Love across time

Tom snickered a little and then paused, frowning as he noticed the pink color of the water. "what in the world?" he mused standing up and looking back at his ass to check and make sure he hadn't started bleeding again before looking over at Alex, his eyes widening as he realized that his lover had blood on him. "Alex! are you bleeding!?" he demanded, terrified that his lover was hurt as he vaulted out of the tub, and ran stark naked into the living room to grab the first aid kid and running back, ignoring the shocked looks of Brax's parents...really they should be used to that by now.

Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "he's ALWAYS going to be Christmas obsessed. even as a raving madman he was Christmas obsessed." he admitted looking amused. "only, for once he's actually giving presents... back in my time, he only got them, and we'd get punished if we forgot to get him something." he admitted. "he's so much better now.. i never thought that Alex could change him so much... i think Tom might actually grow up to be happy." he admitted smiling at Brax. "and you too for that matter." he admitted as he started wrapping things with his wand so that it took hardly any time at all.
Alex laughed softly watching him before waving him off."No. I'm not bleeding. But..."He blushed a little."When I...dealt with the muggles, I got blood on me and didn't take long enough to scrub it off since Draco said you needed me."he said blushing more, twisting to look at the cut on his shoulder, nodding to himself as he was reassured he really wasn't bleeding again."I'm fine tom."

Brax laughed amused as he rubbed his eyes."Was I unhappy in your time?"he asked curious before smirking a little."I think tom,even when he was a madman, was obsessed with Alex...but couldn't do anything. From what you said. Now...he has a chance to know the man before the madness. And they're...good together. Alex in all his worn torn violence, and pained past, needs tom. And tom, likes taking care of him, even if he wont admit it."
Tom scowled at the other and made a motion with his finger for Alex to turn around, sighing when he saw the cuts. "Alex! you need to take better care of yourself!" he complained glaring at him as he uncorked the healing potion, soaked a rag with it and gently dabbed at the others injuries smiling a little. "it's ok... since you won't take care of yourself, i do it for you." he decided. "i'll kiss all your ouches away." he promised gently kissing one of the cuts that was starting to heal now that Tom was taking care of it. "and your ankle too!? how where you walking on this!?" Tom demanded, chastising his lover. "next time tell me right away! or at least tell Draco!" he ordered frowning as he dabbed the wounds, making them heal over with the healing potion. "i'm broken, but sometimes.. i think your broken even more than me." he admitted smiling a little.

Draco hesitated then. "you where bitter." he admitted softly. "you ended up marrying some bitch of a witch who's main goal in life was to make you and your son, Lucius, as unhappy as possible." he admitted softly. "Tom always has been obsessed with Alex, only in my time he liked to rape Alex as often as he could." he admitted. "Alex got pretty used to it... to the point where rape didn't even bother him anymore." he admitted. "that's why he reacts so badly, why he reacted so badly to you and Tom getting raped... because he understands." he admitted softly, biting his lip as he looked over at the other. "Tom and Alex are good for each other... but your even better for me."
Alex winced at the words resting his cheek against the porcelin, so relaxed he was starting to drift to sleep, amused he was getting scolded for not taking care of himself well enough by the man who'd hurt him the most. "Not so bad.Had worse.You broke it worse before."He muttered not realizing he'd said it, sighing in relief at the healed cuts, and bones. And yet, he barely noticed. It he was so used to being in pain he didn't even notice anymore.

Brax winced at the description of his wife, and of alex's pain. Now he understood even more the haunted look that crossed his grandson's face, saw the shadows that he reacted to. And what drove him to push a body already in pain."I am.Of ocurse I am. I'm me."He laughed softly shifting to cuddle against him, snuggling close as he started to fall asleep.
Tom blinked looking startled his head tilted. "i hurt you?" he asked sounding completely baffled. "i broke something? what are you talking about i never hurt you...did i?" he asked worried that he had done something he didn't remembered, it wouldn't be the first time, he'd been placed under imperio many times and then had his memories obliviated. thankfully when he was charged with something and the Auror's came they could tell that he'd been obliviated and imperio'd and often got off without even a warning. but it caused a great deal of upset for poor Tom. unfortunately it was also one of the many reasons why tom had gone insane. "Alex?" Tom asked softly, frowning a little. "why do i get the feeling your keeping secretes from me?"

