Love across time

Draco nodded. “that would probably be a good idea.” Draco agreed sighing a little. “let him beat the shit out of me instead of you or tom.” he agreed looking amused. “we should be done with the firing Dumbledore process before the night is done, the parents won't like finding out about this. It sounds like most of the rape victims are demanding money for their childrens suffering, the Weasley's are about to become very poor urchins, but that's where some of the problems start so I'm going to dissuade that approach. After all it's not the parents fault their child is a rapist.” he shook his head. “you go, send Alex to me as soon as you can.” he stated smiling at Brax. “see if you can get Tom to talk to Eileen while your alone with him, might do him some good.”

Tom blinked at the dragon his head tilted as the Dragon snuggled into Tom, the boy smiling happily as he stroked the dragon. “it's so pretty.” he muttered in astonishment. “my best friend?” he asked a little confused. “Malfoy... “ he mumbled trying to place the name before blinking at Alex his head tilted. “your my girlfriend?” he asked curiously pondering that before leaning over and gently kissing her, smiling. “i have a pretty girlfriend.” he murmured happily, feeling tired and sore. “why do I hurt all over? And my chest feels bad... like it's empty.” he complained softly, Myst sniffing at him and turning to Alex. “missing.” she stated blinking at him. “torn in three.” she complained, looking very agitated. “bye bye Daddy?” she asked her head tilted, Tom blinking a little at her, his head tilted.
Brax nodded kssing him again before apparating out. Pausing long enough to talk to his mother, knowing alex was probably giving tom a bath and not wanting to interrupt. Upstairs alex flinched at the words, growling quietly as he stroked myst's head,"He's not going anywhere lovely.He's just hurt Myst.He'll be fine."He said reassuringly, looking at tom and stroking the dragon's head, trying to keep her calm. Needing to believe that his words were right. That the man wouldnt break under the strain. Gently finishing washing tom he smiled standing. "Come on you two. Time for bed."He said smiling as he wrapped a towel around tom when he stood, gently drying him off kissing his head. Tucking him in bed before looking at brax when the teen calm in, looking agiated and worried."So good of you to join us." Brax shook his head, rolling his eyes as he looked at his best friend, who looked so small an hurt under the blankets."Tom?"
Myst whined and nuzzled Tom's chin, trying to comfort the poor confused Tom, who shuddered as he suddenly realized he was naked, but smiling when he was dried off, feeling rather loved and cared for as he sighed softly and closed his eyes as he was snuggled into bed, blinking when Brax walked in, offering him a smile. “hi. I'm Tom riddle.” he stated calmly. “what's your name?” Myst whined a little again, looking very upset that Tom didn't know anything or anyone. “Daddy bye bye.” she whined looking at Brax with a sniffle, very upset, Tom blinking. “who's daddy?” he asked curiously, stroking the Dragon's chin and fur, making her whine and curl up tight against his chest, laying her head on his arm as he laid there and pet her.
Brax looked startled, before looking at the dragon. His heart twisting hard as he sat on the edge of the bed, stroking the dragon."You are. Myst's alex's daughter, and she's adopted you as her daddy."He said slowly, looking at the dragon, "He'll be fine Myst. We'll take care of him."He said trying to keep her calm, but knowing alex was making it worse because he couldn't keep calm. "Alex, Draco needs you back at school.Now."he said giving the woman no choice but to leave. Smiling a little as she kissed Tom's head before apparating out. Brax smiled as he stretched out next to his best friend, smiling a little."Now sleep.You'll need it."He said, closing his eyes. Not realizing that alex had taken a detour before going to find Draco...or that things were about to get more complicated, as the spell that held Alex in this time, snapped as his well being was put in jeopardy. Of course, it'd be morning and way to late for any of them to do anything, before they realized the blond was missing.
Tom spend the night asking Brax questions, looking startled when Myst stated “mommy bye bye” and went to sleep with his best friend and his apparent daughter, waking in the morning to Draco shaking Brax's shoulder. “has anyone seen Alex?” he asked looking worried, his head tilted a little as he looked at them both, Tom rubbing his eyes sleepily. “who are you?” he asked blinking a little, Draco jerking in surprise. “i'm Draco Vedici, Brax's fiance and Alex's brother.” he stated, taking Tom's memory loss in stride like he always did. “how long has he had memory loss?” he asked Brax, looking confused. “mommy bye bye.” Myst wailed rather pathetically, sniffling a little tom gently comforting her. “shh, mommy will be back soon I'm sure...”
Brax looked confused as he loked up at his fiancee,"Since he got here last night. Alex thought it'd fade eventually."He said frowning as he rubbed his eyes sleepily."I sent him back to school last night.He didn't come get you?I told him to go back cause you needed him."He said looking worried, looking at the dragon worriedly. Wondering....wondering wht the dragon knew that they didn't."Shhh lovely, can you still feel mommy myst?"He asked slowly. Wondering if the medici was dead, and what it would do to the young dragon if the answer was yes.
Draco scowled a little, looking worried. “it's strange, Dumbledore was fired last night, but he's gone missing too.” he complained. “you don't think he did something to Alex!?” he demanded looking at Myst as the young Dragon looked up and yawned at them. “Mommy bye bye. Far far away.” she stated simply, sniffling a little. “daddy bye bye...” she whined, Tom stroking the Dragon's head, his head tilted a little. “mommy far far away.” she whined snuggling into Tom, Draco biting his lip hard. “we're just going to have to find her...” he decided swallowing thickly. But it would be weeks before any of them saw him again.

