Love across time

Elieen looked startled, before laughing softly. After a hour of a glaring contest then finally breaking down enough to talk a little bit, she wasn't overly surprised Alex was more upset when he'd left. "Ask him. You are probably the one person who could get him to open up enough to see what's really bothering him."She said, having the same opinion of the elder man. He was walking on that knife edge.
he smiled a little as he rested his head on the couch, i think i will talk to Alex." he decided getting to his feet smiling at Eileen. "thank did help." he admitted sighing a little. "i don't know if i can ever talk about...about what they did to me but... a part of me has settled... i feel better." he admitted softly beaming at Eileen. "thank you." he stated calmly kissing her cheek before heading out to smile at Draco who chuckled a little. "you look like you feel better." "i do." Tom admitted smiling a little. "where's Alex?" "sulking somewhere." "...very helpful..."
Brax snickered as he walked in, lookng amused."He's not sulking. He's enjoying a round of chess with my mother.Which he's losing spectacularly by the way."He smirked looking at his friend and adopted brother, wrappign him in a hug."You look well."he muttered kssing his head before stepping back, looking at Draco as Elieen came out. Elieen smiled shaking her head."Brax, can't you keep your hands on your own boyfriend?"She teased. "of course I can!"He sputtered
Tom laughed a little and nodded hugging Brax back, for once not flinching. he hadn't talked about the Rape, but talking to Eileen had helped him a lot nonetheless, letting him know that he had someone to talk to. someone he could trust had really helped. he laughed at Eileen's joke and Draco snickered a little as he yanked Brax into his lap. "mmm he just think that Tom is pretty." he teased smirking as Tom burst into bright red blush. "i am not! if anyone's pretty here it's YOU guys!" "aaaw you think i'm pretty! i'm flattered." Draco teased Tom tossing his hands into the air as he shook his head and went to find Alex, Draco chuckling, looking relieved. "he didn't flinch when you hugged him... he's joking again... Eileen your amazing."
Elieen laughe softly nodding."I try to be. Now. I'm going to go track down dinner."she said heading for the door, shaking a finger t the two."Don't forget I get to talk to you two later."She said before leaving. Brax grinned relaxing,"He'll be fine. He really will be."he said excited.

Alex whined looking up disappointed at losing, glancing at Tom when he walked in."Hey. You okay?"He askedlooking concerned
Draco grimaced a little and nodded, kissing Brax's forehead. "i do feel better about talking to her though, Tom looks like HE feels better, i bet she can make me feel better too." he decided grinning a little as he shook his head. "i'm hungry too now that i think of it. want to go get some food?"

Tom smiled happily at Alex, looking better. you could see the calm in his face and in his body as he flounced over and wrapped his arms tightly around Alex. "i feel LOTS better." he admitted snuggling into his lover. "Draco was right, it feels better to talk about things." he admitted simply, smiling at him happily.
Brax snickered a little before nodding, etting up."Of course I want to. Since when have I ever turne down food?"He teased heading for the kitchen with the other. Yawning as he did. Dammit tom'd interrupted his whole day with waking them up so early.

Alex laughed a little kissing his head."I'm glad you feel better."He sai stroking the other's hair, leaning back in his seat with a sigh, ignoring the amused look morgana was giving him.Having a feeling everyone was probably laughing at him for being so damned closed off. But he couldnt help it...lucius had damaged that part to much, he was so damned closed off because it was what lucius had expected of his son.
Draco chuckled a little as he gathered up his items, plucking up all his favorite comfort foods, feeling rather nervous about talking to the mother of his dead would be father. about things he really didn't want to talk about. he sighed a little and nibbled on his chocolate dipped in peanut butter, shaking his head a little. "you should go lay down for an hour or two." he murmured nuzzling Brax. "you look exhausted."

Tom smiled a little as he curled up in Alex's lap and yawned. "i'm tired." he whined. "and hungry..." he complained pouting at Alex. "can we go get some food and then take a nap? i want to cuddle... if your up to it, i know that th therapy upset you." he admitted sounding worried, making sure to be worried. he knew how to manipulate his lover. "i think, it would be ok if you didn't go to her anymore... you can talk to me instead, when something is bothering you..i wouldn't mind."
Brax grinned a little rubbing his eyes resting his head on his hand as he ate his food."I am.But I'll stay up."He said looking at the other, shifting. Wrapping his arm around the other's waist. "How are you feeling?"He muttered nibbling on his food, nuzzling him. Looking worried for the other.

