Love across time

Alex shuddered, smiling a little as she eased closer to him,gently running his fingers through the boy's hair."I want you to...."She swallowed hard kissing him again before pulling away a little,biting her lip a little."Slow... please?"She said looking up at him with pleading eyes, wanting it,but needing time to slowly adjust.

Brax snorted laughing as he crawled in next to the pregnant man, cuddling against him."Hmmm well you are pregnant.You're going to keep me up all night."he said pressing a kiss to his lover's head."And of course I''m going to give you everything you need.Whiner."
he relaxed and smiled at her, kissing her eagerly. “as slowly as you need.” he promised softly. “now I have no idea what I'm doing so... uhm, you might have to tell me what to do.” he admitted blushing a little as he kissed down her neck, slowly, carefully undressing her from top to bottom, spreading her shirt and smiling as he kissed each breast rather tenderly.

Draco chuckled a little and snuggled into him, smirking a little. “i thought you liked my whinging.” he teased chuckling a little as he yawned, smiling a little. “i love you Brax.” he murmured softly grinning a little. “if our son is a boy... can we name him Lucius?” he asked softly. “i...i want to give my father... the life he deserved.” he admitted softly, looking up at the other his head tilted a little. “ that ok?”
"O-okay."Alex stuttered a little, closing her eyes as she shuddered at the touch.Closing her eyes as she basked in the feel. Running her fingers through his hair he shifted a little,sighing quietly."Good...that feels good. "she muttered gentle fingers wandering his body.

"i do like your whining."Brax muttered sounding amused, laughing bemusedly as he shifted resting his head on the other's stomach, cuddling."Hmm as weird as it is, yes."He teased a little, sounding seriuos though.Knowing it was what draco really wanted, so they would raise the child who would have been draco's father,together.
he smiled as he nuzzled her breasts, licking each nipple before kissing his way lower, hesitating when he came to her curls, biting his lip and looking nervous, afraid of hurting her and not sure if he was supposed to stretch her out first or not, but he shrugged and pressed his tongue into her licking and lapping before pressing a finger into her, touching and rubbing. “oh!.. it's all wet!” he muttered, astonished and amazed as he stroked and rubbed. “and so warm.”

Draco smiled, stroking Brax's hair, grinning a little as he chuckled. “thank you Brax.” he muttered softly. “i love you.” he murmured dragging the other up for a kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around his lover. “god I love you...”
Alex moaned, whmpering in pleasure as she squirmed,wrapping her fingers in his hair,shuddering."...good...oh god.....tom!"She gasped as she came, shuddering in climatic bliss, it felt sooo good. And tom had always been good at bringing her off, even if it was voldermot. Shuddering in pleasure, memories banished for the moment.

Brax laughed quietly, pressing a kiss to the other's mouth,wrapping his arms around him."I love you."he said kissing him again."Now.Sleep love."He purred softly, cuddling close.
Tom grinned happily as he realized he had made her cum, licking at her cunt again to taste what came out, moaning softly, happily. “mmm I must be better at this than I thought I was.” he teased chuckling a little as he nibbled on her clit before settling himself on top of her, kissing her happily as he slowly, carefully slid into her with an eager moan, carefully muttering the anti pregnancy charm, panting softly. “oh Alex... you feel, so good.” he moaned shivering hard. “so tight, and wet, and hot and smooth.” he groaned kissing her again, rubbing her breasts in gentle hands.. “i love you so much.”
Alex whimpered at the touch,closing her eyes tightly."Stop.Hold still."She muttered,hands gripping his arms, keeping him from moving.Needing the moments to adjust. Overwelmed with memories for a few moments, swallowing hard as she pressed her face against his neck,pressing a kiss to his pulse point."Okay...I'm okay..."She muttered, hands gentling, stroking his skin.
Tom held still panting softly against her neck, holding still obediently. Moaning when she said it was alright to move groaning a little as he started to thrust, panting softly. “oh god I love you.” he moaned softly, moving slowly in and out of her. “i love you.” he murmured again stroking her all over and kissing too, making sure she knew just how much different he was from Voldemort.
Alex shuddered, swallowing hard as she held the other close to him, pressing a kiss to hsi shoulder.Swallowing hard as she shuddered,"Love you..."She muttered hlding him tightly, closing her eyes. Moaning in pleasure as he came, sighing quietly in pleasure,body clenching around tom's tightly.
he groaned loudly as she came, arching against her as he spilled his seed into her, still thrusting, riding out both of their orgasms before collapsing next to her, panting softly, smiling happily. “oh yeah that felt wonderful.” he groaned happily nibbling on her neck smiling. “i love you so much... I've never had sex with a girl before... did I do ok?”
Alex giggled a little, smiling as she cuddled into him."Yes, very good."she said blushing as she snuggled down into her lover, content to going to sleep. Everything was just going to be perfect now. Nothing could change that.

