Love across time

Tom smiled as he wrapped his arms around Alex, sighing softly. “i love you too Alex...” he murmured before smirking. “or is it Alexis now?” he teased playfully, his head tilted slightly as he kissed his lover gently, trying to distract his lover from Draco's distress.

Draco trembled against his lover, hiding his face in Brax's chest, hiding from memories and hiding from the pain he was sure was going to come. “he'll cane me...” he whispered, definitely starting to calm down now. “he's dead though...can't cane me.” he mumbled, starting to come out of it. “do we....potions?” Draco asked, still trembling violently. He wanted either a calming drought or a sleeping potion, whichever one would work best.
alex whined a little, kissing him back, sinking his teeth into tom's lip, playfully biting him before leaning back, sighing quietly. Actually thinking aobut it, because he knew he was goign to be stuck as female, it was just feeling. Draco wouldn't be unable to do this."Alexis.Or whatever you like."He said blushing ever so slightly.

Brax sighed a little raising his hand and summoning the calming drought with a flick of his wand,getting the boy to drink it before he said anything else. Gently stroking his hair."better?"He muttered pressing a kiss to his head, his heart aching to see him so distraught.
Tom yelped, startled at the bite and giggled as he snuggled into Alex, smirking a little. “everyone is going to be so shocked when you walk in that door looking even hotter than you did before.” he murmured smiling a little as he watched his lover. “are you sure your going to be alright with this?” he asked softly. “i won't mind if you ask Draco to try and reverse it, I promise.”

Draco trembled violently as he swallowed down the potion, pausing to let it work before sighing a little, closing his eyes as he nodded. “i'm alright... I'm sorry I just... my father.. he used to beat me when I acted the slightest bit girly.” he admitted. “when my hair grew out too long he'd gall me a girly boy, and cane me before cutting my hair himself.” he admitted swallowing hard. “by the time I was ten I learned how to keep my hair short he wouldn't hit me anymore... I was... I was just...” he sighed again and tucked himself into Brax. “i never realized how much what he did affected me.” he admitted softly. “i didn't think I could ever freak out like that...” he admitted closing his eyes. “don't tell Alex alright?”
Alex laughed a little laying his head on the man's chest, cuddling close."Im fine.Really."He grumbled a little. though he knew he'd probably have issues when they tried sex, for the moment he really was okay with being female. yawning a little as he cuddled down into the blankets."I am hotter aren't I?"He preeened.

Brax nodded, pressing a kiss to his head."I wont."He said havng seen tom, he'd assumed alex had followed but he knew better then to say it. If alex had let it go, for the moment he was going to let it go. Tilting his head he kissed him slowly, sliding his fingers through the blond hair, tuggng it a little."I think he affected you as much as voldemort affected alex....are we still calling alex alex?"he said, smirking a little. teasing, and wanting to give him something else to think about
Tom smiled, relaxing even more as he snuggled into the other, blushing violently as he set his hand on her belly. “can I touch your boobs again?” he asked softly, timidly before pausing as a loud CRACK filled the air, and a pulse of power and emotion throbbed through Alex. “...did something break?” Tom asked, startled as he sat up and looked around before looking down at the pale rock in the glass case, it was glowing as brightly as the moon itself, and a single hairline crack now spread across the top. “hey Alex... I think your about to be a daddy....mommy...daddy?” now he'd confused himself.

Draco sighed softly as he snuggled into Brax. “my father... he was...” he hesitated then. “some days, he was even worse than Voldemort...” he admitted opening his eyes. “i guess that's up to Alex really.” he admitted simply, sighing a little. “thank you, by the way. I'm sorry I freaked out on you.” he muttered softly, snuggling into him. “..we're not telling Alex that I have a cunt right? He'll laugh me to death...” he looked down at his cock again, checking to make sure it was there. As long as he got to keep that, he supposed he would be ok.
Alex raised her head startled at the noise, grinning widely. Rolling over to look at the rock, he gently tugged the glass away from the egg, looking at it anxiously as he gently wrapped his hands around it, leaning back against tom's chest. Amused that he was small and dainty now, and he could enjoy being cuddled. After all, it was a new experience to not be the one physically stronger of the two."Ohhh I wonder what it is...come on..."He said gentle fingers stroking along the crack.

