Love across time

Brax snorted laughing,nuzzling him."Yes I am."He smiled producing the silver and green ring, the dragon so exquiste and detailed as it held the emerald."No, not unless you want to be here alone.Me,tom,and alex all have to go back."He pointed out, nuzzling him looking at the dragon nuzzling draco to."And Myst.We can't forget about myst being there."He said stroking her head, calming slightly.

Alex laughed finishing his drink."Now that would be totally weird."He stated before pushing up off the couch,closing his eyes as he looked at the other."Come on, we better go get them before they get distracted. We do have places to be."He said yawning a little, also wanting his myst back with him, already feeling the seperation anxiety.
Draco stared at the ring his eyes wide as he burst into fresh sobs, hugging Brax hard as he sobbed into the others chest. “!” Draco managed through his tears of Joy, Myst scowling at Brax. “stop making uncle cry!” she demanded trying to comfort Draco all over again, Draco laughing a little as he stroked Myst's hair. “it's ok little one, I'm crying because I'm happy this time, Brax asked me to marry him.” he explained Myst blinking at him, so he then had to explain what marriage was and why it was such a good thing.

Tom chuckled a little and nodded as he followed Alex, smiling a little as he wrapped his fingers in the others as they walked, entering the room watching Draco explain marriage to Myst who was nodding. “what's this about marriage?” Tom asked feeling amused as Draco squealed eagerly and slammed into Tom and Alex showing them the ring. “Brax Proposed I'm gonna get married!”
Alex laughed hugging his brother."I knew it was only a matter of time."he laughed softly kissing his head."Deos this mean I'm your best man or bridesmaid?"He said cheerifully, looking down at his female body starting to laugh quietly. Brax giggled a little as he scooped up myst kissing her head as he stoked her head."See lovely, everyone's happy.Even if I made draco cry."he grinned a little watching the three amused, glad that alex and tom had come. Hopefully they'd forget about how upset draco had been.
Draco smirked a little. “your my bridesmaid.” he teased with a snicker, Myst giggling a little. “that's funny because your laughing.” she informed them grinning happily, Tom chuckling a little a little as he watched Draco, his head tilted. “so are you going to get a pregnancy test done then?” “perhaps, I don't know yet...” Draco admitted setting a hand to his belly. “i'll have Tom whip me up one while no one's watching, I don't want anyone to know just yet until I know what to tell people about HOW I ended up pregnant.” he admitted. “it might be seventy years ago but I think even Dumbledore would have issues with me sleeping with a student.” he admitted looking amused. “and you too for that matter Alex.” he stated calmly as he grinned. “of course, I intend on replacing Dumbledore as the head of the school so I guess soon it won't matter.”
Alex perked up at the idea, grinning."Really?"He asked looking at his brother nudging him a little. "Come on. We better get back to school, because if he notices we're not there for dinner, he'll know we're screwing students.Well.You are anyways."He said snickering a little, stealing a kiss from tom as he scooped myst up, apparating back to the school ,waiting for the others.

Brax snorted laughing as he looked at were the boy had been."Impatient little shit isn't he?"He asked bemused, though he knew why alex was anxious. Being a girl, and having to hide his relationship was probably straining the edges of the mans tolerance for anything. Espicially in his fear of losing people."alex in a that'd be something to see."He snickered pressing a kiss to draco's forehead before apparating all three of them before either of the men could protest, laughign a little as alex looked at them impatiently standing in the front hall of the school.
Draco chuckled and nodded. “yes, as soon as I tell the Council that Dumbledore not only allowed Tom to be assaulted, but Abraxas under his watch and under teachers orders? They'll have him fired before he can even TRY to explain himself!” Draco hissed, smirking darkly as he took Abraxas's hand tightly. “as far as I can tell Dumbledore is the entire reason why Tom was raped by those muggles, and I have no doubt, as soon as he realizes he hasn't broken Tom he'll try other thins. I need to take him down before he has time to try anything else.” Tom looked worried though. “but... but Dumbledore has always been there for me... he's like a grandfather he wouldn't REALLY try to hurt me....would he?” “i'm sorry Tom, but in my time the only reason why you went insane is because of what Dumbledore put you through.” Tom swallowed hard but smiled as they apparated, Myst's tail wrapping around Alex's neck as she settled herself on top of his head, wing's spread wide for balance, perched like the little princess that she was, Tom chuckling as Nagini wrapped herself around his neck, not to be outdone in style, Draco shaking his head at the silliness as he strode into the hall and took his place at the teachers table, Tom heading to the Slytherin table, shuddering at the feeling of hungry eyes boring into his back, not that he could tell who it was. It certainly wasn't Alex...
Alex brax smirked a little as he followed his friend to the slytherin table, snickering quietly as he watched the students react to first the dragon, then alex's being female. Shuddering a little as he felt the eyes to, but trying to ignore it. "He's causing a scene."He remarked watching the newly femaled alex walk through the hall.

