Love across time

Brax smiled a little tilting his head as they walked into the other room."It's...not horrible.Itis just...not something I'm used to.I knew you two were..different.But I hadn't realized just how deep alex's comfort with violence went."He said pausing, wrapping his arms around the other,cuddling into his arms.

Alex started looking at the snake before smiling. He knew the perfect way to get to him. "Safe.Youre safe tom.I protected you, I will never let anything happen again. he hissed softly before shifting forms, becoming the black viper that was his other form, curling up on Tom's chest,hugging him the only way he was sure the man wouldn't freak out about. And being a snake, made it easire to talk."Safe.I promise.I'm here.[/] he hissed laughing softly as nagini moved around to investigate the new serpent claiming her master as a resting spot.
Draco smiled a little. "he's actually not the only one." Draco admitted. "we both have had to do some...awful things... both to save others and to survive." he admitted softly. "we come from a war where there are no prisoners, only the victors, and the dead." he admitted softly. 'but... now, that War will never come, i can only hope anyway..Tom has changed too much to become...that."

Tom whimpered when he finally heard Alex's voice, muttering something unintelligible in parseltongue as he felt the firm body of the black viper, his eyes fluttering as he tried to focus. "alex?...Alex... i'm scared. " Tom admitted, his voice shaking even in parseltongue. i'm scared..their going to get me..they found me, they knew where i was.. their going to hurt me again Alex! he was pleading, he wasn't sure what be safe again probably. Alex... please don't let them hurt me again....
Brax nodded resting his head against the other's chest."He couldn't do that...he fretted today because he didnt know what to get alex, or that you paid him to much.The man he was before, wouldn't have cared.He's changed so much.And because he can, you can.You can move away from the blood and death."He said softly wrapping his arms around him, pulling him down for a kiss.

"They wont.They've been taken care of. They'll never be able to hurt you or anyone again. even in parseltongue the anger that had gripped a man to do unspeakable violence to a muggle, came through. for a snake, it should have been odd,but it wasn't.He lived to much as a serpent to not be able to express himself as a snake. Slithering up he rested his small head on Tom's cheek, his body curling around him.
Draco smiled as he set his hand on Brax's forehead. "you are young yet." he admitted softly. "and have not seen the pains that i have.. and hopefully you never will." he admitted softly. "but it is not something that i can ever move away from... it is as violent as..." he paused and then hesitantly. "as a rape... someday, you will be able to work through it like you have been able to, and that Tom will be able to... but it never really leaves." he admitted softly. "but...people like you, like Tom, give me a reason to keep going, keep living...keep hoping for better days." he admitted softly as he kissed Brax. "besides, i try never to kill unless i absolutely have to. Alex does too...well, normally."

Tom whimpered again and slowly opened his eyes all the way, blinking at the large black snake, swallowing hard. "Alex? is that you? your so pretty... are they really gone Alex? did you...." Tom couldn't ask if Alex had killed them. after trying to kill himself he knew how precious life was, he didn't want to know if the boys where dead, deserved or not., he wrapped his arms around the man and snuggled into him, whimpering as he held back the tears. "i want you to be a man...please?" he begged, he wanted to be held and comforted, have his hair stroked like Alex did when tom was upset, he wanted to feel loved again, unfilthy again...
Brax smiled a little nodding as he stepped back, heading for tom's bedroom,grabbing some of alex's clothes for him, before looking at the blond, snorting at the other's words."They were dead men walking. You know that. They were dead the minute they touched him."He said, knowing it was in alex's nautre to treasure life, to protect it. Which made him a even more vicious enemy, because he knew just what was ruined by torture, by death, he understood the debt that had to be settled when someone hurt another."You are my better days."He said blushing a little, stealing a kiss.

