Love across time

Tom laughed as Myst squeaked and fell into the bag, giggling as she curled up in It with a yawn and went to sleep Tom snickering a little before he blinked at Alex's reaction. “Alex? Whats wrong?” he asked frowning a little his head tilted, as he looked from the bag to the woman to Alex, not getting it. Yes Tom was a genius, but he could really be dense sometimes.

Draco snickered a little and nodded. “ah but admit it, you love the little Dragon too.” he teased winking at him. “it's hard not to love her.” he admitted smiling. “it's harder not to love you.” he teased nodding a little as he started nibbling on his food, sighing softly. “this food is amazing.” he admitted grinning at Brax before pausing, frowning a little. “...i have felt a disturbance in the force...”
Alex swallowed, nodding goodbye to the woman before leaving the room, looking down at the dragon in the bag before looking at Tom."The only two people she's said smells since she hatched was a pregnant woman and draco.And we've seen alot of people since then.What's different about me tom?The potion turned me into a woman. What did it do to Draco?"He said starting to panic.

"What?What's wrong?"He asked looking at the other, pausing fork halfway to his lips as he looked around the cafe, trying to figure out what was happening to alert draco to danger.
the woman nodded back as Tom gasped, clapping a hand to his mouth, looking shocked. “oh my GOD! He's pregnant!?” he demanded, his voice a low, almost terrified whisper. “shit man! I mean shit!” he whispered running a hand through his hair, looking stunned. “i think maybe it only changed parts of him into a woman... he still has a dick or we would have heard him bitching... but he was having a panic attack the other night... what if he already knows he's pregnant? What if that;s why he was panicking? I think we need to calm down, and wait until we get home before we tell Draco this, if he freaks out we don't want all of diagon alley to know why...”

Draco frowned a little as he looked around before shaking his head. “never mind.. it's gone now.” he stated looking a little puzzled as he glanced around him before shrugging and nibbling on his ravioli. “this is delicious!” he admitted smiling at Brax, spearing one with a fork and offering it to the other. “want to try?”
Alex stopped frowning a little as he thought about it, nodding slowly. "If he doesn't know we'll wait until we get home."He said looking thoughtful before looking down at tom, kissing his forehead."Come on love, you said you needed some new shoes. we'll go get them, then go do something else."he said tugging on the other's hair lightly, teasingly.

Brax laughed a little as he took the bite, moaning softly at the feel."That good."He grinned a little before holding out a bite of his own food, smiling wider."Want some?"He said watching Draco, eyes happy and content feeling so easy with his lover, despite everything that had seemed to go wrong around them. As long as they were together, and well, life would be okay. He had to believe that.
Tom nodded and examined the dragon in the bag before snorting a little. “she fell asleep.” he admitted looking amused. “wore herself out the silly thing.” he muttered shaking his head as he nodded to the store keeper. “thank you.” he stated with a grin as he led Alex out the door. “and I do need new shoes.” he admitted. “and a pair of boots, winter is coming and my feet are starting to get cold.” he admitted smiling a little. “i've had my eye on a pair of Rabbit fur lined boots. Nice and warm for once.” he was really enjoying his weakly pay from Draco to help with potions and spells. He could actually afford proper clothes for once.

Draco chuckled as he accepted the bite moaning in joy. “god this food is amazing. I wonder why they stopped the restaurant biz?” he mused shaking his head a little. “i'll have to invest in this place, make sure they keep the restaurant part open too.” he admitted nodding a little as he licked his lips. “i mean if I like the food you KNOW it's good.” he teased chuckling as he nibbled on his salad. “i was wondering.” he admitted examining his lover. “do I really smell bad? You'd tell me if I smelled bad right?”
ALex laughed a little, amused that myst had worn herself out. Smiling wider at Tom as they walked into the shoe shop."I wish you'd always been abble to get them..."he growled, upset that he hadn't been able to save the younger tom from suffering,even if he was saving the older one from it."I think I might get a pair of fur lined to."He said thoughtfully, walking through the aisles, studying the knee high boots. Having gotten into the habit of wearing them during the war because the dragonhide protected his legs from spells that would cripple him.

Brax snickered,"You're such a snob."He teased before leaning over to kiss him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder as he spelled him to."No, you smell like you've always smelled, wonderful.I mean it."He sighed swallowing his laughter to keep from laughing at draco's worry."I think her nose is to sensitive, she might be picking up your cologne or something."
Tom smiled a little. “it just makes me enjoy the things I can get more that's all.” he admited smiling at Alex. “we can't change the past you know, and dwelling on it will only make a person bitter and sad.” he admitted smiling at Alex as he kissed the others cheek before looking about the store, picking out some winter boots and a new pair of shoes, picking out a pair of fancy dress shoes that where on sale while he was at it too.

