Love across time

Tom smirked a little. "bad jokes now, but they'll get better!" he decided snickering a little. "like this one! what did Zero say to eight!?" he didn't wait for an answer. "nice belt! why do ducks have flat feet!? for stomping out forest fires! what's the black junk between elephants toes!? Burnt Duck! why was six afraid of seven? Because Seven Eight Nine (seven ate nine) What does a fish say when it runs into a wall? DAMN! If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is it naked or homeless? What is invisible and smells like carrots? Rabbit farts. What's the difference between a woman with PMS and a Pitt Bull? Lipstick!" he finally paused to take a breath and to giggle, well aware that he was going to be stared at like he was a loon.

Draco smiled a little as he settled into the couch. "with you, i think." he decided. "in my time, you have a son, who becomes a very close friend of mine...Severus snape." he explained. "the man becomes as good as my father, and ends up dying, slaughtered by my real father when he tried to smuggle me away." he admitted staring down at hi hands. "but, you see... Sev... he had a very bad childhood. his father, Tobias Snape was not happy at all to find out that you where a witch, and he beat you ruthlessly...he beat you to death miss prince, leaving Severus alone in the hands of a raving drunk, abused and picked on for the rest of his life." he admitted sighing a little. "i told myself, i wasn't going to meddle too much but... i would rather sev to never exist, than to suffer that pain all over again."
Brax stared."Uh....why is this the first time I'm hearing about the jokes?Have you been reading bad muggle things again?" Alex snickered wrapping his arms around his lover, kissing his head."Love, are you taking something?Should I be worried that your high or something."He said thoughtfully, finding it far to amusing to be disturbed.

Elieen looked startled,not even realizing her hand had moved to rest on her stomach."Oh...but..."She looked confused,biiting her lip. "I'm already pregnant."she said softly, eyes wide."Tobias...tobias just demanded that I marry him, so that his son would not be a bastard...but I couldn't figure out to tell him I'm a witch."She said looking a little shell shocked.
Tom was snickering wickedly as he nodded. "well i realized that i didnt know how to get along with other people all that well, so i learned some jokes." he admitted smiling a little, looking very pleased with himself. "where they funny? did you like them? i have more, only these ones are dirtier and i'm not sure i should actual say them in front of company." he admitted looking a little puzzled.

Draco gasped, startled as his eyes flicked down to her belly. "oh my god." he looked pale, he felt faint. "i didn't realize.. i forgot GOD! Sev was older than he claimed he was!" he complained before shaking his head. "you can't go back to that man Eileen! he'll kill you!" he pleaded, swallowing hard. "and...and...and Tom needs you!." he decided, feeling like he was about to panic. "...i need a calming, i need a drink...god damn do i need a drink. i need to get drunk, and THEN have a calming potion... or is it the other way around?"
Alex snickered a little, kissing his head as he held the other close."Ah well come on love, you can tell us."He asked runnning a hand down his back,curious to see what knd of jokes the other found.Brax snickered."they're amusing.Good jokes to let everyone hear.Though I am curious to hear these dirty jokes."

Elieen laughed softly pulling out a calming drought passing it to him.."drink. I'll let alex get you drunk later."She teased resting a and on his stomach, biting her lip."I'm not going anywhere....I wont go back to him."She said, knowing she could ask lucien and morgana to stay here if she needed to do so.
Tom hesitated for a moment then. "what did one saggy tit say to the other? if we don't get support soon people are going to think we're nuts! One day a man came home from work to find his wife crying hysterically in the kitchen. “What’s wrong dearest??” asked the confused husband. “Oh darling,” sobbed the wife, “I was cleaning little Suzie’s room when I found whips, handcuffs and chains under her bed, along with a very erotic porn magazine! What ever are we going to do???” “Well,” replied the man, “I guess a spanking is out of the question?” An elderly man goes into a brothel and tells the madam he would like a young girl for the night. Surprised, she looks at the ancient man and asks how old he is. “I’m 90 years old,” he says. “90!” replies the woman. “Don’t you realize you’ve had it?” “Oh, sorry…” says the old man, “How much do I owe you?”" he paused to giggle and then kept right on into the next one. "A couple are sitting in the living room one evening, and the wife starts to watch a cooking show on the television. "The husband asks, “What you watching that for? You can’t cook!” the Wife replied, “You watch porn don’t you?” A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program about psychology when he turned to his wife and said, “Honey, I bet you can’t tell me something that will make me happy and sad at the same time.” She said, “You have the biggest penis of all your friends.”" he burst into giggles again, blushing furiously at the bad jokes as he looked around for a reaction.