Alex smiled a little shifting bck, shifting to hold the other in his arms, throgh he laid on his stomach to do it.his back hurt, and he didn't want to flinch and make the other worry about him hurting himself."The wont bother you again.he smiled holding him close."And I'll be whatever you want me to be."He said stroking the other's hair like he always did.
Draco smiled a little and nodded. "the only reason why i didn't kill them was because lack of chance." he admitted softly. "and because i knew Alex wouldn't calm down until he saw their dead corpses himself." he admitted sighing a little. "you are my better days too love." he admitted softly, kissing Brax back before heading into the room and pausing when he saw Tom, curled into Alex, sobbing his poor broken heart out, though relaxed in Alex's grip. "he snapped him out of it...thank god." Draco muttered as Tom simply pressed himself tighter into Alex, already starting to calm down thanks to the hair strokes. "...i love you Alex." Tom whispered. "someday... i won't be broken anymore." he promised. "and then we...we can be happy together...right?" "of course." Draco promised smiling as he handed Alex a potion. "will you make sure that Tom drinks this? it will help with the shock and the depression that will follow."
Alex nodded slightly shifting Tom to get him to look at him."Of course we'll be happy love.Now.Time to drink.Please?"He said easing the potion cloer, holding it close to his face, looking so cute and pleading he knew the other wouldn't say no. Smiling a little as he frowned turning his head to look at draco."Get the ring out of my jeans would you? was still in my jeans when I came home."He said blushing a little. Wanting to give it to tom now, so that he knew that alex wasn't going anywhere.needing to let the other go.Brax smiled as he went after it, tilting his head as he opened the jeweler's box, wanting to see, hsi jaw dropping at the sight of the serpent band, a twisting elegant thing, with eyes the same color of alex's.
Tom whimpered and almost shook his head at the order to drink before noticing Alex's look before sighing and nodding, drinking down the potion before curling up against Alex again, sighing softly as he relaxed. "mm this one makes me feel good." he admitted a small smile gracing his lips as he enjoyed the effects of the potion. "i like this one." he admitted softly, blinking when he realized Brax was gone. "where's Brax gone?" he asked softly looking upset suddenly. "i forgot to get you you're present!" he complained looking at Draco. "i was going to get you Lily petals! because you said you needed some!" Draco looked stunned, startled even. "really? that was very thoughtful of you tom." Draco admitted before frowning a little. "where on earth did you find Moon lily petals this time of year!?" "knockturn Alley of course." om stated with a small smile. "there's a little potion shop, they have everything under a stasis so it doesn't go bad."
Alexx snickered softly."You'll have to remember to do that draco."He smiled kissing tom's head as he held the other tight in his arms, "And I told you they were in knockturn alley."he said amused as brax reappeared holding the newly cleaned ring box towards alex. Alex smiled nudging tom a little."I know tomorrow's christmas,but I think you need this now."He said tugging the serpent ring free, smiling as he hissed softly, the ring warming."It's tied to me. So I can tell when something's wrong."He blsuehd a little."and it'll let you know if I need help to...if you want it to that is."He said blushing darker not looking at him.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "it's not lack of proper storage Alex it's the fact that Moonlily petals are so sensitive you'll ruin them if their put under anything but a perfect stasis, a single mistake and they shrivel and die. and do you know how hard it is to create a perfect stasis? i can't even do it." "....really?" Tom asked eyes wide before he looked incredibly sheepish. "...i can...." Draco stared at him and then nodded. "when your better i want you to take off all the stasis spells on my items and put yours on." Draco finally said, Tom smirking a little as he gave a salute to Draco. "sir yes sir!" he chirped grinning as Brax came in, looking rather relieved. he'd been afraid that he muggles had hurt his friend, but Brax looked just fine.

his attention was diverted however by the ring, a small gasp falling from his lips as he stared at it, tugging the ring he'd stolen from Alex off his right hand and slipping it onto his left before hesitantly accepting the new ring. "Alex it's beautiful.." Tom whispered, sounding shocked and pleased all at the same time. "of course i want To!" Tom stated turning those wide, amazed eyes on Alex. "i want to know when your hurt... so i can always come and make it better like you do for me..." he admitted leaning into Alex. "i want to know when your in i can kiss it better."
Brax swallowed his laughter at the shell shocked look on Alex's face, smiling slightly as he watched Alex. Alex smiled shifting the brunette closer to him, pressing a kiss to his head before kissing his lips."Good. I love you."He smiled slipping his own ring back on, not mentioning that teh serpent would always call to him to. Smiling as he hissed softly, he smirked as the silver serpent raised his head to look at tom from its perch on the ring."It'll also get me a message, since I'm going to tie it to the pendant draco made me get."He sulked but smiled a little as he looked over at his brother.
Tom beamed happily at him and leaned upwards, pressing their lips tightly together, kissing his lover happily. "i love you." Tom whispered softly, smiling as he looked at the serpent ring, stroking the head carefully. "it's beautiful." he murmured softly smiling a little. "i have a present for you too... is it ok if i give it to you now?" he asked hopefully. "i'll give you the one i made tomorrow." he decided softly. "i haven't been able to wrap it..." he admitted holding out the gleaming silver sword, enlarged again as Draco gasped in astonishment at the sight of it. "that's..." and suddenly everything made sense, his eyes focusing on Alex as if he had been betrayed before his lips tightened and he stalked out of the room like someone had insulted him. Tom just looked confused. "did something wrong?" Tom asked, wondering what Draco was so bent out of shape about.
Alex frowned fingering the sword in his lap, mind turning over what he was seeing. He knew this sword. In his orginal time.It'd belonged to....oh."Its a malfoy sword.You got me something that is only useable to a malfoy."He smiled closing his hand over the hilt, studying it."I think he's just realized that we're closely related."

