Love across time

Alex moaned softly squirming a little at the touch. It was weird, and odd to feel someone squeezing breasts tht hadn't been there before."...what are you doing...?"Alex muttered as he blinked slowly, cringing away in startlement at finding the man touching him.Despite knowing and trusting this tom riddle being changed, and having the world pulled out from under his feet had reverted the usually very secure man unstable and acting like a victim again.

"Oh gods....We better tell him about safe sex. Alex's would murder you if that happened now."He said heading for the other two's room before looking at Draco, pausing as he thought about ti."He probably swallowed more, bigger reaction."He said before wrapping his arms around draco, for the moment forgetting about warning the other two, amused as he watched his lover check himself."Love, I could help you make sure your still male."He said with a lecherous grin
Tom went beat red and quickly stopped touching the other. “s..sorry I just.,.. I haven't ever touched one before and I... I just... they're softer than I thought.” he admitted, nuzzling Alex's neck gently. “are you ok now?” he asked, worried. “are you going to attack Draco again?” he asked worried. “it wasn't his fault you know.. he didn't do it on purpose...” well he didn't think so anyway. “can I get you something? I have your egg.” he stated, carefully slipping the glass jar into Alex's hands. “uhm...Alex...” he stated suddenly. “i'm sorry if I scared you earlier... I just... couldn't help myself.. I'm only a kid you know.” he complained pouting at the other.

Draco laughed a little and shook his head as he followed his lover, kissing the other intently, looking pleased. “yes, please do help me make sure I am all man.” he teased smirking a little as he squirmed against the other, pressing his ass against him with a small groan, nibbling at his lovers neck.
Alex smiled slightly, looking slightly ocncerned as he looked the man cuddling against him."Oh just a kid are you?"She said, laughing softly raising his head, short blond hair framing his fae as he cuddled the egg in his hands, pressing a kiss to the other's lips softly, easily before laying back down."No...I'm not going to attack him.I'll apologize later...didn't mean to hurt him..."he muttered sighing softly.Before biting his lip, despite cuddling against the man in his arms, he was still tense and nervous, unsure about what to expect. Unsure of how to ask if tom still wanted him, still loved him. "I don't need anything."She said quietly, not sure what could be helpful in this situation. Being surprisingly accepting of the fact he was femae now that he was calm. Though he'd probably freak if they tried having sex.

Brax smmirked before glancing at the door."AFTER we warn them."He said amused groping Draco as he pushed open tom and alex's door a little."Tom. Come here. I have something for you."He said looking worried as he kissed draco, unable to stop himself from touhing the blond, even if he wanted to make sure tom would have safe sex, even if he was sure alex wouldn't be allowing sex in the near future he needed to tell him before the two gave in and had sex. The last thing they needed was a pregnant anxious alex.
he smiled a little as he kissed her back, nuzzling her neck with his nose. “i know you didn't mean to hurt him.” he promised smiling a little. “and he does too I'm sire. We'll find a way to fix you.” he paused. “well, if you want to be fixed.” he shrugged a little. “i love you no matter what gender you are.” he admitted smiling a little. “your really soft you know?” he asked nuzzling Alex's neck again. “i never knew girls where so soft.” he paused. “you know, you could be my first guy, and my first girl.” he teased, giggling a little before he paused as Brax and Draco came in, looking confused. “am I getting a present?” he asked, looking confused. “but it's not my birthday yet....” he stated slipping out of the bed and over to Brax, his head tilted as Draco chuckled and let Brax run off with Tom as Draco moved over to Alex. “you know your woman form had quite the affect on tom.” he teased smiling a little. “Tom said it was like seeing you for the first time all over again.” he admitted with a chuckle, watching Alex in case he triggered the others fury again. “how are you feeling? I don't know what happened but I'll try my best to fix it ok?” he bit his lip hard. “but...well there's... there's really not a very good chance that I'm going to be able to do that....” he admitted softly watching his brother. “i'm sorry Alex might be stuck that way...”
"Oh just shut up."Alex grumbled, laying back on the bed though the flush on pale skin showing just how much he was enjoying the idea of tom being turned on.Sighing quietly as he squirmed, rubbing a hand over his face."I'm...fine.Worried about you..."He muttered before biting his lip.If.. might be okay being female.Tom has to many memories of his rape... and me...well."He shrugged, having come to the same conclusions brax and draco had, despite the anger tht had accompanied the orginal realization. Granted, he'd probably through a few hissy fits but for the moment, he was calm and relaxed.