Draco smiled as he laid his head on Brax's shoulder sighing softly as he snuggled in tight. "your you." he agreed smiling happily. "and i love you... and you will never marry some horrible bitch... and Father will never grow up to be cruel and hateful... and i, will grow up to be a happy, whole little boy." he decided softly wrapping his arms tightly around the other. "mmm if i even get born at all." he chuckled a little. "i don't think i'd mind, not fathering my own father." he admitted softly, sleepy. too sleepy to stop his words. "i wouldn't mind adopting... would you want to adopt?..i've always wanted a little girl... a little girl and a little boy.. one of each.." he yawned and snuggled in deeper. "mmm and a puppy... gotta..have a puppy." and then he was asleep.
Alex winced waking up more at the sound of the other's confusion, blinking stupidly. Shaking his head a little."No. You didn't hurt me. Now. Finish washing up.I want to sleep."He muttered deftly avoiding answering if he was keeping things from the other, sliding out of the tub and starting to dry off. Worried and afraid of what he'd tell the other. Not...he couldn't tell him could he?His heart broke a little at the idea of telling tom what secrets he was hiding. Sighing tiredly he headed for the bedroom,collapsing onto the bed with a moan, curling up on his side, nearly asleep before tom joined him.

Brax laughed softly, cuddling into him. Now this conversation,he'd just remind him in the morn...and with that thought he was asleep.
Tom felt as if tears where cropping to the surface when Alex left the bathroom and collapsed on the bed. "'s just because he's in pain... that's all... he didn't mean it..." he muttered softly biting his lip hard, closing his eyes to fight back the pain before he got up and joined Alex in bed. and as promised, the other was shaken rudely awake five minutes to six. "ALEX WAKE UP IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" he yelled eagerly. "GET UP! GET UP!" and once he was sure the other was awake he tore out of the room and landed on Draco, shaking him awake. "UP UP UP UP!!! IT'S CHRISTMAS YOU HAVE TO GET UP!" he ordered, voice tinged with bright excitement as he tore out of the room to wake Brax's parents up in the same manner. thankfully they where well used to this, as Tom usually was at their house for Christmas. Tom was practically their second son!
Within minutes everyone was downstairs in the sitting room, yawning and stumbling, but knowing better then to make tom wait for them. Alex yawned as he pulled the brunette onto the couch next to him, biting his lip as he struggled to think about what they'd bbeen talking about before he fell asleep. Having a feeling he'd hurt the other,but he had no idea what he'd said. Nuzzling his neck he bit down gently, holding him close."Are you okay?"He asked biting his lip not realizing that along with the charm to warn him or tom if the other was in trouble, tom's ring was tied to him emotionally, and showed just how deep his anxiety went about what'd he said."Tom?"He muttered.

