Love across time

Tom didn't notice the growing crowd in the kitchen doorway as he mixed up some more batter, cursing as he had to dig out a dozen pieces of eggshell yet again, Draco chuckling. “Myst needs sleep.” he corrected smiling at her. “Myst will be fine Alex, you'll see.” Draco promised, Tom cussing loudly as another pancake burned and he glared at an elf when it stepped too close, the elf squeaking in horror and stepping back to sulk as Tom dropped an egg on the floor, the boy sighing as he shook his hard. “damn! Why is this so hard!?” he demanded, yelping when he turned and spotted the people in the doorway, his eyes wide. “ long have you been there!?” he demanded his eyes wide as he dropped the batter, the thick, far too thick goo spilling across the floor. “oh goddammit!”
Brax smiled slightly."Long enough. No worries, I'll cook.You go back to bed with alex, or if you must be up, go to the living room."He ordered waving a hand to clean up the mess."Go."He said. Alex smiled as he walked over to tom, kissing him gently,wrapping her arms around her."Lovely, I appericiate the thought,but love, you don't like cooking."He teased stealing a kiss brushing his fingers through his hair.
Tom sighed a little and shook his head as he sulked at Brax, letting Alex drag him off, Draco chuckling a little as he moved into the kitchen to get in Brax's, help... yeah, help Brax.... “but I wanted to do something nice for you... since that bastard hurt you yesterday... I wanted to do something good for you.” Tom complained to Alex sighing a little. “only.. cooking is a LOT harder than Potions is.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “they don't have detailed enough instructions!” he complained pouting a little. “i'll think of something else to do for you!”
Alex laughed softly raising a eyebrow as she pulled the an down onto the couch with him,wrapping his arms around him."Hmm?Like what?"she said stroking tom's hair, looking amused as she tried to not think about all the things that he could do. Not wanting to rush him into sex or anything close to it.

Brax laughed as he started cooking, pointing to the table."Sit. Watch. You're not helping me cook."He said already knowing his lover was a disater when he tried cooking. So he wasn't about to let him anywhere near his food.
Tom laughed a little and shook his head a little. “i dunno.” he admitted smiling a little. “what would you like to do?” he asked his head tilted a little before kissing the others neck. “we could go on a date? or... we could take a bath...or we could go flying...” he hated flying, but if it made the other feel better he would do it.

Draco pouted a little and shook his head but sat down anyway. “i was only gonna mix!” he whined rather pathetically, Draco was good at mixing, he always made very sure to get every little clump and bubble out, which could take forever, making him not so good of a mixer.
Alex moaned softly, tilting her head away. Needing to feel clean, wanting to get the other voldemort's touch off him."Let's take a bath.We'll both feel better."He smiled sliding off the bed heading for the bathroom. Smiling sweetly over her shoulder at tom, looking teasing and cute.

Brax snorted slightly as he mixed his pancakes, "No you're not. You take forever you obssessive bastard."He teased leaning for for a kiss, sighing quietly before shifting closer, sliding into his lap, pancakes forgotten for the moment
Tom smiled as he nuzzled the other, kissing him gently. “good, I need to wash him off you.” he muttered smiling at the other. “because your mine, and I'm yours, and no one will ever take you away from me again.” he promised kissing her again before leading her to the bathroom and drawing the bath just the way she liked.

Draco pouted a little. “but you have to get all the clumps out or the pancakes get those ugly little bubbles in them.” he complained sulking a little as he nuzzled the other, smirking as he bit the others neck. “mmm not getting horny are you?” he teased smirking a little. “you don't want to burn my breakfast now do you? You know I'll whine and bitch.” he teased chuckling a little teasing his lover and himself.
Alex smiled as she undressed, climbing in the bath with a smile as she sank into the bubble bath with a sigh."Good.I don't want to go anywhere."She growled, pulling him down for a kiss, before shifting away, grabbing a rag and soap, starting to scrub, her skin becoming raw the longer she did.

"You whine and bitch anyways."Brax said kissing him slowly, snapping his fingers to summon a elf."Cook breakfast."He ordered as he pressed himself tighter against his blond, having every intention of screwing him in the kitchen.
Tom smiled as he slipped into the bath with her, frowning when she started scrubbing the wash rag away, shaking his head. “stop.” he ordered taking the wash rag, kissing her cheek. “let me.” he ordered softly, running the rag gently over her body, calm and careful, helping wash away his filth the way that she had helped him after the muggles had raped him. “i'm going to help you, ok? I'll help make it all better, anything I can do, ok?”

