Love across time

"You're not going to grow anywhere except rounder."lex teased as he set the house elf to making their food. Grinning as he sat down at the table, pulling the younger man in his lap. Kissing his head,nuzzling him.
Tom sulked at Alex. "are you saying i'm going to get fat!?" he demanded glaring at the other. "i'm not gonna get fat!" he complained Draco snickering a little. "you better be careful what you say Alex, poor tom is sensitive!" "...i will cover you in chocolate, tie you up with a cock ring that only i can remove, and leave you to the mercies of Brax!" well that shut Draco up, Tom looking smug. "so there!"
Alex snickered a little whining softly as he nuzzled his lover."Im teasing. Now stop."He said stroking the other like a agiated kitten. Nuzzling him a little, as he smiled slightly."Now why does he get a cock ring, and I get nothing?"He pouted.
Tom smirked at Alex. "do you WANT a cock ring?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "if you get a cock ring, it won't come off, for hours upon hours upon hours." he teased smirking a little as he leaned into the petting. "and i won't touch you for those hours and hours and hours." he smirked a little. "and probably not after i remove it either. Cock rings are punishment." he paused. "at least that's what Brax says." he admitted smiling a little.
Alex smirked a little nuzzling him."They can be."He grinned nipping at the other's eat smiling a little."But-but love!You punished me earlier. You should be kind to me."He smirked a little amused and happy. Feeling at ease in the other's hold, and he loved making fun of him, a little bit anyways
Tom giggled a little nibbling at the others neck. "mmm but i i love punishing you,: he teased snickering a little as he squirmed free of his grip, winking at him and heading for the door, swaying his hips as he reached the door, looking back at Alex. "well? are you coming?" he couldn't have sex, yet. but he could try a blow job again,
Alex growled watching him for a moment, before looking at draco."Come find us when brax's done."he growled before following tom, heding for their bedroom, kissing him as he kicked the door shut behind them, gentle fingers tangling in his hair.
Tom moaned softly, smiling up at the other, leaning onto his tiptoes to kiss Alex intently., "i wanna try again." he whispered smiling again. "you won't be mad, if i panic again right?" he asked softly, biting his lip. because it was a pretty good possibility. no matter how ready Tom felt, the memories where what dictated what he could and couldn't do.
Alex smiled at him, stroking his hair gently as he sat down on the bed,"No sweetheart.Do what you must.Just dont hurt yourself trying to please me.I love you,dont hurt yourself."He said looking slightly concerned.
Tom relaxed, smiling a little as he shook his head. "i won't hurt myself, i promise." he murmured, dropping to his nose and running his head along the others crotch before running his tongue along it, hesitating then. "Drop your pants." he said, almost an order, hoping Alex wouldn't complain. giving orders made Tom feel braver, feel safer. not a victim, and if Alex obeyed the order, he might even get that blow job he was hoping for. as long as the memories didn't get in the way.
Alex raised a eyebrow a little, smiling slightly."As you wish master."he said wih a almost shy smile,gently stroking tom's hair, looking amused and content.The boy looked so nervous,and he wanted him to relax."Whever you want love."He purred laying back on the bed with a sigh.
Tom looked shocked at the term master, looking positively unsettled. "uhm...could you not call me that i... i don't like it." shocker there! in the future there was nothing Tom loved more than to be called Master or Lord. "erm... just call me Love." he decided smiling at Alex, relaxing at the others words and agreement, smiling when Alex dropped his pants, licking his lips a little before running his tongue over it eager to taste his lover again, moaning softly.
Alex sighed softly in pleasure, fingers gently stroking his hair as he settled back against the pillows.Closing hsi eyes as tm touched him, it felt amazing. And happiness gripping him hard to hear it, it was so nice to hear tom stray from master."Whatever you want love."He said with peaceful smile.
Tom smiled as he stroked the other with his tongue, suckling and stroking from base to Tip, panting softly as he hesitantly slipping the head into his mouth and sucked, relaxing when nothing bad happened, trailing lower and lower, pulling more and more of Alex into his mouth, letting off a small little groan as he sucked happily, stroking along the others balls with a proud little smirk on his lips.
