Love across time

Alex smiled resting a hand on her dragon's head, shifting to rest her head on Tom's chest, sighing quietly as she settled close. Going quiet, nearly falling asleep before she said anything."I..I want this baby...even, even if this is his I want it...I just...I dont know how good I'll be.I never had a good father."She muttered, more truthful about it then had she been awake.
Tom smiled a little as he listened to the other, kissing Alex's forehead. “hush love.” he murmured softly. “i love you, and I know, that your going to be a wonderful mother. Your good with Myst right?” he teased smiling as he set a hand on her belly, slipping it under Myst who grumbled a little. “you will be kind, and caring and loving and you and I will raise a happy, beautiful baby.” he promised smiling a little. “and we'll do it together ok? Now sleep, you need to rest. And I'll get you anything you want or need when you wake up in the morning.”
Alex nodded, smiling sleeply as he snuggled against her, wrapping his arms around the dragon.

A few months later Alex whined quietly as she looked at the babe tom was holding, whining at her inablitly to get up on her own anymore. Looking up at Draco."Help me up,since tom's to busy with kara."she grumbled, having for the most part been a grouchy whiner since the pregnancy really set in. Brax snorted laughing from behind his book, glad for once he wasn't the one having to take care of her."draco, you might as well get her some food while you're up to."
Tom snickered a little as he rocked Kara, gently feeding her, in complete love with his adorable niece and nephew, smiling as he tickled the baby's chin watching Draco helpfully haul Alex to her feet, smiling a little. “well, your all in lovely moods.. I almost hate to tell you the news.” he admitted, looking very troubled, Tom looking up, his grin fading. “it's Grindle isn't it?” he asked softly, Draco nodding. “he... he finally crossed the line.” Draco admitted softly. His students and tortured them...” he admitted softly. “a few are still with him but most of them fled, he... the student... didn't make it..” he admitted softly. “i just don't understand.. he was fine! For weeks he was fine and then...” “..he's just not himself anymore.” Tom muttered softly, sadly. “i don't know whats happened to him and he wont talk to me.” he closed his eyes. “i'm afraid for him.” “until we figure things out Tom, please don't try to contact him.” Draco muttered sadly. “i know you don't want to hear this but I don't know if we can keep him out of Azakaban right now.” Tom shuddered and nodded, closing his eyes as he resisted the urge to cry.
Alex winced in worry, bending slightly to kiss tom's head, a hand resting on her stomach."i could go talk to him." Brax snorted at that idea, shaking his head a litle."No you're not. Me and Draco will go see him." "but tom's upset!"Alex complained. "And he'll be more upset if you go into labor while with grindle. And me and draco know magical law better then you do. We'll go find him, and see what we can do."Brax agrued, knowing that alex wanted to help,but dammit she was going to make everyone worry more if she did. "Tom...come on.I want food."Alex whined a little, looking down at her lover, wanting to make him feel better and distract him.
Tom smiled as he stood up, kissing Brax, and then Draco's cheek. “thank you.” he muttered softly, accepting little Lucius to babysit while Draco and Brax where gone, laying the sleeping toddler in the cradle as Draco wrapped his arms around Brax and apparated away Tom smiling at Alex. “it will be ok Alex... I know it will.” he decided wrapping his arms around the other, resting his hands around her belly with a grin. “do you know the sex of the baby yet?” he asked softly, his head tilted. “your going to be such a wonderful mommy.” he purred happily, grinning to himself. “i love you.” he murmered happily kissing his lovers neck.

Grindle was sitting in his 'classroom' grading papers as if nothing had ever happened, an Auror watching from the doorway to make sure that he didn't go mad again and start attacking more students. After Draco had become headmaster he had hired Grindle as a teacher, a decision he was now worrying about as he glanced at the Auror. “he's just been grading Papers headmaster.” the man informed them. “he doesn't seam to realize what he's done.” Draco nodded and glanced at Brax. “he's going mad, isn't he?”
Alex smiled a little,"A little girl."Alex said blushing as he wrapped his arms around his lover, kissing his neck as he rested his head on his shoulder."you're so sure I''ll be wonderful?"She mused nuzzling him, siling tiredly. Even with the lower stress levels, she was still prone to tiring quickly, and sleeping alot. But she tried not to think to hard about grindle, though she was worried, not wanting to upset tom with this. Hoping daco and brax ould figure out what was going on, and end it quickly.