Alex smiled a little as he gently pulled the dragon off his head, looking at her as he gently stroked her head."Lovely, why don't you make some mist, then go see if papa'll feed you.He'll have better food then me."he said vaguely wanting myst to sit with tom, to make sure everyone knew that to get to tom or brax, they were going to have to go through not only alex and dracobut a very vicious nasty water dragon, who was nasty despite her size.
Tom was glaring at everyone, annoyed that they where gaping at Alex and Myst. “yes he is and if they don't stop undressing her with their eyes I'm gonna start smashing heads together.” but the threat wasn't as serious as if had been before Alex. It was more of a complaining whine than an actual threat, snorting as Myst spread her wings and shrieked loudly, baring her long, sharp fangs at the threat of the crowd, taking a deep breath and letting out a huge billow of Myst, one that obscured the entire room for a full minute, blocking everyone's view of everyone before the mist settled to the floor and Myst launched herself into the air, swooping over student's heads, making them shriek in terror and try to cover their heads, looking shocked when she landed on Tom's shoulder, the boy chuckling as he gently stroked her eye ridges. “it's alright little one, they are only admiring your mother that's all, they won't hurt her.” he promised, making Myst chirp and thrust her head into his goblet, wondering why the dishes where empty. Draco was chuckling up at the Teachers table, shaking his head. “that was mean Alex.” he teased his brother, shaking his head a little. “good evening Dumbledore, did you have a good vacation?” playing nice with the man, before ripping him from his seat of power by force.
Dumbledore smiled slightly as he nodded,"a good one. And you Draconis?"he elder man said, looking bemused at his newly female teacher, wondering what in the world had they gotten up to. Alex laughed a little as he sat down, watching myst and tom for a moment before looking at Draco."They should be afraid."He announced grinning when food appeared, smirking at myst's low surprised chirp. For a momet though, the death eater showing through the carefree teacher.

Brax grinned a little, ripping off a bite of meat holding it up towards myst."Here you go little one."He said before looking at tom, shaking his head."and they're always going to undress her. They undressed Alex before now, they're going to keep doing it now that he's curvy and pretty.Prettier."
Draco chuckled a little at Dumbledore. “it was very eventful, as you can see.” he stated indicating Alex, shaking his head a little. “we had a bit of an accident involving one of my experimental potions.” he admitted looking amused, glancing at Alex. “Alex they where already afraid.” he teased chuckling as he shook his head. “sometimes you can be a very cruel man Alex.” he teased with a small chuckle as he helped himself to the food.

Myst chirped in shock when the food appeared, getting her head completely soaked as she sputtered and protested, the slytherin table cooing and layering her with all the affection she deserved as Tom chuckled and gently dried her off, the little dragon accepting the meat rather daintily as Tom scowled at Brax. “shut up she's mine dammit.” he complained pouting a little and sulking, Myst blinking at him and rubbing her head along his chin, trying to make him feel better but not willing to talk in front of all these people.
"Woman."Alex corrected, smirking a little as he half listened to the conversation going on beside of him.Starting to eat while watching slytherin coo over the dragon. Dumbledore nodded, smiling a little."So I can see. Whatever did you find the dragon?"He asked, wondering if one of them really had bonded, and if he would be able to use her to create the things the old dragons had been killed for.

Brax laughed, smiling as the dragon comforted her papa, eating as he sighed."Tom, the first person who thinks Alex is weaker and tries to touch her, is liable to lose the hand."He said, raising his voice just enough to warn the ever listening slytherins, though he would hope the serpent house would have more sense then to touch a man who radiated deadly fury like some people radiated sexiness.
Draco smirked at the correction, his head tilted. “it just appeared.” he lied. “it's been stuck to Alex and Tom since the day it showed up.” he admitted shaking his head. “i looked through the woods hoping to find another, they have wonderful fur, and their scales have amazing properties for potions, but I couldn't find any others. I'll just have to wait for her to shed her first scale.” he decided. “they do shed after all, a scale a week if the book I found was correct, more as they grow bigger.” he smirked a little to himself, well aware that Alex would probably guard her scales just as protectively as he did her and Tom.