Brax sighed softly as he followed draco out, shutting the door behind him as he wrapped his arms around draco's waist."Draco?Whats wrong?"He asked, vaguely recognizing the sword, but not knowing why it'd upset his lover so.
Tom blinked a little. "well, i knew it was a Malfoy sword but i didn't realize... i'm sorry..." he muttered looking upset. "i know you didn't tell Draco for a reason... i didn't mean to blab your secrete...." he muttered curling into Alex. "i just thought it would be nice for you to have something that belonged to your lineage..."

Draco bared his teeth at the wall his eyes narrowed. "that sword is a Malfoy sword." he stated simply. "one of the rarest kind, only a Malfoy by blood can use it." he stated simply gritting his teeth hard. "that means that Alex's father, or mother has to have been a Malfoy by blood." he stated simply. "he's been LYING to me! all these years he's been LYING to me!" he complained turning to look at Brax, pain in his eyes. "you and tom knew... didn't you?" he asked softly. "he told you not to tell me." he wasn't angry with Brax, or Tom...he was only angry at Alex. "that fucking Liar!.... i should never have trusted him..." he didn't mean that, Alex would know it, if he could hear Draco, but the words where meant to hurt, because Draco was hurting, no matter that Alex was out of hearing range.
Alex sighed sofly wrappng his arms around the other, kissing his head, then lips softly."Don't worry about it. IT was a extremely thoughtful gift. And I knew I couldn't keep it from him forever,I just hadn't thought it'd be a sword that started this conversation."He sighed softly looking pained.

Brax winced walking closer wrapping his arms around him."Love, you know you don't mean that."He said,even knowing he didn't, his heart hurt to hear it. "And I guessed. He's...he acts like a malfoy. And tom, if he knows, knows because alex's spent his life hiding this secret, is it little wonder he shared it with the one person who wouldn't hold him being a bastard against him?"He said leaning back to look at his face.
Tom relaxed a little and smiled as he snuggled into the other some more, trying to comfort his lover. "it will be ok, Draco burns hot all the time, so when he does explode it doesn't last long. i'm sure Brax will have him calmed down by morning." he promised smiling a little as he shook his head. "would giving you you're other present make you feel better? i made it all by myself." he admitted looking hopeful that he could make his lover feel better.

Draco sighed and shook his head. "no...your right i don't mean that..." he admitted softly setting a hand to his face as if to ward off a headache...or tears. "i just have to wonder...who the hell his father is." he admitted softly. "i've met his mother..." he admitted softly. "so it has to be his father... so... it would have to be..." he swallowed hard. "it would have to grandfather.... father... because...they...where the only ones...." he groaned and slid down the wall, gripping his hair. "that's why Alex couldn't tell me...because we really are brothers...."
alex laughed softly smirking a little as he nodded looking curious."I'd love to have my other present."He said stealing a kiss, biting his lip.Despite the worry that was bothering him, he really was feeling better at the idea of getting something else from the boy.

Brax sighed softly sitting down next to him, wrapping his arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head. Smirking a little, about to poke fun at his own reputation."Are you so sure it couldn't be me?After all I'm sure I aged well.Probably would have been a catch to a younger girl."He smiled before sighing."Your father...would he have made sure alex wouldn't tell you?"
Tom beamed happily and leaped off the bed, racing into the other room to get it from it's hiding place and running back and leaping back into the bed, handing it to the other. it was a small wooden snake, carved with expert fingers to the point that it even had scales and pebbles for eyes. "it responds to parseltongue." he admitted beaming at the other. "it can record things, and play them back, and it can bite people if they annoy you." he admitted tipping it into the others hand. "i carved it, and placed the spells myself!" he admitted looking so proud of himself. "it can even change colors, and change size a little bit." he paused, trying to remember. "and even better, when i make the other one, they can work like walkie talkies!...oh but you probably don't know what that is...uhm..." how to explain?

Draco smiled grimly. "considering that, in my time you died before i was born... i doubt it was you... and yes, he would have made sure no one ever found out... that he got a woman pregnant outside of marriage... he probably would have gone so far as to threaten if he thought it would keep the secrete a secrete.... my father...was not a good person..." he admitted sighing a little as he closed his eyes and then stood up, lowering his pants so that Brax could finally see the heavy caning scars littering his ass. "this is what he did to me just because i let a mudblood beat me in score at school." he admitted softly. "i can't imagine what he did to make sure Alex stayed quiet..."
Alex stared, his mouth hanging open a little as he stared at the snake, his fingers ghosting over the words. It was..."Amazing. Perfect."He grinned before kissing him, wrapping his arms around the other, nuzzling his neck."I know what a walkie is. I have...had a friend who enjoys muggle things."He smiled kissing his neck,sighing softly."I love you."He said holding him tighter.