Draco chuckled a little as he kissed the other back. “mmm but isn't that what you like about me?” he asked with a smirk rubbing himself along the other. “mmm we're not going to do it in the kitchen are we? That SO unhygienic.” he teased snickering a little. “and remember the last time we did it in a public place? Lucien walked in on us.” he teased chuckling a little.
"O-okay."Alex looked up at him with slightly wide eyes,tears filling her eyes as she shifted, snuggling into tom's arms as sobs shook her shoulders, finally breaking under the pain. After having been strong to deal with what was wrong with tom, and now voldemort coming back she was breaking under it. It was a well deserved cry.

Brax smirked, rocking against him a little."Ohhh yes we are. Live dangerously draco."He teased "My father can always use a education on how sex is these days."He snickered stealing another kiss."And yes, I do like your whining.I must be a maschosist or something."
Tom smiled as he held her tightly, rubbing her back gently and rocking her, helping her to calm down and cry out her broken pain, kissing her forehead as he sang her a soft lullaby that Lady Malfoy had taught him. Just comforting and letting her cry.

Draco moaned eagerly and smirked as he kissed the other more, licking his lips. “yes you must be.” he purred shedding his pants as quickly as he could, panting eagerly. “so where are you going to fuck me?” he asked smirking a little. “on the counter, or over the table? Maybe against the fridge?” he teased s,irking as he drove his hands down the others pants and gently squeezed.
Alex shuddered as she calmed down, closing her eyes as she leaned into him."I love you."She stuttere a little, sighing quietly. needing to talk, but she didnt know if tom could handle hearing it."Thank you."She muttered rubbing her eyes.

Brax moaned thrusting against his hand a little before easing away, pulling the blond out of his chair and pressing him against the fridge."Hmmm the fridge.You'll need something to lean against."He growled lustfully, hands stroking his lover's body.Taking his time undressing himself.
Tom smiled as he nuzzled his lover, holding her close. “shh, I know.” he murmured smiling a little. “just relax love. We can talk in a little bit ok? For now let's get you clean.” he muttered running the washcloth gently over her body again. “i love you too.” he promised hesitating when he'd washed everything but her breasts and lower regions. “uh... do you want to wash those or...?”

Draco moaned as he was pinned to the fridge, shuddering a little. “Oh fuck, love, that's so kinky.” he groaned squirming against the other whining when Brax took his time. “no, oh Brax don't tease please.” he pleaded. “i'm o horny, so so horny, need you to fuck me please.”
Alex blushed hard, ducking her head embarassed as he took the rag washing herself. While she wanted sex,she didn't want to pressure tom into touching her more. "Ifeel better..."She muttered leaning against him, smiling slightly closing her eyes.

Brax laughed softly sliding into his lover with a muttered lubing spell and a quick thrust of his hips,resting his head on the other's shoulder, sighing quietly in pleasure as he fucked him slowly, teasingly."Hmmm kinky is what I do best."he teased.
he blushed and chuckled a little. “sorry...” he muttered smiling. “i'm not used tot he whole naked thing yet.” he admitted kissing her neck, his eyes fixed on her boobs. “how come boobs are so mesmerizing?” he asked softly his head tilted a little. “i'm glad you feel better love.” he admitted smiling as he nuzzled her.

Draco moaned as he felt the other slid inside, panting softly. “oh god yesss...” he moaned gripping the fridge tightly. “oh nooo, Brax your still teasing!” he whined, arching against him. “please, please don't tease, I need it, need it so bad. Fuck me hard... please fuck me hard...”
Alex blushed a little, looking down at her chest, raising her hnds, cpping her boobs as she brught them up so she coudl look better. Looking slightly goofy there doing it."I don't know.I've always been gay. Never saw the appeal in boobs."He said thoughtfully.

Brax moaned softly, biting his shoulder, gripping his hip tightly to keep him still, thrusting into him harder."Ohh I'll fuck you in my own time."He said laughing as he gave into the other's demands, fucking him harder.
Tom blushed as the Boobs where lifted more into view and he grabbed them before he could think better of it and started massaging them gently, giggling like the little virgin he was. “their sooo soft and squishy.” he purred kissing her neck. “i'll have to ask Lucien why their so.... so..” he paused then. “fun!” he decided on a word, giggling again as he wrapped his arms around her belly, smiling a little. “your so perfect.” he purred happily.

Draco moaned eagerly, whimpering as he was held still, panting hard. “oh god... oh god...” he moaned, clenching tightly around him, arching intot he harder fucking. “yes, oh thank you love, oooh god I love the way you fuck me, love the way you pound me.”
Alex moaned quietly at the touch,swallowing hard shivering a little."Fun?"she teased before easing away."Come on, lets go to bed."She said blushing ever so slightly as she dried off, trying not to think about what they could do.

