Love across time

Draco smirked a little. "which time?" he asked laughing a little, Tom looking curious. "what did you guys find when you where kids?" he asked interested as Draco picked up one of the rocks and tapped it, pondering them. "Tom, may i break this?" "break it? i don't see why not." he stated blinking. "i have almost a hundred more." "oh good." he stated setting it on the table and dragging what looked like a diamond across the surface gaping when it didn't even leave a scratch. "that's amazing! these things are tough! everyone back up." he ordered rolling up his sleeves. "i'm going to try a shattering spell." Tom immediately took shelter behind the couch as Draco aimed his wand at one of the rocks, unleashing the spell. but instead of shattering the rock simply flew through the air and hit the opposing wall. "dammit! these things ARE tough. what the hell are these!?"
Alex laughed as he hid behind the door, glad for the solid oak as he glanced over at tom."Oh we couldnt find anything, though our dad told us about hw you used to have a hiding spot somewhere on the manor lands." Brax snickered watching draco."Maybe if we put them in water, and THEN try and break them?After all, tehy glow in water."
Draco nodded. "that's a good idea." he agreed Tom nodding as he fetched a bowl of water, and put one of the rocks into it, smiling a little. "aha, i see..." he paused. "so i never told anyone in your time? where it was?" he asked his head tilted before he paled a little. "oh...that's why no one could kill me isn't it? i hid one of the horcrux there..." he shuddered a little. "well, don't have to worry about that anymore, right?" he asked smiling happily. "i'm better. i'm better than that sick freak." he promised. "i won't ever be like that..." he promised Draco smiling as he ruffled Tom's hair. "alright, take shelter." he ordered aiming at the rock again and unleashing the spell. the rock didn't even quiver. Draco scowled and unleashed another one, again, not even a twitch, though the water rippled violently. " seams to be even stronger int he water. that's interesting."
Alex bit his lip as he considered what could make it do that. Leaning back against the wall he picked up teh rock, strking his fingers over the smooth surface looking thoughtful. Brax studied him, tilting his head before looking at his lover."Draco.In your time. Is there anything that gets stronger with water instead of air?"He asked, curious. Wondering if this was one of those things that stay the same in their time. If tom found the secret in his orginal life, maybe the results showed there.
Draco shook his head. "i can't think of anything." he admitted frowning a little. "fish maybe, or sharks." he snorted a little. "but these really don't look like fish." he admitted smirking a little as he examined one of the rocks, his head tilted a little. "do you think that Voldemort might have said something about this?" he asked curiously. "we're not going to be able to go look you know." he pointed out sighing a little. "i think i might need to run more tests." he pondered then. "i wonder of an Acid would work?"
"No!You can't use acid!"Alex yelped gathering the rocks in his hands holding them possessively glaring at his brother. "What if you breakt them!"He said looking distressed at the idea of causing harm to some of tom's special rocks. Brax snickered a little laughing softly."Don't worry alex, just one. We'll only test one."He said soothingly, biting his lip. to keep from laughing louder at the look of panic on the other's face.
Tom giggled a little setting his hand on Alex's wrists his head tilted a little. "it's only one Alex, it's ok i promise." he promised smiling a little. "i have a hundred more. if this helps us to find out what they are i'm all for it." he promised smiling a little Draco chuckling as he vanished, returning with a vial of acid, blue acid. "it's only one Alex." he promised holding his hand out to get one, Tom pulling yet another one out of his pocket, handing it to Draco who set it in an empty glass and poured a drop onto the rock. it sat there for a moment, and then rolled off the egg, not even a small sign that caustic acid had touched it. "...this is my strongest acid!" Draco protested wide eyed as he looked at the bottle and pouted a drop onto the table,Tom squealing in surprise when it burned a hole in the table the size of a soccer ball. "well damn... what the hell are these things?"
Alex laughed happily, glad that the acid hadn't hurt it, stroking the egg as he cradled his hands around it."See, its something special. Now. No more testing."He said feeling protective grinning as he looked at the others. Brax gave him a look before looking at draco."I think he's gone insane.He's being protective.Of a rock."
