Love across time

Draco beamed happily as he was kissed, nibbling playfully at Brax's lips and holding him tightly. “i love you Brax.” Draco mumbled softly, smiling a little as he stood up and glared at the door. “it figures my romantic notions would be interrupted by my annoying brother and his tag along.” “i am not!” Tom complained, pouting. “i'm his little fuck toy! There's a difference!” Draco choked on his own spit at Tom's audacity, even though he knew the Slytherin Heir was blushing bright red at his own statement, it was still a shock to hear him say it. Draco yanked on a pair of pants, and tossed Brax a pair of pants so he could get dressed while Tom giggled breathlessly, blushing furiously at his own statement, glancing at Alex once he got calmed down and bursting into a bright blush and giggles all over again, shaking his head as he hid his face with his hands to hide his own mortification. It was really pretty amusing.
alex's pleased grin filled his face, for once not worried about how Tom would react to the idea. Amusement and laughter filling his face before he started laughing out loud. Leaning against the door as he laughed his face going red as he struggled to breath. Brax grinned as he tugged on his pants, snickering a little."Tom!Don't give the boys heart attacks."He smirked as he pulled open the door looking at both draco and the giggling alex. It was good to see him so relaxed that he was laughing like a fool. Brax grinned as he pulled draco against him, wrapping his arms around his waist, nuzzling his neck a little as he studied the two at the door."Was there something you needed?"he grinned. "Oh no. Just making sure all was well."Alex said breathlessly as he straightened.
Tom burst into more giggles as he saw Alex laughing beaming at Brax when the door opened, blush still firmly on his cheeks, which made Draco start laughing as he saw how mortified Tom really was at his own bold comment. “but giving them heart-attacks is fun.” Tom teased, grinning a little. “look, I fixed him!” he beamed happily, as Draco continued to snicker at tom's plight even as he was snuggled into Brax, Tom giggling again as he bounded over to Alex, snuggling into him happy that he had made the other laugh so freely. “oh, hey Alex before I forget, I need your help with a potion later, I need someone to stir while I add the ingredients. I'd ask tom to do it but it has a high explosive content and I don't feel like risking your lovers life.” “why?” Tom asked puzzled, Draco smirking. “easy, if I blow YOU up he'll kill me, but if I blow HIM up he can only be grateful that it wasn't you helping me.” sneaky. Tom just giggled again.
Brax snickered looking amused."Now THAT, makes sense. It's almost bad that you fear angering alex more then you worry about tom."he said, as being on the recieving end of a temper tantrum from the brunette, he knew tom had a temper on him. alex wrinkled his nose wrapping a arm around tom's shoulders, snuggling him close as he tucked the egg in the crook of his lover's arm, for the first time letting someone else touch it easily. as if admitting to the pain had loosened his control on himself, he was letting himself relax slowly."That's not fair.If we're going to play by those rules we should let brax help."
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “of course I worry about tom's safety.” he stated simply. “that's why I don't let him work on the dangerous potions, but I can't work this one on my own and since I don't dare enslave Tom for this one I have to use inferior help.” Tom snickered at the old joke between mentor and student. Tom often complained that Draco was a 'slave master' for all that he made the other students do, and Draco teased that Tom was the biggest slave of all actually ENJOYING the tasks he set. And they ALL knew the only person better at potions than Tom was Draco. Though, only because Draco came from almost seventy years in the future. “now are you going to help me or not? If your scared just say so and I'll get that idiot to help me instead, what was his name? Oh yes, Dumbledore. Maybe I'll actually manage to blow him up.” Tom giggled again and shook his head snuggling into Brax. “he really IS a Slave Master,” he teased smirking at Draco. “he made the entire class write a thirteen page paper on WHY their potions exploded.” he snickered a little. “the only people who didn't have to write the paper was me and brax, because our potion was perfect.” “it was a simple shrinking spell for fucks sake!” Draco complained. “their not even supposed to be explosive!!!” “turns out that they where all adding wormwart instead of wormwood, idiots.” Tom stated with a roll of his eyes. “idiots.”
Alex snickered,stealing a kiss from tom,"Oh well, YOU blew up that healing potion of yours the first time you did it."He said, not adding that it was because of potter's intervention.After all, the moron couldn't brew his way out of a paper bag, much less help draco with the potion Snaped given them as dentention. Smiling as he sighed,"oh yes master, whatever you wish.I shall risk life and limb to do this."He said smiling as he wrapped a arm around Draco's waist, holding out his bottle holding the egg for Tom to take,"Hold onto this one for me.I don't want to blow it up."He said sounding slightly anxious at the idea of the egg being in danger.