Two months later Alex grumbled a little as she pressed a hand against her face, feeling warm and dizzy, breathing slowly to keep from falling. Not about to worry her pregnant brother over her. Smiling a little as she straightened her dress she smiled at the mirror, before walking into Draco's room ater knocking on the door."Draco?You almost ready?"
Tom was fidgeting in his fancy suit, grimacing as he scratched and squirmed, very uncomfortable in fancy dress. “Brax how the hell do you do this!?” he complained smiling at his brother. “i'm itchy and uncomfortable and you look hotter than ever, it's really not very fair.” he complained snickering a little as he tried to loosen his tie and choked when he tightened it instead. “dammit!”

Draco was pacing in his room, pacing a line in the floor, worried, terrified but excited as well. “i'm the goddamn headmaster of Hogwarts! I cleared Grindelwald's name and saved the Weasley family from Ruin and I even fought a werewolf last week and I'm so scared of walking down that Isle that I feel like I'm going to piss my pants! What the hell is wrong with me!?” he demanded grabbing Alex's shoulders. “what the HELL is wrong with me!?”
Brax smiled walking over, looking as calm and collected as ever, gently resting his hands on tom's shoulders,fingers twitching a little as he fixd the other's suit so it was looser for him."Ah, well I'm used to wearing suits.Papa makes me wear them all the time. And I know draco's freaking out, so I have to be calm."

Alex winced at the touch as Drco's shaking made the room spin around her. Blinking hard to regain her bearings."You're pregnant, and about to get married.For some reason tht's terrifying you.Why? you know brax's somewhere acting all calm and collected, so stop worrying."He said looking at him, swallowing hard as she swallowed.her stomach rolling.
Tom chuckled a little and smiled at him. “thanks.” he muttered grinning at Brax. “you do look dashingly handsome you know.” he admitted smiling. “poor Draco, he's so pregnant he can't hide his baby bump in his suit, and he hates it when people stare at him.” he smirked a little. “i bet he interrupts the service to yell at everyone.” he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. “that would be hilarious.” teasing his best friend as he smirked at him.

Draco paused when he realized Alex wasn't looking well and frowned. “Alex? Are you alright, you're pale...” he stated gently forcing her to sit down shaking his head. “are you going to be sick?” he asked his head tilted as he carefully examined her, setting a hand on her belly and nearly freezing. “just rest for a moment.”
"I know."Brax smiled, preening a little under the praise, tilting his head a little as he straightening tom's hair pressing a kiss to his forehead."there. Perfect."He muttered before laughing."Oh, I told him he's not allowed stoppign to yell. After all, everyone's supposed to be staring at him."

Alex smiled slightly blinking hard before scrambling out of the chair and throwing up in the trash can before moving back in the chair.Swallowing hard as he sit back down, looking up at her brother with a smile."I'm fine.... your day.Need to be okay."
tom laughed a little and smiled at his best friend. “thanks, your so much better at this than I am.” he admitted shaking his head a little. “Draco's going to yell, I bet you two Galleon's that he stops to yell.” he teased smirking a little.

Draco gaped a little as he watched his brother throw up and he smiled shaking his head. “poor thing.” he muttered reaching into his cupboard setting a anti nausea into the others hand. “here, drink this.” he ordered calmly smiling at him. “as soon as we get done with the wedding I'll have Tom take you home to get some rest ok?” because he knew trying to talk Alex into resting now would be shot down.
"No he wont. I told alex she's allowed a silence hex if he does."Brax snickered heading for the door, "Come on. I don't want to get yelled at for being late to my own wedding."He said heading for the chapel.

