Love across time

"Ah, well Tom did say we're nymphos.What do nymphos do with spare time?"He grinned watching the other two drift off to sleep before walking out of the room with draco, heading for his room."but I could give you a break, seeing as I embarassed you so badly with Elieen."He teased
Draco glared at him. "or i could attempt to top you for that little stunt." he paused. "of course i'd fail... damn..." he complained sighing a little. "anyway, i was thinking of doing something interesting involving a skirt and some whipped cream.. but now i think i won't since you don't seam to be interested."
Brax raised a eyebrow turning to face him smirking as he looked his lover over."Oh.I might be interested in a dress....and I MIGHT let you try and top."he grinned laughing as he kicked the door shut behind them, for once ignoring the other's glare.
Draco snorted and looked amused. "cover your eyes." he ordered sternly. "and don't peek until i tell you to." he ordered, well aware he was taking a risk, but, since Tom and Alex where asleep. he felt pretty safe. he smirked as he made certain Brax had his eyes closed, and used magic to change his clothes into a schoolgirl, it looked more like a cheerleader outfit. tight shirt and long sleeves, but with a skirt that wasn't long enough to hide all of his parts, clearly not wearing any underwear. his hair done up in pigtails, held with pretty green bows, a smirk on his lips as he watched Brax. "ok, you can look now." no one could resist that, no one.
For once, the maloy heir looked as shocked as he was feeling, gaping at his lover before swallowing hard, pulling the 'cheerleader' into ihs lap as he collapsed back onto the bed,wrappign his arms around his waist."Ah, well I was going to let you top.But I dont think I can let a girl top me."He teased lowering his head t nuzzle bare skin, his hands sliding up the back of draco's thighs to pulll him closer.
Draco Smirked a little as he was pulled into Brax's lap, winking at him. "i was thinking that maybe you could be the teacher this time." he teased snickering a little as he ground their hips together, moaning softly as he tipped his head back. "yeah. you feel so good." he moaned smirking at Brax. "i'm such a dirty slut, sleeping with you to get better grades, don't you think? perhaps i aught to be punished?"
Brax smirked a little biting down on the blond's neck as he rolled them pinning the blond to the bed as he glared down at him, pinning him there, hips grinding into the other's,jealousy eating at him."Oh and am I the only teacher you'd sleep with you slut?"He growled half serious, wondering if draco's love for his godfather and teacher had gone deeper then he'd said.
Draco moaned at the bite and panted at the pinning, but paused at the Growl, hesitating even as he moaned into the harsh grinding, trembling a little. "aah no... your the only teacher i've ever fucked." he promised smiling a little. "i was active in my younger years but when i graduated from Hogwarts i only had the one...after he died i just...never found someone who made me happy until you." he promised leaning up to kiss Brax. "you the first person i've had in years Brax and the only person i've ever loved as much as i do you." well aware of when someone needed comforting words.
Brax sighed sofly relaxing, settling down on the other, kissing him gently, taking his time as he gently stroked the other's hair, loking reassured and content."I love you."He muttered turning his head to nip at the other's ear."More then anyone else,I love you."he said sighing as he slid a hand down,gently stroking his hand over draco's cock, kssing him slowly.
Draco smiled as he gently nuzzled Brax, sighing softly. "i love you too." he whispered smiling a little, moaning eagerly as he thrust into Brax's hand. "m..mmm honestly." he whispered panting smiling a little. "i love you more than i've ever loved anyone before." he admitted smiling at Brax, nuzzling him again, panting softly, smirking a little. "mmm you feel wonderful." he groaned eagerly. "please, Professor, fuck me hard." he moaned, winking at Brax playfully.
Brax laughed softly aas he clapped his hands to the other's hips, holding him still as he slid into him, kissing him hard before raising his head."I think we got our roles reversed.Your the professor, professor medici."He teased kissing him again, sighing softly as he thrust into the other.It felt so amazing. Despite having had sex with the other in the morning, and during the hide and seek game, he still wanted more.
Draco moaned eagerly as he felt his lover sliding into him with an eager little groan. "m. mmm ye..yes but in my time you where one of the greatest minds the wizarding world had ever seen. your scientific and magical influences entitled you to the claim of being a Master at multiple subjects, giving you the term 'professor.' oooh you should have taken the title 'Sex Master' too." Draco teased arching against him. "nnn fuck you always feel so GOOD brax. i love you." Draco moaned smiling happily. "mm Merlin i love you."
Brax moaned thrusting into him slowly, lowering his head to kiss him softly."Love you to."He purred leaning down to nuzzle the other's nxt,hands resting lightly on his hips, before smirking."Ohhhh sex master is it?"He smirked wider angling his hips to thrust against the other's prostate, having every intention of making him lose control first.