Brax sighed softly as he smirked, 'No not your birthday, but I thought I'd better teach you that contraptive spell before you decided screwing a female alex was a good idea."He laughed quietly."I know you want kids, but you two don't need the stress of it right in this moment."
Draco chuckled a little and then shook his head. “i'm fine, a little worried that I'm going to go all girl like you but I'm fine.” he promised smiling a little. “i still got my cock so far so I guess I missed that particularly annoying side effect.” he admitted shaking his head. “it might be good for you, this female form. It has all new parts, parts that...well haven't been taken by Voldemort.” he stated calmly. “you might be more ok like this. Hell you might even enjoy it.” he admitted smirking a little. “you seam to be even more terrifying as a woman.” he admitted. “i was so shocked when you managed to lift me off the floor like that.” he teased chuckling a little. “imagine doing that to a teacher in front of Dumbledore? He'd shit himself in terror.”

Tom blinked at Brax and then blinked again and then. “huh?” he asked looking baffled. In the wizarding world it was up to the parents to talk to their children about where babies came from. Being as how Tom had no parents, and had no interest, he'd never wondered how babies where made. He had no idea why he would need a contraceptive. Poor, poor Alex. It would no doubt be he who explained the whole 'birds and bee's' thing to him.
Alex sighed raising his arm enough t look at his brother, nodding a little,"That would be amusing to see."He sighed a little,"I've always been that strong.Just...I look small and dainty like this."He smirked wider."Its like overall my body retained the strength I had as a male...just wrapped in a daintier package."He snickered slightly."And you're right...I might enjoy it...Tom seems alright with it."He said biting his lip, which had been his real worry about being female. Noot over anything else really, not yet anyways.

Brax sighed softly, shaking his head as he looked at Tom,"Sex.Babies. Alex can get pregnant now that he's female.Don't want to get him all pregnant and stuff before you want them."He said before sighing."You could ask alex about this."He said feeling margainly awkward thinking about alex like this.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded a little. “Tom is more than alright with it.” he teased chuckling a little. “i have a feeling that wariness you've been seeing is going to vanish.” he admitted. “he's been so afraid of sex after he got raped, now that your not a man he's relaxed a great deal. He knows you would never hurt him, but after his rape he's been hurting so much. He was afraid that sex would always hurt.” he shook his head a little. “that and I think Tom always preferred females, he just fell in love with you before he had the chance to explore the female body. Now he has that chance.” he teased smirking a little. “but, you do know that you might be able to get pregnant right? Brax is telling tom about contraceptives right now. Just in case you decide you want to have sex anytime soon.”

Tom blinked at Brax, looking a little baffled then. “you know I always did wonder where babies come from.” he admitted. “i know it takes a man and a female, and that sex is involved somehow...” he pondered then. “i'll ask Alex.” he decided heading back into the room before pausing as he heard Draco talking, feeling ashamed of himself that Alex had to hear all that from someone else. He was ashamed at how afraid he had been of sex with his lover, he should have known that Alex would never hurt him, but he had still been afraid. He turned away from the doorway and sighed a little, walking away, heading to the kitchen for some food. He couldn't face Alex now, Alex knew...Alex was going to be upset with him...
Alex's jaw fell open a little as he rolled on his stomach, flashing Draco the strong pale skin of his back as he pulled the pillow over his head. Groaning, at the idea of being pregnant."Oh, oh gods.Bloody hell."He said trying very hard not to think about being pregnant. Before flushing, his heart hurting at the idea of tom being so frightened of him, his shoulders slouching a little, before raising his head enough, looking at him."...draco, voldemort always had males. Why would tom prefer females?"he said giving that thoughtful little frown. Not understanding.