Tom scowled a little and then nodded. “true.” he agreed chuckling when Myst stuck her head in his pumpkin juice and blew bubbles in it until it foamed over. “hey now! I'm drinking that you silly thing!” he complained the table laughing at Myst's silliness, one of the other seventh years changing a goblet into a tub of water for her to swim and play in, Myst chirping happily as she slunk into the water and rolled around in it, possessively swiping at any fingers, rather playfully, that got too close to the tub. “she's like a cat.” Tom complained affectionately to Brax.
Dumbledore nodded,"Yes, that would be interesting.And productive as she got older. Congradulations professor."He said smiling a little before returning to his meal. Alex snarled silently, giving draco a look that clearly said he was going to kill the man giving the chance. No one got to threaten his myst without getting seriously hurt. "Class is going to be interesting."He said watching the dragon play in the water.

Brax snickered nodding a little."Except a cat wouldn't be caught in water."He said smiling a little before shaking his head."And you might want to give that tub to alex. Otherwise she's not going to get any peace in the shower."He said wisely, grinning a little as he reached out, gently flicking water at the dragon.
Draco glanced at his brother and gently set a hand on the others hip, letting the other know he didn't mean a word of it. “of course Headmaster.” Draco stated with a small smile. “i'll have to let you know how my studies go. I'm currently in the process of trying to increase fertility in wizards.” he admitted. “so many wizards are only capable of having one or two children, it's worrying when muggles can produce four or five when they want to. I even read about a woman who gave birth to twelve children, in one pregnancy even!” he admitted. “if we don't increase our own breading capabilities we're all going to die out.” now he was just lying through his teeth, Draco was very firm in the belief that it was alright to marry muggles once and a while, because their offspring usually had strong, fresh blood and magic in their veins. Too much copulation with muggles was bad, but once and a while made the magic stronger, and the bloodlines cleaner. Not everyone could marry their cousin after all.

Tom laughed a little as he nodded. “well, when she finds out what it is anyway.” he agreed smiling as one of the other slytherin's rubbed her belly playfully, laughing when she purred happily and spread herself out on the table for more petting the slytherin's all instantly in love with her. It was like trying to hate a kitten or a puppy, it was just impossible! She snapped at the water Droplets and spat frost at Brax, the tiny ball of snow like frost hitting him in the forehead, making Tom laugh his little head off.
Alex growled quietly, giving him a look."research got me turned into a girl moron."He muttered, laughing as he watched the dragon get petted."you might want to go safe brax."He muttered. Ignoring the other's thoughts of muggles. After all, tom's brilliance and magical capablities were proof in itself was that muggle blood for the magical world wasn't totally bad. Not to mention hermione granger and harry potter, and severus snape.

Brax yelped as he brushed the ice off his forehead, looking at hte dragon."Myst!"He whined pouting at dragon before smiling."Oh see if I give you your toy."He pouted, teasing. Having already adopted the dragon as a niece, he was so going to spoil her rotten
Draco snickered a little and nodded. “so? It sort of worked.” he teased smirking a little as he watched Myst spit a snowball at Brax. “why save him? I'm finding this very amusing.” he admitted with a small chuckle patting his brothers thigh as he helped himself to more potatoes.

Myst let out a bright giggle and started grooming herself before perking up at the sound of 'toy' launching herself into the air and landing on his shirt, shoving her head into his pockets, Tom laughing harder as she looked for her toy, sulking at Brax when she couldn't find it.
Alex smiled as he finished his food, sighing quietly as he stood. "Come on we better go.Early morning and all."He said, hating the idea of attending class, not wanting to be parted from tom. Wondering if he could convince Tom to spend the night in his suite instead of the dorms.

