Love across time

Draco had huddled up in his room, pressing his face into his knees as he trembled violently. Severus, the man he had always thought of as a father, slaughtered in front of his very eyes by Lucius himself for trying to smuggle Draco and Narcissa away during the war. killed because he was trying to save him, save Draco. "Severus....oh god Sev i'm so sorry." survivors guilt, was sometimes worse than anything else in the world.
"Draco?"Brax said softly easing into the room, crouching down in front of draco,gently stroking his hair."Whats wrong?Do you need me to make elieen go away?"He asked softly looking so worried for his lover.
Draco swallowed thickly as he looked up at Brax before shaking his head. "no i just..." he sighed a little. "she's the mother of someone i..i loved very much... he was as good as a father to me and... and Lucius, my father slaughtered him, for trying to take me away." he explained softly. "i was...i was just startled that's all." he admitted softly, leaning against the other. "i was just...surprised..." he looked like he was about to burst into tears truth be told. he was pale, and trembling, and looked like he might be about to be sick. "i never thought..i would run into her... i just..." he closed his eyes. "it was a shock...i'm alright now...." but he really didn't look alright.
"No youre not."he said wrapping his arms around the other, holding him tightly as he pressed a kiss to his head,smirking a little."Does this mean we HAVE to warn Alex before he walks into a room with her?"He said worried about draco, and even worse how violent Alex's reaction woud be if he walked in on a memory.
Draco hesitated and then nodded. "we should.. i don't know how close Alex was with Sev but.. better to be safe then sorry." he admitted leaning into Brax. "it would seam.. i'm broken inside too." he admitted softly, feeling shaken still, shaken and upset. "we will have to explain to her about the time travel thing... can she keep that a secrete? no one can find out, especially not Dumbledore..."
Brax's smirk would have done a panther proud as he nodded."She takes a unbreakable vow of silence.If she tries to talk, she'll kill herself for doing it.Thats why mother suggested her.No one else takes their sense of privacy to that extreme."He smirked a little leaning back slightly, "Lets go. Better get this conversation over with."
Draco blinked looking amazed before he chuckled a little. "i feel bad.. really we should explain all of this to your parents." he admitted shaking his head as he headed down the hall and to Tom and Alex. "hey, you two wake up." he ordered gently shaking the, Tom groaning softly as he blinked a little. "mm?" "there's someone here, a therapist to talk to Tom and Brax." he explained smiling a little, looking strained as he looked at Alex. "it''s Sev's mother..." "who?" Tom asked rubbing his eyes. "oh, Eileen Prince." Draco explained Tom brightening as he leaped to his feet. "i know her! she see's the other Slytherins sometimes!" he admitted. "she's pretty...i didn't know she was a therapist!... i don't need therapy!" he complained glaring at Draco who smiled a little. "you should talk to her anyway, it helps... i'm going to talk to her, and so is Brax." "..not Alex?" Tom asked suspiciously, Draco hesitating, well aware that Tom wouldn't willingly talk to Eileen unless Alex promised to as well.
"Go to hell.I'm fine."Alex snarled rolling on his stomach, pulling the pillow over his head. Annoyed to not only being made to go to therapy, but it was with severus's mother. That was just an annoyance he didn't want. Not when he knew just how badly it'd hurt draco to lose him. Brax sighe shaking his head, smacking alex on the shoulder."You are NOT fine, and you WILL talk to her."
Draco scowled a little. "come on Alex if i can talk to her of all people surley you can too!? Es ist für Tom, er wird nicht gehen, wenn Sie nicht. Er braucht Hilfe Alex, Hilfe, können wir unmöglich ihm ... bitte, du weißt nicht einmal mit ihr zu reden, nur in dem Zimmer zu gehen und sitzen dort für eine halbe Stunde und finster, wenn Sie es wirklich das Gefühl, notwendig ist." Draco growled, his tone pleading as Tom looked over at the sound of his name, glaring at Draco. "it's not nice to talk about other people when they can't understand you... stupid German..."

