Love across time

Draco chuckled a little. "mostly." he teased smiling a little. "i am curious though, i don't think we found it ourselves either. me and Alex used to look all the time, because my father used to talk about it. how Voldemort and you used to be freinds, and he had a secrete place." he sighed a little. "later on, he hid a horcrux there, that was why we couldn't... you know..kill him..." he admitted with a small grimace.

Tom giggled a little and nodded. "i hide things here." he admitted pulling something out of a small hole in the was a very familiar Diary, one that would someday be used to re open the chamber of secretes. "Draco explained what the Horcrux did to me." Tom admitted stroking the journal. "what they made me into, or part of the reason why i became that way i thought better have this." he explained offering it to Alex. "it's the only one i made."
Brax winced nodding."I'm curious to."He said standing."Come on, we'll go see what we find."He said looking amused himself.Wondering if between the two of them they could figure out tom's secret.

Alex looked startled as he closed his hands around the journal, shuddering a little as he looked at tom."...trying to be immortal drove you insane.I know I'm part of the reason you tried"he stopped. Swallowed hard."kill yourself, but I freaked out.Badly. Because I didnt want you to change."He muttered,mostly to himself.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "he never showed anyone in my time." he stated calmly. "but he's showing Alex. if something happens, Alex can deal with it then." Draco promised nibbling gently at Brax's ear. "besides, i can think of better things to do with our time."

Tom blinked a little at the other his head tilted a little frowning in confusion. "you...didn't want me to change?" he asked confused. "i don't understand i thought that was the entire reason why you where here..." he admitted stroking the others cheek. "i won't kill myself again i promise." he murmurer softly. "i love you too much to leave you behind." he admitted looking worried about Alex.
Brax nodded a little beforesighing."OH yes like what?"He said shuddering as the other nibbled on his ear. Looking amused.He really was his grandson if the amount of sex was anything to go by.

Alex bit his lip before sighing."I meant...changing from who I knew right now, into voldemort. you worked on the horcruxes."He shuddered leaning his face into the other's hand, holding him closer."I love you.i never want to leave you."He smiled slightly tears filling his eyes.Memories and emotions to close to the surface after talking to elieen to stop the reaction
Draco snickered a little. "well, first i could suck you off, and then you could suck me off, and then you could fuck me into the nearest available surface." he teased smirking a little as he nibbled and sucked and teased the others neck. trying to get Brax into the mood so he could fuck Draco, Draco loved it when Brax fucked him.

Tom blinked a little looking startled before smiling as he pulled the other tightly into a Hug, nuzzling him. "i won't ever leave you." he promised rubbing Alex's back. "i want you to be happy and unstressed and not afraid anymore." he admitted softly kissing the other gently. "i can't promise that i won't change, that i won't do things that might upset you, but i can promise to always be there for you, to listen to you, to always do my best to make you feel better. i can promise to always love you, and to never leave you behind."
Brax smirked kissing him,fisting his hand in the other's hair, urging him to his knees as he went back to his food."Hmmm I do like that.. Of course, you're going to have to do a good job to get me to my knees."He teased smirking slightly, knowing what the blond was up to.

Alex smiled slightly closing his eyesleaning against the shorter man. Wrapping his arms around him tightly he shuddering."That...that's all I can ask for."He smiled raising his head to look at him,gently kissing him."I am happy with you."He said smiling, knowing draco was right, that he needed to talk to someone. Maybe...maybe elieen would be good. Maybe he'd feel less like he was teetering on a ledge that was giving out under his feet.
Draco moaned softly as he felt the fingers tangling in his hair, dropping obediently to his knee's, smirking a little as his gaze flicked up to meet Brax's, licking his lips a little before he bent down and ran his nose along the others crotch, inhaling deeply, smelling his lover. "oh now, you would never get to your knees." Draco teased smiling a little. "i was thinking more along the lines of me bound and you torturing me." he teased laughing a little as he used his teeth to carefully pry apart Brax's button.

Tom smiled as he gently pet Alex, running his fingers through the others hair, gently comforting him. "and i'm happy with you." he promised smiling as he kissed Alex's forehead, giving his neck a small nudge with his nose. "i love you Alex. i don't ever want you to go away, ok?" he asked softly, pulling him into an even tighter hug. "i want you to tell me, when i do something that bothers you, explain when something happens, and you get that terrified look in your that, i can be the kind of person, you can love, without ever being afraid of the me, that will now never exist."
"Oh now that's a good idea."Brax sighed softly, smiling as he leaned back against the table, sighing softly. It felt so good to be with him. Smiling as he ran his fingers through draco's hair, he smirked slightly."I'm sure I can come up with some kind of torture."

Alex smiled a little,shuddering a little before he nodded."I will."He sighed leaning back, kissing him slowly, hands settling the other's hips,"I'm not going anywhere."He grinned looking around, looking amazed that they'd never known this was here.
Draco smirked as he licked the others shaft through the small opening he had created with a small chuckle. "mm i love torture." he teased smirking a little at his lover as he slipped the other out of his pants and all the way down his throat with an eager little moan, his eyes liquid silver with lust and want as he suckled and slurped.