Brax laughed a little as he stroked her head summoning the toy he'd created for her, a small watery ball, filled with glitter and shiny things, that if she needed a good soak was spelled to get her wet."There you go sweetie. And your mama's coming."He pointed out tilting his head towards the teacher's table as alex stood.
Draco chuckled and stood as well, following his brother to the table and winking at Brax as Myst squealed happily about her new toy, diving into it and giggling happily as it squished and glittered and gt her all wet nuzzling it all over and rolling it over the table, picking it up in her sharp little teeth and diving for Alex, spreading her wings and gliding through the air to land on Alex's head, Tom chuckling a little as he shook his head. “she's so cute.” he complained grinning a little. “everyone is going to spoil her rotten, she's going to be a fat, content house-cat if we're not careful.” he teased Alex smiling as he shuddered, feeling hungry eyes on his back again, turning to look and frowning when he saw no one looking at him. It was very unnerving, very, very unnerving. By lunch, Tom had gone missing, and no one had seen hide or hair of the boy, not even Myst or Brax. Even worse, Septimus was missing as well, and Dumbledore looked far too smug about something. Definitely not a good sign.

By the time anyone found Tom it was too late, the boy was naked, signs of rape clear on his slender pale body, dark bruises and bite marks, and he was trembling violently, eyes wide and in shock. But that wasn't the worst of it, the worst of it was Septimus himself, laying on the floor his neck broken and a cutting spell up his gut, blood everywhere, and the dark magic of soul splitting horcrux heavy in the air, a new horcrux, this one a necklace that Tom had been gifted, from Slytherin's bloodline itself. Draco was the first to find the boy, and for a moment all he could do was sit there and stare, horrified as Tom rocked back and forth, muttering nonsense under his breath. Draco and Alex had been wrong, it had not been the first rape, or the first horcrux that had driven tom had been the second. “call the Aurors!” Draco snapped to a student, a seventh year who nodded and raced to Draco's rooms to floo call the Auror department.
Alex cursed as she was nearly runned over by the seventh year, yelping as myst's claws dug into her shoulder as he balanced on her shoulder. Making him pause long enough to get the story, before he responded, his temper snapping badly, after he took care of Tom, he was going to have a talk with dumbledore. A talk that would end violently, loudly, and all over the place. Snarling quietly as he stepped into the room he wrinkled his nose at the dark magic that wrapped itself around him, stroking against his skin like a well contented cat as he walked further inside. Snarling at Draco, who was to close to tom for his comfort. For the moment not seeing him, just seeing a threat. Snarling as he crouched down in front of his lover, the dragon hovering on his shoulder, fussing over her papa."Tom!Tom!"He said slowly, calmly. Struggling for calm even as he was starting to panic, not even myst giving him enough emotional balance to be calm. "Love!"He said trying to stop the muttering tried to reach through to the man he loved.
Myst hissed violently at Alex's fury and offered him some calming emotions as they moved into the bathroom where Tom was sitting, muttering to himself, eyes unfocused and glazed over, trembling violently. “easy Alex.” Draco whispered softly backing away from Tom, having wrapped his own cloak around the boy to hide his nudity. When Alex leaned down he could hear what tom was saying, he was just repeating himself. “he's dead, I killed him and he's dead and he's dead because he raped me and it hurt so head dead... and he's dead because I killed him...” Tom blinked lightly when he was called Love, his eyes crossing and then focusing as he fell silent, blinking dumbly now, at nothing, silent and staring at empty air, Myst whimpering lightly at her Fathers distress running her head along his chin, Draco picking up the locket and stuffing it into his pocket. Horcrux's weren't illegal yet, but Draco didn't want Tom to get into even more trouble then he was already going to be in.