"No we don't have to tell him."He said looking slightly startled at the sound that sounded through the house, looking at Draco."Did you hear that?"He frowned,tilting his head trying to figure out exactly what the sounding crak had been.
Tom grinned as he looked up and watched, wrapping his arms around his lover as he watched the egg closely, another loud CRACK filling he air, another tiny hairline crack running off the first one, his eyes wide. “such a loud noise for such a tiny crack.” he muttered, sounding amazed. “should we get Dray and Brax?” he asked his head tilted as he watched the egg tremble in Alex's fingers.

Draco paused, listening as another CRACK sounded through the air, scowling a little. “i don't know.' he admitted getting up and yanking on his pants heading for the doorway. “it sounded like it was coming from Alex's room... do you suppose he's in there breaking something?”
"If he's having sex,maybe."Brax said, looking amused and worried as he tugged on his pants, heading for the door. Pushing open the other's bedroom door, his eyes widened slightly at the sight of alex cuddled both the egg and tom, a giddy lok on his face.

Alex giggled happily, totally lost in the feeling of the creature's, so excited to be free. "It's almost free."He said gently cupping the egg in his hands as he stared at it fascinated.
Draco snickered as he followed his lover, gasping in astonishment as he watched the Egg cracking, tom watching, fascinated as several cracks filled the air, and the egg shattered, spilling a wet little creature into Alex's hands. It was a blue color with a pale white belly, a long snake like neck and tail, and a lizard like body with long legs that where tipped with soft claws and webbing. It was streamlined and had two long mustache like 'tentacles' that appeared just under the nasal cavities, and soft blue fur that started at the forehead and ran down it's beach, spreading across it's back and ending as the tail began. It opened large liquid eyes and blinked at Alex as it slowly stood up, , tottering this way and that as it got used to it's limbs, spreading two large wings from it's back, and a large fan like fin on it's tail for balance, Tom looking astonished. “its... it's a Water Dragon! Their supposed to be extinct!” Tom and Draco chorused as the Dragon steadied itself and blinked at Alex, letting off an eager croon, rubbing it's head against his neck. “Daddy.” it purred, in a language that was almost parseltounge, but more liquid, more flowing, and Tom clearly hadn't understood it, his head cocked at it, looking amazed. “oh Alex, she's gorgeous.”
Alex purred, just as happy as the small dragon, the sound somewhere between its language and parseltongue, "Pretty girl.da-mommy's pretty girl."He purred correcting the small dragon,before looking startled at brax's snicker."Dont make fun of me."The new female whined, shifting cuddling against tom's chest as he cuddled the dragon. "He's adorable. and..."brax stopped, tilting his head."Tom, we probably should check on the others. if this one hatched, the rest of the clutch should have to. We can't...leave them out there. They're young."He fretted, disturbed at the idea of letting the young dragons fend for themselves.
the Dragon purred happily again, crooning eagerly as she snuggled into Alex. “mommy. Hungry!” the little dragon whined, letting out a high pitched wail of intense hunger, making Draco wince and stick a finger in his ear before pausing as Tom gasped, his eyes widening. “they'll starve!” he squealed leaping to his feet and rushing out, for once not caring if Draco or Brax followed, more worried about the dragons. It was a good chance. Not a year ago he would rather have let the little dragons die rather than let anyone see his special place, now he was practically leading them to it., rushing down the entrance and freezing when he saw the pool, all of the eggs where broken, every last one of them, though they where still glowing brightly in the light of the moon that was shining down from above...but there where no little Dragons. Every single egg had been hatched, but all the little Dragons where gone. “they...where are they!?” he demanded, worry tainting his voice as he looked for ways they could have gotten out, following the wet trails back to where he had come in, slipping back out and watching as the wet trails vanish into thin air, literally. The dragons had taken flight, and left.
Brax laughed softly as he followed his friend into the secret place. Glad to see him so attatched to the dragons that he was frantic. After all, it really had changed him, and he was glad to see the change in him."They probably left to hunt."He said slightly amused."And alex's probably stayed only because it bonded with him, and needs him to take care of her."