Alex shifted whining as he stirred, waking up.Nuzzling tom slightly, the bottle holding his 'rock' tucked safely in the crook of his arm."Tom? Whats wrong with me?"He whined, worried about himself even as his hands closed protectively around the bottle he was holding. The only people he'd ever felt this protective over was draco and tom. the fact that this egg was invoking those emotions, scared him. Scared him more then even voldemort ever had. At least with voldemort he was in control.He had a feeling this egg was going to sunder him from himself if he didn't gain some control.
Draco moaned and squirmed, nodding a little as he panted eagerly. "yes, sex master...aaah Brax nnn fuck... so evil." he whined arching against him with an eager need , dragging himself against the other with small soft pants and small shivers. "please... oh Brax harder.. please!"

Tom groaned and snuggled into the other some more, sighing softly. "nothings wrong with you." he mumbled simply. "i'm sure there's something special about the rock, something that's calling you to it." he promised smiling at Alex. "we'll find out what's going on soon, i'm sure of it." he smiled at the other. "besides, i think this is good for you." he admitted smiling a little. "your always so afraid of loving someone." he admitted. "i know you don't want to admit it but i can see it." he admitted softly kissing the others nose and then snuggling into him some more. "it feels weird, being jealous of a rock though."
Brax smirked thrusting into him harder, leaning down, biting him gently."Of course I am.I'm friends with...ahhh...tom."He moaned shivering as he came, gripping the other to him tightly.

Alex whined a little, cuddling the rock a little, wrinkling his nose as the other kissed his nose, settling against him."I'm not afraid of love."He whined, resting his head on the other's shoulder, sighing softly."And I love you.I don't have a issue about that."He whined before laughing, "Ah well, you do things the rock'll never do."he said waggled a eyebrow, snickering a little."Just teasing love."He said before the other could freak, wincing as the words past his lips.
Draco mewled eagerly, arching against Brax, trembling as he staved off his own orgasm. "a, aaah f..fuck...what does... Friends with Tom?" he demanded, after all Tom was a good boy now,m and Draco couldn't think well enough to remember that even at the age of six Tom was a wicked, vindictive little thing when he was upset. Brax had been witness to a great many evil things that Tom had done, from sending two other eight-year-old's to their death over a cliff for stealing all of his toys, to killing Myrtle when she told him that he wasn't worth the space or the time to even look at when he'd expressed interest in her. it had only been a crush, but it had sent Tom into another murderous rage. but Draco didn't remember this, he was too busy spouting gibberish because Brax was fucking him mercilessly.

"you ARE afraid." he stated sternly. "that's why you don't like kids and why you cling to me and Draco so hard as you do." he explained snuggling into him even more firmly. "your afraid of your love and even more your afraid of loosing the people you love." he explained. "everyone is afraid of loosing the people you love but it's kind of annoying when you start treating me like glass." he explained blinking up at Alex. "your not going to break me." he promised with a small smile as he nuzzled the other. "i don't mind the jokes, or the teasing, it makes me feel normal." he admitted wrapping his arms tightly around Alex with a small sigh. "it makes me worry when you flinch when you say things... it's like you where the one who was raped." he admitted with a shake of his head. "if i freak out, i freak out.... but it shouldn't affect how you treat me you know?"
Brax growled a little snarling a little as he fisted the other's cock, sighing softly as he felt the other's cum coating his fingers. Sighing in pleasure as he released, settling down against him with a sigh resting his forehead against the other's shoulder."Love you..."he mttered purrng softly as he nuzzled the other's neck. Sighing as he pulled out of him, cuddling against the other's neck.

Alex tensed as the other nuzzled him, snarling softly, "Stop.Just stop.I'm not treating you like glass. And shut up. Just...shut up.."He growled gently shoving the other away, disliking this conversation. Regretting even starting it. Moving away to get to his feet, the rock held in his closed fist as he started to pace. Not about to tell him how long or how devastating voldemort's rape of him had been. Not about to admit to the man he loved just how damaged he was. Not even draco was aware of just how screwed up he was, though he knew his brother had guessed. of course, draco also assumed he didn't know how screwd up he was, he did, he just prefered to pretend he wasn't. "I don't want to upset you. Is it so wrong to try to avoid it?"He asked finally turning to face tom, his shoulders slouched, looking at the man, looking so sad and defeated.
Draco moaned, sighing softly as he snuggled into Brax, smiling a little as he nodded. "i love you too." he mumbled softly, kissing his cheek. "you know, i think your birthday is coming up isn't it?" he asked curiously. "do you want anything?"