Brax winced, at both the caning and his death. Smiling softly he sighed holding the other tighter. Because he could guess what the other alex was suffered to because of it. He could imagine what kind of pain it would take to convince a child, a teen to not tell his only living relative that they were related."You'll talk to alex.Later.After you calm down."He ordered quietly.
Tom smiled, glad that he had made his lover feel better, snuggling into the other, sighing happily. "you did?" he asked curiously. "someday will you tell me about yourself?" he asked hopefully. "all i know is that your a Malfoy and that Draco is your brother but he doesn't know... i don't know anything else about you." he admitted softly looking up at the other. "i can't help but feel that... your here for a reason..."

Draco sighed a little as he snuggled into Brax smiling a little as he shook his head. "i'll talk to Alex later." he agreed sighing softly. "i want to give you something anyway." he admitted. "it's a little early." he admitted. "but i didn't want you to walk around unprotected." he admitted slipping the silver dragon around the others wrist, showing him his own. "their connected, so we'll always know if one or the other is hurt, like Alex's ring." he admitted smiling a little at his lover. "i have other presents for you too of course but i wanted to give this one to you right away."
Alex flinched a little at the words, swallowing hard as he closed his eyes. Shifting resting his head on the other's shoulder,cuddling him. Because it hurt to think about why he was here, what had driven him to be desperate enough to change the past."Someday I will.AFter school's out."He swallowed hard, unable to think about it, to tell tom what happened, and still be stuck in school with him if the other pulled away. His heart hurt at the idea.

Brax grinned at him, kissing him hard laughing softly."Good.I like the idea of being able to protect you."He said nuzzling his neck,holding the other tightly."I love you."He said studying the dragon happily before sighing."now. Lets get up off the floor love. Its kinda hard. We might want a bed instead."He said laughing.
Tom smiled and nodded happily, simply glad that the other would trust him, and would tell him. maybe not then but soon, Tom sighed and snuggled into the other, biting his lip a little. "..can i sleep here tonight? i'm afraid i'll have nightmares.." he admitted softly. "...and... will you bath again with me tonight? i feel all...gross... again." he admitted rubbing his ankle where one of the boys had grabbed him, shuddering a little. "i keep seeing their faces." he admitted softly. "feeling them touching me..."

Draco smiled a little at Brax and kissed back, rolling his eyes about the complaint of the hard floor. "you know, a little hardness is good for you." he teased getting to his feet slowly taking Brax's hand in his, sighing a little. "tomorrow is going to be a very long day." he admitted grimacing a little. "are your parent's going to be joining us? i want to know if i need to wrap their presents before i go to bed or if i can wait till morning."
Alex nodded pulling away frm him."Come on.Lets bathe then, we'll sleep better for it."He said wincing, knowing he still had blood clinging to his skin.He'd gotten most of it, enough to not tell right away, but he knew there was still some on his skin. SMiling slightly he picked up the other headed for the bathroom before starting the bath."Well. I wont let the touch you anymore.They cant."he growled kissing him,holding him close.

Brax smirked getting up, running his hand down the other's chest, squeezing his cock lightly "Hmm hardenss is a good thing sometimes."He smirked letting him go heading for his bedroom, undressing as he crawled into bed."They'll be here in the morning, but it's christmas morning. Unless alex and tom are up at the crack of dawn and harassing us into getting up, there'll be enough time to wrap gifts before everyone gets up."
Tom nodded and stood up, gasping as he was picked up and grinning a little. "we have to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow!" he ordered. "even earlier! i love Christmas! i'm going to get Candy! i know i am... i love candy." he purred happily before pausing. "oh...speaking of i ate the last of Draco's chocolate frogs, do you think he's noticed yet?" he asked his eyebrow lifting a little.

Draco moaned softly before he groaned and shook his head. "Brax it's TOM!" he stated blinking at Brax like the blond was an idiot. "you know how much he loves Christmas. he'll be up before the sun even in!" even as Voldemort, he man had always taken Christmas off, and let everyone spend Christmas with their families. though if someone forgot to send him a gift they DID get punished for it pretty good. "i better wrap everything now...turn around i have your presents in here too." he admitted scowling a little at Brax. "i should blindfold you... you'll peek..."
Alex grinned as he stripped sliding into the water, smiling softly."Nah. He'll not notice until he goes to eat one...then he'll probably blame me. I always steal his."He said laughing softly as he slid into the tub, sighing softly as he leaned back into the tub. Wincing a little as the water tinged red a bit. More a dull pink.

Brax laughed softly as he laid down, pulling the blanket over his head, "Nah I wont peek.And dammit draco,you didn't have to remind me he's christmas obsessed."he whined softly. Snickering, knowing alex was so going to get pounced on in the morning.
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