Alex winced a little, before nodding." do realize if I do talk... what I'll end up talking about dont you?"He said lifting the other up and heading for the kitchen to get food. Despite being able to manipulate anyone himself,tom held his heart. and it made him headblind to what the man was doing.
Draco smiled a little as he nuzzled Brax. "alright." he agreed sighing a little. "i'm feeling..." draco paused then. "frayed." he admitted softly. "i'm not looking forward to facing Eileen, and explaining why she shocked me so much... why...why her son died..." he admitted softly as he stared at his snack. "i'm not looking forward to talking about any of it really..."

Tom smiled as he kissed Alex's neck. "who better to talk to about your troubles, than the person who gave them to you?" he asked softly. "i'm different now, maybe if you tell me, about all the things i did, and all the things that are bothering you... i can make sure not to do them you won't look at if your afraid of me..."
Brax sighed kissing his lover's head, holding him tigher."Well, seeing as your working to change things, I think she'll understand. That and she hasn't even gotten married yet. Things have changed because you're here.She's dating her husband, but hasn't married him, hasn't had severus. She'll understand if you dont talk about it."He smirked a lttle."Hell, I think Alex just stared at her for a hour."

Alex shuddered a little, wincing as he nuzzled him."I...dont want...fine. If I feel the desire to do so, I'll talk to you."He muttered carrying him into the kitchen raising a eyebrow at the two already there as he sat down next to draco with tom in his lap."Seems everyone was hungry."
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. "i could Warn her maybe." he decided. "her husband turns out to be very abusive, even me coming here won't change that. he beat her to death when sev was five... he grew up with Lucius, they where freinds from the get go but after Eileen died all sev had was a father who thought he wasn't good enough. a muggle man who thought his son was a freak for being what his mother was..." he shook his head. "if i can stop that, even a little bit then maybe everything will turn out alright in the end..."

Tom smiled as he kissed Alex's cheek. "thank you." he murmured, sounding genuinely happy as he kissed Alex before leaping down and grabbing Draco's chocolate. "thanks!" Tom chirped, Draco stuttering and then scowling at Tom. "hey! i just gave you pikes of candy!" "...but that's my candy. i can't steal things that already belong to me." "imp! you be careful of who you steal from, you might get in trouble." "oh i only steal from Alex...and Brax sometimes. their the only people worth stealing from." " should talk to Eileen about that." "why? i already know why i steal from people." Tom stated taking a bite out of the chocolate, Draco's head hitting the table.
Alex laughed softly patting his brother on the back."It's okay draco.I'll punish him for you."He said before he thought about it, paling." didnt mean..."Brax sighed softly snappnig his fingers in front of his nose,trying to stop the panic attack before it happened."Hey!Alex.Dont worry.Alex?"He winced at the slightly blank look he got in return
Tom winced a little at the word 'punishment' and gasped as Alex seamed to sink into himself, whimpering in worry. "a..Alex?" he asked softly, touching his face. "Alex are you ok?... Alex!?" he hesitated and then leaned forward, pressing his lips gently to Alex's, kissing him, hesitant at first, wary of bad memories before relaxing when all he felt was pleasure, gently parting Alex's lips, thrusting his tongue inside, kissing the other eagerly as he tangled his fingers into the others hair, gripping tightly enough that it sent tingles of pain through the others scalp. "c'mon Alex." Tom murmured. "snap out of it, it's no fun kissing someone who doesn't kiss back." he teased smiling a little.
Alex yelped as the other pulled his hair, looking at him startled, slowly responding shuddering a little."Kissed many non responsive people have you?"he muttered teasingly, leaning forward to nuzzle the other,tightening his grip on hte other.Firmly establishing where he was, reminding himself.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "a few transfigured pillows." he admitted with a small chuckle as he curled into the other, snuggling into him. "are you ok? what happened? i'm the one that's supposed to freak out after something like that not you." he teased smiling a little as he kissed the other again. "mmm i love you. are you going to be alright now?"
"Fine.Love you to."He muttered dipping his head resting his head on the other's shoulder, nuzzling his neck as he sighed.Trembling slightly but relaxing as the elves brought their food."Just...thinking to hard about punishment."He smiled slightly having not realized just how close to the surface his memories had become with elieen.Trying not to remember the one time he had managed to 'punish' voldemort by kicking out and break his leg. He'd been lucky to walk after that, his ankle and leg shattered in so many places as punishment for it. Remembering it for a moment when he'd thought about punishing tom .

