Love across time

Draco moaned arching a little, smirking a bit. "you know, in my day, the only person who beat your record of getting caught snogging in the library was me." he admitted panting softly. "i think it's a Malfoy thing." he admitted, moaning eagerly into the fucking, shivering in pleasure. "oooh god yesss.. mmm you know just how to do me right." he groaned panting hard. "aaah yess, fuck Brax!" he whined when the other stroked his prostate, making him Jerk. "god i wish i'd let you do this to me sooner!"
Brax laughed softly, his lips curved into a smile as he pressed a kiss to the man's shoulder, stroking his cock as he thrust into him. Sighing softly as he nuzzled the other's neck, knowing why he hadn't done it earlier.And feelign a little guilty for not being able to stand being touched, even if it hadn't been his fault."I love you."He muttered softly, grippign the other tightly, coming with a soft moan.
Draco moaned eagerly panting hard as he gripped the shelves, whimpering and groaning as he let his grandfather fuck him almost ruthlessly. "yessss." he moaned arching more. "gonna cum! Brax i'm gonna cum!" he groaned trembling against the other. "your so good, so good inside of me!" he moaned "i love you so much!" squirming before gasping as the door opened. "oh shit... it's Tom!" he whispered as the boy bounded into the room, paused looked around through narrowed eyes. "...are you guys in here or do i not want to know?" he could smell sex, lots of Sex....
Brax laughed tilting his head as he rested his cheek on draco's shoulder."You don't want to know."He said pulling away, patting draco on the back as he moved away, straightening his clothes before stepping out of the bookshelves."You found us first?Not alex?"He teased raising a eyebrow.
Tom smirked a little. "well that's because i knew you two would be screwing!" then he paused, hesitating. "and because i... i needed to ask Draco something without Alex there..." he admitted softly Draco wincing as he realized almost instantly what Tom wanted to know. "sit down then." Draco said with a sigh as he straightened himself out and sat them both down. "i will tell you...what happens in my time.." and he began with the little boy Harry, and went from there. it was a half an hour before he finished, and he was starting to worry that Alex was going to fin them before he could finish explaining that Draco and Alex where the last of Tom's death eaters. poor Tom looked like he was going to be sick, pale faced and terrified, because he had seen. and he had been calling himself Voldemort, little 'Flight From Death'... it suddenly didn't suit him anymore. "that's why we came back in time." Draco finished. "to change the past, and thus change the future... Akex, never expected to fall in love... and neither did i... we where going to do what we meant to do, change the one moment in history where Tom went mad, and stop it from happening... but..." "but you did fall in love... and you did change me...for the better... i am... i will KILL myself before i EVER become that monster!"
"You do realize I didn't tell him for a reason don't you?"Alex said coolly from the door tilting his head. Looking as cooly arrogant as only a malfoy could be. Though green eyes were filled with pain. Because he'd stood outside the door long enough to know that Draco had told Tom everything...though he was hoping that Tom didn't realize just how deep his obsession had gone with the eldest malfoy child. There was only so much shame Alex could live with...and having tom pity him, and hate himself wasn't something he was willing to live that.

Brax paled turning his head to look at the man walking towards them, swallowing hard as he studied him. Wondering what the cold neutral face was hiding."Alex..."
Tom turned to blink at Alex, his lip quivering as he dove out of his chair and slammed into Alex, holding him tightly as he cried in silence. "i will never let myself do that, do those things! i will never, ever!" he promised trembling against Alex. "never." Draco just shook his head. "he has a right to know Alex, why you flinch when he says certain things." he stated calmly. "he's seen you do it, i've seen you do it... sometimes you have trouble separating them and Tom had to know why... it is HIS future we are fighting to save Alex...he has a right to know that." Tom just shook his head. "i will NEVER Become that." he hissed looking up at Alex with terrified eyes. "promise me! promise me if i start becoming...THAT, you'll stop me! and if you fail in stopping me promise me...promise me you'll kill me..." anything, anything to not become what Draco had described.
Alex swallowed hard,glaring at his brother as he ducked his head, resting his forehead against tom's shoulder.Because it was true, voldemort had screwed up the medici heir so much that he couldn't stand to be touched sometimes, espcially by tom. Swallowng hard as he heard tom's question, closing his eyes.Knowing it'd cost him everything to do it,but he could."I will.I promise.If you...if you change. I will."
Tom relaxed in the others grip, so relieved by Alex's promise that it was a tangible thing. "thank you." he whispered softly, nuzzling the other. "i promise, i'll never hurt you again." there was no pity in his voice, only fear of himself and awe at Alex for being able to survive so much. "and i promise to do everything in my power to never become anything like that THING." he promised looking up at Alex, swallowing hard, his eyes serious and firm. a look that Voldemort had never worn. "i will do everything i can, to make sure that it never happens."
Alex's smile as he looked down at the other, was slow and shy almost, curling his lips almost painful hope filled his eyes. Hope that he had changed things, that he'd never have to live through that horror again."I'll help you."He said holding him tighter. Brax swallowed hard nudging draco, straightening his clothes. Knowing he was about to ruin the moment,but they needed to think about something else."Now. That we're being melodramtic, and sad, lets go d something else."He said gently shoving tom, smiling as alex nearly hit the floor as he was knocked off balance."I vote on playing another game.Chess or something."
Tom smiled as he held the other closely Draco snickering a little as he shook his head, straightening out his own clothes as Tom yelped and pouted at Brax. "hey!" he complained sulking a little. "i didn't bitch when i caught you two in here fucking like rabbits!" he smirked. "though i shouldn't be so shocked, you where always partial to library's." Draco too for that matter. "i suppose you people knowing how to play Poker would be expecting too much hmm?" "i know how to play Poker!" Draco stated suddenly. "father used to play it with the other pure blood men." he admitted grinning. "i played it in school with my freinds."
"And usually lost his clothes in the process."Alex snickered a lttle nuzzling tom's neck as he pulled away. Looking easy and amused though he knew just under the surface he was falling apart. Smiling easily he knew for the moment though, he'd be able to put it out of his mind. Brax grinned."Well good.Let's play."He smirked heading for the sitting room to get both drinks and cards, expecting the other three to follow. Already acting like the lord of the manor, he just expected somethings to fall into place.
Tom grinned as he squirmed before paling a little. "we...we're not going to take our clothes off are we?" "no." Draco promised smiling. "that's a different type of Poker, usually as a way to end up having sex and i do not intend on having sex in front of my brother." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "never. that's just creepy." he admitted watching Brax walk away. "i wonder how long it will take him to realize we're not following?"
Alex smirked a little watching for a few minutes."He's noticed.He's just assuming that we will follow shortly. After all, he is a malfoy. He's arrogant enough to think we'll just follow his whims."

