Love across time

Tom swallowed hard, clutching his chest. “it hurts.” he finally admitted, letting himself express the pain for once as tears sprang to his eyes. “it hurts so much Alex...” in the future, Tom wasn't mad, so something must have happened to stop the madness and the pain alike, but what? “i don't understand why it hurts so much...”

Draco hesitated a little. “yes but it doesn't make sense, the future Tom, the one that Alex met this last time, he wasn't crazy, or in pain either... so, what happened? I'm not sure I want to involve Grindle in this, from what the older Myst told Alex it's Grindelwald's fault that Tom went dark...” he bit his lip a little. “but... if we can save Tom from the pain... I know it's getting worse, he hides it well but he's constantly rubbing his chest now... “ he sighed and scrubbed his face with his hands. “i just don't know anymore... yes, let's Fire Call Grindle now, see if he won't come over and try to help.”
Alex sighed quietly, shifting,sliding his fingers through Tom's, pressing gentle fingers into the others chest with a sigh, " accidently made a horcrux.That kind of magic hurts.After awhile anyways."She said pressing a kiss to his head, trying to remember if she'd ever asked the future one what changed.She needed to change things, soon. She was going insane watching the man be in this much pain.

"Involoving Grindle is a risk,but in the future past, Alex wasn't here to counteract his presence. Now she is."He frowned slightly, pressing a kiss to draco's head before letting the other stand up."If we don't do something soon, it's going to kill him.Or drive him insane."He said trying not to think about it, because if they went and asked the future,they might change things again, make things worse.But it might be the only way.To ask a future that shouldn't exist, to save a past from shaping the future.
Tom sighed softly as he felt Alex's cool hand against his chest, setting his hands over the others, keeping his hand there. “you make the pain hurt less...” he admitted softly, closing his eyes relaxing slightly. “it hurts less when your really close, like this.” he admitted snuggling into her sighing softly as he closed his eyes and went to sleep, too exhausted to be kept awake by pain anymore.

Draco nodded as he stood up, kissing Brax gently and smiling at him. “alright, I'll go and call Grindle.” he decided smiling at the other. “why don't you go and tell Alex what we're up to, while I make the call... so that she's not 'surprised' again. He headed over to the fireplace and took the Floo and called Grindle, who came over right away stepping through the fire and shaking out his shaggy hair. “Tom's in trouble?” Grindle asked, eyes ablaze with worry as Draco nodded and led the man over tot he Horcux book, Grindle looking horrified as he realized that Tom was hurt more than he could have ever imagined. “it's no wonder Alex is so protective of him, after all the pain that poor boy has been through...”
"No, thats not only why I'm protective."Alex said, swaggering into the room, looking so much like the male verison of himself that it was lke looking in a mirror, before a smile dimpled her cheek, making her look younger and more relaxed."I'm sorry Grindlewald.I didn't...I'm sorry."she said running her fingers through her, not about to explain what he had suffered under a sane voldemort. Looking at Draco."Brax sent me in here, since I was still awake and he wanted to go back to sleep. Something about not sleeping well last night."he said smiling a little at his brother, very aware the other man stayed awake all night."Now. What can we do?"He said looking between the men
Grindlewald looked over at Alex and gave the woman a polite nod. “it is quite alright lady, my reputation has been dragged through the mud, and I can understand why people are uncomfortable with me near the children of the future.” he chuckled a little. “or, as Draco once said 'you stay away from my boys you evil son of a bitch or I'll...” “ALRIGHT!” Draco complained blushing hard. “i was upset! There's no need to hold grudges!” Grindelwald laughed at Draco's mortification and winked at Alex before he sobered, looking over the horcrux book. “i don't know this....” he hesitated thinking of the word to use. “science. Dabbling with one's soul is not something I would normally try.” he admitted sitting down and looking it over, scowling a little. “and having him make another horcrux won't solve the problem either, it will stop the pain but the madness will grow, the poor boy is already half mad from the past he can't remember.” Draco nodded. “so what do we do?” “well... I don't know.” Grindelwald admitted with a sigh. “this is dangerous territory... do you have the horcrux he made already?” “yes, here.” he stated laying them on the table, Grindlewald leaning in to examine them, but he didn't touch much to Draco's relief. “what happens when you destroy one?” Grindle asked hesitantly. “we don't know, we haven't dared try.” Draco admitted. “they soul could go back to tom, or the soul could be destroyed. I haven't come across anyone who knows.” “perhaps we can find a way to put the soul back in tom, without destroying the horcrux?”
Alex frowned a little as he sat down in front of the chair, looking thoughtful and plucking the necklace off the desk without thinking about it, gentle fingers running over the magic metal."Potter destroyed one, do you remember?"He said sounding thoughtful, shuddering a little, feeling the touch of tom's soul,even if it wasn't his tom."Voldemort never noticed. Not until the end...and by then potter was dead."He sighed quietly, biting his lip."But that was someone else destroying it. What if we let Tom touch it.After he made them, he never touched them unless he had to."He said, rambling because he didn't know how else to explain."What if touch binds them to him, and when they're undone, the soul piece goes back to him?"
