Love across time

Alex sighed, shuddering a little, gritting her teeth a little to keep from yelling about being touched. Even that simple touch, from someone he knew wouldn't hurt him..."He doesn't remember who HE is."she said running her fingers through her hair ,turning her head a little to look at Draco."I don't know. I only know what Myst told me.She grew up to be so pretty..."she muttered before shuddering looking at Draco, swallowing hard. Nodding."I...I'll apologize. It just surprised me to find him here..."She muttered, sounding anxious, because she hated the idea of tom being upset over something like this. Espicially when the last twenty years it would have meant something horrible was about to happen.

Brax sighed sitting next to him."It hurt worse when you're upset about something."He said ruffling his friend's hair a little, smiling slightly."Just talk to Alex when she comes back.I'm sure she has her reasons for doing it. "He said, his heart hurting at the thought that him and draco weren't enough. And painfully aware that alex might not consider herself enough anymore to help him."Do you want to go get food?Alex was going to make something."
fortunately for Alex Draco seamed to realize that Alex was having trouble being touched and he stepped away from the woman. “well, to be honest I think that the future only ended up that way because you where missing... with you back we might have a better chance at keeping Tom sane, and happy.” he admitted. “now that we know that Grindle might be a problem, we can watch him. You know the old saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” he smiled. “as long as we can keep an eye on Grindle, we can make sure nothing bad happens.”

he nodded and smiled at Brax, laying his head on the others shoulder. “i'm sure she does... it hurts more when she's away.” he admitted. “when she came back some of the pain went away, it was still there but not so bad.” he admitted. “i'd like food.” he agreed, though you could tell he really only wanted to go and apologize to Alex for yelling at her. “hey Brax, did I ever thank you for being my friend?” he asked smiling at him. “i don't think I could have survived not knowing who I am if it wasn't for you and Draco.” he admitted looking around the room. “i just wish I could remember...”
Alex nodded, looking thoughtful."we'll see how things go."

Brax offered a small smile, "No you didn't, but no thanks are needed. I enjoy takng care of you, and wish I could have stopped this from happening."He said smiling."I'm sure you'll remember.Alex'll be here to help."He said heading out the door, raising a eyebrow at the two in the kitchen. Alex smiled as she looked at Brax and tom, offering a hesitant smile, looking vulnerable and hurt but struggling not to show it. "Hey you two. Hungry?"She asked moving the finished grilled cheese to the plate, tilting her head a little as she waited for a answer.
Tom smiled as he walked after Brax, feeling content now that everyone was home, watching Myst scarf down the burnt sandwich happily, Tom giggling a little as he watched her gorge herself on the grilled cheese and then roll onto her back for a nap. “i'm starving!” tom admitted heading over to Alex looking a little upset. “i'm sorry... I shouldn't have yelled at you... I didn't mean it.” he muttered gently, took her hand carefully and kissing the knuckles. “don't be mad at me?” he asked hopefully, the shy timid boy he was before all the bad things happened.
Alex smiled a little, even as she swallowed hard, trying not to react to being touched."It's okay.I shouldnt have yelled at him....he just caused some bad things to happen in the future. It surprised me to find him here."she muttered before stepping away from the other, making a plate for them all before sitting at the table, pulling his dragon into his lap as the girl slept, anxiously stroking her back as he fought to be calm. Brax frowned a little watching his granddaughter, shaking his head a little as he looked at draco, sitting down and starting to eat."You'll tell me what happened later?"He muttered at Draco, looking up at him.
Tom smiled a little. “i'm sure that everything will be ok now that your home.” he muttered kissing Alex's cheek and sitting down at the table, grinning at Myst as she burped and snuggled into Alex's lap, grinning happily Draco nodding at Brax. “yeah, I'll tell you later.” he promised softly Tom munching into his sandwich as he opened his book and started to read his head tilted. “hey Brax, go run into a tree on your broom again so I can practi...” he paused, his eyes widening. “i remembered something!” yes he had, their first quidditch practice at school Brax had gotten the crap broom in the bunch, and it had slammed him into a tree, Tom's eyes wide as he stared at his best friend. Myst chirping happily as she prodded Tom's side with her tail, making him giggle and squirm.
Alex laughed quietly, giggling a little at the idea."Oh, poor brax."he muttered smiling as he stroked the dragon's head. Brax whined quietly."It's not amusing. That damned tree nearly gave me a heart attack."He whined looking at draco, smiling a he stole a kiss. "You'll start remembering things now."Alex said looking excited about it. Brax snorted a little shaking his head, glad to see that the woman could be excited still."You don't have to enjoy the thought of me getting a shitty broom alex."he whined quietly.
Tom giggled at Brax, beaming at him a little shaking his head and laying his head on Alex's shoulder, Draco biting his lip. “oh, Alex, we need to talk about something too, after breakfast.” he needed to warn Alex about Tom's affectionate needs. Ever since Tom had lost his memory, he had needed to touch, hug, hold hands, even just lean against someone, like his entire life of inaffection was finally catching up, and he was getting all the human interaction he could. It was normal according to Eileen, in fact it was almost expected, but Alex might take it the wrong way if Draco didn't warn her. “oh, by the way Tom, the best way to practice is actually on injured insects and animals.” he explained. “around here there's plenty of them if you look.” Tom brightened and nodded, slapping the book closed and rushing off to find some damaged bugs, Draco chuckling as he examined Alex. “you alright?”
Alex glared at her brother through half closed eyes."I'm fine."She growled even as her hands shook as she picked up her glass. Glaring harder at his hand as he forced herself to stop shaking. She could do this. She could live with being touched by the man that in a different timeline hurt her. "F-fine."She said slowly, closing her eyes. Brax studied the woman looking at draco,horror showing in his eyes."Where ever....he ended up.It's..the same thing wasn't it?"He said sounding sad and horrified. Because he had hoped that being a woman would make sex between tom and alex easier. Shuddering a little he sighed quietly. "You need to tell tom alex."He said knowing the woman would balk at it. "No I don't. Tom needs touch. I'm not a moron Draco, he's affectionate. Now he is anyways.The future one remembered that to."She shuddered a little, because that was the worst of the abuse. That voldemort had even in his worst days, had been kind after hurting her, had made alex care for him.
Draco grimaced a little as she glared at him and smiled at her. “Alex... tom would worry if you didn't explain. And he's already worried AND starting to remember.” he pointed out. “how do you think he's going to feel if you cringe every time he touches you, and he doesn't know why?” he glanced at Brax and sighed a little. “ wasn't like before... it was worse, a lot worse.” he admitted softly. “i'll explain later ok?” he offered kissing Brax's temple before turning his attention back to Alex. “things won't turn out the way they did...we won't let them...we'll change them alright? We will make sure that Tom never ends up the way he did in that time, we'll make him better Alex, I know we can!”