Draco laughed a little as he smiled at the other, relaxing when he was promised he smelled alright. “i don't wear cologne.” he admitted frowning a little. “it must be my shampoo.” he decided smiling at the other. “besides, your a snob too.” he teased winking at the other. “i'm just a high maintenance snob.” hey, Draco knew it, he knew that Brax knew it, in fact he knew everyone knew it. “hey, tonight, will you do that thing again?” he asked with a lecherous grin. “you know, when you...touch.” his eyes flicked down to his own crotch, letting Brax know he meant his newly discovered vagina. The first simply touches had been wonderful, Draco wanted to know what full on sex felt like.
Alex laughed quietly as he paid for his own boots before walking outside with the man."True.Now where would you like to go?"He said wrapping a arm around his waist, brushing his lips over his cheek. Just content to be with him.

Brax's smirk grew as he studied his lover, eating a few more bites."I suppose so. Since you're so enjoying it."He said with a slight snicker, finishing his food, before shaking his head. Amused and aroused, wondering to what it would be like. Well he had a idea, he wasn't a stranger to girls, but still it would be a unquie experience.Before snorting he shook his head a little, rubbing a hand over his face."I'm a beautiful snob and you know it."He teased, because it was true, lucius had come by his snobbry the old fashioned way, he'd inherited it.
Tom paused to ponder and then smirked a little. “well I can think of one thing i'd like to do.” he teased giggling, his blush giving his thoughts away as wanting to have sex. But he didn't voice that. “i'm kind of hungry, think we could go for a bite to eat?” he asked hopefully his head tilted a little.

Draco chuckled a little as he watched the other, his head tilted a little as he finished off his own food, licking his lips as he paid for the meal, letting Brax tip so his lover could keep his pride. “and you are a beautiful snob.” he purred smirking a little. “after all, you are my grandfather, I had to get it from somewhere.” he teased winking at him, his head tilted as he winked at the other. “shall we head back to the Manor before we have to go back to school?”
Alex blushed a little, smiling at the other's blush.Smirking a little as he looked at the other, nodding slightly."Food, then school."He said shuddering a little, disliking the idea of returning to school."Where do you want to eat?"He said looking around.

Brax laughed as he stood, "True."He laughed quietly before looking at the other."We better find the other two if we're going back to the manor. At least tell them we're leaving."He said not wanting to induce a missing draco panic attack in Alex. The last thing they needed on top of everything else was for him to freak.
Tom giggled a little and then looked around, pointing to Honeydukes. “there! I've heard they have really good food AND they make their own candy.” he admitted grinning as he licked his lips eagerly as he bounded over to the restaurant, yanking open the door and running into Brax with a yelp of surprise, Draco laughing as he examined them. “we where just looking for you two!” he admitted grinning a little. “you HAVE to eat here! It's DELICIOUS!” he admitted nodding. “i'm investing!” he admitted with a grin. “oh, me and Brax are headed home too.” he admitted. “i haven't finished 'packing'.” he lied smirking as he winked at Alex. Tom blushing all over again as he giggled more, shaking his head. “you two are worse than rabbits.” he complained grinning a little as Draco smirked. “you know, I was just thinking of doing it rabbit style, you know, from behind?” “WAY too much information!” Tom complained going bright red, Draco snickering as Myst poked her head out looking sleepy and wrinkled her nose. “smells.” she complained before sniffing again smelling all the candy and good food. “HUNGRY!” she demanded, licking her lips as she sniffed at the air. “WANT!”
"That's doggy style Draco."Alex said looking amused, wrapping a arm around Tom's waist, scooping Myst up out of her pocket, "Come on pretty girl.What do you want to eat?"He said moving slightly so she could see what they offered, before starting, remembering he needed to talk to draco."Hey brax,go wander about with tom for a few minutes. Me and myst need draco's advice."He said knowing he wasn't being subtle but not wanting the other to have sex until they knew what could happen. Brax raised his eyebrow looking at his grandson, laughing quietly before he looked at tom."Come on, we'll go find something for myst."He said moving away. Wondering what in the world Alex wanted to talk about.
Myst sniffed at the air again and drooled a little before blinking, her head tilted a little as Draco paused, his head tilted as he wondered what the hell Alex wanted. “is this bad news?” he asked frowning a little Tom coughing a little as he dragged Brax away. “hey Brax...have you ever wanted kids?” Tom asked cautiously, examining Brax for a moment, deciding he better tell Brax, so he wasn't so shocked when Draco started freaking out again. “...we came across this pregnant woman in the pet shop and Myst said she smelled, just like she said to Draco.... only she was pregnant....” he swallowed hard. “we think Draco might be pregnant.”