Brax rolled his eyes a little, smirking."Him kissing pillows was amusing though.YOu should make him practice more."He teased
Tom frowned, looking worried before smiling as he nuzzled the other. "mmm from you, i'd enjoy even getting punished." he admitted smiling a little. "i've never been paddled before after all." he admitted. "usually it was a caning." he nibbled at the others neck before he settled down to eat. "are you going to be alright Alex?" Tom asked, looking worried before he brightened a little. "i know! after this, i'll show you my secrete place." even Brax hadn't seen the secrete place, Tom guarded it so much that no one could even find it without Tom there to show it to them. worse it was actually on Malfoy grounds, but the Malfoy's didn't mind. Tom had no where else to have a secrete place, and they didn't know where it was, so no one was loosing out really.
Alex looked curious smiling slightly."Of course I'll be fine."He muttered perking up a little as he studied his lover, nibling on his food."Where is this secret place?"He asked curious. Brax snickered a little shaking his head."No one but tom knows. And seeing as it's here at the manor, we're all curious and put out he wont tell us."He smirked a little, letting it seem alex was getting the special privilage, and he was. But he was hoping that if left alone, alex would talk to tom.
Tom smirked at Brax and wagged his finger at the other. "your just jealous because tough art unworthy!" he chirped feeling very pleased with himself as Alex brightened a little, nibbling on a sausage humming a little. "it's out in the woods." he admitted grinning up at Alex. "and i have all sorts of spells laid all over it, so even though Brax passed it like hundreds of times, he never saw it." teasing Brax again about the location. it wasn't like any of the malfoy's currently in existence had ever found it anyway, they'd just passed by without ever giving it a glance, which was why it was so easy to hide it.
Brax pouted poking his boyfriend, twisting to look at him."Love tell him to stop teasing me!"he whined looking at draco, amused as Alex laughed. Glad to see the other relaxing. Alex snickered gently kissing tom's head, leaning forward to smirk at him, "If your going to nibble on sausage, I can give you something better then that thing."He teased pulling the man closer to him
Draco snickered a little as he shrugged his shoulder. "Tom stop teasing Brax." "make me." Tom ordered Draco snickering a little. "sorry Brax." he stated, teasing his lover as he kissed the others forehead. "not much i can do." Tom giggled at the Sausage comment, only feeling a little guilty about not being able to pleasure his lover somehow, sighing softly as he snuggled into him. "mm i bet you could, but now now." he ordered. "i have to show you my secrete place now! so hurry and finish eating!"
Alex smiled slightly as he finished his food, before setting tom on his feet, heading for the door."Come on love. Lets go see this secret place."He said looking pleased at the idea of seeing this. Brax pouted looking at draco."You're so unkind to me."
Tom beamed happily and grabbed his wrist and dragged Alex out of the room, Draco laughing as he wrapped his arms around Brax, kissing her forehead. "haven't you ever followed Tom?" even if Brax had, Tom was one slippery son of a bitch.

Tom giggled as he led the way down the forest path where Lucien often jogged when he felt the need to exercise, leading the way, about a half a mile down, to a stump where a tree had fallen, the jagged spikes blending in almost perfectly with everywhere else in the woods. but on th other side, there was a small hole, which Alex could see thanks to a muttered 'password' from Tom, spoken in Parseltongue no less as he slid down into the hole. it was like a long slide, made of smooth rock that led into an enormous cavern, covered in green moss and scented pleasantly with flowers of various kinds. a small trickle of water leaked from the ceiling into a pure, clear pond that had nothing but sand on the bottom and lots of brightly colored pebbles. it was dim, lighted only by naturally phosphorescent...something on the walls, it was like a den, or a dungeon, and it was just Toms style, dark, but beautifully so. "on full nights, all the rocks in the pond glow!" Tom admitted beaming at the other.
Brax smiled a little shaking his head."No.He's a friend, and despite teasing him, I mostly respect his privacy."He said kissing the o ther lightly.

Alex gaped,staring around him before laughing."I lived at the manor for years.I had no idea this was here."He said grinning as he wrapped his arms around his lover."this is the perfect getaway."He smiled glad tom had had a private spot just to himself.
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