"Mother hen."brax teased looking at Alex, smiling as he looked at tom, "Come on.We'll go read and let the master and slave get to work."He said leaning forward to kiss Draco,hugging him tightly."Be careful, master."He muttered in the other's ear, smirking slightly
Tom snickered and Draco glared at Alex. “we ALL know that was NOT my fault!” he hissed glaring at him. “being stuck with potter for a lab partner was worse than being stuck with Longbottom!” Tom looked a little puzzled and Draco smirked. “imagine having Tracy Adams for your lab partner tom, and then you'll get the idea.” Tom actually shuddered. “he can make water explode!” “exactly.” Draco teased smiling as Tom accepted the egg, nodding as he gave Alex a firm salute. “i will protect it with my life sir!” he promised smiling as he skipped out of the room, Draco shivering as Brax whispered in his ear, smirking a little as he hauled Alex over to his lab, where a potion was bubbling and boiling. “i'm making a potion that is supposed to cure infertility.” he admitted smirking a little. “you remember how almost everyone in our generation couldn't have kids because their egg and sperm count where too low? Well this will fix that....hopefully. I just have to make sure the monkshod doesn't react with the pepperlilly and the fireweed.” he shook his head. “and then I have to find out if it actually works, but that's what it's supposed to do.”

Tom smiled as he looked down at the egg and then up at Brax hesitating and then. “i think I'm going to ask Alex to fuck me.” he admitted, blushing hard. “i'm tired of being afraid, I want to feel good again.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “do you think he would be upset with me if I asked him to? I don't know if he even wants me anymore now that I'm not a virgin...” he admitted, looking timid and uncertain. “do you think he still wants me now that I've been taken by someone else?”
Alex looked thoughtful as he stared at the potion, biting his lip as he helped his brother work on it. settling on the stool he rested his chin in his hand as he thought."well..."He blushed a little."The tom riddle we know is infertile, I wonder if he is now...I mean...if he is, it'd be the perfect experiment, since he loves experimenting with things...or lucien and morgana. Malfoys never have had a huge amount of kids because their sperm count and eggs were down..."He rambled a bit, more because he was nervous about this potion exploding, and about being away from the egg then anything else. Really, tom was right. It had been good for him to fall in love with the small egg. Now if only he could relax about loving a person that easily.

brax's jaw dropped a little, surprised at the conversation, before looking at the egg in the other's hand, swallowing hard."I think...I think Alex will wonder why your doing it,and might be upset if he thinks your pushing himself for him."he swallowed hard, shifting wrapping a arm around his friend, kissing his head."But that'll be his honor talking, not wanting to harm you more.You know how they are, both of them willng to break themselves before chancing breaking us.But Tom, he WILL want you, he always has."He said, not adding the truth he knew to be true. That alex held his rape and life before against himself, that he blamed himself for what happened, so he was always in silent amazement that TOM wanted HIM, and not the other way around.
Draco nodded. “that was what I was thinking actually.” he admitted. “i mean, eventually I want kids, I'm sure brax does too. We could use a woman, pay her to carry our babe, but if we can't impregnate someone because of low sperm, well... Tom I know wants babies, he ALWAYS wanted babies, even as a raving madman he wanted children.” Draco would know, he'd watched Tom kidnap dozens of them, only to end up killing them in fits of madness and rage. “keep stirring.” Draco ordered sternly as he carefully added some pepperlilly roots to the mix. “alright now stir clockwise five times, and then start stirring counter again.” he ordered watching the simmering liquid closely before paling. “duck!” but there was no time, it exploded, spilling liquid over the both of them, Draco swallowing a mouthful that made him choke and gag and struggle to clear his vision to make sure that Alex was alright. “Lex? Are you alright!?” well...he wasn't hurt, but alright...well that was a matter of opinion.