Brax moaned shuddering as he gripped the other close to him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder as he came. The stress of confronting brax overwelming him, making him think of the idea of losing draco. Holding him tightly as he came, biting down on hsi shoulder as he dragged the other down to the floor with him.
he giggled a little and nodded. “yeah, fun.” he stated smiling at her before blushing hard as he watched her crawl out of the bath, naked and wet and coated in bubbles and he swallowed hard as he suddenly cupped his hands over his groin. “uh... you...go on ahead... I', gonna soak a little longer.” no, he was going to masturbate, fearful of her reaction to his obvious arousal. She had suffered a traumatic event and he didn't want to make it worse.

He groaned loudly and Came all over the Fridge, panting hard. “oh..oh g..god.” he moaned trembling against Brax, arching into the bite with an eager moan, smiling as he snuggled into the other, kissing him even as he was dragged tot eh floor. “i love you Brax.” Draco muttered smiling at the other, his head tilted. “is everything alright? You look upset..”
Alex paused in the doorway, wrapping a towel around herself, biting her lip as she studied her lover. Looking slightly confused, wondering why tom didnt' want to touch her now."ARe you sure?"she said tilting her head, blushing a little. sighing quietly as she studied him, swallowing hard as things low in her stomach tightened at the sight of him sitting there in the tub. Even if it had been traumatic, it had still been tom Which made it worse and okay all at once.

Brax shuddered pressing a kiss to the other's head as he settled on his back,settling draco on top of him, wrapping his arms around him."Just thinking about how close voldemort came to killing all of us."he muttered."I love you.You're never allowed going anywhere."He said tightening his hold.
Draco blushed hard as he glanced at Alex, giggling nervously. “i'm s..s...sure.” he stuttered, clearly trying to hide his arousal from Alex looking at his girlfriend with such lust that it was even easier to tell that he wanted to srew her into every available surface, but he just blushed and swallowed hard, not willing to push his girlfriend more than she was ready.

Draco smiled a little as he snuggled into the other. “Voldemort wasn't even close.” he muttered. “he was close to killing Tom, he probably wouldn't have killed you and me, since he killed us once already.” he pointed out. “but he's gone now.” he promised smiling as he kissed Brax happily. “but alright, we won't go anywhere.” he promised nuzzling him gently. “but I do need to go back to school, I've been named Headmaster, and I have people to fire, teachers to hire, and a government to get on my side.” he admitted chuckling a little.
Alex raised a eyebrow, smiling a little devlishly as she walked across the room,crouching down next to the tub,tugging him close for a kiss."Hmmm so sure?"He teased sliding his fingers through tom's hair ,shuddering a little.

Brax smiled, "Ahh well, I'm going to be going with you then."He said yawning before getting up, nudging him a little."Come on.We better get off the kitchen floor before my parents come in."He said laughing looking for their clothes.
he shivered eagerly moaning softly as he kissed the other intently, driving his tongue into the others mouth panting softly. “ god I want you so bad.” he groaned, sounding rather ashamed of that. “but your not ready.. he..i hurt you...” he whimpered, kissing down her neck, stroking her waist with his fingers, just not able to control himself with her so close.

He groaned and smirked a little. “they already walked in.” he teased chuckling a little. “i'm not surprised you didn't notice, I almost didn't.” he admitted yawning as he snuggled into Brax. “carry me oh protective one, I'm lazy.”
Alex swallowed hard, shuddering a little as she pressed a kiss to tom's shoulder, easing away."Come on.We should go to bed."She said ducking her head shyly, smiling as she stepped back, heading for the bedroom. Needing to do this, because it was the only way she could forget everything else.

"Lazy bones, whatever am I going to do with you?"He teased dressing before picking up draco,heading for his bedoom,pressing a kiss to his hair before tucking him into bed."Awww baby draco's going to sleep."He teased.
Tom whined when Alex eased away and his crazy teenage hormones had him scrambling after her once he'd managed to yank his pants on panting once he managed to get into the bedroom, pulling her down for another eager, wanting kiss, groaning softly. “i need you... I need you so much.” he whispered softly. “god I shouldn't but I want you.”

Draco chuckled a little. “you could baby me and lavish me with all the attention I need?” he offered smirking a little as he kissed his lover, smiling a little. “yes, baby Draco is going to bed, and if Mommy Brax doesn't get in here right now Baby Draco is going to whine and cry and fuss and NEVER go to sleep.”
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