(can you introduce where Alex is?)
(oh yea. Got it all planned. XD)

Alex cursed quietly as she tugged at her bonds, glaring at the handcuff that encircled her dainty wrist, before across the room at the bed. She didn't know what was worse, the fact that even with a trip to the past that he hadn't changed it, or that he HAD changed it and rendered the voldemort that came into being even worse. He hadn't thought it was possile, but being a female and trapped in VOldemort's possessive care was horrible. Whimpering quietly the broken woman curled up against the wall,closing her eyes. Hoping that Voldemort would leave her alone for awhile, after all there was a raid going on, Alex should have peace until the victory party afterwards. Whimpering to herself she shifted, curling up on the floor trying to get some sleep before he returned. Tensing when he sensed another presence in the room.
Voldemort had become worse after Dumbledore, after the rape. After Alex had left Grindelwald had never been defeated, and Tom had one to him looking for answers, trying to find the missing part of him. He never found it, and never regained his memories until Alex returned on his doorstep three weeks ago. He had gotten furious that she had abandoned him, and immediately took her, controlled her, owned every part of her. He was more viscous, more violent, more bloodthirsty, and he was just as bad to women as he was to men. And worse, he did it for fun, instead of simply because he was insane and didn't know any better.

Along the wall, a figure slid through as if the strong marble wall was actually a doorway, a massive figure suddenly appearing. It was Myst, all grown up, her body as large as a horse as she examined Alex intently. “mother.” Myst's voice was as clear as water and crystal. She stepped over to Alex and pressed her soft muzzle against her mothers forehead, silently offering comfort. “stand, mother, and we shall go home.” she promised smiling at her. “it has taken me almost twenty years to learn how to walk time, but I have found you at last.” she purred, resting her head on Alex's shoulder. “climb onto my back Mother, and I will take you far from here, and tell you why Tom became the way he did, and how to prevent it.” she breathed on Alex's restraints, and they froze and broke, freeing the poor scarred woman.
Alex whimpered in fear, shuddering as she hauled herself to her feet. Despite knowing his dragon, despite recognizing her, even after just three weeks, Voldemort had managed to break him. Break him in a way the original hadn't. Leaning against the dragon's face she swallowed hard, hauling herself to her feet, trembling as she rested her body against Myst's leg,"Myst..."She muttered, feeling like she'd lived a lifetime in a few weeks. On trembling legs she slid onto the dragon's back, resting her head on Myst's neck, breathing deeply. Taking comfort in the familiar scent of his dragon, and the emotional balance she offered."Take me home myst."she muttered slowly, closing her eyes. Needing to go back, to the place that had become home more then the future he'd left. Needing to go back to tom, needing him. To save his lover from this fate.
Myst spread her wings and drove herself into the wall, sliding through it as if it didn't exist at all, into a large inky blackness that swirled with dull colors, large wings spread wide as she flew through the empty space. “when you vanished, none of us understood what happened. Draco thought Dumbledore had killed you and spent years hunting the old man down.” she explained gently. “when he finally found him it was too late, Grindelwald had killed him.” she explained flying quickly. “in the time that Draco was gone, Tom and Brax raised me, it was a happy life, but all of us missed you terribly.”

she sighed, the sound like the breeze of air across leaves. “Grindelwald started looking for young ones to train to kill, slaughter, and he found tom, who was hurting from not knowing who he was, or who he was missing.” she admitted. “he joined the man, and when Grindelwald realized just how brilliant daddy was he took the boy under his wing, and taught him the darkest of arts, even darker than the Voldemort of your time.” she shook her head. “Tom became addicted to the dark Arts, and he was pushed to higher and higher heights of evil aided by Grindelwald.” she admitted shaking her head slowly. “everything changed when someone killed Grindelwald. Tom saw him as a father, someone who cared for him when he had no one else, and he completely lost it. He slaughtered hundreds of people, tortured thousands seeking revenge for the loss of his father.” she explained. “he even killed Draco and Brax when they tried to stop him.” she closed her eyes, a pearly tear running down her face.