Tom hesitated and then smiled as he nodded, cradling the egg in his hands as he watched it. “so if I explain, he'll be alright with it?” he mused nodding. “i think I will, as soon as their done with whatever their doing I'll ask them....” he paused at the sound of an explosion. “... did you hear that?.... I think your lover just blew my lover up.” he admitted, voice strained with worry. “we should go check.” and with that he took off back to Draco's lab, intending on making sure that his lover was alright.
Alex was...not hurt, but far from alright as he pressed himself against the wall, whimpering softly as he pressed his hands to his ears, curling up, face pressed against his knees. Trembling quietly as he whimpered. The explosion and the gagging, and cloudy vision had tossed him fully back into the memories talking to tom had brought up. "No no nono please not draco...please I promise, not again...not again.."He whimpered, begging the dark lord who'd never exist, living in a memory that would never happen. Gagging on the black air, feeling like he was gagging on something fleshy and gross.

Brax cursed quietly as he nodded."You can hurt him if he did."He said panting as he ran off with the other, looking nervous about what happened. gently easing the door open as he kept tom from running in."Draco?"He asked, tightening his grip on Tom's arm to keep him out when he heard the quiet whimpers."If we come in will he attack us?"He said seriously. Not sure what frame of mind the eldest death eater was in. A victim or a attacker.
Draco coughed as the boys returned, clearing his face free of the potion which had changed him in ways he would never know about until it was far too late. Tom didn't even bother waiting for Draco to say it was alright, he just dove into the room landing next to Alex, pushing the egg into his arms and wrapping his arms tightly around him, holding him close. “shhh love, shh.” he murmured stroking his hair. “Draco is just fine, he's right there. Voldemort isn't here.” he promised, feeling sick inside. How could he have become something so terrible, that it had turned the bravest, strongest man he knew into a sobbing mess? “Voldemort will never be here.” he promised nuzzling him, muttering in his ear as many loving, caring things as he could think of, Draco scrabbling on the ground, trying to find his wand or Brax, still momentarily blinding by the hot potion in his eyes. A good healing spell would put him perfectly right, but he kept getting lost on the floor. “Brax? Love are you still here? I can't see...”
"I'm here."Brax muttered ducking down in front of his blond, gently laying a hand on his shoulder to make sure draco knew where he was, pressing a kiss to his forehead."Hold still.I got to get the spell perfect."He muttered, adding the healing spell,gently stroking his fingers through draco's hair as he waited to see if the spell would work, needing the man to be fine."Better?"He said softly, trying to not hear the heart breaking whimpers behind him. Because if he did, he'd want to hurt someone, and alex didn't need that kind of anger right now.

Alex whimpered holding the egg against him tighter, curling up tighter as he let Tom hold him. Even though the memories, even knowing who tom riddle would had become, Alex trusted him to keep him safe. And not to lie to him, that everythign really was fine. Choking on the whimpers as he struggled to calm down he closed his eyes, burying his face against the younger man's neck he breathed deeply, shivering with the struggles to calm down."...okay...I'm okay."He muttered, blinking slowly.His voice sounding hoarse, having swallowed enough of the potion that it'd burned the back of his throat, though it wouldn't have the recurpussions it would with draco, he'd always sound a little hoarse, having burned himself badly.
Draco sighed, relieved when he felt Brax's hand, offering him a small smile as his vision cleared. “thanks lover.” he muttered kissing Brax's cheek glancing at Tom. “you should get him to bed, he needs to rest... and so do I.” Draco admitted, not wanting to admit to feeling very strange. He staggered to his feet, using Brax for support as his legs threatened to give out on him. “right... I think I'll not be trying that particular combination again.” he muttered smiling a little with a shake of his head. “i think I'm high.” he admitted as he started to giggle, and giggle and giggle, and he wasn't sure why.

Tom sighed in relief when Alex started to calm down, carefully urging him to his feet and supporting him as best as he could out into the hall and to the nearest bedroom, laying him on the bed as he kissed his neck and comforted him, wrapping his arms around him and simply snuggling him, smiling a little. “i love you Alex.” Tom murmured smiling a little. “your going to be alright, I'll take care of you.” he promised, setting something to the others lips, a potion. “drink it all, it will heal the burns.” he promised kissing Alex's forehead. “Draco is fine, Brax has already healed all of his injuries.” Tom promised chuckling a little. “you know I find it very amusing that you actually got blown up, remind me to spike Draco's meal with Pepperspice one of these days.” the hottest pepper in the known world, magical or muggle, it would have Draco spitting flames from his mouth, literally.
Brax sighed softly as he helped the blond to his bedroom, tucking him in bed with a smile."'re going to sleep off being high.I don't want to hear any giggles."he said smiling wider, teasing as he bent down to kiss his lover, before hitting him with a mild sleeping spell, willing to knock him out for now.

