Love across time

brax laughed smirking as he held the other, smirking wider as he gently pushed the other to his knees, tangling his hand in his hair."Easier to get you on your knees that way."He said snickered, groaning softly at the sight of the man kneeling there.
Draco smirked a little, gasping lightly as he fell to his knee's, feeling rather aroused at the hand in his hair, forced to be at Abraxas's heels, licking his lips. it was odd that Draco found it so arousing to be ordered about when he'd been all his life, but damn if it wasn't sexy with Abraxas yanking him about. "yeah." a smirk. "i like being on my knees."
brax smirked a little tightening his hold in the other's hair,swallowing hard as he undid his pants, pulling out his cock as he raised a eyebrow at the man."Suck."He ordered, his free hand resting on draco's shoulder, fingers squeezing a little, still nervous. though more nervous about being good then being hurt.
Draco's breath stuttered at the sight of the others cock, licking his lips eagerly as silver eyes flicked up to Brax, a smirk lifting his lips. "yes master." he purred softly, seductively as he leaned forward and ran his tongue along the others shaft. completely uncaring that anyone could come along and see them as he sucked on Brax's balls, swirling his tongue along the orbs before moving up to the head and kissing it, stroking his tongue along the tip before pulling the head into his mouth and sucking.
brax cursed softly shivering as he shifted back, leaning back against the bedroom door as he closed his eyes."D..draco."He muttered in pleasure, fingers tightening in his hair as he watched the blond through half closed eyes. Oh gods, it felt so good.So nice to be touched.To know draco didn't think of him as a whore.
Draco purred happily as he sucked the other down his moth, relaxing his throat so that he could pull all of the others cock into his mouth sucking and swallowing around his lover moaning eagerly around the others cock, his eyes flicking up to watch Abraxas's face as he sucked him off, stroking with his tongue and reaching up with his hands to stroke the others balls, moaning lightly as he pulled away to catch his breath for a second. "God Brax your cock tastes so good."
Brax laughed softly, stroking the other's hair."O-of course I taste good."He muttered, panting softly.Struggling to be calm.Whining softly at the loss of the boy on his cock,he smiled slightly."come here."He growled pulling him up.Kissing him hard as he tugged at the other's clothes, sighing softly as he got to bare skin.
Draco smirked a little as he nodded, licking his lips seductively before he gasped as he was hauled to his feet, moaning into the kiss, tangling his tongue with the others, gripping him tightly as he helped in the shedding of his clothes, mewling in pleasure as skin met skin. "yes, Brax, please... mmm fuck me, fuck me hard." he pleaded, squirming against the other wantonly.
brax tensed a little, swallowing hard as he felt skin against skin before blinking away the memories, kissing the other harder as he pushed him down on the bed, settling on top of him."Hard you say?"He teased muttering a quiet lubign spell, and as he palmed the older blond's cock he growled in pleasure as he slid between the other's thighs, thrusting into him hard. Nuzzling his neck panting as he fought for control. It so good to be buried in the blond.
Draco moaned eagerly into the into the hard thrust, arching against him as he shivered. "ooh god your so BIG." he moaned swallowing hard. "mmm fuuuck it feels so good Brax." he moaned panting hard as he squirmed again. "hard...fuck me hard...move, please!" Draco begged, panting against the other, his eyes fluttering open. "Brax PLEASE!"
Brax snickered against the other's neck,growling softly at the order, not one to take kindly to being ordered about. Thrusting into him harder he gripped the man's hips, holding him still,pinning him to the bed as he raised his head, looking down at his grandson."You beg so prettily."He teased kissing him slowly as he thrust into him, sighing softly. It felt so, so good to be buried in his lover.
Draco moaned at the growl, smirking to himself as he panted hard. "ye..yeesss." he moaned. "please! please please!" he moaned shivering a little as he tried to arch into the soft pace, panting eagerly. "ple...Please! please.... Brax please! harder!" Draco pleaded shivering and shuddering, whimpering eagerly against his lover, writhing and trying to get the other to move faster. "pleeease, please! Brax PLEASE!"
Brax laughed, highly amused at the other's words, kissing him hard as he thrust into him harder,faster. Giving into the need to fuck him as hard as draco wanted him to. Shivering a little as he fisted the other's cock, wanting to get the other off before he gave into the pressing need that was already tightening his body. Oh gods, draco was driving him over the edge already.