Tom grunted as he was shoved off the couch and scowled as he stood up, brushing himself off, looking indignant, but not hurt as he once would have, crossing his arms and staring at Alex in an almost accusing manner until the other calmed down. "everyone tries to ignore it." he stated simply. "and everyone suffers for it." he stated calmly, stroking Alex's face. "you have been avoiding it for a very long time Alex.... it's time to confront it now... you have to, or you might go mad... i can see it, lurking in the back of your eyes." he admitted. "you always tell me to not go where you can't follow, yet your taking steps into a place where I can't follow you... does that seam at all fair? you treat everyone around you so tenderly because your terrified that their going to break, without ever realizing that your constantly pulling away from them so you don't get hurt or break yourself if they decide or accidentally hurt you." Tom sighed a little, looking sad. "you even do it to me love, and it hurts to know that you think i might try to hurt you, even if i already have in your time." he set his hand to Alex's arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. "your going to go mad if you keep it all up inside you...even if you won't talk to me or the woman to SOMEONE...." before he lost himself in himself forever.
"It is, and I don't need anything.I have everything I need. You, Tom, and Alex. A family more then I ever thought I wanted."He smiled pressing a kiss to his head."I don't need anything besides that....or maybe finding out that damned egg is."He sighed frustrated, disliking that he had no idea what the creature was."And maybe find tom's secret place."He said with a snicker.

Alex bit his lip as he sank to his knees, resting his head in the other's lap,wrapping his arms around his waist. Shuddering slightly, because Tom was right. And he knew it. He was breakng under the weight of being constantly worried. And he knew it. Knew it and couldn't stop. Pressing his face against the other's legs he sighed.Before giving up everything. Knowing he had to talk to someone."I..I can't do this. This hurts so much. I want, want to help you, to talk to you. I just want to be better."He muttered shivering as he started to cry."Nearly 8 years, 8 years of suffering. Of not being able to protect draco. Of not being able to protect myself."he sighed softly, choking on his tears. For the first time, really admitting, really giving into the pain."Voldemort's broken every bone in my body over time, and kept me more as a beloved bedmate then anything else."He shivered."How I am supposed to talk about that, when you,brax, and draco have suffered so much worse?"He said softly, and it was true. Despite how long it happened, after so many years he'd become almost callous to his own suffering where theirs hit him like a fresh wound everytime he couldn't protect the ones he loved.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "the egg will hatch in it's own time." he stated simply. "and soon i bet, doesn't bonding usually mean the egg hatches within the first few weeks of being found?" he asked his head tilted. "with whatever in there feeding on Alex's residual magic it should hatch very soon. as for Tom's secrete place, i think that should stay Tom's. he's never had anything that was only his before, and it is very important to him." he smiled a little. "even if it annoys the HELL out of me."

Tom pulled the other into his arms, holding him tightly as he listened, shaking his head. "you protected Draco in more ways than you might be able to count, or are even aware of. how long do you think he would have lasted if you hadn't been there to buffer that man's rage? what was his name, Lucius? yes Draco got beat, but from what i hear you took the brunt of most of the man's rage. as for Voldemort..." it felt odd, saying the things name, like he was shunning a part of himself, killing it brutally... it felt rather good, separating himself from the thing he had almost become. "if you hadn't been his bed-mate, what makes you think he wouldn't have gone after Draco instead? or someone else? not to mention you where there for Draco when no one else was, you gave him someone to talk to, to laugh with." he smiled at his lover. "and in any case, you where raped constantly by that sick bastard. just because you think it doesn't hurt as bad as us, in fact it hurts more. you just can't tell because their old infected wounds that hurt constantly with a dull ache. wheres us getting hurt is a new cut altogether." he paused then. "it's like when you break your arm. your arm doesn't always hurt, though you feel the ache you get used to it, until someone comes along and bumps it. then it hurts sharp and painful all over again, get it?"
Brax smiled, snickering a little as he pressed a kiss to Draco's head nodding slightly."True.He deserves it."He said looking amused before nodding."Your right. It should hatch soon then."He said kissing him slowly."Think we should check on them?We've left them alone long enough to get in trouble."He said slightly worried. Knowing something was driving Alex to the brink.

