Love across time

Myst suddenly shrieked, diving out of Alex's room and wrapping around Alex's neck the way she always did when Alex started freaking out, crooning softly as Tom picked her up and smiled at the other two. “go back to your wedding, I'll talk to her.” he promised kissing her cheek gently as he carried her into the bedroom, Draco hesitating. “oh dear... oh dear oh dear...” now he really was torn. His love for Alex and his need to be socially polite was tearing him in two.
Brax snorted, laughing quietly. While he felt torn, he wasn't nearly as torn up as draco.After all, he knew just how fussy myst and tom was going to be over the woman.So he wasn't about to go spend time in the room with them."We'll check on them later love."He said, tugging him towards the stairs to go back downstairs.

Alex stirred a little as she was settled in bed, blinking at the face full of dragon she was getting."...myst...what are you doing..."She muttered gently pushing the larger dragon to the side.
Draco hesitated and then nodded following Brax back down to the guests, sulking because he couldn't have any wine, drinking some fruit punch instead, greeting and chatting with the many guests, most of Slytherin had arrived, there was a flash of movement suddenly and then Draco was screaming in pain, blood splattering the ground as he collapsed, clutching bis belly as a man stood over him, diving for his neck until he was restrained by the other guests, Draco sobbing as he tried to stem the flow of blood spilling from his swollen belly, panting hard. “Death to those who oppose Dumbledore!”

Myst purred and Tom chuckled as he kissed Alex's forehead. “she was worried, you where really upset, you passed out.” he explained Myst nuzzling Alex's face all over, purring, happy now that her mother was awake.
Brax cursed diving for draco as the other fell,wincing as he wasn't fast enough to catch him. Firing a curse to keep the man bound and where he was he crouched down next to Draco,hands closing over his stomach, muttering a healing spell. Trying to stop it.But realizing he needed someone else."Get tom.And alex."He growled knowing tom's brillance combined with alex's battlefield training is what he needed."Shh draco, you'll be okay."He muttered watching his mother disappear up the stairs.

"Tom!Alex!Draco needs you. Now!"Morgana demanded before running back downstairs. Alex looking confused for a moment petting myst before she processed what she'd said. Fear crossing her face as she stumbled out of the bed, heading for the door.
Draco coughed hard as blood spilled out of his lips, a tiny sob falling from his lips as Grindelwald set his hand on Draco's shoulder. “a healing spell won't work!” he stated calmly. “we have to get him to Mungo's, NOW!” he stated shaking Brax. “the knife could have hit the baby! We can't heal that we're not skilled enough! Brax get him to the hospital! Go!” he ordered shoving Draco into Brax's arms as Tom skidded into the room, the boy freezing at the sight of blood, his breath catching as he stared, images of another dead body flashing through the young man's head, frozen completely, Myst shrieking as she swooped at People's heads, driving them back and away from Draco where they where all trying to crowd, to see how bad he was hurt, but all of them wary of Myst's sharp claws.
Brax snarled the order at alex to stay, not that he thought he'd be obeyed but alas...wrapping his arms around Draco he apparated shuddering as he stumbled under draco's weight, letting the nurses take him even though he followed them into the ER, needing to stay close to the frantic man.

"Bloody fuck!What happened?"Alex said looking around, her fury fueling myst's. After all, she'd been a death eater, she thrived on the battle fury. And this,even as exhausted as she felt, she was waking up. Turning his wand on the captured man he frowned."What did you do!?"
Myst shrieked and dove, spreading the guests even further away from the crime scene,. Grindelwald snarling as he walked over to Alex. “he stabbed Draco in the belly, Brax took him to the hospital. This moron said that he was a supporter of Dumbledore so I guess he's behind all of this.” he stated tom hissing with Fury as he caught Myst, the Dragon spitting hisses at the guests as he stroked her fur. “i'm going to go hunt the fucker down.” Grindle decided vanishing in an instant before Tom could even try to stop him. “oh no...”
Alex paused, before her eyes went wide."Bloody hell."She cursed, realiing what tom had thought o. Swllowing hard, she looked at tom,"Go to St. Mungo's. I'm going after grindle."She said worried about what dumbledore would do if he was confronted by both tom and grindle, and herself. Yea that just had a bad idea written all over it.
Tom groaned a little and shook his head apparating himself to the hospital to wait with Brax for news of Draco and the baby, swallowing hard as he waited, holding Brax's hand tightly. “i'm scared.” he admitted softly to Brax, looking over at him. “Grindle went after Dumbledore.” he admitted softly. “that's when I started going bad... what if... what if I can't stop myself?”