Alex giggled tiredly,"You do that.It'll be perfect punishment."He muttered, already drifting off. Now that he knew he was fine, and that draco was fine, he was emotionally exhausted, even if it was only early evening. He wanted to sleep, so he was going to sleep. Never realizing that the potion had had a unrealized,but probably good effect. Which... he would discover in the morning.

In the morning when morning light trailed through the window, alex groaned slightly as he sprawled out across the bed, slender frame changed. Where there'd been sharp angles and lean muscle, it'd changed into soft curves, still lean and hard, except for the feminine curves. His face, that had been ruggardly handsome, and shifted, the graceful curve of his rendering the handsome man, into a beauitful woman. Short blond hair that had been a hassle for the man, looking shaggy and cute on the woman, looking more like draco as his medici blood faded to the background, leaving the malfoy heir looking like a really feminine malfoy. Groaning slightly he rolled over,cuddling against the boy in his arms,nuzzling Tom's neck as he sighed, starting to wake up."I feel odd..."He whined, wanting the other to wake up so he could make sure there were no lasting effects.Not yet realizing that he was going to be female forever. Which, would probably be a good thing all around...after he got through yelling about it.
Tom was sleeping peacefully wrapped around Alex, whining softly as Alex stirred and woke, his hand falling on a soft fleshy mound and giving it a squeeze before the boy froze and went completely tense, so sleep fogged he didn't know where he was or who was in bed with him. The last time he'd woken up in bed with a woman she'd been stark naked and trying to seduce him. He'd been barley thirteen then, she had ended up in the hospital with two broken bones and a vary of curses from Brax after Tom had freaked out and hidden under the bed. This time however Tom just sat up, slipped out of bed, grabbed his pants, got dressed and faced the stranger in his bed his eyes widening. “Alex!?” he demanded, looking stunned. “Alex you. Your...” by GOD the man was a gorgeous woman, pale and perfect, large breasts and narrow hips and for the first time in his life Tom found himself very, very aroused by the female body. “by god your beautiful, but what on EARTH did you do to yourself!?” he was having a hard time keeping his dick down. “oh god I bet it was that potion! How much dd you swallow!? Stay here I need to make sure Draco is ok alright?” he demanded kissing Alex's forehead before he burst out of the room and into Draco's room eyes wide and startled. “DRACO!” he yelled ripping the blankets off the bed to make sure that he hadn't grown boobs. “oh... nope your still a boy, never mind.” and he vanished back out the room, Draco staring after him, too tired to care that he had just been ogled by Tom. “...what jus happened?” the blond finally asked, blinking at Brax. “...did Tom finally go insane?”
Brax gaped sleepily, the fogginess in his mind not reahing through to the facts for a few minutes as he stared at the door, before sliding out of the bed, scrambling for his clothes."I think what we should be asking is why he thought you'd be a girl."he said heading for the door.

Alex growled sleepily, rolling on his stomach, proving his backside was just as beautiful as the front. pale and perfect, the curve of his ass just begged to be bitten. Despite being female, and large beasted, his body still held that deadly grace that the male did. If anything, he was going to be deadlier as a female, because no one would expect a woman to be as coldy vicious as Alex Medici was known to be."What are you talking about..."Alex whined quietly, turning his head to look at tom sleepily through his hair as the other came in.
Draco blinked a little and slowly got to his feet, following his lover out the door with the sheet tied around his waist since he was too tired to find clothes, gaping when he caught sight of Alex, and Tom's clear reaction to the now female Alex. Tom turned when he heard Draco's gasp of astonishment. “no! Get out! Out out out!” he ordered shoving the two peepers out of the room and slamming the door in their faces. He turned to stare at Alex for a moment, swallowing thickly. “love.... go look in the mirror.” he ordered, voice shaking as he struggled not to touch all of those nice feminine curves and contours, and sink his teeth into that fleshy ass of his...hers.... gah. “ changed...” he explained blushing hard. “god your gorgeous...” he whispered licking his lips and swallowing hard. “i wanna fuck you so bad right now...” he admitted breathless with want, his cock straining against his...alex's favorite pair of pants.
Alex's head snapped up as he looked at himself in the mirror.Herself.... oh damn. he was so confused. And flinching away from the man's words, shivering lightly as the words reminded him of something. Swallowing hard. Raising his head, turning to look at Tom as he spoke, eyes pained and wide when he realized the man's lustful condition. Pain flashing across her face. As if he thought maybe tom wanted him more as a female then he had as a male. Feeling befret, and lost. Knowing he was being riddiculous, that tom loved him no matter what, but his heart and pride were hurting in the new discovery of finding himself female. Snarling angrily, he stalked past tom, yanking open the door as he walked bare ass naked into the hallway, ignoring the gaping brax as he wrapped his hands around Draco's arms, slamming him into the wall hard enough that it cracked the plaster under the man's shoulders. angry, and under the anger, absolute panic.