Alex shuddered pressing close to him,"Yes...that does make sense."He sighed a little, " feels good to talk to someone."He said, sniffling slightly,nuzzling tom's neck,smiling slightly as he held the other.Knowing that tom'd probably have to remind him that he wsn't alone anymore later, but for the moment he was content.Curling around the brunette he smiled as he held the egg so gently, raising his head to look at tom."I love you."He said slowly, hesitanting. As if he wasn't sure of how the other would hear it, not that he was doubting what he felt for the other.He was just feeling heartsore and raw.
he smiled a little and shook his head. “no, lets give them another ten minutes. Alex is near a breaking point, if we interrupt them too soon we might ruin Tom's chance to get Alex to open up. Tom's been talking to me a lot, worried about Alex.” he admitted. “he's been trying to get him and Alex alone for some time now, I don't want to ruin Tom's chance at getting Alex to open up just yet.” he admitted snuggling Brax. “besides I'm not ready to stop snuggling you yet.”

Tom smiled as he wrapped his arms around Alex, gently nuzzling him. “i'm glad you trust me enough to talk to me.” he admitted softly. “i love you too Alex.” Tom purred, smiling at Alex, looking a little worried about the others hesitant tone, but deciding not to worry about it too much just yet. He giggled a little and snuggled into him more firmly with a small sigh. “ I wonder what it is.” he mumbled, stroking the rock gently, Nagini poking her head out and tasting the air with her tongue, Tom chuckling as he rubbed her chin. “we should go back up, Brax is probably worried by now.”
Brax laughed softly kissing his head, wrappign his arms around him."me either."he smiled gently stroking the other blond's hair, sighing as he drew the blanket up around them. Wondering if it was a good thing to break alex, or if they'd damage the other permentatly."Ten minutes.Then we'll go investigate."He said smiling.

Alex laughed getting up gently stroking siri's head as he poked his head out of his shirt to see what all the commotion was about before hissing and disappearing into his owner's shirt again."Yes, Brax does a good job of fretting. I think he's started the grandfather stage early."He snickered a little relaxed and happy as he heard the other say he loved him. having after confessed everything, not been sure if the other would want to be with him. Smiling happily he pulled the other up to his feet, he grinned wrapping a arm around his waist as he headed for the bedroom, pausing as he tilted his head."Think they're done?I don't hear anything."He said pressing his ear against Brax's door. Talking loud enough to make sure the two inside would hear.
he smiled a little and nodded. “ten minutes.” he agreed, struggling to hide his own fears and worries about how much trauma Alex was going to be capable of handling. He wrapped his arms around Brax and pulled him tight into his arms, sighing softly as he smiled a little. “you feel good you know.” he admitted softly. “like your right.” he admitted nuzzling him. “sometimes I think that traveling back in time, meeting you...was all fate.” he admitted smiling. “a fate, I gladly accept... after so much nightmare and hell, your like a breath of heaven in my sore lungs.” he admitted, kissing Brax's neck. “so, I was wondering, after all of this is done, when your ready...if you might want to marry me?” he asked hopefully, slipping a promise ring out of his pocket, a beautiful silver ring in the shape of a serpent, the tongue curled around a gray stone so rare, that it would actually store magic. The more you wore it, the more magic it built up, like a giant battery, a wizard constantly leaked bits of magic, that the ring would pick up and store for the wearers use. And like the ring, Draco wanted to always be there.

Tom chuckled a little and shook his head a bit as he sat up a little. “Brax and I.” he stated calmly, smiling a little. “we always wanted big families.” he admitted shaking his head. “Brax is protective over you because he's claimed you as his family.” he admitted smiling again. “it's funny.” he admitted, heading down the hallway. “i started out as an orphan with no family at all and only one friend.. now I have a family of seven, if you include our snakes, and an eighth on the way.” he indicated the egg. “it's all so perfect.” he admitted smiling a little as he paused, pressing his ear to the door. “....oh my god...” Tom whispered his eyes wide. “i think Draco just proposed to Brax!”
"shhhhh I'm trying to hear."alex whined pressin his ear tigher to the door trying to make out wat he youngest malfoy was going to say.

Brax started as he fellt the ring slide onto his finger,eaising his hand to stare at the beautiful ring.eyes goin wide as he turned his head to kiss the other man hard.«i would loe to marry you somday.»he growled lowly,lust and happiness coloring his voice as he hld back tears. looking amazed tha despite everythin the blond really wanted to marry him. having believed him that draco wanted him, bt i was so different to know that the otherthought all the nightmares were worth it since i brought them together."should we lettheother two in so they wont whine?"

"I dont whine!draco get dressed so we can come in!"alex's muffled shout came through the door. Leaning against the hardwood but unwilling to interrupt his brother more then anything else. As much as he liked to harass Draco about it, he was hppy for his brother, and unwilling to break up the small happy moments his brother could find. Blushing slightly he glanced at his own boyfriend, the ache in his chest growing. Wondering if he would be able to propose someday, his heart aching to much to do it now. feeling raw and exposed, but he held onto the hope that someday he'd be worthy of tom
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