hundred of miles away Grindelwald was snarling as he focused his wand on Dumbledore, advancing on the old bastard with murder in his eyes. “you DARE attack the people I love!? You DARE try to kill an innocent child!? You DARE try to hurt Tom when he's already suffered under your hands!? More than enough to drive the boy CRAZY!? I should SLAUGHTER you!”
Brax held the other's hand tightly, swallowing hard as he tried to focus beyond his panic."Alex'll kill you before he lets it get that far.She already promised she would...and alex'd kill herself before she broke a promise to anyone, espicially you."

Dumbledore raised his wand, starting to cast."You will never sl-"He stopped turning his wand on the newcomer, casting at alex, his attention diverted between the two. Whiich would make all the difference in th world of what the outcome would be.
Tom hesitated and then sighed, relaxing as he nodded. It was so strange that he was relieved that Alex would kill him before he went bad. Another sign of just how much he had changed. He leaned over and rested his head on Brax's shoulder, smiling a little. “i'm sure Draco will be fine.” he promised, closing his eyes. “you two looked beautiful by the way, standing in front of that Alter...” he chuckled a little. “i even got the elves to paint your picture, of when you kissed, it's going to be your wedding present.” he teased smiling a little.

Grindle shot his own spell, negating Dumbledore's as soon as he felt Alex arrive, glaring at her., “you shouldn't be here! Go home!” he ordered, worried about her unborn baby. “does Tom know your here!?” he demanded his head titled, his necklace, a family heirloom, flashing in the light as if it as trying to blind Dumbledore. “of course he does.” Grindle complained rolling his eyes. “whatever, I suppose you deserve to kill him too.” he decided smirking. “because two against one is much better odds when this son of a bitch cheats.”
Brax smiled a little, blushing slightly as he looked at him."Hm, well draco'll love that."He said amused and remembering the kiss. Shuddering as he struggled to not think about what draco was going through."Draco'll be fine."he muttered."We should go find alex and grindle.."he muttered.

Alex smirked a little as they traded spells, "Of course tom knows. And is sulking I sent him with brax."He said raising his wand, swallowing hard.This would be bad,but...casting the silent secumstra he smirked as wounds opened over dumbledore's body the same moment the spell hit grindle's neck, wincing at the flash of the clash hit grindle's necklace.
he chuckled a little and then shook his head. “no, we need to stay here.” he ordered calmly setting his hand on Brax's. “so we can lend Draco our strength, and so he'll have friendly faces waiting for him when he wakes up.” he explained smiling at the other before pausing when a nurse came out, holding a large bundle of white, smiling at Brax. “are you Abraxas Malfoy?” she asked softly, tom nodding. “yes this is him, how is Draco?” “still in surgery.” she explained suddenly setting the bundle into Brax's arms. “the baby is just fine.” the nurse explained, Tom gasping as he looked at the little baby. “oh Brax... she's beautiful.”

Grindle snorted, looking amused as he watched the once headmaster become lacerated, shrieking when the spell hit him, or rather his necklace, gasping in shock. “my god that was close, I always knew this was a lucky charm.” he admitted kissing his necklace, which now had a large crack in it, but otherwise looked fine. “just kill the bastard Alex.” he ordered aiming a Crucio at Dumbledore just to watch the man writhe. “the Crucio is a healing spell, designed to stimulate the nerves and muscles of people who are under bed-rest or can't move, but if you use angry enough emotions and enough power, it's the worst pain you'll ever feel. Interesting don't you think Dumbledore?”
Brax's head snapped up, the words filtering through his shock before looking down at the babe in his arms.Looking startled as he looked his daughter,yes daughter, over."She's...she's..."He stuttered looking shocked. She wasn't supposed to be a girl!He nearly whimpered. Oh gods, draco was going to freak. He'd already decorated the room and everything.