Translation: It is for Tom, he won't go if you won't. he needs help Alex, Help that we can't possibly give him...please, you don't even had to talk to her, just go in the room and sit there for a half an hour and scowl if you feel it truly necessary.
"bumsen Sie Sie"Alex grumbled before sighing. "Fine.Fine. I'll talk to the woman."He smiled a little, though worreid as he sat up nuzzling tom's neck as he wrapped his arms around him."no worries.He's just being annoying." Brax sighed softly in relief. That wasn't as hard as he' thought it'd be.

Translation:Go fuck yourself
Tom sighed a little and shook his head. "i don't want to talk to some stranger...about what those... about what happened." he complained softly, Draco smiling a little. "she's taken a Wizards Oath Tom, so that she will never tell another soul. not even us. it will only be between you, and her." he promised watching Tom as the boy hesitated, looking to Alex for reassurance. "will it...really be alright for me to talk bout it?...i would think that it would make it worse..." "no...the best thing you can do is talk your way past it." Draco explained softly. "or it sits inside you, and festers into poison."
Alex gave him a look, "If that's a barb at me, don't try. I know what you think of me."He scowled before sighing."Seeing as I'm going to be talking to, it wont do any harm.It wont. It makes things..easier to live with."He said quietly grinding his teeth because he wanted tom to talk bout things, with someone. NOT him.

Brax smiled softly ruffling tom's hair."we're all doing it. We'll be okay."he said studying his friend looking concerned.
Tom frowned a little and then reached up and gripped his own arm, where they had taken turns holding him down, laughing, he grimaced and then nodded. "i'll talk to teh shrink..." "shrink?" Draco asked, confused Tom chuckling a little. "never mind... it's just a rude term for a Mind Healer in the muggle world." he explained softly looking at Brax. "your going to talk to her too? you think she can... fix what's broken inside of me?" "i'm sure she can help it mend." Draco murmured softly. "she might even, be able to fix a little bit of me too." "..." Tom offered Draco a small smile and nodded a little looking at Alex, holding his hand out to the other. "will you go first Alex?... i'm scared..." Tom admitted softly, Draco smirking a little, though he made sure to keep it out of Alex's sight. Tom was subconsciously making sire that Alex couldn't flake on talking to the therapist.
Alex smile a little, an like always, was unable to deny his lover anything."Of course."He said stealing a quick kiss before getting up."I'll go down now.Come along draco, you have to introduce me."He sai wrapping a arm around draco,muttering softly."I'm going to kill you."He muttered annoyed but going downstairs because tom needed him to. That's what tom needed so he'd do it no matter how painful it'd be.
Draco smirked a little and offered a small grimace at the order to introduce them, sighing a little. "of course i'll introduce you." he promised glancing at the other. "you can't murder me love, then Brax would be upset. and if Brax is upset Tom will be upset, and you don't want Tom to be upset now do you?" he asked sounding amused. "like i said earlier, you don't have to talk, just sit there and glare at her like you do to everyone else." he ordered opening the door and pausing at the sight of Eileen swallowing hard. "miss Prince, please forgive my earlier behavior. it was very unbecoming of me. if you don't mind there are a few things that i have to explain to you before we begin." he admitted sitting down and explaining the whole time traveling thing so that Alex, as promised, wouldn't have to utter a word. "Alex has agreed to go first so that Tom feels comfortable going later." draco admitted looking amused. "so it is his turn now." he stated shoving his brother to his feet. "i trust the Lady Malfoy has set up a room for you...thank you for coming on such short notice."
Elieen raised a eyebrow as Alex yelped, giving his brother a look before she nodded."You're welcome."she said waiting for the other left the room, before facing down the glaring man in front of her.