Morgana smiled slightly as she leaned against Lucien's side, she watched amused as the young people stumbled in with a smile."Good morning Draco,Brax.Tom.Awake more then anyone else."She teased at her youngest 'son'
Tom was squirming excitedly, grinning eagerly as he was pulled into Alex's lap, giggling at the bite as he squirmed again, instead of arousing him like usual it only tickled, he was too excited. but when he felt the others anxiety he looked back at Alex, worry in his eyes. "Alex? you ok?" he asked softly before nuzzling him. "it's ok, i know you didn't mean it. you where tired and hurt." he promised smiling a little. "it hurt a little but i'm alright now." he promised beaming at him happily, as if that made it all better, at least he knew Alex knew he was telling the truth, there was nothing in Tom but eager anticipation, excitement and love. he beamed at Morgana and nodded. "of course i'm awake it's CHRISTMAS! why aren't you people smiling! go on smile!" he paused then snapped his fingers. "Coffee! you need coffee!" he decided leaping off of Alex's lap and into the other room Lucien, Brax's father, blinking in astonishment as he watched Tom vanish. "...did he just go get us coffee? that's a new trick. usually he flings presents at us and then opens his so fast it's like a whirlwind in here." "he's calmed down a lot." Draco admitted smiling a little. "he's not hurting inside so much."
Alex smiled indulgently, smiling softly as he watched tom disappear."No, he's not hurting as much."He smiled absently rubing a finger over his ring, before gently poking the presents piled at his feet, worried about everyone liking their presents. Brax yawned resting his head on Draco's shoulder,"You're to awake for this early in the morning."He whined raising his head to look at Draco,stealing a kiss."I want to go back to bed after this."he whined.
Draco laughed a little and gently nuzzled Abraxas smiling a little. "you are aware that Tom will never allow that?" he teased smirking a little. "he's going to drag you all over, demanding you help hide presents for the house elves." he admitted snickering a little as he glanced at Alex. "yes, Tom is giving presents to the house elves, isn't it amazing!? he's giving hem candy i think, or maybe little wooden figurines i can't really remember." he admitted as tom raced back in, coffee on a tray for all of them. "here! coffee! now SMIIIILE!" Tom chirped beaming at them happily, Draco laughing at Tom's over eager expression. "Tom, if you want us to smile, let us go back to bed." Tom pouted at Draco. "but... happy! and presents! and pretty lights in tree's!...and CANDY!" he was such a child.
Alex yawned laughing softly s he sipped his coffee, smirking a little. "Love, if we go back to be, we can enjoy time there."he smirke waggling his eyebrows, snickering as morgana choked on her coffee."Alexander Malfoy!Behave!"She scolded gently, laughing as she looked at her laughing relative, glad to see the haunted man so open and and laughing. Brax snickered at his grandson, tilting his head to look at tom."You know they're not morning people.I'm not a morning person.Sleep is good."He whined even though he started passing out presents, knowing tom woldn't let them go back to sleep
Tom went beat red and he burst into giggles, hiding his face as Draco burst into laughter. he hadn't had a chance to talk to Alex, but Draco laughing at Alex was a good sign. "oh Morgana let them have fun." Lucien teased smirking a little as he accepted his pile of presents Tom grinning eagerly as he accepted all of his things and handed out all of his presents. Draco got a carved Dragon, just like Alex's only a little less spell work, Brax also got a little dragon, only his tried to bite him when it first came out of the wrapping paper. he gave Alex another present as well, this one was a little wooden ring, smooth as silk with only a single black hair wrapped around it. "it.. um.. it's so that if.. if i get in trouble, you can pull me out." he explained sheepishly. "i know.. your always worried about me so i though.. if you could Apparate me from any where then you wouldn't worry so much..."
Alex smiled relaxing as he kissed the other lightly."Good.I do feel better."He growled softly gently tucking the other's hair behind his ears, kissing him again before smiling as he let them open their gifts. To morgana and lucien he got the completed history of the malfoy family...with the missing future parts.NOt that they'd know they were missing. To draco, the man got a small necklace, a pendant of a hourglass hanging on a delicate small chain, the choker to keep it out of the way, with the words inscribed on it of 'all we have is time, no mater where we are.' he had written,just so they had a reminder that nothing mattered but the time they had at that instant.And to brax, well his grandfather had gotten his missing family ring back that lucius had found the gleaming onyx and emerald creating the malfoy crest. Amused to give his grandfather the very thing his father had treasured most.