Alex winced, after seeing the crucio used to many times, he really couldn' stand to see it used.Cursing as he sent anonther secumstra at the headmaster, nicely decaptiating the man while he screamed before looking at Grindle."You okay?"He asked looking him over, worried about how th man would be. After all, things had gone sideways in the past in this moment.
Tom was laughing. “she's a girl! Yes.” he teased laughing again. “his father is a girl!” he giggled wildly shaking his head as he covered his face, another nurse walking out, looking shocked. “er... congratulations again..” she stated, another baby in her arms. “twins.” she explained smiling as Tom paused, startled as he accepted the little baby boy, his mouth open in shock before he burst into laughter again. “oh my GOD! That was funny!” he stated still giggling, making the little boy in his arms giggle. “well, since Draco named this one Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, I think he'd like it if you named the little girl.” he admitted smiling at Abraxas. “you know for a moment I was so sure that Lucius was a girl.” h admitted chuckling a little. “we're going to have to get girl clothes though. Poor Draco is going to be so stunned when he finds out.” he snickered. “we should hide Lucius until after he see's the little girl, just to freak him out.”

Grindle cut off the spell when Dumbledore died and he carefully checked himself over. “i think so, that last cutting spell hit my necklace, not me.” he admitted grinning. “and look! I'm not evil! Whatever Dumbledore was supposed to do to me must not have happened.” he decided checking himself over. “what good luck huh?”
Brax nodded still looking shell shocked before grinning."I'm naming her Kara Narcissa Malfoy."He smiled giggling a little as he considered his son being a girl.Relief that the twins were fine, he knew that the world would be okay. That draco would be fine. Smiling as he tilted his head smiling down at the babe, "We will. We'll hide little kara from her papa, and see how it is."He giggled at the idea of watching draco freak. Looking up at the nurse."When can we see Draco?"