Tom smiled a little as they kissed, snuggling into him. "from now on...this is going to be our place, just for you and me." he murmured happily. "i'm going to share everything i have with you...even though i don't have much, and most of what i have i stole from you." he teased smiling a little. "i want to share everything i have." in seventy years, Voldemort sharing a common cold was unheard of, Tom sharing everything he owned was certainly another step in the right direction even if it was only with Alex.
Brax moaned fisting his hand in the other's hair, shuddering a little as he swallowed hard.Before pulling the man off his cock,giving him a look."Upstairs, heathen.Only barbarians have sex where they eat."He said wrinkling his nose as he got up, not so worried about civilized behavior as he was about his father walking in on him.The elder malfoy had a habit of coming down to get a snack.

Alex grinned kissing him, nearly letting his jaw drop. It was...amazing. Smiling because it was such a good thing, to think about Tom sharing something, even if most of it was his own things, and that it was just for him."Ah, well seeing as I'm sharing my things with you-including my favorite pants- I guess it's only fair."he teased.
Draco moaned again and whined when he was yanked off the others cock, pouting at his lover. "you like it and you know it." he complained smirking before pausing as said elder Malfoy walked in, blinked, and clapped his hands over his eyes. "well, i'm blind." he stated walking back out the door, Draco breaking into a full on blush. "well...that was... uhm...right no more sex in the kitchen." he agreed looking utterly mortified.

Tom beamed at the other, grinning happily. "mmm yeah, i love your pants." Tom purred happily grinning up at the other. "if i MUST share them with someone." he teased giggling a little, wondering if Alex would realize that tom was wearing yet another of his lovers pants. Alex had enough of the darn things. he sighed a little and looked up at the other. "Alex? will you tell me why you got so upset in the kitchen? so i won't do it again?" he asked, worried. "i keep thinking about it and i don't really remember actually doing anything..." poor Tom, he was so worried about it.
Brax to was blushing lightly as he finished doing up his pants, snickering as he looked at the other."come on love I'll make you forget about my DO like relatives..."He said thoughtfully teasing him as he lead the other out of the room, heading for his bedroom.

Alex sighed a little."Oh.That.We-you're wearing my pants!"he growled before moving away sitting down in the sand tugging the other down to sit in his lap, holding him close before sighing."Well...Once...I managed to punish Voldemort for hurting me...kicked out hard enough I broke his leg."He swallowed hard."In relatiation, he shattered my leg in so many places it took Draco two weeks to put it together again."He shuddered sighing a little. "It wasn't you doing anything. It was just me thinking about hurting...him."
Draco coughed a little and chuckled a little. "this is worse than the time you walked in on me banging Theodore Nott in my... our family library." he admitted smirking a little. "boy squealed, took a switch to my ass for 'defiling books' you never did hit very hard though." he teased snickering a little. "i'd swear, even then you where teasing me."

Tom laughed a little and shook his head. "they are not! when their on me their MY pants." he teased snickering a little before he paused to listen, his head tilted a little. "oh..." he muttered looking horrified. "oh my." he whispered kissing the others face all over, a smile on his lips. "well i'll let you punish me all the time." he teased smiling a little. "maybe not yet... Draco was right when he said i was pushing myself too hard... but soon i think."
"Yes of course I was. After all, I'd just found you enjoying my favorite activity in the world."He smirked kissing him as he kicked his bedroom door closed behind him,wrapping his arms around the other."Though now that you mention it, switching your ass would be amusing."

Alex nodded a litte."That would be good."He muttered pressing a kiss to the other's shoulder."Dont push to hard."He sighed before poking him."They're MY STOLEN pants when they're on YOU."He whined a little.
Draco laughed a little and smirked a little. "i was thirteen too, i think you thought i was too young to be pounding peoples asses." he teased laughing a little before he moaned a little at the other, smirking. "mm you'll have to tie me down, i'm a squirmy little brat, and i tend to run away." he teased winking at the other.

Tom smiled as he laid his head on the others shoulder. "i won't..not TOO hard." he decided smiling a little as he snickered at Alex's whining. "aaah but you forget, when their on me their MINE, but i'm sharing everything that's mine, so really their OURS." he teased giggling a little.
Brax smirked,"13?Draco!"He growled shoving the other down to the bed, smirking as he tied him up.'Now love, really. I must punish you for being to young."He said thoughtfully as he knelt on the edge of the bed looking at him. Trying to decide how to punish him.

Alex smirked a little, sliding his hands down the other's back,cuupping his ass in his hands, pulling him close."So does this mean I get to get into our pants?"He snickered kissing him again.
Draco smirked a little. "actually i was twelve when i lost my virginity." he admitted chuckling a little as he shivered, feeling the bonds wrap around his wrists, tugging a little to see if he couldn't break free pouting when he realized he couldn't, moaning softly as he waited for his punishment, smirking a little as he glanced at Brax.