Draco blinked as Myst crawled up Alex's arm and jumped off it onto Draco's shoulder, wrapping her tail around his upper arm and hanging off his arm like a monkey, giggling as she spread her wings wide. “i'ma bat!” she declared, Draco laughing as he watched her turning to Alex. “what's got you so upset?”
Brax turned a little"Kids are nice. Wouldn't mi-"He stopped, his jaw dropping a little as he loked at his friend. Swallowing hard as he studied him,"But...what....oh."He stopped, thinking about it. Processing slowly. Not freaking out...well not alot, but Brax freaked out silently, not loud and all over the place like draco did.Eyes widening a little as he thought it over.

Alex smiled a little as he watched his dragon, before looking at draco. "We ran into a pregnant woman in the pet shop...and she smelled. Like you do.Right myst?"He asked fingers tickling his dragon before sighing."I think the potion changed you, not as drastically as me, but still..."He said shrugging helplessly, watching his brother worriedly.
Tom watched Brax closely his head tilted a little. “Brax?” he asked his head tilted, setting his hand on Brax's shoulder. “you need to calm down a little alright?” he asked softly. “it's not like you and Draco are going to have to raise the baby on your own. You have your parents, and me and Alex will always be helping. Hell I think even the psychiatrist will help. She's staying at the house now and she's having a baby too. She'll know all about what to do.”

he glanced down at Myst who nodded. “Smells!” she chirped patting Draco's belly, the blond going paler than he had ever gone before and swayed on the side of the street. “oh my god...” he muttered softly before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he slumped to the ground, fainting as gracefully as he did everything else, Myst yelping as he nearly fell on her, the little dragon looking confused. “Mama? Why uncle sleeping on the road?”
Brax nodded calming slowly, eyes calm a she studied his friend."Yes...that's true. Elena is having a kid. And she'd love helping."He said looking shell shocked though, wondering why the hell they hadn't heard draco yellign yet."Think alex's told him yet?"He asked slightly curious.

Alex laughed softly as she crouched down next to her brother, gently picking the taller blond up.Despite being smaller, she was still strong."He's not sleeping.He fainted. It happens when he gets shocked.Come on baby girl. We better go find papa."she said laughing a little as she reached down and scooping myst into his poclet/
Tom smiled at his friend. “i'm totally jealous.” he admitted with a grin, slinging his arm over Brax's shoulder. “your going to be a wonderful daddy.” he promised smiling at his best friend and brother. “and I'm sure he has, Alex doesn't really beat around the bush when it comes to Draco, Malfoy's get frustrated too easily for that.” he teased smiling as he headed back the other way.

She blinked a little her head tilted as she examined him from her pocket, blinking at Tom as she saw him. “Daddy!!! Uncle went to sleep!” she complained prodding Draco. “make him wake up! Wanna play Bat!” Tom lifted an eyebrow as he examined the 'sleeping' blond and chuckled. “well at least now we know why he wasn't screaming...” he muttered looking at Alex with lustful eyes. “damn your so strong.” he purred, Draco groaning light as Myst stuck her tongue in his ear. “no no Myst, let uncle sleep.” Tom protested lifting Myst off of Draco and gently rubbed her eye ridges, making her purr. “we should get him home before we attract any more attention.”
Alex nodded a little as Brax took draco, apprating back to the manor. Sighing quietly as he kissed his lover slowly, amused."Hmm you enjoy strength don't you.."He teased before wrapping his arms around the man tighter, apparating him back to the manor, looking down at myst."Myst, you can wake up your uncle now."He said before setting the dragon on the bed next to where brax had laid draco down. Alex rubbed his eyes, looking worried."WE have the most interesting days..."He said watching his brother worriedly. Wondering what was going to happen.
Draco chuckled as Tom nodded, smirking a little. “yeah, now when I wear myself out you can carry me back to bed.” he teased with a small laugh as he gently kissed Alex glancing at Draco with his head tilted. “is he going to be ok?” he asked worriedly, glancing at Brax, well aware that his best friend was freaking out. Myst crawled onto Draco's chest and set her nose to his forehead, letting out a long, low singing note of sound, like the chime of a crystal glass before she backed away and watched as Draco groaned and opened her eyes, blinking slowly. “uhg.... what happened?” he asked slowly, rubbing his head a little and looking around, swallowing hard as he set his hand on his belly, bursting into sobs as he rolled onto his side, curling up, Tom grimacing a little as he set a hand on Brax's shoulder. “talk to him.” he murmured softly before he started to shove Alex out the door. “poor Draco.” Tom muttered softly shaking his head. “come on Alex, you need a good strong shot of whiskey.”
Brax sighed quietly s he shifted the small dragon who was trying to comfort her uncle, shifting her so that myst was cuddled up against his stomach as Brax laid down, pressing against his back as he wrapped his arms around him,gently pressing a kiss to his neck."Draco?Talk to me..."He said softly, putting off his own freaking out for the moment. Needing to take care of draco first.