Tom suddenly came bursting into the room a wounded bird cradled in his hands. “Draco! I can't make the spell work!” he complained settling the bird carefully in Draco's hands. “can you fix it's wing instead?” he asked hopefully Draco smiling as he calmly fixed the birds broken wing. “go let it back outside alright Tom?” he asked Tom nodding as he rushed back outside to set the healed bird free. “you see that Alex? That is the Tom of our time, he CARES about things, and loves you...and right now he's in pain and he doesn't even know why.”
Alex sighed quietly watching the scene before hauling herself to her feet, shaking her head slightly."I'll talk to him."She sai looking worried, shuddering a little. This was so going to be bad. She just knew it. Heading for the door she rubbed her arms, struggling not to freak out at the idea. Tilting her head before walking out. Looking sort of freaked out, and smiling a little when he saw Tom letting the bird go."Tom?"He said softly, watching him.Hurting because even when the abuse had been at its worst, he had loved him.

Brax frowned a little, tilting his head as he watched th ewoman leave, before getting to his feet, "Come on.We'll going to go lay down.You're tense and you need backrub.Then you can tell me how things were, and how your hunt for dumbledore's going."He said gently shoving draco's shoulder
om turned and beamed at Alex before looking worried. “Alex? Is everything ok? You look upset.” he muttered gently touching the others elbow, looking worried as he examined his girlfriend his head tilted a little. “do you want me to get you something? I can, I can get you anything you want!” he promised. “i'll get you a hot chocolate, or a blanket, or the bleeding heart Rose, their very rare but I can find one for you!” eager to please in ways that neither Voldemort had been, there really was hope for Tom yet, just by returning Alex had altered the course of history again.

Draco sighed as he stood up obediently and allowed his lover to bully him into the bedroom his eyes closed as they walked. He lay down on the bed when Brax ordered him to and he sighed when he felt the other working his muscles loose as he told Brax what the new Voldemort had been like. He may have taken advantage of his sisters mental instability and peeked at a few memories using Legilimency, he knew Alex was going to be pissed when she found out but that was only if she found out. And then he went on to explain that while he was finding leads to Dumbledore they where all old and kept leading to dead ends. “i'm not sure I still want to hunt him down though, now that Alex is back.” Draco admitted, a mushy pile of goo under Brax's fingers. “and I'm not sure I can stand to be away from you anymore...”
Alex flincehd at the touch, though she ground her teeth to keep from moving away. Knowing the boy didn't mean anything by it."No...we just need to talk."She smiled slightly, tilting her head. Liking the idea of the man eager to get her something. Before nodding a little, "A blanket and hot chocolate would be nice."She said after a moment, grinding his teeth, grinding her teeth and sliding a arm through tom's. She could do this. She could.