Tom gasped at the butt Grab and tensed a little in the others grip swallowing hard before relaxing when he focused on the others face, giggling again. "eventually." he teased smiling as he nuzzled the others neck. "i love you." he murmured smiling a little. "but i...i need more time." he admitted softly. "i'm sorry." he admitted stroking the others hair and kissing his neck, sighing a little. "i hate being all broken, but i don't want to break myself some more..."
Brax grinned raising a hand smirking as he transfigured one of the pillows into a switch, slapping it down as he smacked it across the other man's ass, smirking as the skin pinkened."Now that. Really is to young.I think I have to forbid you from having sex in the near future."He said thoughtfully.

Alex sighed smiling,"I know.And I know you don't.I was just teasing."He smiled holding him close.Sighing a little when he felt the other tense, instead wrapping his arms around the other's waist.
Draco yipped at the strike to his ass, flushing a little as his cock twitched, biting his lip a little. "no! oh come on Brax! anything but that!" Draco whined laying his head on the pillow wiggling his ass. "besides we...we both know you'll never be able to resist me! not after it took so long to get me!" he smirked a little. "i did put up a hell of a fight at first you know. i said some pretty mean things to you trying to get you to hate me, maybe you should fuck me three times as much in repayment for that?"

Tom relaxed completely when he hands left his ass and he smiled as he snuggled into Alex. "what are you going to do with my journal?" he asked curiously. "destroy it?" he sounded both hopeful and worried, one half of him didn't want it to be destroyed, after all that work he'd put into it. but the other half wanted it gone, so he would never be tempted to use it, never be tempted to make another.
Brax smirked at him, smacking his ass again, watching the flesh redden more."I think not. After all, you did say some cruel thngs. Deserves a switching like any normal pureblood family, intead of being fucked."He said looking serious though he really was gong to fuck him...eventually.

Alex nodded slightly,nuzzling him."Probalby."he bit his lip."Though I think I might have draco destory it...because the idea of destroying even something that dark,yet a part of you, hurts."He said softly blushing ever so slightly
Draco yelped at the next switch, shivering a little as he squirmed. "oh...please, Grandfather." he whined smirking at Brax. "it's not like i can take it back... i was only trying to protect you." he teased pouting at him. "please go easy on me, i'll get so hard if you switch me too often."

Tom nodded a little resting his head on the others chest again. "i wonder if i'll feel it?" he mused softly, pondering. "i know it won't kill me, or hurt me too much because Draco told me about that Harry potter kid who destroyed most of the ones i made in the future." he paused then. "i think it would be better to destroy it though." he decided smiling a little.
Brax moaned softly s he smacked him again running a hand over his skin."Ohhh you get hard from this?"He smirked sliding a hand under draco's body to stroke him slowly as he smacked him again. Wondering just how long it'd be before draco begged.

alex loked thoughtful, then relieved."Me to.I just dont want to do it. Draco can."He smiled holding him tightly.", I dont think you'll feel it."He said shuddering a little, remembering the man's rage at fiding his horcruxes gone.
Draco moaned again as he was smacked, panting softly as he squirmed under the hand, groaning eagerly at the hand on his mostly hard cock, shivering eagerly. "ah... mmm Brax..." he groaned, panting softly. he wouldn't beg, he would NEVER beg, Draco's NEVER begged. ever! they had more rules than Malfoy's did!

Tom smiled a little as he nuzzled the other. "good, i imagine it wouldn't be a very pleasant feeling." he admitted yawning a little. "it's a full moon in three days." he admitted smiling a little. "we should come here again then, and watch all of the rocks glow." he ordered nuzzling the other. "i wonder what kind of rocks they are? they stop glowing if i take them out of the water." he admitted. "but i can put them in the bathtub and they'll glow again during the full moon." he admitted looking up at Alex. "do you know?"
Brax smirked lowering his head biting draco, sinkng his teeth into the curve of draco's ass as he dropped the switch, sighing softly as he slid his fingers into him."ah love, you'r eso pretty."he purred.

"no.I've never heard of anything like this."he said looking thoughtul, nuzzling his neck."We'll ask draco when we get back.He reads more, he might have a idea what they are."
Draco yelped as he was bitten, jerking against his bonds as his cock twitched, trembling under the other as firm fingers slid inside of him. "o..oooh god... Brax." he whined panting softly. "your cruel." he whined squirming, trying to drive the fingers into him even deeper.

Tom smiled a little as he reached out and picked one up out of the water, shaking it free of water before putting it in his pocket. "we'll even show it to him." he decided smiling at Alex. "do you want one?" he asked his head tilted. "you could put it in a little bowl, their really pretty, even when their not glowing." he admitted smiling at the crystal clear pool. "the water is even clean to drink here." he admitted leaning down and taking a sip of the clear water. "it tastes really good. sometimes, when i'm upset at Brax, i'll steal some food from the kitchens and come down here for a couple of days."
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