the Auror's where there soon after Draco hid the new horcrux away, two of them examining Brax's dead body, one of them taking one look at Tom and shaking his head. They knew they weren't going to get any information from the boy. “ma'am. We need you to get the boy to Saint Mungo's. He needs to be looked over for injuries.” one of the Aurors stated gently, touching Alex's shoulder before Draco could warn the man. Draco could only hope that Alex didn't attack him. Tom didn't even react to all the activity, he just stared at the wall, blinking a little.
Alex, being alex, responded before he thought it through, after so many years living on edge, and with this driving him closer to the death eater he always had been, slid out from the other's hand, twisting and grabbing him, slamming him against he wall as he sraightened."Don't touch me."he said calmly, absently lowering Myst to sit on tom's shoulder, sounding as calm as if he was walking through town. As if this death hadn't touched him. And yet...there was something dark and nasty in his eyes, "My brother and I are trained medics, we are perfectly capable of helping him.Now.Get away from me,and him, before I decide draco really did a bad thing of informing you of this."He said blandly couching down and picking up tom,gently pressing a kiss to his forehead, going back to ignoring the aurors existance. To him, they were useless, always useless, always to late to hel pwith anything really."We're going back to the manor."he decided after a moment,"You'll tell abraxas?"He said, not wanting to be around when someone told brax what happened. Things were sooooo going to explode in that conversation.
the Auror yelped as he was slammed into the wall, and the entire room went still, the aurour in Asher's arms going limp submissively, showing he was no threat, training kicking in. “alright, I won't touch you, I won't go near him.” the man promised, forcing his voice to sound meek. “no one will touch him...” he sighed in relief when he was released, rubbing his wrist but not looking hurt or upset by what had happened, turning to Draco instead. “you sure he can take care of the child?” “yeah, Alex cares about Tom to the point of Obsession. But look, this isn't the first time...” he went on to explain that other students had gone missing, or gotten raped and that Dumbledore had done nothing about it. Tom was limp in Alex's arms, but his eyes where closed now, as if he was sleeping, but his breath was slightly erratic, showing that he wasn't really sleeping. “i'll tell Brax.” Draco promised. “and clean up the mess after he's done throwing his temper tantrum.” he promised looking at Tom with worry in his eyes. “i'll join you after this investigation is done, they won't need to question Tom, they have everything the need just from the state he's in. take him home.” Draco promised. “give him a bath, get him in bed, you know the drill.” he stated with a soft smile at Alex. “and try not to let him see how angry you are?” he asked watching Alex vanish, turning back to the Aurors.
By the time Draco got to brax the man was pacing and angry s he looked around the teacher's suite, snarling slightly as he turned to face Draco."What in the world happened?The rumors are flying about why the aurors being here. Did alex really kill someone?"he asked, the longer time had past the mroe the rumors had grown. Snarling as he looked at his lover, quickly losing what little control he had on his temper.

Alex sighed queitly as he gently eased Tom into the water gently cleaning him up ,"Lovely,tom?"He muttered still trying to ease him into talking to him. Wanting him back. Needing to hear that the weasley hadn't totally destoryed his lover. Even under the calmness, there was a deadly cold rage. Even as calm as he was, and as much as it didnt' show, there was going to be repercussions for this. As soon as Draco got there with brax. He'd go deal with dumbledore, because he needed to.
Draco shook his head a little. “no, Alex didn't kill someone.” he stated softly. “Tom did.” he explained, swallowing hard. “Septimus caught Tom in a bathroom and raped him, reacted defensively and killed Septimus.” he explained. “the Auror's are in the process of firing Dumbledore for letting this happen, not once, but fifteen times. Thirteen other students stepped forward and admitted to being raped, twenty three students admitted to having willing sex with him, and one of those students is pregnant.” he groaned as he flopped into a chair, covering his face with his hands. “Tom is reacting very badly to this and even worse he created anther Horcux.” he admitted setting the necklace on the table. “i couldn't figure out of he did it on purpose... but I'm not sure one can do this on accident either...” he admitted shaking his head a little. “i have to stay here, and deal with this mess but most of the students have gone home.” he admitted looking at his lover, giving him a smile. “go and check on Tom... he was really out of it... maybe a friendly face will help, and take calming droughts with you, Alex is going to need them.”

Tom shuddered violently when the warm water wrapped around him and he slowly opened his eyes, blinking at Alex, clearly not understanding what he was saying, or recognizing him. “where am I?” Tom asked softly. “what happened?... who are you?” he asked blinking slowly at Alex. Tom, had somehow forgotten Alex. And apparently, with the next question, had forgotten himself as well. “do you know who I am?” sometimes, after such traumatic events, it was easier to simply forget, but most people only forgot the event, not their whole lives...had Brax done something more to Tom after raping him?
Brax nodded a little, leaning down to kiss Draco,gently stroking his hair. "I'll go be with him.Send alex back here."He said knowing he was going to have to fight to get the blond woman to leave, but alex would need to work out his temper, and with tom he wouldn't have the outlet he needed."Then you can bring him back when you come."He said giving his lover a look."Because you might have to stay the night, but I expect you at the manor tomorrow.You'll need the break from dealing with this."he said, his voice booking no argument.

Alex winced, ssighing quietly. Of course tom would forget everything. The man never did anything by halves. Not even considering something besides trama could be the cause. Smiling a little as he lwered myst into the tub letting the water dragon comfort her papa"You are at The malfoy manor, your best friend's home.I am Alex Medici, your teacher and girlfriend. And you are tom ridle."He said answering the questions in the order they had been posed, gently cleaning the other up
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