"What do you want to eat little one?"Alex purred wincing as the dragon wailed in his ear, summoning a elf to get some meat, wincing slightly as he tore a piece of the food off,holding the small bite of meat out towards his dragon.'Will this be good, or do you want something else?"He asked, truly fretting, worried about not being enough to take care of his dragon.
Tom panted at Brax, looking worried. “but...but they only just hatched! They...they can't possibly take care of themselves can they!?” well, many lizards and fish new what to do the instant they where born, who's to say dragons didn't too? “... what if they die Brax?” he asked, worry in his eyes.

The little dragon sniffed at the meet and snorted a little before snapping it up in sharp fangs, swallowing it eagerly as she devoured everything he offered her until her stomach was bulging with food purring happily as she refused the last bit of meat he was offering her and laid her head down for a nap, snorting a little, a cool mist falling from her nose, like fog to tickle his cheek. “all full. Sleepy.” she declared, closing her pretty eyes, her wings and fin tucking tight to her body, and appearing to vanish. “Brothers and sisters bye bye.” she informed Alex, snorting again, letting loose more cool mist to tickle his cheek as she drifted off to sleep.
Brax sigehd softly, walking over, wrapping his arms around the other. "Tom, I am sure that they're perfectly capable of fending for themselves. They're wild animals, they can survive, and always come back here if they need to."He smiled a little,"alex is going to be adorable if you're any signs of how fretful he is going to be."He said amused. If tom was this worried, he could only imagine how fretful alex was over his dragon.

Alex shuddered a little as the mist settled over his skin, smiling slightly as he looked up at Draco,gently stroking the dragon's skin as she settled to sleep cuddling against him."I guess tom wont be getting to say goodbye."He said fretting a little over how tom would handle finding the other dragons missing, and hopign that he'd be good enough for his little girl. Hoping that she wouldn't be to lonely when they went back to school without company of other dragons."I think I'm going to name her myst."She said smiling wider, happy at the name.
Tom bit his lip, looking upset and worried before nodding. “yes.. your right.” he agreed scanning the skies before gasping, grabbing Brax's arm as he pointed to the sky. “look!” a shape of a dragon dove into the forest, and when it came back up it was holding a small pigeon in needle sharp talon's. “they ARE hunting! See that!” he was excited again, less worried now, glad that the Dragon's where going to be alright.

Draco smiled a little. “i think it will be alright.” he promised. “if she was that hungry when she woke up, I'm sure the other dragons are going to be hunting. Tom will see that their capable of surviving on their own and he'll be fine.” he pondered. “there must have been almost two or three hundred eggs in that pond though...” he stated looking amazed. “yet there where no water dragons in our time.” he looked at Alex. “do you suppose that they never hatched?” it would make sense. Alex's egg hatched when it bonded completely with Alex. Maybe one dragon, signaled to the others when to hatch? Draco didn't understand why though, he just didn't get it. “Myst is a wonderful name.” he agreed smiling a little. “i wonder if she will ever learn to speak English?”
Brax smled a little, grinning as he headed for the house."I'm sure they'll eb fine."He said amused at tom's excitement."Now let's go see how the new mama's doing. I'm sure Alex's worried herself into a tizzy over the dragon."He said amused. Already seeing his grandson as a fretful parent after all, he mthered draco something horrible.

Alex frowned thinking about it, before smiling a little."Draco....when tom was younger, our tom anyways, no one was emotional enough to bond with them.No one could trigger that it was safe to hatch, to be in this world. Voldemort....kept the dragons under."He said slightly amazed before grinning, glad draco approved of the name."I think that with practice she might. or maybe something closer to parseltongue then what she's speaking now."He said puffing up a little, already the proud parent.
Tom nodded, watching another Dragon wing through the air. “it's amazing that all those little ones where hidden in my secrete place.” he admitted, voice stained with aw as he followed Brax. “we have to make sure that no one realizes their here. They where already hunted to extinction once!” he complained, looking upset again. “what if someone finds them!? What if they're hunted out again!?” but there where two, to three hundred of them now, and within a year or five they would no doubt start breading, if they where following the growth patterns of normal Dragons. The Water Dragon species, was rising again.