Brax sighed, paushingg to brush a kiss to the other's hair, before working on his muscles again, intent on leaving him a pile of goo for a while.""Good. I dont like you being away either."He said before sighing quietly Shaking his head."Let it go then. If dumbledore comes back, we'll deal with it. But for now I think alex is going to need us more then we need to kill dumbledore."
Tom frowned a little at the flinch and stepped away, looking worried. “alex?” he asked before ordering a house elf to get the requested items as Alex wrapped his arm around his, he still looked very worried and he carefully pulled his arm free so they weren't touching. “Alex what's wrong? Are you hurt somehow? Why are you flinching?” he asked gently, making sure not to touch her, worried that he was hurting her somehow.

Draco smiled a little and nodded. “Alex is so hurt inside... so broken... Tom will understand but Alex will still feel bad for hurting Tom... will feel bad for being so broken.” he muttered his eyes closed, limp as a wet rag, perfectly content to be sleepy and calm for a while. “i wish there was something I can do.” he muttered softly swallowing thickly. “i wish I could fix this...”
Alex swallowed hard, looking down at the cup of hot coco the elf had brought her, swallowing the hot liuid as she sat down on the bench, looking at the dark liquid. "Tom...I'm...broken."She said softly, struggling to explain, and wishing the other remembered what had happened before, because explaining would be so much easier."When...when I went to the future, I ended up with a..tyrant of a leader. The future I came back to fix, ended up worse because of what I had changed..."She whimpered quietly, her shoulders slouching."He...he hurt me. Badly."She said avoiding his eyes, not able to say exactly how she'd been hurt, not while looking into tom's oh so worried eyes, when she remembered him as the one who hurt her.

"Alex is a moron.You'd think he'd know better.Tom'll just have to disabuse him of the idea.Again."Brax snorted laughing a little as he laid down next to him, a arm laying over his back."You WILL fix this. Just by being here, it will be fine.And fixed."
Tom listened to her, gently wrapping the blanket around her, careful not to touch her, remembering something else now. “it was me wasn't it? Like last time... I turned out to be a bad guy and I hurt you...” he muttered softly, swallowing thickly. “oh Alex I'm so sorry.” he whispered softly closing his eyes. “i promise... in this time... in this time I won't ever hurt you.” he promised, gently kissing her cheek. “i love you so much.” he admitted softly. “i won't ever do anything to hurt you. And you can smack me around if I do.” he promised smiling at her. “ok?”

Draco smiled and nodded, sighing softly. “yeah, your right. Tom will make his usual promises and I'll make my usual reassurances and Eileen will shock him with how very pregnant she is.” he teased chuckling a little as he set a hand on his belly. “i'm just glad I was wearing a baggy shirt today or Alex would have spent the entire time staring at MY belly.” he smirked. “at least Myst stopped saying that I stink...”
Alex winced a little smiling shyly efore she nodded, wrapping her fingers in the edge of the blanket, drawing it closer. Looking younger then 25 wrapped up in the blanket."Kay."She muttered swallowing hard shifting, leaning into tom. Needing the comfort, even at his worst, voldemort had been a comfort, because he'd been a shadow of this voldemort. "We should go in. I'm tired...and you should be're still hurt."she said, worried over him more then herself smiling as myst fluttere over to them, wrapping his blanket covered arms around the smallish dragon.

Brax snickered, kissing draco's shoulder, a hand resting over draco's."You know she'll remember soon enough.....or Myst will remind her. And myst... well after you yelled at her for calling you fat, I think she'd avoiding you."He pointed out.
he smiled and wrapped his arms around her, being gentle and understanding as he gently kissed her temple. “i love you Alex...” he paused then. “can you answer a question for me?” he asked sounding confused. “why do I remember sucking you off...if your a girl?” he sounded so baffled it was almost hard not to laugh at him as he helped the other stand up. “it's not a physical pain...not really anyway.” he admitted rubbing his chest. “it just hurts.”

Draco smirked a little and nodded. “true.” he agreed biting his lip. “i didn't MEAN to yell at her.” he complained gently shaking his head. “has Grindle found anything about Tom's chest pains?” no, but he was working on it, and since Draco kept running into dead ends he was hoping that Grindle had found something. There was nothing physically wrong with tom, so that meant it was mental or magical.
Alex shuddered slightly, smiling."Well, we'll figure out what's wrong."she said snickering as she wrapped herself tighter in the blanket, stepping closer as she cuddled against him, sighing as they stepped into the house."Oh.Well.Uh..."He blushed at the question."Draco accidently changed me into a girl.I used to be a guy...but...well Draco can't change me back,but I really didnt mind since I hadn't been hurt as a girl so I wanted to stay..."She stuttered a little, avoiding looking at her lover.