Brax smirked a little as he walked in, tilting his head."Alex, be prepared.You're probably going to have to talk about the birds and the bees."He said looking even more amused."Then again, you could just ask him to ask mother.She's good at the sex talk."He snickered slightly before looking around, realizing the man in question hadn't come in like he'd expected. Frowning as he tried to figure out where he'd gone.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. “yes, he always had males, and he always topped as violently as he could.” he stated simply. “he was seeking revenge for his rape.” he stated calmly. “you'll notice he never tortured women. He let the death eaters do it.” he was right, and he had always let Bellatrix have an unusual amount of leeway. “Tom prefers females, because they didn't rape him.” he stated simply turning to Brax when he came in, smirking a little. “Tom doesn't know where babies come from?” he asked sounding FAR too amused before pausing. “why don't you have Lady Malfoy do it? She'd probably be better at this sort of thing.” he stated pondering. “where is Tom anyway? I thought he would have come back here after you two where done talking...”
"So did I actually."Brax said looking slightly amused, smirking as he studied the blond woman.He just knew things were going to be better for them now that things were settling down."But either way, do you realize we have to go back to school tomorrow?"he said sounding surprised having just thought of it. Worried about both of them, what would come of tom and alex when they returned to the crowds.

Alex sighed a little, getting up and looking around for his clothes, cursing quietly. Before he remembered that yes, he was a wizard dammit, he didn't need to shop for clothes.Transfiguring the ones he'd found he grinned a little as he tugged the close fitting leather pants on, the corset top much like bellatrix's."I'll go find him."He said before walking out before he lost his nerve to do so. Not sure what to think that tom hadn't come back in. maybe...maybe he ws regretting agreeing to stay?He thought to himself, starting to fret over what tom was thinking. heading for the kitchens to look for him.
Draco gasped in astonishment and shook his head. “i forgot that we where heading back.” he admitted his eyes wide. “my students are going to think I'm an incompetent teacher, turning Alex into a woman!” he paused. “i wonder if I can duplicate the process? There are many men who want to become women I think... and if I can reverse it, many women who might like to become men... I might even be able to put a time limit on it... I could be the greatest potions master history has ever seen! Even in my time!!!” he sighed and leaned back against Brax, smirking. “there, we told them, sex time now?”

Tom was sitting in the kitchen, staring down at a cup of tea with an irritated, guilty expression. “just one glass?” “no, Master Riddle will not be drinking the whisky.” a stern house elf growled, the irritation on Tom's face growing. “you will face the wrath of Tom riddle!” he growled at the elf, that just rolled it's eyes and walked away, Tom pouting as he stared at his tea. “at least let me be drunk before Alex starts yelling at me.” he complained softly, laying his head on the table, closing his eyes. “he's going to hate me...” he had this intense urge to go and visit his private place, no one could find him there, no one but Alex.
brax laughed softly gently pushing the blond back onto the bed, lowering his head to kiss him.Amused at the other's ambition."Oh love, you're harboring malfoy ambitions again. So, sex or potions?"He teased hands trailing over the other's body nibbling on his neck.

Alex smiled as he stepped into the room, lowering his hand to take the glass of whiskey from the elf sipping it as he raised a eyebrow. Looking devastatingly beautiful in his woman clothes."Now, whyever am I yelling?"He asked walking over, sitting down on the edge of the table, leaning close to tom, his ass sitting on the edge of the table as he looked down at the man with his head on the table.
Draco chuckled a little. “i am a Malfoy.” he teased smiling as he moaned into the kiss, eagerly kissing back as he rubbed his ass against Brax's length, smirking a little. “sex, then Potions.” he decided, licking his lips a little. “mmm fuck me nice and hard, please.” he moaned smirking at his lover. “if I called you Master would you fuck me faster?”

Tom jumped when Alex suddenly spoke and shame filled his face, looking away from Alex. “i...i heard you...talking to Draco...” he explained. “i was scared.. I couldn't help it...” he muttered softly, fidgeting. “i don't want to like you more as a woman if it upsets you b..but I do.” he admitted tearing up. “and your going to leave me because I'm selfish...”
Brax simrked as he undressed the man, magicing his own clothes off as he looked at him."I'll fuck you when I want to."He growled as he got down to doing what his lover wanted, muttering a lubing spell, but not bothering to do more then a slight stretching, sliding into him with a sigh.