Brax smiled tilting his head a little, staring at the ring, having a feeling there was a story behind it."Thank oyu."He said tilting his head
Draco smiled as he put the necklace on, gently stroking it as he kissed Brax. "i'll explain the ring later." he murmured smirking a little as he handed out his gifts. Tom of course got piles of Candy, the boy chirping in glee as he dug into the Chocolate frogs almost instantly, offering Alex one with his head tilted. Morgana got a pretty hair pin, and Lucien got a bright silver cane that looked exactly like Lucius's had. Alex got a Malfoy insignia ring and a bracelet that would counter every poison known to wizard kind, past and present alike. Abraxas got a necklace with a gleaming silver ring attached to it, and Draco smiled at him. "this ring is very special." he explained. "it will take you to my own personal home." he admitted softly. "so if you ever get into danger, all you have to do is put the ring on your finger, and it will take you to my house." he admitted smiling. "and this one is more personal, it was mine when i was growing up." he admitted softly handing the last gift to Abraxas, smiling as the well worn Dragon stuffy spilled into the others hands. it had recently been patched, and it was completely adorable. "my mother made it for me, so i wouldn't be afraid when i went to Hogwarts." Draco explained smiling a little. "so, i thought maybe you could have him so you wouldn't be scared when you go back to Hogwarts too."
Brax stared at him,eyes going wide,tears filling them at the thoughtful gift,ignoring everyones concerned look."t-thank you."he sniffled cuddling the dragon as he cuddled against his lover,already feeling better for having it."I love you." Alex smiled softly, kissing tom's head as he ate his chocolate frog."Are you sure we ccant go back to bed?"He teased,more to distract everyone from brax's almost breakdown then any desire to go back to sleep
Draco smiled as he wrapped his arms tightly around Brax's shoulder, holding him close as he gently nuzzled the other looking worried about Brax but not voicing it as Tom hesitated and then shook his head. "no! breakfast." he ordered crossing his arms and sulking. "then you can all go to bed." he decided grinning a little. "i told the house elves to make all the good stuff!" he admitted wriggling eagerly. "i love breakfast." he admitted grinning a little as he looked over at Brax to make sure he was going to be alright.
Brax smiled a little at tom, resting his head against draco's shoulder before getting up."Lets eat then."He said grinning because he didnt' want to worry his parents.ignoring the look everyone gave him as he walked out of the room.Alex looked concerned trembling a little because he knew exactly what kind of damage it could do to a person to be hurt that way he smiled pulling tom up after him."Food."He grinned picking him up heading for the dinning room,sitting down next to brax."Malfoy's dont cry."He muttered. Brx bristled giving him a look,his sense of pride stung enough he' act like himself,at least till him and draco were alone.
Tom grinned happily as he bounded into the dining room, sitting next to Brax, tom next to Alex, both of them glaring at the Medici Heir for his comment, Draco growling as he reached under the table to grip Brax's hand comfortingly. "Malfoy's can do anything they want." he stated with a flash of anger at Alex Lucien chuckling a little. "well, Draco does have a point." he admitted. "we are the best, so it stands to reason that we can do as we please." "exactly." Draco chirped smirking a little as the food appeared, Tom falling onto the crab legs with a gusto, ignoring the grimaces of the Malfoy's all around him. "want some?" he offered Brax and Draco with a smirk, Draco glaring at Tom heatedly, Tom just snickering. "no?"
Brax gave him a look wincing a little."No.Definately not.I'm amazed alex kisses you."He grimaced at the food devouring his pancakes an ignoring the anger between draco and alex knowing they'd figure it out. "I dont mind so much."Alex grinned as he stole a bite of crab befoore returning to his waffles.
Tom giggled a little as he stuffed himself with the little bit of crab the Elves had prepared, forcing him to eat some pancakes as well. Crab was good for you but only in moderation, and Tom needed to be moderated. he had very little self control really, so he got a little bit of crab, and then had to eat the other breakfast items prepared, Lucien snickering a little at Tom's exuberance. "after dinner i think a nap." he decided noticing Tom's yawn, the boy had TRIED to hide it, but apparently had failed. "yes... ok you can all have your precious sleep." Tom whined, pouting a little as Draco snickered a little and shook his head. "Alex, we...need to talk at some point too." he admitted softly, Tom hesitating as he watched the two brothers. "hey Brax! after nap time will you show me how ro ride your Pegasi!?" offering Alex and Draco the chance to talk.
Brax grinned tilting his head."Of course I will."He said watching the two brothers. Alex winced a little swallowing hard as he nodded slightly."We'll talk."He muttered before looking at his food,"I'll come find you later."Alex nodded looking at tom, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he got up. To anxious and afrid to sit through breakfast and a nap, "Come on."He said pulling draco out of his seat with him, laughing softly as he headed for the library, shutting the door behind them,collapsing into a seat by the fire.
Draco yelped when he was pulled away from the table so abruptly while he was actually still eating. Alex wasn't usually that worked up about something, not that Draco could blame him, he was pretty worked up too. he swallowed hard when he found himself alone with his brother, really his brother, how astonishing. "Alex..." Draco muttered softly, sounding hesitant, almost afraid. " was my father wasn't it....we really are brothers aren't we?"
Alex winced moving to stare out the window, wrapping his arms around himself as he nodded, a barely visble nodded."Yes, we are." He sighed softly, resting his head on the cold glass."Yo...father...told me I couldn't tell you.So I did the only thing I could.I accepted you as a brother, even if you didn't know it was by blood."She sid sighing, biting his lip.
Draco bit his lip a little. "why didn't you ever tell me?...even after father died..." Draco looked away. "i feel as if you've been lying to me." he admitted softly. "lying about everything....and it hurts Alex..." he admitted gripping his chest. "it feels..." it felt like Alex had stabbed him, without even giving the courtesy to do it behind his back. "how could you just sit there and watch me mourn being the last of my family...when you are my family too?"
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