Alex nodded smiling as they walked out of the room, heading for lucien's study to get the whiskey, not answering until he poured himself some."It's a very good thing I'm not pregnant.I have a feeling I need to get drunk before we have to go back to school."he mused smiling a little.
Draco shook his head as he cried, trembling violently against Brax. “i'm...i'm p...p..pregnant.” he whimpered softly. “i'm..i'm...” he shuddered violently and burst into fresh tears. “i just convinced myself I'm not a girl and now I'm p...p..pregnant.” he sobbed shaking his head a little. “it's not f..f..fair... it's like e..e..every goddamn time I s..s..start to e..e..enjoy this f..f..fucking life h..HE shows up and it's all r..r..ruined!” he whimpered turning and burying his face into the others chest, holding him tightly. “promise me... he won't ever exist... promise me he can't ever hurt me again...please... please don't let him get me...”

Tom chuckled a little and nodded, stroking Alex's hair gently, sighing a little. “oh.. before I forget, I gave that horcrux book to Draco.” he admitted softly. “so he can find a way to destroy the one I made.” he admitted smiling at the other, snuggling into him. “and you really shouldn't get too drunk... Dumbledore might get annoyed with you if you try to teach classes drunk, and we don't want to teach Myst bad habits.”
Brax swallowed hard, pressing a kiss to his head, trying to hide his own trembling, feeling the press of tears behind his eyes. But dammit, he was Abraxas Malfoy, he wouldn't cry or break down. At least not where someone else could see. even if it was just draco."He wont I promise. You've changed what's to come, and he wont be a threat. Alex will make sure of it. I'll make sure of it.You're safe, nothings ruined."He soothed gently stroking his hair.

Alex sighed softly as he sank into the chair, sipping the whiskey in his hand, knowing he couldn't get drunk."As if I'd care whta the old man said.But you're teaching myst bad things."He smiled a little reaching down mentally for the dragon, stealing some of the emotional steadiness from her, sighing quietly, shuddering at the thought of the hrcurx."We should head back..."He sighed quietly.
Draco sniffled as he snuggled into Abraxas, wrapping his arms tightly around the other. “your rght... it's all changed..” he muttered softly, resting his head on Brax's shoulder. “i'm sorry... I don't mean to keep breaking down...” he muttered softly holding tightly to his lover. “i'm sorry...” he muttered softly looking up at his lover before kissing him gently. “i love you.” he murmured softly nuzzling his neck. “... what if I really am pregnant Brax?...what are we going to do?” Draco was asking if Brax wanted a baby, Draco didn't want to get rid of his little baby, but he would do anything to stay with Brax. He needed Brax too much.

Tom chuckled a little as he wrapped his arms around Alex, kissing his cheek as Myst offered Alex as much emotional support as he needed, bracing him like the steady rock that she was. “give them a moment, you know hoe upset Draco will be if you walk in on him crying. Malfoy's have this silly notion that crying is bad.” he rolled his eyes. “no doubt you people get punished for it at a young age.” actually he had been struck if he was caught crying, but he cried because it meant he was above his tormentors. “besides Myst is with them, she'll keep an eye on them and get us if something bad happens.”
Brax smiled softly pressing a kiss to his head, closing his eyes."Well, go back to school, try to hide how damned fat your going to get-"He teased smirking a little-"Then try to figure out to tell my mother that I'm getting married because I knocked up her great grandson."He snickered a little, his freaking out bleeding into his sense of humor."Draco, we wanted kids.I just hadn't thought it'd be this soon, but its okay."

Alex laughed quietly leaning against his lover, nodding slightly."She would."He said reassured by his dragon's presence before snorting a little. "Even not being raised with him, Lucius taught me young that cryng was not allowed to a malfoy.Even if I wasn't a acknowledged one."He said shuddering a little before smiling."I dont wanna go back to school."He whined.
Draco whined at the thought of getting fat but smiled a little. “okay.” he murmured chuckling a little. “douse this mean that your proposing to me?” he whined pouting a little. “i wanted kids.” he admitted smiling a little. “a little boy, and a little girl.” he admitted snuggling into the other with a small sigh. “i don't want to go back to school.” he complained. “can't I retire early?”

Tom nodded a little. “well, we'll change that.” he decided smiling a little. “Malfoy's can do whatever they want remember? Even crying. They are a law unto themselves.” he stated firmly grinning at the other. “and I bet you anything Lucius won't ever exist now.” he paused. “or Draco will make a little Lucius and raise the boy in a happy house hold so he never turns out bad and mean.” he nodded. “i can totally see Draco giving birth to his own father...”
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