Alex sighed sipping the whiskey in his hand, shifting to wrap a arm around tom, gently tuffling his hair."Love, I was upset because I thought YOU would be upset to find me female.And...well it's discerning to find yourself with boobs. But tom...this, this is probably good for us.Draco pointed out something to me. You were...well voldemort was always vicious with his male victims, punishing them for his rape. He enjoyed female company, or his female victims always fell to death eaters, not him. Tom...I think you like women, you just fell in love with me first. So... you'll get what I want, and I get a body untouched with voldemort's abuse."He said shuddering a little, ruffling his hair again."I'm not going anywhere kid."He teased lightly still looking worried.
Draco moaned eagerly as he felt the lubing spell slicking his insides, panting softly before groaning eagerly as he felt Brax sliding into him, trembling eagerly as the thrusting began, crying out in pleasure as his lover fucked him, the pleasure intensified by Brax's balls, striking something that Draco was quite sure had never been there before, but he was too pleasured to worry about what was there. To be honest it was amazing that Brax hadn't seen it, or noticed that there was a wetness running down Draco's legs, that was not from the lube from Draco's ass.

Tom sniffled a little as he snuggled into the other, wiping his tears off on Alex's chest, er, breasts, without realizing that they where there. “really?” he asked softly, sniffling a little. “ don't mind me liking you better as a girl?” he asked, almost looking shocked that Alex wasn't mad. “your...gonna stay as a girl?” he asked, startled blinking at him before sulking. “i am not a kid.” he complained, snuggling into Alex again. “Brax taught me a contraceptive... but I'm not sure why.” he admitted frowning a little. “Alex...where do babies come from? I know that you need a man and a woman, and that sex is involved but that's all I know.”
Brax stopped, pausing as he looked down at the blond under him, startled for a moment before shuddering, his body demanding that he finish what he started before he stopped to figure out what was going on. Growling as he buried his neck against the man's neck he bit him softly, moaning quietly as he thrust harder into him, eyes fluttering slightly as he held the man, biting his lip to keep from coming to soon.

Alex sighed laughing softly, though he made a slightly distressed noise. As if he couldn't believe he was having this conversation."I don't mind..I mean, it'll be weird, for both of us...but even if he can change it back, we'd still have the issues we had before."He sighed softly, shuddering a little as the boy brushed a hand against his breasts."babies come from, well hell. Woman don't have guy parts, we have uteruses that hold the baby, and when a man fertilizes a egg that woman have, then a baby grows."He said blushing ever so slightly at the idea of explaining this. He knew this was so awkward and he was botching it up.
Draco cried out in pleasure, arching against the other and cumming violently, his seed spreading across the bed, making him moan and groan happily as he squirmed and moaned before falling still, panting happily under Brax, smiling. “mmm fuck it's been way too long since we did that.” Draco was insatiable sometimes.

Tom blinked at him, clearly not understanding what Alex was talking about and then. “i think I might just ask Lady Malfoy.” he decided blinking at Alex again before chuckling a little. “it's kind of obvious that you have no idea what your talking about.” he teased chuckling a little. He laid his head back down on Alex's chest and smiled a little. “your boobs make a nice pillow.” he stated simply before he stood up. “do we really have to go back to school tomorrow?”
brax moaned as he came, sighing quietly as he pulled out of the man, cuddling against him."We had sex this morning brat.And a hour ago.Brat."He reinstated teasing him, brushing his lips over his lover's forehead, sighing quietly as he closed his eyes, before quirking a eyebrow, remembering what he'd felt."Love, I think you're potion changed you a little."he said a hand wandering down the boy's body, searching, smirking slightly as he trailed a finger around the boy's newly grown clit. After all, Abraxas Malfoy had never limited his flings to the male population, though he did prefer them.

Alex laughed a little."Yes, ask your mother."He said amused, knowing she'd do it well since she had explained to Brax after all. Sighing quietly as he looked at the boy pillowed on his boobs he shifted, pulling away after a moment, wishing they wouldn't."Yes, we have to."He said, a sad note of longing in the words. wanting to touch him, wanting the romantic happy seduction he had planned for the man before his rape had derailed his plans.Sighing quietly he smile drawing away heading for the door, figuring they'd just have to wait till they got back to school and could get a few moments alone.
Draco moaned and smirked a little and nodded. “i'm not the brat here Brax.” he teased snickering a little as he snuggled into the other, before jerking in amazement as he felt the others fingers brush against something. “oh...oh what..what the hell?” he asked looking down at himself, but he couldn't see anything, his cock was in the way. “Brax did you do something to me?” terrified to know, terrified to think that he hadn't gotten off free from the potion after all. “d..did I...did I grow...a vagina!?” he demanded, sounding terrified...and aroused too astonishingly enough, though that was probably the finger on his clit.