He took a deep breath and swallowed the calming drought down before groaning and sagging into the couch, scrubbing his face. "damn." he groaned shaking his head a little. "that's good." he agreed running a hand through his hair. "you don't need to be with a bastard like him." he admitted. "you can do much better with your life." he admitted smiling at her. "i'm sure Lady and Lord Malfoy would let you saty here, i think they are a little sad that Brax turned out to be gay, they wanted grandchildren i think."
By then alex and brax both were on the ground laughing hysterically. Not because the jokes were that funny, but more because it was TOM, TOM of all people telling these really bad jokes about sex. Gigglign Alex raised his head to look at the man, pulling him down onto the floor for a kiss."That.Those were great.Badly great."he giggled.

Elieen smiled a little as she looked at him."well, he might always have a surrogate.Or adopt. But yes, I to think they'll let me stay. They ask me at least once a year to move in."She said blushing a little that her friends thought she needed the help. "and be careful with the draughts, they can be addictive if you keep drinking enough of them."
Tom was giggling, looking rather proud of himself for their reaction, uncaring the reason why they where laughing, only pleased that they where, yipping in surprise as he was pulled down for a kiss, grinning happily. "of course they where great, everything's great when i do it." Tom stated proudly, grinning a little.

Draco nodded. "it would be best probably. raising a child on your own can be very difficult. living here you have a lot of people to help you out." he admitted smiling a little before he offered Eileen a dirty look. "i am a master Potions maker, who was trained by the best potion master of my time, who was trained by the best potions master of his time. i am well aware the effects that most calming droughts have on a person." he smirked, smug and proud. "just as i am aware that MY Calming Droughts, sleeping potions and anti anxiety potions are in fact non addictive." he sniffed as if she had insulted him. "so there."
Alex grinned shaking his head."Are you so sure of that?" "Ahhh well he believes it. Except hs kisses.His kisses need practice."Brax said wisely from where he was laughing on the couch, calming slowly.

Eileen looked shocked,before laughing when he sniffed.He was so much like Lucien."That is amazing. And I would say you were amazing for coming up with it, but seeing as your a malfoy and your ego's already enflated, I wont add to it."
Tom glared at Brax. "i do not! Alex loves my kisses! and i'm naturally gifted! watch!" he growled suddenly slamming his lips onto Alex's, kissing him passionately, slipping his tongue into the others mouth, stroking around before withdrawing with a smirk. "now wasn't that a good kiss?"

he snorted a little and shook his head. "yes well, most of the learning i got actually came from your son." he admitted looking amused. "in my time, he was taught by the greatest potions maker of his time." he admitted simply. "though he would never tell me who taught him, and he never told anyone else either. not even you or his best friend, my father." he admitted chuckling a little. "it used to drive professor Dumbledore insane trying to catch Sev sneaking out, but he never could."
Alex yelped as he was kissed panting softly, eyes wide and dilated with lust as he groaned a little."YEs that was good."He swallowed hard, shifting the other out of his lap setting him on the floor. Brax snickere shifting a little,"Now that was hot. I think I gotta jump draco when he's done."He teased laughing softly.

Elieen laughed softly, "The greatest potions master alive, no matter what his age, is tom.He's brilliant."she smiled, shaking her head."No matter what he says, he's simply brilliant.I cant see two minds of that kind of brilliance existing at once."she grinned."Which,according to you, is not something he really could tell someone."
Tom smirked as he got to his feet, brushing his pants off. "right, i'm going to go practice wanking off in the men's room now." he stated, blushing bright red at his own bold statement as he smirked at Alex. the little shit was teasing him! "later!" he chirped skipping off with a happy little hum on his lips.

Draco chuckled and nodded. "i suppose Sev could have learned from Tom...well Voldemort." he paused and nodded. "Voldemort i have trouble seeing teaching anyone anything... but Tom...Tom is willing to share almost anything now...something completely unheard of in my time." he smiled a little. "it feels so strange to see him willingly offering Alex some crab, when in my time he hoarded it and guarded it jealously, to the death even...he'd kill people who dared touch something he'd claimed as his. and now..Tom shares, he even shared some of his Christmas candy with me." he smiled. "it's good, to see him smiling so happily and i feel so glad that i came here with Alex, when i see how much better tom is much happier he is."
Alex groaned laying back on the floor, to frustratingly wait for draco to come back, wiling his body to stop thinking about tom.