Alex smiled for once not even protesting the order to rest. Despite everything, she knew her brother was ordering her to rest. "Rest would be good."She muttered sipping the potion before getting to her feet, slipping a arm through draco's, tugging him towards the door."Come on. We got to get going."
he laughed a little and shook his head. “he's still going to yell.” he teased grinning a little as he led Brax to the entry, where Draco and Alex where standing. They had decided to walk down the isle at the same time, since Brax refused to be a girl, and Draco started to sob anytime he was claimed to be a female, or even a wife. Tom and Alex would walk behind them and shower them in glitter and flower petals as they walked, mostly to be annoying but also for dramatic effect. As soon as Draco gave the signal the music started to play and Draco giggled eagerly as he walked down the isle with his lover, kissing Brax's cheek. “i love you so much.” he murmured softly, smiling happily. “i love you so much.” he stated smiling happily before hesitating, glancing at Tom and Alex behind him before leaning in to whisper in Brax's ear. “also... Alex is pregnant...”
Brax stuttered a little at the words,"I l-what?"He muttered, nearly tripping as he realized what draco had said."Bloody hell."He muttered walking slightly slower so he could ask before they got to the end."Draco.. past or future?"he muttered, wondering.Realizing the problem right away. Smart enough to realize that if voldemort had raped alex, then there was a good chance that he'd gotten her pregnant, or tried to just to mess her up even more. Swallowing as they got to the end of the aisle, he smiled slightly at the minister, nodding his head a little as he slipped his hand into draco's, worried about what was coming next as they all got settled into their places.
Draco shook his head. “i don't know.” he admitted softly. “that's why I'm worried.” he muttered smiling when they reached the end of the Isle and Tom and Alex sat into their respective seats, Draco forgetting his fear as the priest began the marriage ceremony, the entire thing going on without a hitch as Draco grabbed Brax by the shirt and yanked him into an intense kiss, the room exploding into wolf whistles and catcalls as Draco lifted a finger and gave them all the finger, creating a roll of laughter instead, Draco giggling happily as Tom sulked. “i'm not giving you two Galleon's brax! Your rich enough already!” Draco snickered a little and kissed Brax again, beaming at him. “mmm I love you so much right now.” Draco growled happily. “any chance we can skip the reception and go straight to the sex?”
Brax snckered wraping his arms around his blond, pressing a kiss to his head."Hmm no. Lovely, alex'll kill you if you skip."he said smiling a little as he ran his fingers through draco's hair watching alex walk out of the chapel together, "You still have to tell her. Not about to miss seeing that."He teased wondering just how badly she was going to freak out. It was going to be so much worse then when draco'd found himself pregnant.
he sighed a little and pouted at Brax but then smiled a little as he kissed the others neck and gently nibbled on his neck grinning a little. “we should wait until we're in private.” he paused. “but, I did order her to rest after the wedding, we should go tell her now while she's headed for bed...” he decided smiling at Brax watching Tom lead Alex down the hall, fretting over how pale she looked, “Alex! Wait up!” Draco called jogging forward, hand on his enormous belly so he didn't tip himself over, smiling at her. “, have to tell you something...”
Alex whined quietly as she leaned against Tom, resting her head on his shoulder."But I'm going to bed like you wanted me to. Can't I go ot sleep?"She whined smiling slightly at the sight of him holding his stomach. Straightening a little, "You okay?"She asked looking at the man worriedly. Worried that the stress of the day had made draco more uncomfortable.
he smiled a little and shook his head. “i'm fine, it's you I'm worried about.” he admitted hesitating then. “Alex Love... I.. I think your pregnant...” he admitted softly, Tom looking shocked. “but...but I used the spells!” he protested looking wide eyed, but hopeful at his lover. “are you really?” he wanted his own child so badly, so very badly. He wanted his own little family to love forever and ever. “Love? Are you ok?” he asked softly setting his hand on Alex's hand, wondering if Alex was maybe... not going to want to keep the baby.
Alex looked at the three, looking shell shocked and scared. Wrapping her arms around herself as she swallowed,nodding a little."I...I think so."she said, a slight blush staining her face, before falling in a dead faint,crumbling as easily as a fresh baked cookie. Brax yelped catching her, wrapping his arms around her, cuddling her gently."Oh love, come n sweetie, time to wake up..."He said picking her up before looking at the other two."We should get her in bed.."
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