Two hours later Alex stepped out of the room giving Draco a look,"Did you hover out here all this time?"He said, his mood even worse then when he'd gone in.Dammit he'd talked, and damn it all he felt even worse for doing it."Where's tom?"He muttered looking aroun for the other.
Draco smiled a little. "i didn't want you to kill her." he pointed out. "Tom is taking a nap." he admitted. "he got himself so worked up i had to give him a calming drought and he fell asleep." he admitted indicating the couch to the left of Alex. "right there." Tom was sleeping on the couch one arm dangling off the couch the other curled under his head like a pillow. "he looks almost cute like that." Draco admitted smiling as he turned a page in his book. "when he's not cheating me of my money or stealing your things.... he stole that necklace of yours again, just so you know."
Alex laughed softly."he ALWAYS steals my neklace."He said amused before walking over, crouching down by the couch,gently stroking tom's hair."Love, come on love."He muttered shifting, wondering if he should just curl up on the couch with him and sleep, or go upstairs."You have so little faith.I never considered killing HER."
Draco chuckled a little. "he says he likes the way it looks on him." Draco teased sounding amused. "i know, your going to kill me." he stated shaking his head a little as tom shifted on the couch, smiling as he blinked at Alex. "mm...did it go ok?" he asked softly rubbing his eyes. "i fell asleep... i didn't mean to fall asleep..." he admitted yawning a little. "is it my turn?" he asked blinking blearily at the Door, Draco hesitating. "would you rather i go first tom?" "" Tom admitted standing up and heading over to the door and stepping inside, shutting the door and looking around, curious as to where he was supposed to sit, blinking at Eileen. "uhm... am i supposed to sit..and take a test? or...or..uh," yeah he had no idea what was happening really.
Eileen laughed softly, shaking her head."No. No tests tom. Just sit and talk about whatever you need to talk about. I know what happened over christmas."She winced a little tilting her head towards the door so he'd know how she knew before she smiled."But if you dont want to talk about that, you dont have to. We can talk about whatever you want to talk about."
Tom hesitated a little before sitting down, biting his lip hard as he studied her for a moment his head tilted a little as he bit he hesitated a little. "uhm..." he frowned a little and then. "did they explain? about the whole time travel thing?" he asked curiously looking her over. hesitating again. "you know...sometimes.. i worry that Alex doesn't really love me." he admitted softly, deciding to test her a little. "i was, apparently a very bad person in their time... and they came here to change me... what if...he's only pretending to love me so that he can manipulate me?" he asked, not really all THAT worried about it, though it was a mild concern that sometimes bothered Tom.
Elieen looked concerned."I can't tell you what he said Tom.My vow's forbidden me from saying so.And yes, they did explain."She bit her lip, "I think...even if he hated you from where he was from, he had to care for you a little bit otherwise he would have never come back this far."She said watching him. Worried for him.
Tom paused and then nodded, amazingly he felt relieved. "it might not be me he's doing it for." he pointed out. "from what i know... a lot of people died because of who i would have become." he admitted shuddering hard. "sometimes... sometimes i'll say, or do something and Alex will get this...terrified look... like he's scared of me." he admitted softly. "and that hurts more than anything i've ever been through. the rape, the dark, death... Alex's look, when i make him think of the future hurts the most...and it makes me afraid, that no matter how i change... i'm going to end up just like that anyway." he admitted swallowing hard looking at her. "i made him promise to kill me if i started going mad like that... but i don't know that he'll be able to..."
Elieen studied the man before her, her heart hurting."Alexander Medici may be many things,but before all else he's a death eater who made the choice t kill. he'll hour the promise because to do anyhing else would be a betrayal to both of us."she said looking at him."All you can do tom is talk to him, understand what oyu dod to cause that look.He might not tell you,but all you can od is ask."
Tom blinked at her, looking startled before he frowned, pondering that and then nodding. "yes...i think i might ask him next time." he decided smiling a little looking at Eileen. "...i think...that this actually helped a little." Tom admitted looking startled before smiling, looking rather relived. "i was worried because Alex looked even more upset when he left..." he admitted looking worried. "i'm worried about him." he admitted shaking his head a little. "he's always so closed off." he admitted scowling a little. "i think he's nearer to suicide then i am honestly..."
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