"Change me back, malfoy. Now.This is your fault. Undo it."He said hands bruisingly hard on the man's arms, panic making him totally lose it. After all, he'd already been robbed of so many choices in life, that it felt like everything was coming undone just when he found exactly what he wanted.

"Alex..."Brax said calmly, looking for once, at a loss for words. Not sure how to get Alex away from Draco without angering him more. Needing to though. Swallowing hard as he looked towards teh door, hoping Tom would be able to get through to him
Draco yelped as he found himself pinned to the wall by a very naked, very pissed off Alex, swallowing thickly. “a..alex...your hurting me, I can't just turn you back! I don';t know how it happened!” he complained struggling to get free, crying out in pain as he felt bruises gathering on his arms. “Alex stop!” Tom ordered, yanking the man's face away from Draco's and to his, looking worried now, the arousal gone. “let him down, your going to break him Alex.” he ordered softly, looking upset. “please, don't hurt Draco.” he kissed Alex gently. “come back to bed, and calm down. So we can find out what happened.” he pleaded softly, wrapping his arms tightly around Alex, holding him tight. “please... your frightening me..” playing effortlessly on Alex's guilt, and hoping to god it would work. “please...”
At the boy's words Alex started trembling, eyes wide as she stared at his dark haired lover. Guilt crashing hard through him, hitting the fractures that had started, widening the hairline cracks. Though it was probably a good thing to happen, after all it was letting him heal the pain of being raped, and feeling so guilty about not being able to protect tom from suffering the same. "...sorry...sorry..."He said folding, letting the other pull him away from Draco, looking so devastated at the idea of hurting draco. Of scaring tom. letting the man pull him towards bed he settled down on the bed with a sigh, curling up on his side.

Brax sighed softly watching the two, looking at Draco as tom and alex walked into the bedroom."He's going to be a mess when he calms down enough to know he hurt you."He muttered wincing at the darkening bruises on Draco's arms and shoulders were he'd hit the wall. Wincing a little as he healed them, sighing softly."Tom manipulated him with guilt... but he was afraid of frightening him.This is so not going to be good... espicially when he realizes he's stuck as a female. Permantatly probably."He said shuddering, not loking forward to that conversation, espicially when he thought the man had already come to the same conclusion. Not knowing what had caused it, was going to make it more then impossible to reverse.
Tom sighed, relaxing when Alex calmed down, Tom really had been afraid of Alex for that moment, the rage on his lovers face was something Tom had never witnessed before. “are you calm now?” Tom asked softly, handing Alex some spare clothes, looking rather wary, wanting to make sure that Alex wasn't about to turn that temper on him, though he wasn't afraid anymore. Not much anyway. He snuggled into Alex, wrapping his arms tightly around the other, holding him, wishing he could make it all better. “i love you Alex.” he mumbled softly. “no matter what your body looks like... your mine remember? And I'm yours.” he smiled at the other and then snuggled more intently into his lover. “Draco will figure this out...”