"I'm not sure. He's..I don't know."Brax frowned as he tilted his head towards the auror. While he was freshly graduated from hogwarts and the law program, he was still very good at the law and understanding things. Which later in life, would make him a brilliant lawyer the same lawyer that had been the original abraxas malfoy."Grindle. What are you doing?"He asked tilting his head as he stepped into the classroom, walking towards the man. Wondering what had caused him to lash out, if he was this calm now.
he smiled a little. “i KNOW your going to be wonderful.” he promised smiling as he kissed his soon to be wife's cheek, having proposed just last week, chuckling a little. “come on, you need to sit down, your blood pressure is still high.” he stated calmly, having been studying healing almost non stop, wanting to make potions and spells to help the wounded and the ill, and he had already invented a pain potion that would not be addictive, and a potion to bring out lucidity in crazy patients. He really was a genius, and now it was being used for good, instead of torture.

Grindelwald looked up at them, looking a little confused. “i'm grading papers... what are you doing here? Has something happened to tom?” he asked standing up, the Auror tensing. “oh, hello Sir when did you get here?” he asked looking puzzled at the Auror his head tilted. “you don't remember?” the auror asked frowning a little. “you attacked a student!” “i would never!” Grindle gasped, looking honestly horrified. “how could you say such a thing! I think i'd remember that!” he complained glaring at the Auror before looking at Draco and Brax. “you don't believe this do you!?”
Alex smiled a little before letting him bully her back onto the couch, laying down as she smiled as myst settled on her stomach. The dragon had taken to laying there to guard the baby."I'm fine. Really. Stop hovering.Both of you."She said pouting looking up at her fiancee, gently running her fingers through his hair.

Brax frowned a little,"We stopped at th infirmary on our way here. The kid will be okay, but it's you I'm worried about."He said trying to remember what could cause this kind of memory lapses. Wanting to talk to tom, knowing that his brilliant best friend might have a idea. "You realy don't remember what happened?"
Tom smiled as he kissed her cheek. Myst purring happily as she nuzzled her mothers belly, Draco chuckling. “i think she's excited to have a littl sister.” he admitted grinning a little, Myst perking up. “little sister? It's a girl!? YAY!” she yelped in Glee, spreading her wings to protect the baby even more, Tom laughing again as he shook his head, amused by Myst's antics, who was now the size of a medium dog, but still as light as a feather, giving her the ability to still crawl all over her human parents as much as she wanted.

Draco scowled a little and then his eyes widened, spinning to stare at Brax. “i've seen this before!” he admitted swallowing hard. “Harry potter and Ginny Weasley... you wouldn't know them but in my time they where both possessed by spirits of Voldemort's soul... they had the same symptoms!” he admitted Grindelwald looking confused. “you think I'm possessed by Tom?” “no. I think your possessed.” Draco corrected Grindle looking confused. “Brax, will you go to the hospital again and ask the boy what they where doing before Grindle went nutso? It could give us a clue as to what's possessing Grindle.”
Alex laughed quietly, amused at the dragon's antics, gently stroking her wings."She's so adorable."She said amused wincing a little as her stomach tightened. Eyes widening slightly, realizing she was in labor. "Tom..."She whimpered squeezing her eyes shut, smiling a little as the dragon tried to see what was wrong.

Brax nodded looking at the two worried before walking out. Returning in a few minutes looking slightly amused himself as he sighed."What else would they be working on but defensive magics?Said they were doing trials, and he went insane."Brax said studying the man, looking confused and worried.And hoping that draco had come up with just how grindle had become possessed.
Tom chuckled a little and then paused, looking worried. “whats wrong?” he asked picking Myst up, ignoring her complaining a he gently set a hand on Alex's belly, feeling a contraction ripple under his fingers, his eyes widening. “oh my GOD!” he gasped in horror rushing over tot he fire and calling for Saint Mungo's so he could get a nurse to come and help get them to the hospital, just as they had planned. Tom carried the twins and the Nurse helped Alex to her feet and through the fire and into a wheelchair the nurse examining the twins with amusement. “busy life eh?” she teased Tom bursting into a bright blush. “oh... no their my brothers, I'm babysitting.” he admitted the nurse chuckling a little as she wheeled Alex into a delivery room, helping her into the bed. “the doctor will be here soon.” she promised.

