Love across time

Brax smirked a little tightening his hold to make sure the other stayed still pulling him fingers out as he laid down on top of the other, rubbing against him a little, kissing his shoulder."I'm cruel?"He said amused.

Alex smiled a little crouching down, fishing through the rocks to find the perfect one."Well, at least you had somewhere to go that was safe."he said sounding amused, laughing a little. "Brax is sure to be frustrating if draco's anything like him."He said remembering the times when draco had frustrated him to no end.
Draco whined again as the fingers slipped back out, panting softly. "yes, cruel!" he whined trying to squirm and failing panting softly as the other rubbed. "are you going to fuck me anytime soon or just rub one off on my ass?" Draco demanded, crude in his want, bossy in his need.

Tom grinned as he nodded. "Brax has his moments." he admitted kicking his feet. "but i think that it might have been me a little bit too." he admitted. "things that used to bother me, don't anymore. like when Brax tells me to do something. it used to piss me off but it doesn't anymore." he scowled a little. "he's still very frustrating though. specially when he starts studying, then he decides i have to help him even though i've already finished my homework. ugh, he'll nag and nag and nag, it's really very annoying."
Brax smirked."I SHOULD just rub one off on your ass."He smirked biting his shouler as he sighed sliing into him with a smile."But I wont be that cruel."he said amused, turning draco's head so that he could kiss him softly.

lex laughed a little as they walked out, wrapping a arm around the other's waist."Of course he is.He's a malfoy, and a seeker. Got his head inflated, that he deserves to be helped no matter what."He laughed kissing his cheek."Draco does the same.Even though I am a seeker to."
Draco whimpered with pain and pleasure, arching against him as he panted hard. "f..fuck, yesss. Brax. mmm yeah." he groaned, squirming again as he swallowed hard. "ah...ah..more.." he ordered, kissing the other eagerly, gettign tongue involved.

Tom snorted a little smirking a little shaking his head. "this is why i never bothered with quidditch." he admitted making a face. "it's always so confusing and rough." he admitted shaking his head. "i prefer wizards chess and books." he admitted grinning a little. "you know, i think by now, Brax and Draco are screwing like rabbits again." he admitted. "what's the word for people who are addicted to sex? Necrophilia?" wrooong.
(well, if you think about it...brax IS dead in draco's is that something like reverse nercophila? XD)

Brax moaned kissing him backk as he fucked him harder,giving into the desperate need to be with him."Ordering now?"He teased pulling his head back, nails digging hard into the other's hips as he bent down to bite him lightly.

Alex smiled slightly, before cracking up laughing."Oh.No.No.Definately not that. nympho's."He snickered wrapping his arms around the other, smiling a little."But quidditch is fun.I get hit on so much when I'm in uniform."He teased wondering if he could make the other jealous.A little bit anyways.
XDDD i suppose so XDD)

Draco moaned eagerly, smirking a little. "yes because it pisses you off and makes you fuck me harder." he admitted with a small laugh, moaning eagerly as he felt the nails digging into his skin. "ooh fuck yes Brax!" he groaned squirming eagerly as he thrust his hips back, his cock nice and hard and begging to be touched.

he blinked a little looking puzzled by the others laughing. "ah, nympho's, well that's what they are." he stated simply before smirking at Alex, rearing back and hitting him across the shoulder, just hard enough to leave a sting. "there, now i'm HITting on you when your not in uniform." he teased laughing as he took off, Wary of any repercussions Alex might dish out. he wasn't too worried, but it was enough to make him run away, after all Tom hated to be tickled, and he had sensitive skin so a smack would hurt more than Alex meant it to. better to be careful.
brax smiled sliding a hand down the other's body, cupping his cock in his hand, stroking him slowly as he fucked him harder,"Hmmm I'll have to punish you again."he said laughng as he shivering,biting down on his lip as he came.

Alex yelped rubbing his shoulder."Tom!"He whined before taking off after him, jogging to catch him, wrapping his arms around his waist, picking him up."I should turn you over my knee,scamp."He teased tickling him little.
Draco moaned, arching eagerly as he Came hard, spilling across the bed panting hard. "mmm, mm fuck YES! oh god Brax!" he moaned smirking a little. "oh god that feels good, fuck me hard." he groaned, panting softly. "punish me for being a naughty little whore." he smirked at his lover.

