax. "of course i'm an arrogant git, anything as amazing and awesome as me has every right to be arrogant." he teased smirking a little as he shook his head before gasping as he felt the hand sliding against his belly, his face heating up as he leaned back into the other, eyes fluttering closed. "oh..." he mumbled softly licking his lips. "yes, i'd say your much better at that, you've always been well renowned for that." he admitted breathlessly, swallowing hard. "are you sure your ready?" he asked, shivering at the nibbles, unable to help the eager anticipation from soaking his voice.
Brax smirked a little, nodding."Lets take the other two his food, then we'll that."He said blushing a little as he stepped back, takng the tray of food from the house elf, nudging draco towards the door as he headed upstairs to see how the other two were doing. Worried about how tom and alex were.
Draco whined a little and sulked at Brax but gathered his grilled cheese and scarfed it down, heading for the bedroom, pausing when he saw Tom and Alex curled up together. "aaaw their so cute." Draco whispered, looking relieved that Tom could even be so close to the other. "he really loves Alex doesn't he?" he asked Brax softly. "i never thought Tom would be able to curl up next to someone, not after...." he shook his head, placed a warming spell on the tray and set it next to the bed so they would see it when they woke up before slipping out again, beaming at Brax. "now i won't get hard things thrown at my head!"
Brax snickered a little nudging him back towards his bedroom, pushing the door shut behind him as he stole a kiss."Ah but love, you want SOME hard thing to ome at your face."He said smirking as he wrapped his fingers in draco's hair, happiness and neediness coming through. So happy his friend was curled up with alex, and needing to fight through the fear that was gripping him,even with draco. The fear of being close to someone.
Draco went red and he licked his lips. "god i would love to suck you off." he admitted smirking a little as he wrapped his pinky with Abrax's. "but if your not ready, we can know that right? i don't want to pressure you into something." he admitted softly. "i don't want you to think that i need to have sex with you...because i don't, i would be perfectly happy without sex, just so long as i can be with you." he promised smiling a little at the other. "alright?"
Brax snickered slightly befoer smiling, kissing the other lightly."I know. And the fact that you said that, makes it easier..." He smiled wrapping his arms around the other's waist, resting his head on draco's shoulder,shuddering a little."but did you ever think, that I do need to do this?"
Draco smiled a little. "you don't need to do anything love." he promised softly. "you'll be ready someday, soon i have no doubt." he admitted leaning back into Abraxas. "after all, you are the worlds most famed wizard, other than Dumbledore Grindelwald and Tom...but those three don't count because it was all bloodshed really." he admitted smirking. "so your the worlds greatest wizard, or you will be someday, because with history changed, Voldemort will never exist." he stated with a smirk looking up at the other, his head tilted. "i find it so unfair that everyone, even my own grandfather is taller than me."
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