Draco shook hi head. “yes Tom manipulated him, but tom was also afraid. He wasn't lying.” he admitted swallowing hard. “Alex has never attacked me like that before.” he admitted, feeling jumpy and uncertain. “he's smacked me a few times but that was it... he never attacked me...” he bit his lip and turned to Brax. “but... I think this will be good for Alex...” he admitted shaking his head. “Tom's going to be jumpy around him...her...him for a while, and I'm probably going to be flinchy but I think if he lets things calm down...” he smiled a little. “because his body is female, it won't have any bad memories.” he licked his lips and looked in his pants to make sure he still had his cock. “the only thing I can think of that would do this is the potion last night... but.. if that's so...why haven't I changed too? I swallowed some, just like Alex did...” he looked at brax. “would you still love me if I was a woman?” he asked, actual worry in his eyes, afraid he was going to be turned into a woman too.
Aelx sighed softly as he laizly pulled on the clothes, before snuggling down into tom, trembling ever so slighty."Draco'll tell him I didn't mean it...didn't mean to hurt him."He muttered sounding tired now that the brunt of his temper had past. "Mine.All mine.Never going anywhere."He said relaxing fully, which had been one of his fears. That tom wouldn't want him anymore. Having not meant to snap, but having turned his temper on Draco because he knew draco would be better handling him then tom would. Having even in the haze of anger, been thinking clearly to think of that.

Brax smiled, shifting wrapping his arms around Draco, pressing a kiss to the smaller man's head, resting his cheek against his hair."I'd love you if you were purple AND a woman.You are mine. And you know how malfoy's are. possessive little shits."He said laughing softly before growing serious, thinking the situation over."You know, it'd probably be a good thing to be female. No memories of tom-voldemort anyways- using that body."He said sounding thoughtful. Before leaning back to look at Draco."Love he's probably afraid, and you know how he is. Fear going to saw him, he was hurting when tom said something."He assured, knowing it wouldn't do much, but he knew Alex would be even worse off then he had been before being turned female if he thought his brother was truly, really afraid of him instead of the cautious he usually was.
Tom smiled and kissed Alex's cheek. “shh love.” he murmured softly. “he knows.” he promised. “he won't be mad, I promise.” he could only hope. He slid out of the room once he was sure that Alex was asleep, needing to deal with his 'problem.

Draco nodded a little. “i'm pretty sure that he's afraid that Tom won't want him now that he's a woman.” he decided pondering. “i'm rather afraid of how Tom's going to react to this.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “i'm amazed that he has so much strength as a girl though.” he admitted rubbing his neck, still bruised all to hell, a smirk on his lips. “i think I fear him even more as a woman than I did as a man.” he admitted with a small laugh. “hey, there's tom now.... why is he so red?” “I DID NOTHING!” Tom blurted out, clapping his hands over his mouth to shut himself up, Draco lifting an eyebrow. “ok so I did something! I couldn't help it I saw alex all girlish and it was like seeing him for the first time all over again!” “you mean when you where so aroused you looked sick?...oooh..” Draco muttered, suddenly realizing why tom was so red. “DON'T JUDGE ME!”
Brax's jaw dropped a little, for once the surprise showing clearly on the malfoy's face. Swallowing compulsively to keep from laughing in his friends face. "well. At least that answers the question of whether tom still wants him or not."He said, unable to help the snicker that escaped. "This will be interesting."He said amusedly looking at his lover, wrapping his arms around the blond, kissing his forehead."Now.I think we all deserve food before alex wakes up.After all, tom's going to be jumping him after that. He'll need the calories."He said wisely.
Tom was going even more red. “shut up! I hate you all! You will fear the wrath of tom riddle!” Tom roared stomping his foot before storming off, Draco struggling not to burst into laughter at the young man's obvious mortification as Tom slid back into the bedroom and snuggled against Alex, glaring at the door and grumbling under his breath about annoying idiots, blushing as he looked at Alex and carefully gripped one of his breasts, giving it a careful squeeze, feeling like he was raping his lover, but unable to help it. “their so soft...” he muttered, sounding amazed as he kissed Alex's neck.

Draco snorted a little. “he'll have to get Alex to accept to being a woman before that happens.” he paused. “i wonder if Alex will be able to get pregnant?...does Tom know about safe sex?” he asked looking a little concerned. “the last thing Alex needs is to realize that he's gotten knocked up... right now anyway...” he checked down his pants again, just to make sure he was still a woman. “i wonder why the potion turned him into a woman, but did nothing to me?” oh, there where effects, they just couldn't see them. Draco had only swallowed a tiny bit, so the changes had been small. He would know soon the repercussions of the explosion.
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