Alex groaned, letting his head fall back on the pillows as his eyes fluttered shut shivering every once in awhile.It felt so..."Good."he muttere his voice low and husky with pleasure."So good."He purred shifting a little struggling not to thrust up into his mouth
Tom smiled, feeling even more pleased with himself as he bobbed his head, carefully trying to slip the other into his throat a little, gagging again and growling in annoyance that he still couldn't do it, deciding to forget about deep throating for now as he sucked fast and hard on the others cock, wanting to make him cum.
Alex groaned, eyes fluttering shut as he trembled, moaning louder as he jerked the other off his cock, muttered as he came, his body trembling hard as he slipped his seed over the bed and himself, eyes wide with lust
Tom whined in protest as he was pulled off the cock, glaring at Alex. "dammit! i'm never going to learn to swallow if you keep doing that!" he complained pouting a little, but looking very pleased with himself. "feel better?" he asked smiling at him. "i do." he admitted licking cum off of his cheek. most of it had missed him but a little bit had landed on his cheek and was now slipping towards his chin, making him look like an innocent little slut.
Alex groaned at the sight, leaning forwrd to kiss him gently wiping his face clean as he leaned bak to look at the man,gently stroking his hair."I love you.I do feel better."He grinned wrapping his arms around him,holding him close.
Tom chuckled a little and smiled as he leaned into the other, sighing a little. "mmm good." he purred smiling a little. "i need to go practice wanking again." he decided, feeling very aroused, but not yet willing to let anyone else touch him that way. "i wonder what we'll find out about these rocks?" he mused examining them a little, his head tilted. "i wonder how many other places have them?"
"Maybe we'll have to go on a adventure together to see where they are."he grinned teased, stealing a kiss trying not to think about the idea of tom wanking."COme on.Lets go.We'll go see what draco has thought of."he grinned pulling away
Tom giggled a little and shook his head. "he's discovered nothing, i took it away from him remember?" he teased smiling a little as he shook his head a little. "come on! i bet Brax is done by now!" he decided grinning eagerly as he pulled the rock out and examined it. "they look so inconspicuous don't they?" he asked smiling. they came in all sorts of speckled white colors, they looked like common pebbles. they fit in the palm of your hand, almost perfectly though, and when you held one, it always felt warm, no matter where it had been sitting. "maybe their something really special?" Tom mused smiling a little. "Maybe their the only ones in the whole world?... it will be nice, just the four of us knowing about them. like a special secrete handshake, or a secrete toy that we can all share." he smiled up at Alex. "isn't it exciting?"
Alexx smiled a little wrapping his arm around the other's waist, "Oh I think we need a secret handshake."He said laughing a little as they headed back downstairs, and hoping tom never realized that the dark marks were just that. A secret to be hidden, and hat alex still had his. Praying that the other didn't want to see it. Smiling a little he laughed,"wellfin out.They are pretty cool though."He said pulling out his rock looking at it as they walked into the library. Brax pouted a little looking up at them from where he was snuggled up against draco."About time you two!I want to see these secret rocks!"He whined.
Tom laughed a little and pulled four or five out of his pockets and laid them on the table, smiling a little as he sat down on the couch, his head tilted. "they look normal, but their always warm" he admitted handing one to Brax. "and if their in water on a full moon they glow." "glow!?" Draco asked startled frowning at them. "how peculiar.. i've heard of something like that, but they where flowers, not stones." he admitted picking up one of the rocks and examining it intently. "hmm, this is an interesting find. where did you find them?" "can't tell you that." "dammit.." Draco sighed. "well it was worth a try." Tom just laughed.
Alex laughed grinning as he looked at his brother."Oh stop pouting Draco, you get to see the rocks.Its better then what we found out when we were kids."He pointed out. Brax frowned a little thinking about it."Yes...only for flowers. This is rocks is weird...then again, it IS tom's place, there's bound to be odd things there."
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