Tom blinked at Alex his head tilted a little. "do you know what it is Alex?" he asked curiously Draco lifting an eyebrow. "Alex... your treating a rock as if it's a baby..." he stated calmly. "and it's kinda creeping me out." he pointed out lifting an eyebrow a little as he examined his brother tom taking one of the rocks off of the small pile Alex was holding, his head tilted. "hmm.." he dropped to his knees and before anyone could stop him he tapped it carefully against the stone, bringing it up to his ear, his head tilted. "'s hollow..." "that's impossible! something that strong cannot possibly be hollow!"
"...unless its not a rock."He said slowly, tilting his head as he studied Alex. Searching his memory for something before looking at tom."Tom. You read alot. Have you ever found any of the legends of the animals that bound with humans?"He asked, wondering. that could at least explain alex's odd behavior. Alex pouted a little looking at tom."I'm not creepy!"He whined.
Tom shook his head. "not really." he admitted. "lets see... i know a few... Wolves are a big one, they'll attach themselves to Wizards. Owls of course." he admitted pondering. "sometimes a unicorn will attach themselves to a abused woman to protect her. uuuhm." he shrugged. "i heard someone once managed to bond with a basilisk but other than that i got nothing." "you are too creepy." Draco countered. "but whats all this about not being rocks? what would they be then?" he paused, suddenly understanding. "you don't think...their..eggs!?"
Brax smirked a little looking at draco."Of course I'm thinking their eggs. Look at him."He tiltled his head towards alex who was curled up on the couch, pulling tom with him,cuddling both lover and 'rock' "He's like a mother guarding a hatchling."He teased smirking as he stroked his fingers over one of the eggs alex wasn't holding."We just have to figure out what creature it is."
Draco snickered a little and shook his head. "maybe this will help Alex realize that baby's are ok." he muttered quietly, Tom giggling as he snuggled into Alex. "if it is an egg." Tom sated calmly. "shouldn't we put them all back in the water?" he asked his head tilted a little Draco gasping. "back in the water!? we should put them all back where they came from!" he stated wide eyed. "save for the one that Alex is holding of course." well aware his brother would raise a fuss. "we don't want to turn the poor things into some spectator sport! we can't let anyone know about this, or people will come and snatch up them all." "don't worry, even if people find out, me and Alex are the only ones that know where they are." Tom stated calmly, shaking his head. "come on Alex, let's get your egg into the water." he ordered with a small smile. "i bet they'll all hatch soon, they glow so much more these days, sometimes the day before and after the full moon too. that must mean something right?"
Alex pouted looking at Tom,looking like a little kid."Do we have to?" Brax laughed as he crouched in front of his grandson, transfiguring a pillow into a small bowl with water, putting the other eggs in it before giving it to draco, then making another small jar like bowl, fillwed with water, "Now darling, put it in here. See?It has a lid you can carry it still."He said sounding serious,but mentally laughing at alex as he gently took the egg from the other, putting it in the jar.
Tom giggled a little and shook his head. "it might not hatch if you don't keep it in water." he pointed out his head tilted as he watched Brax, feeling pretty close to laughing as he nuzzled Alex. "i bet it's going to be a baby boy." he decided, stroking the glass gently. "i'll take the eggs back to where i found them later...when your not following me." he teased, Draco sighing in disappointment. "that's not nice..."
Alex laughed softly,"I know where it is!I'm specialer then you."He stated grinning at his brother. Shifting, leaning over to kiss tom, nuzzling him."Now.Why a baby boy?" Brax smirked a little as he straightened."cause you have a boy snake, you need a boy...egg."
Tom laughed a little as Draco lifted an eyebrow. "yes Alex, you certainly ARE more 'special' than i am." he stated calmly and slowly, as if claiming that Alex was a little more 'special' in a 'special' kind of way, Tom snickering a little as he shook his head. "be nice to my Alex!" Tom ordered, still giggling. "or i'll tell more naughty jokes!" "...what?" Draco asked looking baffled. "tom tells dirty jokes?"