"Oh yea.He grinned at the idea, knowing that both he and draco would be keeping a eye on him anyways. Before grinning."We better get to the hospital before draco decides to kill us for not being there."She added before apparating wincing as she looked around for the boys. Needing to know that draco was fine. confusion filling her face when she saw the twins.
he laughed a little and nodded. “no no, we;re hiding Lucius.” he reminded him smirking a little as the nurse hesitated, making Tom's grin fade. “Draco is still in surgery...” she explained softly looking over at Alex. “he's lost a lot of blood and... he's starting to fade.” she admitted softly Tom's eyes widening in horror. “we're doing our best but there is a chance...” she admitted softly. “that he might not make it..” she admitted softly, tom swallowing thickly Grindle making a distressed noise in the back of his throat. “we're doing everything we can.” the nurse whispered softly before she left them, to help the doctors, Tom gripping Brax's hand as both the babies began to cry. “it will be alright.” Grindelwald promised softly. “Draco is very strong.. he won't leave us.”
Brax nodded, looking worried as he tried to sooth kara, before wincing." Catch h-"He winced shifting kara as he went to grab alex as her knees went out from under her, for the second time in the day, in a dead faint. Brax winced handling tom the baby picking up the fainted woman, before looking at the nurse."Is there somewhere where we can lay her?She's pregnant. She needs rest. and probably checked out herself."He said looking stern and demanding as he looked at the nurse.Trying to take care of alex because he couldn't take care of draco.
the nurse nodded. “this way, I can give her the check over myself.” she promised smiling a little as Grindle picked up the little boy so Tom could focus on getting Kara to stop crying, the nurse examining Alex gently. “her blood pressure is very high.” she explained to Brax. “she needs bed rest and a lot of it, if her blood pressure goes up any higher she could start to have convulsions...seizures.” she explained. “she needs to have as little stress as possible.” the nurse explained running her hand over Alex's belly. “the baby is forming properly, she's about three months pregnant, she'll probably have some really aweful morning sickness, try sprite and crackers in the morning and light food the rest of the day, as much dairy and fruits and vegi's as you can get her to eat.” the nurse instructed checking Alex's eyes, making sure she hadn't hit her head. “she should wake up soon.” she paused and checked her clipboard beaming at him. “and I have good news for you! Draco Malfoy is fine, he's out of surgery and he should be waking up soon.” she promised smiling at him. “if you want to go check up on him I'll stay here with Alex and fill her in when she wakes up.”
Brax nodded relieved looking at tom."Come on you. We have a boy to go see about a baby."He snickered a little, leaning down pressing a kiss to his granddaughter's forehead worried about what the stress of the last month was putting on the woman. Sighing quietly as he looked at the nurse."Bring her down when she wakes."he said before leaving with grindle and tom, smiling as he steppe into draco's room, taking kara back from tom, walking over to the edge of the bed."Hmm sweetheart, its good to see you awake."He said looking at the blinking man, who looked confused about where he was. Mentally grinning, so relieved at having the man back, and that their children were fine. And loving the idea of scaring draco with his daughter instead of a son.
Draco sighed a little and looked around, smiling when he saw brax and the baby. “oh... did I go into labor?” he asked sluggishly. “hello baby.” he mumbled smiling as he looked at Kara before frowning a little, looking confused. “but...this is a girl baby...” he complained softly, looking baffled. “ my baby a girl? I thought... it was going to be a boy?...oh my god, I made my father a girl!” he gasped looking almost horrified. “oh I'm so sorry father, I made you a girl...” he muttered, the nurse chuckling. “he's a little drugged right now so he won't make much sense.” she informed them, smiling before she left, Tom giggling a little as he handed the poor drugged out boy his son. “oh Draco, you had two babies.” he explained smiling a little. “a son and a daughter. Lucius Abraxas Malfoy and Kara Narcissa Malfoy.” he explained smiling a little at Draco who looked amazed. “oh... two babies?” he asked his face lighting up in glee. “i have two babies Brax look! I made two babies!”
Brax snorted, looking amused as he cuddled kara, "You weren't the only one who did."He teased leaning down to kiss Draco."How do you feel?"He asked looking at him worriedly. Alex laughed softly as she leane against the doorframe slowly and carefully crossing the room,"Ah Draco, you do make the most beautiful babies."She said smiling a little as she rested her head against tom's shoulder, smiling down at the small lucius, grinning as his father blinked up at him.
Draco smiled as he kissed Lucius's forehead, smiling happily. “i hurt.” he admitted softly. “my belly hurts.” he admitted blinking at all of them. “they are beautiful aren't they?” he asked smiling. “so beautiful...” he purred smiling a little as he closed his eyes and sighed, falling asleep, Tom chuckling a little. “well he's going to be fine.” Tom promised, having been talking to one of the surgeons. “they said that the blade missed the babies completely, but got his lover and some of his intestines, that's why the surgery was so touch and go for a while.” he explained smiling a little. “but Draco will make a full recover, but he, AND Alex, need complete bed rest for at least a week with NO stress factors.” he ordered glaring at Alex before smiling, pleased that Draco was going to be ok clapping Brax on the shoulder. “congratulations Brother Love.”
Brax grinned goofily, nodding a little."Good."He said glaring at Alex, before looking at tom and grindle."Take her home.She's falling asleep on her feet. And we'll be hoem in the morning.They just want to keep him overnight make sure everything's okay."He said laying the babes in a crib before sighing, running his hair, looking at tom."Go.She needs rest before she collapses again."
he nodded and wrapped his arm around Alex's waist, kissing her neck before vanishing, settling her gently into bed and kissing the corner of her mouth, smiling happily. “i love you Alex.” he muttered softly, still worried about what Alex was going to want to do with the Baby. He hoped beyond hope that she wanted to keep it too, even if he logically knew that she didn't want babies. He was surprised when Myst flew through the air and landed on Alex's belly, curling up on it almost protectively before going to sleep, Tom chuckling a little.
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