“you must stop Tom from joining Grindelwald, and all of the pain, will never exist.” she explained softly. “but Tom, will already be expressing interest in Grindelwald, eager to learn, and eager to find somewhere to belong.” she turned, looking at Alex. “you must stop Tom, help him to remember himself.” she kissed her mothers forehead and suddenly bucked Alex off, letting the woman fall through empty air. “good luck mother.” she breathed, watching the woman drop out of time and space, and land in Tom's bedroom, where he was silently crying in his sleep, hurting deep inside his chest, and missing someone so terribly it actually caused him pain.
"Bloody hell myst!That fucking hurt."The male turned female death eater cursed as she clamored to her feet, rubbing his ass where he had hit the floor, frowning as she crawled into bed with tom,gently stroking his hair as she stressed out next to him. Looking startled at th young dragon laaying next to him, his heart skipping a beat when he realized that myst was still a young one here. Frowning a little as he tried to figure out the place in time he was, or how long he had been gone. Gently shaking his lover's shoulder."Lovely, time to wake up. Tom. Tom.."she said gently trying to wake him up, while laying a hand on Myst's side, feeling her breathing under his fingers. Needing to reassure himself he was back."lovely, things will be okay. Time to get up. Tom!"he called softly, trying to coax him awake her voice getting louder the longer it took him to wake up. Afraid of what damage this was doing to him.
Myst looked up at her as soon as the little dragon felt her mother returning and let out an eager chirp of glee, launching Herself at her mother and winding herself around and around Alex like a happy cat. “mommy mommy mommy!” she whined happily. “mommy go bye bye but now she's back!” she chirped happily beaming at Alex and sticking her chilly nose in Alex's ear. “bad mommy! You no say bye bye!” she whined snuggling into Alex before blinking at the crying tom. “Uncles say night night, give daddy strong drinkey, makes him sleepy and he SNORES.” she explained. It was amazing how much she had grown in only three weeks, she was now the size of a med sized dog, up to Alex's knee, but still as light as a feather. “he cries a lot, his chest hurts, hurts back, missing soul.” she explained. “got ripped in twain by bad bad bad.” she explained. “uncle Draco looky looky for you and dumblydore but uncle Brax stay here an watchy watchy daddy. Big bad man comes and talks to daddy lotsa lots but I GROWL at him an he runs away fast fast.” she explained, or tried to, the last three weeks that Alex had been gone. “uncle Draco has a big big belly but don't calls him fat or he gets MEANY!” she admitted with a nod. “Daddy wakey wakey in the morning.” she promised beaming at her mother.
Alex looked at the dragon, her eyebrows pulling together as he studied the dragon. His head hurt at trying to figure out the dragon's explanation. Oh he was just going to have to ask draco. Yelping at the cold nose in her ear he whined, "I'm sorry lovely, I didn't mean to leave."he said stroking her head, Smiling a little when tom blinked, leaning over, nearly nose to nose with him."Tom?"he asked, gently lookign at him worried. Thinking about the explaination,and wondering where Dumbledore had went. And who the bad man was. Smiling a little at the thought of a pregnant draco.Swallowing hard as he eased back,gently stroking his hair."Love, remember me?I'm alex...I'm sorry I left.."He said looking at him worried.
Tom blinked slowly at her and then smiled happily. “it's you.” he whispered softly, wrapping his arms tightly around Alex's neck, holding her tightly. “i knew I missed someone, I just couldn't remember who.” he admitted softly, burying his head in her chest, simply resting in her arms. “my chest hurts still... it hurts so much...” he whispered softly. “but it doesn't hurt so bad now that your here.” he admitted softly, nuzzling Alex's neck, sighing softly. “where did you go?” he asked curiously, letting Alex go and scooting over so she could join him on the bed. “Draco was really angry when you left, and Brax was worried.” he admitted. “Draco left and didn't come back... I think Brax really misses him but he won't talk about it...” Alex admitted looking at Myst who was still snuggling into Alex crooning happily, Tom smiling. “it's nice to see her happy, she's been upset ever since you left.”
Alex winced, sighing quietly, laying out next to him, cuddling close. Cuddling both boy and dragon."I didn't mean to leave, or upset anyone."she said shuddering a little as she closed her eyes."I...when I went back to the school, i ran into the headmaster who wanted to speak with me. And..was forced into my animagus form."She swallowed wondering how to explain the time spell, "I'm here from the future tom."He said quietly, hoping that the man would start to remember things if he explained."The stress that being forced into a serpent form, broke the spell that held me here, and sent me back to where I came from."she said, her voice small and broken as she thought about it."An elder Myst came and found me....and brought me back.Mommy's back.."She muttered reassuring the dragon as she cooed.
Tom blinked a little his head tilted. “so.. you went back to your original time? Was it a better place?” he asked curiously snuggling into the other. “i hope so... I don't really like this time... bad things keep happening.” he admitted softly. Myst looked pleased that she herself had saved Alex, purring as she rubbed her head against Alex's chin. “Bad man's here!” she shrieked in rage spreading her wings and hissing furiously, Tom scowling at her. “he is NOT a bad man Myst! He's helping me!” Tom complained getting out of bed and stretching a little as he rubbed his eyes smiling happily at Alex. “will you come with me? I think you'd like him, he's really nice. He's been teaching me some things. The school's been shut down, because they can't find anyone to take over the school, so he's been taking in students and giving them lessons.” he smiled eagerly. “he's going to teach us something called Impirio later, Hospital Healers use it to help the crazy people, it might help me get my memories back.” he chirped happily as he yanked his feet into his pants, Myst growling. “bad man!”
Alex's jaw dropped a little, remembering what the elder myst had said, her temper snapping the leash. For as broken as she was, she was vicius still. "Are you FUCKING INSANE!?"she growled heading for the door, snarling quietly as she padded barefoot down the stairs without waiting for Tom to follow. Ignoring Brax's shocked shout from being him. Snarling as she stepped down the stairs, glaring at the man in front of her."Get. Out."He ordered reaching out, searching for the wards that allowed people into the manor. And reaching for Draco, wanting him back here, now.Despite being a few generations younger, Draco Malfoy was the youngest Malfoy, and the wards were tied to him.Mostly anyways. Hopefully enough to let him bend them to his will."We no longer need you."she said simply. Despite the simple words there was cold rage shining in those eyes. Broken, shattered, and so much more deadly for it.
Tom looked shocked when Alex yelled at him, his eyes wide as he watched the woman storm out, Myst flying after her and landing on her shoulder, hissing furiously as she spotted Grindelwald who sneered at her. “you cannot tell me what to do, I am a guest here, Tom's guest.” he stated his nose in the air. “i am only trying to help him...ah Tom! Who IS this?” “my girlfriend.” Tom explained grabbing Alex's hand. “stop Alex! Leave him alone he's not a bad man! Dumbledore's been lying about him!” he complained Grindelwald scowling a little as he examined Alex. “this is the woman that abandoned everyone?” he asked scowling a little. “Grindle it's not what you think, Dumbledore did a weird spell thing on her and Myst had to bring her back... I don't really understand it yet.” he admitted. “sorry but would you mind leaving? Alex doesn't know that you're a good guy yet, she's been missing for weeks after all.” Grindelwald nodded and nodded to Alex. “have a good day Ma'am. I hope you recover soon from whatever that old goat did to you.” he paused when a resounding CRACK filled the air and Draco slammed into Alex, hugging her tight. “ALEX! Your BACK! Oh GOD I was so WORRIED!”
Alex snarled as she pulled away from Draco, focusing on the dark wizard in front of him, smirking a little. "I did not abandon everyone, not that it's any of your fucking business, seeing as your a guest in a house that doesn't belong to you or tom."she said before smirking a little, feeling the wards shift. "Now say goodbye before I forcibly make you leave."Alex growled, bending a little. willing to let tom say goodbye as much as he wanted to through grindlewald to myst and let her use him as a chew toy.