Draco pondered that and nodded. “yes, your right.” he decided, nodding a little. “normally, the mother would signal safe hatching, but, since she wasn't there you have to indicate that it was safe by bonding with one of the eggs.” Draco smiled a little and nodded watching the little dragon. “i'll look up as much as I can about Water Dragons.” he decided. “all I know is that ancient wizards hunted them to extinction for their pretty fur, which is as strong as steal but as soft as spider silk.” he pondered then. “but there where wizards who bonded with them too, like you did now that I recall.” he admitted smiling a little as he looked at her. “Merlin she's a pretty thing.” he admitted softly, sounding proud as well. “your going to take very good care of her, I just know it.” he admitted smiling.
"They're in the middle of no where, and as far as I can tell, the malfoy estate stays that way long into the future. They'll have a safe place to rest."brax assured him smiling slightly as they walked into the house, pausing at the bedroom door to listen, smirking slightly."I told you Alex was going tot be a proud mama."

Alex blushed slightly nodding, yawning slightly."I am going to."He sighed."we alll probably should get some sleep."He said smiling wider when the others walked in."she said goodbye to her siblings.I assume they're all hatched and happy?"He said reaching out for tom tugging him down, wanting to show off the small dragon cuddling against him.
Tom hesitated and then nodded agreeing that the Dragons would be fine, smiling a little as he walked into the rooms, grinning as he curled into Alex, watching the little Dragon. “she's gorgeous Alex.” he murmured softly, the little dragon letting off a small hiccup and another burst of mist, Draco lifting an eyebrow as he got up and stated that he was going to go to the library. “yes, their all hunting already.” Tom admitted smiling a little. “i think they might hang around for a while before taking off to find their own territories.” if Water dragons even had territories. “i think Brax saw my secrete place.” he complained, pouting a little as he yawned and snuggled into Alex, more than ready to go to sleep, tired from a day of panic and excitement.
Alex laughed quietly, sleepily as he cuddled into the other. Shifting to rest his head on the tom's chest smiling as the small dragon cuddled between them, looking quite content to be with them."Hmm probably. But I'm the only one who gets to touch."He whined sleepily, totally misunderstanding the meaning of secret place in his sleepiness.

Brax smiled slightyl as he followed draco out, wrapping his arms around his waist and setting his heels down, refusing to let the man leave the room."No studying.You'll do that much at school.We're going to bed, and staying there."he said looking at his lover, needing to take care of him.
Tom chuckled a little and drifted off to sleep, content to lay with his girlfreind and sleep.

Draco whined a little and pouted at Brax, his lip poking out and everything. “but this is my one and only chance to get my hands on all the Malfoy books before they all disappear.” he complained sighing a little, wondering if he should warn the Malfoys of the upcoming raid of unknown Wizards that would take all of their valuables and their books and vanish into he night without a trace. Probably, he would tell the Lady in the morning. It wouldn't happen for another year at least, but it would warn them at least. He crawled into bed and sighed a little, relaxing into the bed as he instantly felt exhausted, groaning as he snuggled into the pillow and fell asleep before Brax could even order him to.