Draco frowned a little and nodded. “Grindle was your necklace hit?” “what?... no I don't think so... I..” he frowned suddenly then. “i..can't remember.. I was...teaching class and then... I was grading papers...” Draco nodded. “may I see your necklace Grindle?” he asked, Grindelwald snatching up the pendant in his hand, snarling, in an instant he was wild. “no! It's mine! You can't have it!” he hissed, baring his teeth at them before he struck Draco hard across the face, the blond yelping as he crumbled. Grindelwald had a hell of a swing. “stop!” the Auror demanded, locking Grindelwald still with a stunning spell, that didn't work as well as the Auror would have hoped. Grindle just shrugged it off and dove for Bax. “it's MINE! You can't have it!” he hissed, Draco groaning as the Auror dove into the way of Grdinles attack, grunting as he took the hit and pressed the wand to Grindle's head, snarling the stunning spell again, Grindelwald slumping, unconscious this time.
Alex smiled a little, settling in. This was goign to be interesting. And was making him regret ever agreeing to stay female as pain tore through her again. Later th doctor emerged, holding the small girl, looking pale and sad. He rememered who's family this woman had, and he wasn't prepared to tell Tom Riddle, Abraxas and Draco Malfoy that their sister had died on his operating table. "Mr. Riddle...your daughter."He muttered smiling a little at the nurses who took the twins, laying the small girl in his arms, biting his lip as he tried to come up with the words.

Brax winced helping Draco sit up, muttering a healing charm,gently stroking his hair."Are you okay love?"He asked looking worried before sighing."Well, at least we know what's causing this."He said moving away, wrapping his fingers around the pendant, and jerking it away from grindle, wincing at the snap of the necklace, shuddering at the feel of magic on it.
Tom beamed happily as he took the little girl, smiling happily at her. “oh, your so cute.” he whispered brushing the little girls downy hair. “you look just like your mommy, yes you do.” he whispered smiling happily as he looked up at the doctor. “when can I see alex?” he asked hopefully. “did she name the baby yet? I think she had a name in mind.” he admitted pausing when he saw the doctor's face, panic flowing into his eyes. “w...whats happened?”

Draco nodded a little, rubbing the side of his face which was bruised already. “Brax! Don't touch it!” he ordered carefully using some papers to pluck the pendant out of the others hand. “it takes touch to activate these things. And emotions.” he admitted shaking his head. “Ginny Weasley poured her soul into Tom's diary, which was how she got possessed, Grindle must have been feeding this pendant emotions for years before it was struck and cracked open, releasing the Demon inside to possess Grindle.” he explained, the Auror grimacing as he touched his broken ribs. “the question now is... how possessed Grindle is. We have to destroy this... but that might not save Grindle if the Demon is lodged in too deep...”
The docor swallowed hard, "She died on the operating table....we...we cleaned her up, if you want to see her."She said softly sadness showing in her face. She was young, and it was her first patient that had died.She didn't want to be the one who caused this heartache. Maybe... maybe she was alive. She swallowed hard, focusing. Maybe there was something they could do. Something,anything to save the young mother.

Brax winced droppign the necklace to the desk before looking sad. Looking at grindle before draco."We have to wake him up.Its the only way to see how badly the possession is."He said moving over to the auror, healing his ribs."Better?"He asked looking at him.
Tom froze, his eyes wide before tears sprang into his eyes. “no... no your...your lying!” he protested, handing his baby girl to a random nurse and tearing off into the surgery room, rushing over to Alex and grabbing her hand, feeling the cold skin. “no! NO ALEX!” he screamed, hauling her up and into his arms, collapsing as he held her, sobbing as he held her tight, a part of him opening up, and spilling magic deep into Alex in a subconscious effort to bring his dead lover back to life. “please! Please Alex don't leave me!”

the Auror sighed a little and nodded, smiling a little. “damn, this is a hell of a first day. I only just got off the rookie team.” he admitted with a chuckle as Draco carefully examined the necklace before aiming his wand at it, watching it melt, Grindelwald groaning lightly as his eyes fluttered open. “uh... what happened?” he asked sluggishly rubbing his forehead. “i feel like someone sucker punched me in the he...Draco what happened to your face!?”
The only thing that answered him was silence, before alex reacted. Gasping as the magic jumpstarted everything, her heart squeezing hard as she blinked."w-wh.."she trailed off panting quietly. Her body tightening and pounding as it tried to stay alive. Trying to hold tight to the magic that was keeping her breathing.

"You happened."Brax growled softly. While he knew the man hadn't meant to,it was still his lover who had been hurt."You were possessed."He added before looking at Draco."We should take him to the hospital before we try to figure out how much damage was done.Besides, by now, alex's is probably tired of babysitting."
Tom gasped in joy as he felt the other Stir, a small POP filling the air as Myst suddenly appeared, having apparated from home, settling herself around Alex's neck filling her with her own strong Magic, helping Tom save her life, thrumming loudly, trying to calm her down. “shh, love it's ok. You where just dead for a little bit.” he muttered softly, rocking her gently, still sobbing. “oh god I was so afraid I was going to lose you...”