Tom chuckled a little and then sighed, his face falling. “i'm scared to go back...” he admitted softly. “what if someone tries to touch me? I... I don't want anyone touching me..” he admitted snuggling into Alex again, letting the other know that it was fine as long as it was only Alex. “c..can we not go?” he asked, pleading with Alex hopefully. “we could say I'm really sick... Draco could fill in for you....” but he knew better, he had to go to school, no matter how terrified he was of going back.
Brax smirked pressing a kiss to draco's shoulder as he nodded."Hmm hmm. Yu got the best of both worlds, without alex's breasts."he said smirking a little plling his hand away, pulling the man tightly against him, stroking his hair."Shhh love, it's okay.I promise.Youre okay."He said, his heart hurting at the terrified sounds of him panicking.

Alex sighed shaking his head a little."Well, I'll just have to kill them to."he growled, the look looking fierce and even worse for the soft delicate female features. growling a little as he brushed a kiss over tom's head, he started, realizing for the first time he'd shrunk. Tom was now taller then him by a few inches. extremely discerning for a man used to being taller then everyone."we both have to go back tom."He said wrried about how things would go with him being female. Sighing as he carried the man upstairs, pausing at the doorway to his room, tilting his head."... they're screwing in our room."He said his jaw falling a little bit."Tom, make them leave."He whined.
Draco trembled against Brax, hiding his face against the others chest. “Fathers going to be so pissed at me... so pissed....” he whined trembling violently. “he'll cane me... he'll cane me... I'm not a girl...” he protested, revealing that Lucius had between Draco over some pretty strange shit. Must have found Draco in a dress at one time or another.

Tom smiled a little and headed into the room, determined to chase them out with a good shot of water from his wand before pausing, seeing Draco trembling in terror and muttering about his father, his eyes widened in astonishment before slowly backing out, closing the door. “...i think we better just leave them there for a moment.” well aware that Alex's fury was going to go back up after seeing Draco freaking out about Lucius, long dead.
Brax growled softly, panting softly in the anger that gripped his heart as he realized what his 'son' must have done. Pressing a kiss to draco's head he held him tighter, muttering soft comforting things."Shh love, shh.. I wont let anyone hurt you.No one's going to hurt you.Not even alex and his very sexy ass.No one I promise."He said sounding slightly desperate, his desperation to make draco feel better was making him slightly hysterical with laughter.

Alex started looking at the man, before looking at the door."What's wrong?"He growled, figuring something was wrong if Tom was refusing to go in and break them up. Frowning at tom, rubbing his arms as he struggled not to go around the brunette to just go yell until someone told him what was wrong.
Tom shook his head and pulled Alex away from the door. “Draco... he's having a bit of a panic attack.. seams like he wasn't as safe from the potion as we thought...” he admitted softly. “Brax is calming him down... wait till morning ok? We'll go sleep in Brax's room for now.” he muttered softly, practically dragging Alex down the hall, not wanting Alex to be upset like Draco was.

Draco sobbed softly, clinging to Brax, trembling violently as he listened to Brax promise him that everything was going to be alright. “it hurts when he canes me.” he mumbled softly. “i can't be a girl...” he muttered, but he wasn't so terrified, blinking a little. “but...i'm not really a girl...” he decided. “i don't have boobs... and I have a dick... so...i'm not really a girl...right?”
Alex growled helplessly as he let tom pull him away. Whining slightly as he crawled into bed with tom, cuddling against him.Slightly annoyed about not being the man that got to calm draco down, so used to being the one who did.Sighig softly he shifted resting his head on the taller man's chest."love you."He said yawning.

"No no you're not.You are not getting caned love. Not a girl, and even if you were, no one would hurt you.I love you.I'm not going to let someone hurt you."he said sounding helpless. Hating that he couldn't take way his fear.
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