Elieen laughed softly."It is good to see him so happy.Him and brax... you two are so good for my boys."She smiled wider."Things will be fine. Feel better?"She teased looking at the man, glad to see him relaxing.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "ot in the slightest." he admitted softly. "there are still so many worries crowding my brain, so many terror's and fears and what ifs, and all of those are drowning in my painful past." he admitted, smiling a little. "but for now, i can feel safe in knowing that nothing will come to pass as it had before, my once godfather will be safe, you will live, Tom is happy and for once, Alex is too." he smiled at her. "for me, that's enough...but don't worry, i'll spill some more of my dirty little secretes next time." he teased chuckling a little. "i promised Tom i would look at something for him. shall i send Brax in after me?"
Elieen smiled a little nodding."If he would.I know brax was....tied up earlier.'Her smile widened, smirking as she looked at the other. Settling back in her chair to wait for the other malfoy to be sent in."And have fun,discovering whatever tom discovered."She laughed softly, amused at the idea of tom sharing a discovery that he had found.
Draco narrowed his eyes at her. "....some days.. i hate you." he admitted sighing a little as he shook his head, pausing then. "you DO realize that Brax is the BOTTOM of our relationship don't you?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at her. "don't want you to get confused." he teased, snickering as he left the room. that would teach Brax! he went into the library, just as Tom came back, the two blinking at one another before Draco poked his head into the library. "your turn Brax."
Brax grumbled as he got up off the couch, stealning a kiss."Dont mind alex.He's grouchy."He said grinning as he walked out. "I AM NOT grouchy!"Alex whined from his spot on the floor with a book.Looking more pitiful then grouchy actually.
Draco laughed a little and Tom giggled a little, shaking his head. "Brax! do you want to help us find out about my discovery? Alex too of course! it could be really fun! like working on a potion with everyone!" he grinned hopefully, no one could resist such an excited face. "i'll even let you have one if you say yes!" he stated to Brax... of course, he was going to get it himself, he wasn't going to let just anyone into his secrete place.
Brax perked up as he bounded back into the room, grinning."You're going to let me go to your secret place?" "....dont' make it sound so preverted!"Alex growled sitting up, looking amused as he handed draco the rock in his pocket, smirking a little. "I'm the only one who gets his secret place!" " who's being preverted."
Tom snorted at Brax. "of course i'm not going to show you my secrete place!" he huffed smirking a little as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the rock. "it just so happens i brought several with me." he admitted chuckling a little. "besides Alex is right, it's HIS private place." he stated with a waggle of his eyebrows. "ow go talk to Eileen so we can get to work, i wanna find out what these things are!" "well this is certainly interesting." he stated sarcastically examining it. "'s a rock." he sounded skeptical.
Brax ppouted before leaving. Alex snickered a little."It's more then a rock draco."He said patiently, wrapping a arm around his shoulders."It's a rock that has unqiue features, that neither of us can figuure out.Hopefully you can.Tom tell him about it.We'll fill brax in later."He said to excited to wait.
Tom snorted a little and shook his head, snatching the rock out of Draco's hand. "nope! we have to wait for Brax." he ordered smiling. "how would YOU feel if me n Brax and Draco started without you?" he asked lifting en eyebrow, Draco nearly choking. Tom, worried about someone Else's feelings. he felt like crying he was so pleased. "he has a point." Draco teased, smiling at Alex. "come on, we can go get some hot chocolate in the kitchen till Brax get's done."
Alex pouted before following the other two out of the room. So proud of his lover for caring about someone else's feelings."But but you wouldn't start something with those two!Brax'd do things!"He said whining more."He'd want your secret place."Yes.Yes now he was being intentionally perverted.
Tom snickered a little. "he can want all he wants." he teased smirking a little at Alex. "but wanting won't get him nothing." he promised smiling at him. "after all, my Secrete place, is only for you." he promised grinning. "unless of course, you WANT to share it?" he teased smirking a little as Draco coughed into his hand, feeling rather awkward. "you two are certainly well matched." he complained, sighing a little.
Alex growled possessivley, wrapping his arms around the other, hoding him close. Nuzzling his neck as he growled at draco."Mine. No sharing."He growled holding him close, smirking a little, it wasn't every day he could make his brother feel awkward."Of course were well matched."
Draco giggled a little as he snuggled into alex, smiling a little. "good answer, i'd have clocked you if you'd said sure." tom admitted laughing a little as he kissed the others cheek. "come on, i'm hungry." he complained his stomach rumbling loudly Draco snorting a little. "your always hungry tom." "so? im a growing boy! i need all the food i can get!"
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