Brax swalowed hard as he ran down the stairs after the two, looking between them all, wondering what Alex had seen that had caused this violent lashing out at the man that seemed to just want to help tom though he was sure grindlewal had his own reasons for wanting to help. "I would listen to her grindle, Alex has a tendency to be violent on a good day. And today has not been a good day."He said simply, anger and need to know what the fuck was going on showing on hsi face.
Grindelwald sighed but nodded. “alright, I can tell when I'm not welcome.” the man growled turning to Tom. “here Tom, I just wanted to bring this over, since you've been expressing interest in Healing.” Tom practically vibrated in glee as he was handed a book before pouting. “but this is the beginners book!” he complained Grindelwald raising an eyebrow. “yes, and your a beginner, you have to learn how to do the little injuries before you can work on the big ones Tom.” he stated with a small chuckle as he ruffled Tom's hair before giving them all a small bow. “good day.” he stated, Tom pouting at his book 'Minor Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruises' but set it on the table for later study anyway. “Alex that was MEAN!” he complained frowning at his lover.”he only wants to help and fix all the bad rumors Dumbledore started about him! He's not evil Alex!” he complained sulking at Alex. “i don't see why it's any of your business who I make friends with anyway, just because you don't have any doesn't mean I can't have friends too.” he complained picking up his book and stalking off, Draco wincing. “that was really mean tom!” Draco yelled after the boy, who made no comment as he slammed his door shut, Draco sighing a little and shaking his head.
Alex growled as she watched the boy go, before his temper drained away. looking forlorn and sad as she looked down."I'm going to go get food."she muttered heading for the kitchen, ignoring the dragon sitting on his shoulder as she hovered. Brax frowned a little, looking at Draco as alex disappeared around the corner."What the helll..."He muttered to himself, staring. Amazed that Tom's temper tantrum hadn't resulted in a violent reaction from alex. Then..."He left. Went back to the future."He said slowly swallowing hard."Could it have been worse then what you left?"He mused, wondering if the woman was truly broken. After all, Tom had just gotten her to admit to needing help, could all their hard work been undone in the weeks he'd been gone?
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. “brax, you go talk to Tom, I'll talk to Alex, find out what happened.” he promised looking at Brax. “and find out what's so bad about Grindelwald. He was bad in our time too, but Dumbledore killed him at the end of your seventh year... we found out later that everything Dumbledore had said about Grindelwald was a lie, so it's not just his reputation that has Alex upset.” he muttered shaking his head a little as he headed after Alex, taking the woman's shoulder gently. “Alex? What's wrong? What happened?” he swallowed thickly. “how much did we fuck up the future that your so upset like this?”
Alex shuddered under the touch, easing away from him. Even that, was to much for a woman who usually enjoyed casual touching. Voldemort had managed to break him that way. Looking down at the grilled cheese he was cooking he sighed softly."I ended up in the time we left...well. almost. He was worse. So much worse. Because Tom never became insane. He was perfectly in control of himself, and hated everyone equally. He remembered who I was Draco. He remembered me disappearing."He sighed before swallowing his whole body rejecting the idea of thinking about what had happened. After all, he'd enjoyed the thoguht of being a woman, because he hadn't been hurt with it. Now... oh the man was reeling because not only had he been abused as a male by the man he loved, but as a woman to."Myst came and got me. Twenty years from now It took her that long to find me. And she said... Grindlewald became worse. He did what he did in our orginal time but dumbledore didn't win the duel. Grindelwald found Tom, convinced him to join him, adopted and addicted him to dark arts, and cared for him. Pushed him to greater feats of dark magic, without driving him insane. When...when someone killed grindlewald, Tom lost it. Slaughtered everyone, because he didn't know who did it, so he killed everyone who could have been involved."He killed you and Brax when you tried to stop him."she said slowly, wincing at the smell of burnt bread, starting to make another piece.