Draco nodded. “we can only try, even if the soul isn't sucked back into him, we can only hope It will make the pain better.” Draco agreed picking up the necklace. “should we try with the on purpose one, or the accidental one first?” “the on purpose one, if it's a bad reaction this one should react much less violently than the other one. Theoretically that's they way most spells work.” he stated, and he wasn't wrong. On purpose spells usually hurt a little, like a stinging hex, but someone who accidentally cast a stinging hex it hurt a lat and both participants usually got stung. Draco agreed and picked up the journal, stuffing the necklace back in his pocket. “is Tom finally sleeping?” Draco asked, hesitant to wake the poor hurting boy.
Alex nodded slightly,"He was. But I don't think he'll stay asleep if I stay down here.So he might be awake by now."She said getting up heading for the door."And don't lok so hesitant. It does nothing for your uncaring malfoy mask."She teased shaking her head."We'll wake him up because this needs done, sooner rather then later. And if nothing else, I'll knock his ass out and let him sleep."She said amused gently knockng on the door, waiting for a reply. Snickering when he realized brax must have fallen asleep to.
Draco snorted a little and gave Alex the finger, Grindelwald chuckling as he followed them up to the room, glancing around as he watched Tom and Brax sleeping, curled against each other making Draco and Grindelwald smile. “they look so innocent.” Grindelwald teased. “makes you forget their complete hellions.” Draco chuckled at that and nodded. “it is hard to forget that their little demons sometimes. He agreed carefully moving over to Tom and gently shaking his shoulder. “Tom? We need you to wake up.” he muttered softly, Tom shifting slowly, blinking at him a little. “what is it?” he asked, sluggish as Draco held the book out to him. “we need you to touch this.” Tom froze staring at it. “i..i don't want to... it feels bad.” he complained, his voice a whisper. “i don't like to touch it... that's why I never made a second one...”
Alex swallowed hard, picking up the small dragon sleeping next to Tom's head, gently settling her in his lap."It's okay. Myst'll protect you."He muttered sitting on the edge of the bed gently stroking Tom's hair. Looking worried, swallowing hard. "please tom.I know you never meant to make another one, and I know I never wanted you to make another one, but love, we think that it will help with the pain."she said soothingly, trying to make the boy feel better gently closing her own hand around the book stroking the cover with her fingertips, shuddering a little at the touch of dark magic. Forcing herself to stay still even if she wanted to run away screaming.
Tom swallowed thickly as he examined the book, Myst crooning softly and picking his hand up in her tiny paws and tried to drag it tot he book. “ think I should too Myst?” he asked hesitant, nervous... Scared. “take your time son.” Grindle stated softly, gently gripping Tom's shoulder. “you don't have to do it any faster than what your ready to do.” Tom swallowed thickly and shook his head. “i don't want to...” but he was slowly reaching for the book, hesitating a bare inch from it, Myst bumping his hand again, tom swallowing thickly as he set his hand on the book and waited, blinking a little. “n...nothing happened...” he muttered Grindle sighing as he shook his head. “i had hoped...” he admitted softly. “there must be a reason why Tom doesn't like touching them though....” Draco complained lifting the book and examining it before pausing. “hey... it doesn't feel slimy anymore...” he stated frowning a little before his eyes widened... “he purified the Dark out of it! Because he's not Dark anymore when he touched it the soul inside it turned...well, Not Dark too!” Draco stated looking amazed Tom trembling violently. “don't make me touch it again...please.. it crawls up my arm... and into me...”
Alex's jaw dropped a little before snatching the book out of Tom's hand, examining, looking for something intently. "Alex..what are you doing?"Brax said frowning at the woman as she seemed to examine every page and every crevice. "He said it crawled up his arm. It's not the dark magic only, he reclaimed his soul.I think."she said wrapping her arms around Tom pressing a kiss to his head before he looked up at Draco."We need someway to test it."she bit her lip smiling a little as myst bumped her arm, gently petting the dragon's head. Brax smiled slightly as he looked at the ouple, then takng the book from alex, before looking at draco."How about we go research while you two get some sleep.Tom's not been sleeping. You need sleep."He said crawling out of the bed, ordering the other couple to sleep because they looked like they needed it.