Alex giggled, huggling his lover and curling up around his egg. "Oh yes. Bad naughty jokes."Before baring his teeth."I'm not special LIKE THAT!" Brax snickered a little."He''s going to be pissed when he's back to acting like himself."He smirked, knowing as soon as the bond settled, alex would be his usual amazing self. Snickering as he looked at draco."Oh yes, tom's learned so good naughty jokes, that make him blush."
Tom giggled a little and Draco lifted an eyebrow. "Tom...your not the one who's supposed to blush." "i know that!" he complained sulking a little as Tom smirked at Alex. "and that, my dear brother, is debatable." he teased shaking his head as Tom pondered what joke to tell. "ok i got one." he chirped grinning as he began. "A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him. He walks over to her and she greets him warmly. He’s rather taken aback because he can’t figure out where he knows her from. So he says, “Do you know me?” To which she replies, “I think you’re the father of one of my kids.” His mind races back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, “Are you the stripper from the bachelor party that I had sex with on the pool table, with all my buddies watching, while your partner whipped my ass with wet celery?” She looks into his eyes and says calmly, “No, I’m your son’s teacher.” how was that?" Tom asked grinning as he looked around at everyone with a raised eyebrow, blushing furiously as Draco gaped at him. "no? ok how about this? A man from the Internal Revenue Service knocks on a door and it’s opened by a little boy. The man asks the boy, “Where is your mother?” The boy says, “She’s in the backyard, getting fucked by the goat.” The man exclaims, “Son, it’s not very nice to make up stories like that!” The boy replies, “Come on in and I’ll show you.” So the tax man follows the little boy to the back of the house, and looks out the window into the backyard. Surely enough, he observes a woman being feverishly fucked by a goat. Disgusted, he turns to the boy and says “That is gross! Doesn’t that bother you?” The little boy answers, “Na-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ah!” Poor Tom was blushing twice as hard now and giggling so badly he almost hadn't been able to finish the joke.
Alex giggled laughing as he wrapped his arms around his lover, nuzzling his neck."You blush so prettily."He teased running his hands voer the other's back,nuzzlng him. Brax snickered,"He looks like his head is about to explode."He grinned wrapping his arms around draco's waist smirking at him."I told you he told dirty jokes."He said.
Tom giggled a little and smiled at Alex. "i do not!" he complained pouting. "i'm not pretty at all." he stated with a sniff. "now you, your pretty." he smirked. "i wouldn't mind seeing you in a dress." he teased giggling a little as he nuzzled the other Draco still gaping, blushing a little himself. "...goat!?" "i..i have another if you didn't like that one?" "no no! i am definitely good!" Draco protested, Tom snickering again.
Alex blushed, cringing a little befre shaking his head."N-no dress."He muttered though he did stay curled up aganst him, nuzzling the man. Trying not to think about the time Voldemort had made him attend a death eater function in a woman's robes...incliding the bone crunching corset. Brax snickered a little shaking his head nuzzling his lover."You're blushing love."
Tom blinked a little before smiling a little. "i'll wear the dress then." he teased giggling a little as he snuggled into him, sighing a little. "i'm going to take a nap...i'm tired." he decided softly closing his eyes, Draco chuckling a little, broken out of his shell shocked stupor. "i never expected tom to know any jokes at all, least of all naughty ones." Draco admitted with a shake of his head. "and i was not blushing!"
Brax smirked pulling him close for a kiss, "Oh yes you are.It's adorable."He teased hands running over the other's body. Alex smirked as he cuddled into tom settling in for a nap as he yawned."Go away. I want to sleep."He said cuddling both egg and former dark lord.
Draco flushed a little and leaned into the questing hands. "nympho..." Tom muttered smirking a little when he succeeded in making Draco blush. "yes well, we're nympho's but your a pervert." he teased Tom giggling at that as he snuggled into Alex and started to drift off, Draco chuckling a little as he shook his head. "well love, what shall we do with OUR time?"
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