Brax smiled, sighing as he shrugging."No.But I'm sure with Alex's help we'll find something since tom said it wasnt hurting as much with her back."he said thoughtully.
he smiled a little and nodded before blushing hard, oh...yeah that makes... ok so no it doesn't make much sense at all.” he admitted chuckling a little shaking his head, rubbing his chest again. “i think you make a better girl, you seam more comfortable in a woman's body.” he admitted chuckling a little as he kissed Alex's cheek smiling at him as he carefully laid Alex into bed and pulled the blankets over her. “i need to go talk to Draco for a moment alright? I'll be right back.” he promised smiling at her before leaving the room, gripping his chest hard, panting furiously as he closed his eyes, resting against the wall as he waited out the pain, not wanting to worry anyone before he finally got up and knocked on Draco's door, opening it with his eyes closed. “...Draco?... the pain's worse again..” he admitted softly,Draco looking over at Tom with worry in his eyes, getting up and getting a potion that they had found that helped his pain. It was a mix of headache relief and healing potions. Tom swallowed it down, Draco looking worried as he ran his hand over Tom's chest, scanning him for damages. “still nothing...”
Brax frowned sitting up on his elbows as he watched his friend. Looking worried at Tom, before sighing gently.""Damn.We need to figure this out."He said hating that he couldn't help his friend more, frowning harder as he studied him, before looking at Draco.Having a idea."Draco...the horcrux.They drove him insane didn't they?What was the pain?"He said looking interested."Because Alex is his soul mate, she's acting as a balance."He said running his fingers through his story, trying hard. Hating not being able to think of something. He was brilliant!Almost as brilliant as his grandson and friend. Dammit he should be able to figure this out.
Tom rubbed his chest as the pain started to fade, Draco paling as he looked at Abraxas and then darted out of the bed and raced down the hall to where he had hidden both horcrux and the book, yanking them all up and rushing tot he library to look something up as Tom blinked and then headed back to Alex, crawling into bed with her and sighing softly, hoping to get some sleep, but knowing he wouldn't without a sleeping potion. But he wasn't allowed to take them more than once a week, or he would get addicted, and he already had enough problems.
Alex smiled absently in her sleep, shifting, snuggling against tthe man holding her, trusting in her sleep.

in the morning Alex smiled, wincing away from the man holding her, raising his head. Looking down at tom, smiling slightly, swallowing hard. Gently brushing Alex's hair out of his face, gently tugging on the strands."Love how are you feeling?"He asked looking at the heavy lidded man, who looked like he hadn't slept at all, or at least not a lot.

Brax sighed leaning against the doorframe, snickering a little at the sight of draco sitting at the desk, his hair sticking up every which way after having his hands run through it all night."Did you sleep at all?"he said walking over leaning down to steal a kiss.
Tom opened his eyes and smiled at his lover, looking tired as he nodded. “i'm feeling ok.” he muttered snuggling into the other. “had nightmares.” he lied. “can't remember much of them.” another lie, and a poor one at that as he simply let the others body warm him, unwilling to let Alex know just how bad the pain was in his chest. It came and went, but today the pain was just intense, it was enough to make Tom want to cry.

Draco looked over at Brax with terror in his eyes. “we're in deep shit love.” he stated softly. “come listen to this.” he muttered looking back at the book. “an accidental Horcrux is very rare, and very disasters. It can only occur when one has already created a horcrux and split their souls. An accidental horcrux occurs when the person has suffered a great trauma, and then killed someone, ripping their soul into two, or more pieces, contrary to the cutting that a purposeful Horcrux uses. An accidental horcrux causes a great deal of agony, leaving the soul sore and raw and bleeding until the pain becomes too much and the person is forced to make another horcrux on purpose just to end the pain. But at that point madness is a sure fire thing. There is no known cure, and madness is the only known result...” he looked up at Brax, biting his lip. “i've been pouring through books and I haven't found anything!”
Alex sighed wrapping his arms around the boy slowly, pressing a kiss to his head hesitantly. "You don't lie well.Or at least not to me."He said wrapping herself around him, even though the thought of that much contact had her mentally cringing she did it. "Shhh I know it hurts love. We'll figure it out. Even if I have to go to the future to do it, I will."He said slowly, stroking his hair.

Brax looked shoked, his jaw dropping a little."Which is how the original one ended up with so many. "He sighed quietly running his fingers through his hair, pressing a iss to draco's head."we have to call grindle. If anyone has a idea what to do, he would.Despite not being evil. he does enjoy the dark arts."He said, already turning the idea over in his head
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