Draco blinked and looked at Grindle, the man scowling a little. “let me see... there's a spell, that Guards use in Azakaban to check and make sure all the prisoners still have their souls.” he admitted. “Sometimes a prisoner would just give up, and sink into themselves, and the Guards couldn't tell if they had given up or if the Dementors had got them so they developed this spell to test if they still had their souls.” he explained smiling a little as he ran his hand over the book, frowning a little. “this is strange...” he muttered looking at Draco. “may I see the locket?” he asked Draco handing it over, biting his lip as Grindle ran his hand over the locket and yelped, dropping both the locket and the book as his hand sizzled as if it had been burned, Tom missing the whole thing, having fallen asleep again. “shit!...that hurt...” Grindle groaned clutching his burned hand, which looked more like it had been melted a bit. “it mistook my sensing charm as an attack I think.” he admitted as Draco carefully picked up the locket by the chain. Tom whined a little as Draco yawned and then shook his head. “no way am I leaving you and Grindle alone, your personalities clash too much, you might try to kill each other.” he stated. “besides, we need to all work on this, I AM the most clever person around you know.” “save for tom.” Grindle teased smirking a little. “he out smarted you three times already.”
Alex made a face at her brother, raising a eyebrow."Oh no, I'm brilliant. More brilliant then him.Tom says so." "Well,its good to see your sense of arrogance wasn't broken alex."Brax said, sounding like a disapproving parent for a moment, thoguh the affect was ruined by his smile. Alex snickered shrugging as she took the locket and book from grindle, trying the sensing spell. Shuddering a little as he felt the locket lash out at him, but not the book."I don't think the books containing anything anymore."she said slowly, rubbing her hand from where the locket had zapped her. before looking at draco, smirkign slightly."Besides, everyone knows Brax's is more clever then Draco.After all, HE became a brilliant wizard, even before you were a twinkle in your papa's eyes."He snickered, amused at teasing him.
Grindle shook his head. “no there's something in there, I just... can't tell what it is... it feels like... remnant memories...” he admitted scowling at the book, Tom's eyes fluttering open. “it's supposed to have memories in there.” he muttered softly. “i put them in there. Copies of my memories.” he explained smiling a little. “it's like... a pensive... only better.” he muttered softly. “it has my memories, and my personality, as long as...” he yawned a little. “as long as I update it... it will, be a complete record... of my entire life.” he mumbled snuggling into a pillow and closing his eyes again. “it doesn't hurt so much anymore.” he muttered softly. “i'm tired now...go away..” he complained softly, Grindle gaping at Tom. “are you kidding me!? He has NO idea what he created! A copy of his own person! Sure it's held in a book but.... Christ he has no idea! I knew he was a genius but not to know what he made!” Grindle shook his head as Draco calmly healed Grindle's hand. “come on, lets get out of here so Tom can sleep. Brax will you watch him?” Draco asked Brax hopefully, his head tilted a little. “i don't want him to be alone right now, he's too unstable.”
Brax nodded a little as he snuggled down into his best friend."Go. I'm going to get some sleep.And take alex with you.She'll looking positively antsy."He said knowing it was more then that.

Alex rolled her eyes as she headed for the door quiet until they got back to the library, moving to look out the window, before looking at Draco."Dray, you remember what potter experienced in the chamber of secrets?He met the younger tom, because it was a horcrux.if...if it exists here, it exists in the future."she said,biting her lip, wondering what was bothering her, but knowing something was.
Grindelwald looked surprised his head tilted. “what... you mean Tom wasn't lying when he told me you two where time travelers!?” he demanded eyes wide. “.. you.. you. I need to sit down.” he complained settling into a chair and setting his hand over his eyes Draco chuckling a little. “yes, we really are time travelers, of a sort.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “whats wrong Alex?” he asked his head tilted as he picked up the journal, “potter did find this journal, my father gave it to Ginny to open the chamber of secretes... but..” he paused, frowning, not following. “are you afraid of someone else finding this journal and using Tom's secretes against him or something?”
Alex rubbed her shoulder,feeling the raised scars under the silk of her shirt."I don't know."she sighed quietly,"Something's bothering me and I don't know what. I...I think it's because I spent time with the older Voldemort, that it's seriously disturbing me that we didn't realize this before."she shook her head,frowning slightly."Those memories...are weapons against him. I'd destroy it if I thought we could."she frowned at draco."Draco...what if...what if tom still turns out bad,even after we do this?"She asked, true worry and fear showing on her face. Afraid of meeting up with the elder voldemort she'd spent 20 years with, instead of fixing things. Not understanding the fear, but having managed to survive through the descrutction of the death eaters by living on instinct, he wasn't about to ignore them now.