"I heard that!"Brax called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the study settling down on the couch, waiting patiently.Well he was as arrogant as Alex accused him of being.
Draco laughed brightly and nodded. "but he's forgotten that everyone else here is a Malfoy too, and we don't take kindly to being ordered about do we Tom?" "huh? what? Me? i'm not a Malfoy...." "oh but you are." Draco admitted simply looking amused. "Lord and Lady Malfoy adopted you last night, they haven't had the chance to tell you yet." Tom looked stunned, and then overjoyed tears brimming in his eyes as he raced down the hall to check and see if it was true, stuttering his way through as Lucien chuckled and nodded. it was a very good day for Tom, now that he had been adopted, Lord and Lady Malfoy where his legal guardians, and that meant that Dumbledore couldn't make Tom do anything he didn't want to anymore. namely, go back to the orphanage. "i won't mention that i suggested it to them." Draco stated with a smile as he watched Tom burst into tears and hug Lady Malfoy tightly. "they would have adopted him years ago, had they realized that they could." he paused then. "i wonder if we should tell Brax or let Tom subtly hint all day unto one of the parents gives it away?"
Alex snickered watching his lover hugging morgana and the woman hugging him back,gently stroking his hair."We could just dump it in his lap, but letting tom hint at it till brax gets frustrated would be amusng."He smirked a little raising a eyebrow as teh man in question walked in. "Whats going on in here?"Brax sulked,disappointed no one had followed after him.
Draco smirked a little. "Malfoy independence, that's all." he stated patting the others head playfully like a child as Tom came bounding over, looking about as hyper as a puppy on crack. "this is the BEST christmas EVER!" he chirped wrapping his arms tightly around Draco. "thank you!" he murmured Draco flushing a little. "what!? i didn't do anything." "liar! come on!" he ordered skipping to the sitting room. "i wanna see how fast i can strip Brax of his clothes. we're all practically family so it's ok to see each other naked!" "it is not!" Draco protested flushing hard, but he followed anyway.
Brax sputtered following looking confused."What?!What?!"he yelped following the other two inside. Alex snickered lookng at Draco an Brax, before laughing."Well you two really ARE relatives, and you spend time naked togehter." Brax yelped as he sat down in the chair."That's different!"
Tom laughed and nodded. "how? i don't see any difference!" he teased grinning as he accepted his butterbeer. Tom didn't normally like the taste of alcohol so he never drank, in comparison to Draco's strong Spiced Rum. "i mean com on Brax you and i are practically BROTHERS." Tom teased smirking a little as he stole the cards and started shuffling them, passing out the cards to everyone, wondering how long it would take them to notice he was cheating, the muggle way. Alex he knew would find out at some point, but would the others?
"I dont know. It just IS!"Brax protested smiling as they settled in to playing the game. It took only one hand for alex to realize tom was cheating, then went on cheating himself. Wondering how long it'd take draco and brax to realize they were being played. And wondering which they would blame for cheating when they both were.
Tom flashed Alex a playful smirk at one point as he got the cards again, stacking the deck as he shuffled, Draco cussing spectacularly as he pulled out his money purse to check how much he'd lost. all of his money kept going to Tom and Alex, which annoyed him to no end before. "ALEX!...are you CHEATING!?" Draco demanded glaring at his brother, well aware that Alex was perfectly capable and willing to cheat. Brax would no doubt accuse Tom, as Brax had often aided Tom in rounding up suckers for a nice round of getting cheated so Tom could buy new socks or a new robe when he really needed it.
Alex smirked a little."I would never!How dare you accuse me?!"He said pulling off the perfect picture of injured pride. Brax snickered,"Oh come off it. Tom's cheating, at least you could do is admit to cheating to."He said studying his grandson, amused. Because he knew both of them were, not that he could figure out how.
Draco gaped as he looked from one to the other scowling a little as he shoved his hand out. "give me back my money you little thieves!" he ordered Tom just laughing as he hopped to his feet. "aaw but Professor! all this money could buy me a brand new wardrobe for school! i really do have to look my best you know, i DO have Family Pride to take care of now." Draco paused then turned to Alex. "YOU give me back my money you thief!"
Alex puted looking at him."Why?"He said tilting his head."You're the one who demanded I take care of myself. I need this."He smirked thoough he did toss the bag of money back to the other. "So demandng."Brax grinned looking at his lover.
Draco huffed and re-pocketed his money, Tom snickering as Draco pouted at Brax. "you even KNEW they where cheating! that's not faiiiir! my own family hustling me... really..." he whined Tom snickering as he patted Draco's back. "aaw Draco that's what Families do." he teased smiling a little as Draco sulked at him. "hush you. you might be my future Brother in Law but that doesn't mean i won't take you over my knee and paddle you like a naughty five year old." tom just laughed.
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