Tom laughed as he was scooped up, his eyes glittering with playful mischief, grinning from ear to ear. "you should, but you won't." he teased chuckling a little. "because i amuse you too much." he teased beaming at him. "and admit it! it's your own fault for trying to make me jealous!"
Brax laughed softly as he pulled out of the blond crawling off the bed as he pulled on his pants, smirking."Oh.I think I WILL punish you....and go apologize ot my father."He said with a laugh.

Alex smirked holding him tighter."Oh you amuse me do you?"He smirked a little tickling him,"And admit it, you WERE jealous.You smacked me!"he whined.
Draco moaned eagerly as he squirmed, biting his lip a little. "mm yeah... wait..brax? your not just going to leave me tied up!? BRAX!" Draco protested, tugging on his ropes. "oi! don't you DARE!"

Tom laughed and nodded, squealing when he was tickled, writhing in his lovers grip, giggling wildly. "no no! Mercy Mercy!" he wailed after a moment, still giggling furiously. "no more! no more!"
Brax smirked."Yes, I am.I'll be back."He snickered to himself as he headed downstairs, barefoot and shirtless, smirking as he walked into his father's study, blushing slightly."I'm sorry Sir.I should have not been doing...tht in the kitchen."

Alex grinned as he stopped,just holding the other close, kissing him hard before pulling away."I have no mercy serpent's son."he teased nuzzlign the other, running a hand down his back.
Draco broke into a few well placed curses and swears as Brax left, probobly only amusing the young Malfoy. Lucien on the other hand was a lot less amused as he looked up at his son from over his newspaper. "no, you really shouldn't have." he growled looking annoyed. "i doubt i shall ever get that image out of my head." he complained sighing a little. "oh well... at least i know your the dominant. that's good." he stated calmly glancing at his son, winking at the other. "but be careful, he's a Malfoy too, he might take charge one of these days." he teased smirking a little. "just don't go adopting any babies until AFTER you get married."

Tom giggled breathlessly as he smiled, kissing back. "mmm yes you to." he teased smiling a little. "you had mercy when you came back in time, to bring me a happy life, instead of just killing me." he explained smiling as he gently nibbled on the others neck. "you had mercy, when you gave me love, instead of just another false hearted parental figure." he grinned. "you showed me mercy, when you kept me, even though i'm broken."
Brax smirked a little tilting his head."You scarred me just as much when you and mother were doing things in the library."He said wrinkling his nose, laughing a little."But he wont. I wont let him."He said blushing ever so slightly."Oh, its alex and tom you'd have to worry about babies with.I have no intention of being a parent soon."

Alex shuddering laughing a little."No. That's not mercy. I hadn't meant to fall in love."He grinned kissing him again,wrapping his arms around him."And I'm no one's parent.I dislike children.Which amusing draco since I'm teaching."He said laughing.
Lucien snorted a little and nodded. "true." he agreed smirking a little. "my, we have such an interesting family." he agreed chuckling a little. "besides, Alex is going to have to deal with a child, we all know there isn't anything Tom wants more than a Family." though that dream was lost soon after Tom started going insane, it was now his number one goal to have a happy family, a happy family with Alex.

Tom giggled a little. "but that's the most fun of all don't you think?" he asked smiling a little. "it's no fun, falling in love, if it's planned." he admitted with a small laugh before he sobered, his face falling into a thoughtful expression. "you don't like kids?" he asked softly, " don't want to have kids of your own then?"
Brax laughed smirking a little."I think I'll let you have that talk with alex.After all,you're the eldest living malfoy, you should explain the facts of life to him."He grinned before getting up,figuring he probably left draco alone for long enough.

"Well...not really.They're so...breakable."He whined a little shuddering. The only time he'd ever thought of kids had been successfully killed after so muh slaughtering on the ittle ones. He... he needed time to accept that yes, the little people were okay, and tht he could have some.NOt that he'd admit he was more afraid of kids then actually disliking them
Lucien snorted and shook his head. "i think that's Eileen's job." he explained smirking a little. "speaking of which, she was looking for Draco." he teased. "i told her that he was a little 'tied up', i think it annoyed her actually." Lucien was FAR too amused by all of this. "just remember to practice safe sex son."

Tom frowned a little, hiding his face in Alex's chest to hide the expression. "oh." he sounded actually disappointed, he'd never sounded disappointed before. "well, that's ok..." he could give up the dream of having kids to stay with Alex... if he had to.
Brax smirked."I always do. And I'll let draco know elieen wanted him."He smirked walking out, shuddering. Looking amused that his father found them amusing.Heading back to the bedroom he smiled."Love, Elieen was looking for you,but I told her you were tied up for the moment."