Draco scowled then. “no... I think things will be better.” he admitted. “as long as your here Tom is stable, have you noticed that he doesn't act strangely anymore?” he directed this question to Grindle who nodded. “ever since Alex came back he doesn't stare off into space anymore, and he doesn't do that weird thing where he looks at us as if he's forgotten us all over again.” Grindle admitted. “yes I think your right, Alex is keeping him stable... you don't think...” “i do.. I think their both two halves of one soul... soul mates. Alex's soul is keeping Tom's stable.” Grindle nodded. “so even if someone like me or Lucien where to influence the boy into something bad...” “then Alex could pull him ba... wait WHAT!?” “tom told me.” Grindle admitted with a chuckle. “he overheard you two talking, told me you thought I was the reason that he went insane... I can't deny that I'm in the dark arts myself, but I would never suggest it to Tom, not while I'm in my right mind.” he admitted shaking his head. “i'm sane now but who knows what will happen in the future, hell I might even become addicted tot eh dark arts myself.” he shrugged. “there's no telling really.” Grindle admitted Draco gaping at him. “Tom really does tell you everything doesn't he?” Draco complained Grindle snickering as he nodded. “unfortunately yes...” he admitted chuckling a little. “but I love him... he's like a son to me... he reminds me a lot of my own child, Zander...” everyone knew that Zander had died, just about when he was Tom's age, in an accident while at Hogwarts.
"Funny, how many accidents happen to young wizards at hogwarts isn't it?"Alex said absently, mostly not paying attention before turning around to look at Draco, brightening slightly."That's why I can tell which is still a horcrux or not."He said tilting his head.."Do you think I could also cleanse the locket?"He asked, looking for a way to not make tom do it again."And...the brat.He wasn't supposed to hear that."she said scowling a little looking out the window. Remembering what else had been said in that conversation. Remembering some of the memories that he'd told draco. No wonder tom hadn't been surprised when she'd said tom'd been the one to hurt her.
Grindle chuckled a little and nodded. “he hears a lot of things he's not supposed to.” he admitted sighing a little. “always hanging at doorways.” he chuckled a little and sighed as he nodded. “Zander's death, was the first step Dumbledore took against me.” he admitted. “from there it was easy for him to claim that Zander had died dabbling in the black arts and that it was my fault for teaching it to him.” he shook his head a little. “Dumbledore has a lot to pay for, and I doubt that we've seen the last of him.” he grumbled scowling a little. “hey, Alex if you think you can purify the soul, you should do it... if we can fix the ragged edges we might be able to save Tom.” Draco admitted Grindle nodding. “it's either that or we get Tom to do it, and with this soul being so ragged and filled with bad memories, who knows the repercussions of that...” Grindle muttered frowning a little. “if you can purify the bad out of it first, Tom might be less frightened of touching it later...”
Alex nodded."We'll see if I can."she sai crossing the room before she could think better of it, picking the locket up off the desk,closing her fingers around the chain.Swallowing hard as she pushed magic into the locket, shuddering as she felt the magic trying to eat at her, knees buckling as she slid to the floor. IT hitting her so much harder because she'd spent time in the prescence of voldemort, the locket's magics tearing at the memories. Shuddering as she snarled at it, wincing as she felt not only the dark magic creating the hocrux snap, but tom's soul snap into her. Settling in a deep place in her heart, soothing the ragged edges tom's abuse had caused. Since they shared a soul, it was like settling into tom's. One soul, split into two different bodies...alex and tom really were soul mates, and shared everything that mattered."I...ow...that hurt."she giggled a little in relief that it hadn't been worse, and hoped that released the dark magic and the bit of soul locked in the locket, would help tom.Needed to believe it would.
Draco and Grindle both caught her when she buckled, Grindle snatching the locket out of her hands, pausing when he realized the locket was only a locket once more, his eyes widening as he realized that the soul was no longer in the locket, blinking a little as he looked over at Draco who nodded and gently stroked Alex's cheek. “Alex? Love are you ok?” he asked softly before shaking his head, picking her up and heading for Tom's room, laying her down next to tom, blinking at Brax. “we think that Alex just fixed Tom's soul, but we can't be sure until he wakes up... I have some things to talk about with Grindle, will you watch them? Let me know when they wake up?”
Brax blinked at him sleepily, before nodding."Go.We'll be fine."he muttered going back to sleep. cuddling his friend.

Within a few hours Alex whimpered as she woke blinking stupidly as she cuddled into the soft bed, her head hurting something fierce. Whimpering when she heard Brax talking."Draco, she's awake."Brax said as he leaned out the door to talk, wincing as Alex flinched, looking at tom, gently shaking him awake again."tom?Alex is finally awake"he said, amused that his friend had woken once, just to see if alex was awake before falling back asleep.
Tom blinked awake as Draco came into the room, Draco smiling. “how are you two feeling?” he asked, keeping his voice low, though Tom winced anyway at the headache pounding in his head... but. “my chest... it...doesn't hurt anymore.” tom whispered, amazed. “it feels...full...whole... better.” he admitted rubbing his chest before smiling at Draco and Alex. “you fixed me.” he muttered before wincing. “oh... my head hurts.” he complained softly, pressing a hand to his head, snuggling into Alex. “tell Draco not to talk so loudly....”
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