Alex frowned a little as he raised his head from tom's chest, frowning sleepily at the tray of food, poking tom lightly in the side,"Tom. Did you ask for food?"He whined rubbing his face.
Draco moaned eagerly gripping the bedsheets tightly as the hand settled onto his cock, letting out a strangled noise of pleasure and need, moaning happily, eagerly as the other thrust so perfectly into him. "ye, eessss." he moaned tipping his head back. "ooh God BRAX yessss, ooh fuck you feel so good buried so deep inside of me!"

Tom shifted slowly next to Alex and blinked slowly at the still hot food. Tom loved Magic, he really did as he reached for the Crab and sampled it happily. "no, i bet this was Brax's idea, or maybe Draco's..." he paused when he heard Draco cry out Abraxas's name and he couldn't help but smirk a little. "someone's getting laid. bout damn time. maybe now Draco will loosen up a little in class."
Brax moaned loudly as he bit down on the other's exposed neck to keep from screaming and making as much noise as his lover, he came as he held the other close to him, trembling as he raised his head to look down at him, grey eyes wide with please."Oh gods...draco..."He panted staring at the man under him.

Alex snickered as he snagged a piece of crab, nibbling on it as he looked at the other."Hmm he has been tense.Though I wouldn't count on him loosening up just yet."He said amused, knowing draco wouldn't relax until they'd taken care of the muggles. SMiling a little."At least they brought us food before they started things."
Draco moaned as he too came, panting hard as he collapsed onto the bed, grinning happily. "mm Brax, god damn that was wonderful." he moaned smirking a little as he looked up at Brax, blinking at him. "i love you." he admitted softly, reaching up to stroke the others face. "and damn i love your cock." he admitted smirking. "but unless your going to start fucking me again, would you mind pulling it out of my ass so i can snuggle with you properly?"

Tom pouted at him for the crab theft but simply helped himself to another piece, smiling a little as he nibbled on his food, nodding. "he'll stay uptight just so that he can give Brax detentions." he muttered with a small snicker before he looked slightly guilty as he laid back on Alex. "i'm sorry." he muttered softly. "i...i want to but..." he knew Alex would love him with or without sex. but if Brax could recover why did he still have to fight back a flinch every time Alex touched him? never mind that Brax had over a month to recover, and Tom was only on his third day.
Brax laughed softly thrusting against him before pulling out, cuddling into him, wrapping his arms around the other's waist, tucking his head under his chin."I love you to.And I'll fuck you again. later."He said amused as he yawned. nuzzling him as he sighed softly, feeling better then he had in weeks.

Alex smirked a little, shivering. Knowing that in a another time, tom would have gotten violent instead of just pouting. Kissing his head he frowned a little, tensing slightly as the other flinched. pain and anger flashing over his face. He wanted to help hurt that he couldn't make things better "Don't. Tom just doon't."He muttered raising a hand before thinking better of it, letting it drop before he could stroke the others hair.Trying to keep the extra touches to the minium because he didnt want to frighten him."Brax has had a month to get over things. He's come to terms with what happened.You've barely taken a day."He sighed softly."Remember, brax could barely stand to be touched, to be helped in the beginning.Hell, he fell down those first few days cause he wouldn't let draco know how much he was hurt. And it probably helps he's topping. Its not...he didn't have to bottom again. So it wasn't as memory inducing as it could have been."
Draco chuckled and nodded, snuggling into Brax with a yawn and a small purr of a sound, drifting off towards sleep. "i'll look forward to it."