Grindelwald grimaced a little and shook his head. “no, that can't be right I would never hurt Draco!” he complained pausing wen he spotted the melted gold, his hand flying to his neck, swallowing thickly as a madness crept into his eyes again. “you broke my necklace.” “oh shit.. he's still possessed! Tie him up!” Draco ordered, shooting ropes out of his wand, The Auror helping as Grindle roared, struggling against the ropes. “i'll kill you! I'll kill you all! I'll make you pay for this! I'll make you ALL pay!”
Alex whimppered resting her head on Tom's chest whimpering as she wrapped her arms around myst cuddling the dragon as she closed her eyes.""She swallowed whining quietly as she tilted her head back, raising a arm, gently touching tom's face."Not...not going anywhere..."

Brax cursed walking closer casting a sleeping hex with his wand pressed against his temple before lookign at the auror."Get him to st. mungo's. We'll be there montariliy."He said before pausing."Now. I am his lawyer, you aren't allowed questioning him without me."He said looking at the two, tilting his head slightly looking at draco."We better go."He said anxious to tell tom what was going on.
he shook his head. “shh love, don't try to talk.” he ordered softly, finally gaining his senses and yelling for a doctor, ordering them to get in here, that he needed help, smiling as Myst chirped. “you went into Labor love... the nurse has our baby right now.” he admitted softly stroking her hair. “she looks just like you, so beautiful.” he admitted, the doctors rushing in, looking shocked and amazed at the suddenly living Alex.

Draco sighed as Grindle slumped again, sleeping as the Auror nodded. “i think no questioning will be needed with the information I have right now, he's clearly not in his right mind, I can push the trials back because of unknown insanity and possible possession. He wouldn't be the first person to become possessed by something and I doubt he'll be the last.” he admitted before he vanished with Grindle to head to St. Mungos Draco wrapping his arms around Brax and vanishing back to the Malfoy Manor and pausing a little. “Tom? Alex!?” “Masters Alex and Masters tom has gone to the hospital Masters Draco.” a house elf informed draco obediently, Draco gasping in astonishment. “my god we leave for two hours and the whole damn world falls to hell!”
The doctor's gaped, trying to figure out what happened. Then decided it was better just to treat the tramatized woman. "Bloody hell. They can't do anything calmly."Brax cursed wrapping his arm around draco, apparating to the hospital, looking around. Smirking a little when a terrified bemused nurse holding a babe pointed to the operating room. "Alex's is in there?" "Y-yes.And this-this is the baby."the nurse stuttered, afraid because she'd seen the woman dead, and suddenly she was alive. No idea what to think, and letting the babe's uncle take her from numb arms. Brax looked worried as he took the baby, kissing the girl's head looking up at draco."We better go see what happened."He said heading for the operating room.
Draco took his twins from the other nurse and cooed at them making them giggle as he walked in on the room, watching the Doctors feeding Alex as much magic as they could Tom sniffling in a corner as he watched, having been shoved out of the way by frantic doctors, Tom looking over at Brax and Tom, bursting into tears again when he saw his family, sliding down the wall, finally letting the trauma of what had happen strike him.
"Hey hey hey, you're not supposed to cry when we show up."Brax said walking over,sliding down carefully, cooing at the baby in his arms as he looked at Tom."What happened?"He asked shifting the baby, resting her in the curve of her arm as he wrapped a arm around tom, kissing his head."Tom, what's wrong?"He asked looking towards the bed, where he knew alex had to be, bu the doctors and nurses were blocking most of the woman
Tom just shook his head and sobbed, leaning into Brax. “she was d..dead!” he finally managed to explain. “she was dead! I picked her up and she wasn't breathing and her heart wasn't beating and she was c..c..cold!” he whispered, sounding ever so traumatized. “and the..then she wasn't dead and the doctors started y..y..yelling...” he shuddered hard and hid his face in his hands. “i can't lose her again! I can't!” he whispered gripping Brax's shirt tightly. “i can't! I can't lose her! Please don't let her die!”
"shhh she's not going anywhere.Here. Take your daughter,I'll go see what's going on?"He said looking up at draco, glancing over at the table as he stopped, shaking his head. Not wanting to move away from tom"Shh draco'll check." "Tom...tom!?"Alex whimpered, starting to sound panicked when she didn't see tom right away, and only the men she didn't know. Panic and memories overwelming her.
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