Brax sighed quietly as he headed to alex and tom's room, knocking lightly on the door before opening it. "Tom?Alex's is just worried about you."He said slowly, "And the time line he came from, grindlewald was made to be a bad guy....she was startled."He said slowly walking closer to the bed, wondering how to explain, when tom didn't even remember them coming back in time to change everything.
Draco stared at Alex, wide eyed in astonishment. “oh my god..” he whispered softly, shaking his head. “but Grindelwald isn't bad.” he stated frowning a little. “i put the man under veritisuim myself.” he admitted. “he never did any of the things that Dumbledore accused him of, and he doesn't practice the dark arts, I put him under a Dark detector and I didn't even get a beep..” he admitted looking worried. “twenty years? You where in... for twenty years!?” he demanded looking worried. “oh Alex I'm so sorry.” he whispered softly, gently taking her hand. “your here now, Tom won't let the Dark arts rule his life, I know it... he's upset because his friend was yelled at, that's it.. he loves you, even if he doesn't remember who you are...”

Tom looked over at Brax and sighed a little shaking his head. “i know.. I just didn't like it... her yelling at him... he's the only one who's really trying to help me, you know? I know you and Draco do what you can but Grindle.. he's... he's like my father.” he admitted smiling. “i love him like he's my father... Lucien is nice and all but...” but Lucien was not as affectionate as what tom wanted...needed, Grindle gave Tom hugs, lavished him with praise and affection, was everything that Tom needed in a father. “i shouldn't have yelled at her though... it was mean of me.. I don't even know where it came from.” he admitted, wincing as he rubbed his chest. “it hurts again.” he complained softly. “i don't understand why I hurt so much all the time...”
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