Tom saw the anger and saw the hand go up and before he could stop himself he flinch his hands up to protect himself, too used to being the punching bag for angry adults, and too worked up from being raped to control himself, blinking when he felt nothing, swallowing hard. "s...sorry... i...i'm sorry i..." he shivered and snuggled into the other. "your right, i know your right... i just want to be better... i'm afraid... so afraid that i'm never going to be able to stand people touching me again... i might as well die before that happens because the thought of you never touching me again is almost as heartbreaking as you abandoning me.."
lex swallowed hard, biting his lip hard enough it bled, wanting to rage. Wanting to hurt them for this, for breaking his love. Swallowing hard he looked at tom, dipping his head to kiss Tom's head, laying back on the pillows with a sigh. Not hungry anymore."If you die, I'm going to come after you and bring you back kicking in screaming."He growled, sounding desperate and alone at the idea of being left alone, in a world without tom in it."You're not allowed going anywhere I can't follow.Never."
Tom shivered against him, trembling as he tried to calm himself back down, but in the end reaching into his pocket and taking a swallow of Draco's calming drought, shivering as he felt himself calming down, the trembling ending as he smiled, relaxed once more. "remind me to thank your brother one of these days." he muttered softly. "i won't die." he promised. "i have a reason to live now... i just... i'm afraid i'm going to wake up one day and your going to be gone..." he admitted softly biting his lip hard as he wrapped his arms tightly around Alex. "your know? even if.. i flinch, and i'm afraid your always going to be mine...because...because i don't have anyone else."
Alex smirked a litle, gently tangling his fingers in the brunette's hair, kissing him slowly before drawing away."Good.I don't share well."He growled smiling softly."And I don't mind belonging to you, because you belong to me to.Besides Draco, you are the only person I have."He said before laughing."okay. I lied. We have to include brax in our list of people, because he'll be offended if we don't.And I dont want to listen to malfoy's bitching for the next decade."He snickered, poking fun,trying to get the other to not worry about anyhing, to relax. Smiling softly as he closed his eyes."Come on. Lets get up.We'll go pounce on them. Wake them up."he said amusement showing in serpent green eye.
Tom flushed at the kiss and fidgeted but didn't pull away, in fact even kissed back and seemed to take comfort in it. "i do belong to you." he murmured softly, snuggling into the other with a small smile. "yes, Brax WOULD whine." he admitted nodding a little. "and so would Draco for making Brax whine." he muttered yawning a little before brightening eagerly. "can i jump on Draco?" he asked wicked amusement in his eyes as well as he jumped out of bed and staggered, nearly collapsing but managing to save himself as he bounded out of the room and into Draco's, leaping onto the younger...older?...leaping onto the time traveler with a yell of glee, Draco shrieking in terror at being attacked so abruptly, Tom laughing at the terrified squeals of panic falling from Draco's lips... it was strange to see Tom laughing again, after flinching anytime someone raised their hand in his direction.
Alex snickered a little following tom into the room, laughing harder as draco shrieked."so girly draco."He grinned reaching out and pulling tom away and against him before draco could gahter himself enough to attack him. Brax groaned burying his face against Draco's chest, long used to get attacked in his sleep."Stop yelling.Your loud."He whined poking draco hard in the side, sounding amused, and more awake then he had a few minutes ago.
Tom was giggling as Draco finally gathered enough wit to try and fight back against whoever was attacking him, but Alex had already pulled Tom back so there was nothing to swing at. "what the hell just happened!?" Draco demanded, confused and sleep fogged he didn't fully understand that something had not really been attacking him. "oh, we just saved your life." Tom said flippantly, Draco blinking sluggishly at him. "oh...well thank you." Draco muttered laying back down to go to sleep, Tom pouting. "what? no treasure for saving you?" "i'll pay you when i wake up." Draco muttered. "i need to pay you for working on potions anyway.." he mumbled, already falling back asleep, Tom snorting a little as he shook his head. "is he ALWAYS like this int he mornings?" only when abruptly woken.
Alex snickered."only when he's startled awake."He smiled setting tom on his feet before smirking,"Watch this. He'll wake up for this."He said lowering his head to kiss Brax, yelping as he was bitten."Brax!" Brax snickered elbowing Draco, nudgin him to make him get up."Draco, tell alex to go away.Or see what he wants."He grumbled burrowing deeper into the blankets. He was so not a morning person
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