In the morning Alex was woken to Myst's keening cry for more food, Tom groaning as he got up slowly and stumbled into the door, forgetting that it was closed, groaning a little. “ow...” he moaned rubbing his nose, blinking at Myst as she stared at him and let out a keening cry again, demanding food, Tom groaning as he ordered a House Elf to bring some gold fish. Startled as he realized the lizard sized Dragon, had turned into a house cat sized dragon overnight. “...hey Alex...your daughter had a growth spurt...” afraid of how fast she was going to grow...and how big she was going to get.
Alex startled awake blinkng sleepily before realizing his girl was keening for food.Gently petting her head,'Shhh love shhh food's coming."He said trusting that Tom had ordered food. Before he processed what tom had said, turning his head to look at the dragon curled up against his shoulder."Oh pretty girl, you're getting bigger."He said slightly dazed as he took the tray of goldfish and steaks from the house elf when it appeared, looking slightly shocked. For the first time worrying how big she was going to get. Looking at tom,"How big to water dragons get?"He asked as he fed his girl, absently petting her head.
she whimpered and whined, and then eagerly swallowed down the fish and large portions of the meat, purring happily as she started to wash herself, grooming her pretty blue scales and mane. “i don't know...” Tom admitted nervously as Draco walked in. “the dragon will grow pretty big.” Draco explained, a book in hand. “it varies from Dragon to dragon, but she will grow tot he size of a dog, about to Alex's hip within the first month, and after that her growth will slow dramatically to barley a foot a year.” he explained his head tilted. “it says here they feed mostly on fish and meat, occasionally seaweed and need to submerge in water at least once a week to keep their scales from drying out.” he stated flipping the page as he sat down, hoping to inform them of his findings before Brax woke up. “her mane will need to be trimmed now and again and she will need a tree or a length of wood to sharpen her claws on.” Myst yawned, finished with her grooming and poked her head in to look at the book, her head tilted. “it also says here that since she's bonded with a human she will never leave your side, and will never look for a mate, all her emotional needs will be met simply by being with you.” he grinned a little as he glanced at Alex. “she will learn how to speak English and any other language that is spoken around her often.” he stated calmly. “as she grows her misting breath will turn into icy gales that can freeze water and flesh, though as it turns into ice she will also gain control until she can even create fog or snow from her Ice Lung.” he looked impressed. “it looks like everything about her will be learned instinctively, including Flying, hunting, and learning languages and skills. She's going to be as smart as Hermione.” he chuckled a little at his own joke. “i'll leave the book with you, it explains everything you need to know about Water Dragons.”
alex grinned widely as he took the book from draco, shifting Myst into his lap so she could at it while he flipped through the pages. While it would be slightly inconvientant to have her be that big, well....damn that goofy smile that curled his lips gave lie to any complaining he'd make. He loved his little dragon, and as emotionally tied she was to him, she'd laid a brand on his heart, and bound him as tightly to her. Which in turn would make it easier for him to love the people around him, easier to let the scars fade. Looking suitably impressed,"Oh your going to be a powerful dragon pretty girl."He muttered stroking her hair before fear flashed through his eyes raising his head to look at his brother. He knew that he could get the wood,take care of her,but..."Dumbledore."he said struggling for words, low grade panic setting in when he realized dumbledore was going to be near her. Truly afraid Dumbledore would do something to Myst."They were hunted you think he'd....?"He trailed off, looking at Draco for reassurance, then looking at tom when Draco didnt give it fast enough.
Draco chuckled a little at his grin. “she'll grow big enough for you to ride.” Draco admitted looking amused as he watched his brother mother the baby dragon, Myst purring happily as she leaned into the touch, snorting in annoyance when he stopped paying attention to her Draco lifting an eyebrow as he took the book back and flipped to a new page. “Water Dragons, as a whole where intelligent and powerful, the only reason that the Wizards succeeded in hunting them down was that the Water Dragons did not take them as a serious threat, until every last nest was gone.” he read. “the Water Dragons went to war with the wizards, and while on a one on one battle, or even a one on five battle the Dragons would win, one on fifty caused the Dragons to fail.” he stated calmly. “they where slaughtered effortlessly when a Wizard by the name of Thomas Greenfind discovered that Dragon pox affected Dragons just as much as they did Wizards. He slipped a vial of Dragon pox essence into the waters, and all the dragons where weakened, making them easy to kill, any eggs laid in the tainted water, did not hatch.” he glanced at Alex, Tom listening with wide eyes. “by the time the Dragons and their eggs developed an immunity to the disease, they where too late to save themselves.”

he flipped to a new page, Myst listening to her peoples history. “Water Dragons, on average are a powerful species, the ones that bonded with humans where twice as strong as their brethren, feeding on a wizards magic they double the energy that they would normally have. The wizard has no ill effect from this process, and has even been known to aid in a wizards power. The few dragons that bonded with humans, where the only to survive the slaughter.” he smirked at Alex. “Myst, will be fine. She's already stronger than what Dumbledore could manage to take on.” he stated handing the book back, Tom looking amazed as he glanced at Myst, who hiccuped, bored, and nibbled on Alex's finger, showing her affection. “not only that, but you don't have to take Myst with you, as long as you explain why your leaving her here, and give her a good place to swim, she'll be perfectly fine staying here with the Lord and Lady.” Draco admitted. “well, if you can handle that.” Draco had his doubts. “Myst should be immune to Dragon Pox as well, so Dumbledore can't hurt her that way either.” “i think we should take her with, back to school.” Tom admitted. “she can protect you from the hoards of horny men wanting a piece of you.” he teased wrapping his arms tightly around his lover.
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