Alex winced swallowing hard as he rested his head on tom's shoulders, "Yea...well.Lets go see draco and brax."He said setting the other on his feet before heading for the house. Looking awkward and out of place as he sighed softly.
Lucien snickered a little as he turned the page in his newspaper, shaking his head. "makes me think of my first boyfriend." he muttered smirking a little. Draco was much less amused as he pouted at his lover. "Brrrraaaaaaxxxx." Draco whined, tugging at his wrists freezing when he heard what Brax said, blushing furiously. "Abraxas you can't tell my Godfathers mother that!!!!" he protested with wide eyes as he struggled again. "Brax goddammit untie me! my belly itches!!!"

Tom smiled and nodded, snickering a little. "maybe we can 'accidentally' walk in on Draco and Brax and tease them ruthlessly about whatever intimate position we catch them in?" he asked smirking a little his head tilted a little. "what do you think?" he could forget about the baby thing for a while, maybe bring it up after Alex played with some of Abraxas's baby cousins. the Lestrange's had just had a couple of the most adorable baby boys, and so had Mrs, Zabini, only hers was a girl. maybe after they came for the annual Christmas party Alex would want kids too?
Brax grinned, walking over to scratch the boy's stomach,kissing him lightly."Ohhh why not?I told my dad."He said looking amused s he kissed him,gently stroking the boy's flushed face.

Alex grinned nodding a little as he smirked, forgoing thinking about how upset he probably made the other. Sheling it for a minute before sighing heading for brax's room."Oh yes I like that idea."He grinned as he pulled open the door, but shoved tom in first.
Draco groaned a little and closed his eyes, sighing a little. "not funny!" he combined glaring at Brax. "braaax!!!..." he whined pouting at the other, throwing on his most ukish, adorable, submissive face that he could manage. "Brax...your going to make Eileen come looking for don't want her to see me naked do you? she might get idea's of what to do to me, all alone in that little room." he paused when Tom, yelping, was shoved into the room, the boy scowling. "Dammit Alex that's not fair!" he complained sulking at the doorway. "....well Gee Brax...i blame you for this." draco complained, sighing a little. "will you please untie me now?"
Alex grinned as he poked his head into the room,kissing tom softly."Its fair. I wanted to make sure they saw your cute face first." Brax snorted, "Moron."he teased looking at alex before untying draco,stealing a kiss."Love, I would never want ANYONE to see you naked, these two just keep showing up."he whined looking t the two men who'd invaded the room.
Tom snorted a little and shook his head a little as he pouted at Alex. "still not nice." he whined sulking a little as he got to his feet and bounded out of the room to attack Alex, trying to tickle him. "so cruel! i almost saw him naked!" he whined pouting at the other as Draco laughed and gathered up his clothes. "right, well i'm out for my own therapy session." Draco admitted shaking his head a little. "Brax don't kill them." he ordered smirking a little as Tom paused. "wait! Draco i found something interesting and Alex said you might know what it is!" Draco paused and blinked glancing at a clock then nodding. "i'll look at it after Therapy alright?" Draco promised grinning at him. "then i can analyze it better, something tells me if you don't know what it is i'm going to have a bit of trouble figuring it out myself." Tom blinked and then laughed a little. "your opinion of me greatly pleases me." he teased smiling a little. "but i never actually thought about it until now." "we'll look at it together then." Draco agreed smiling at Tom. "until then i should get going before Eileen finds me herself."
Alex laughed softly kissing his lover gently,wrapping his arms around him."Ah we'll go wait in the library for Draco,and talk bax with us. Since he's looking disappointed." Brax pouted as he walked with the others, "Hey, you interrupted my fun.He would have forgotten about his appointment otherwise."He whined laughing a little as elieen came towards them. Elieen smiled a little as she surveyed the four, tilting her head."Draco, I was just coming to see how you were."
Tom snickered a little as he nodded, smirking at his best friend. "hey, your ALWAYS gettign laid. of COURSE we're going to walk in on you from time to time." he stated with a roll of his eyes, Draco groaning in horror at Tom's bad joke before he smiled at Eileen, grimacing at her words. "not...a...word." he growled at his three freinds, shooting them a scowl. "i was actually just coming to find you." Draco admitted with a small smile. "there are a lot of things to talk about, you and i."
Alex grinned as he herded the other two into the libary to wait, smiling as they settled on the coch."Bad jokes.Never thought Id see the day when you made them."He teased his lover making brax roll his eyes as he laid back with a book.

Elieen smiled nodding as they walked into the room she'd been using as a office, smiling as she settled on the couch,"Where did you want to start?"
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