Love across time

Brax laughed quietly."Shhh, not so loudly draco."he teased quietly. Alex whined softly pressing his face against tom's chest, cuddling closer."head hurts..."she muttered closing her eyes, struggling to think past the pounding in her head."Go away."he said lifting the edge of the pillow growling softly at the sight of draco. Not wanting to get up yet. She didn't feel so good."Dont feel good.."She added.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. “that's because all of the bad feelings from the Soul are inside of you right now. It's going to take a while for them to settle, when they do, Tom should remember everything...theoretically anyway. I explained some things to Grindle, and he's agreed to never teach Tom anything involving the dark arts unless we are there specifically to monitor.” he admitted Tom groaning as he pulled the pillow over his head. “you two rest, me and Brax are going to go and make you some soup.” he decided smiling a little. “it can't be any harder than making potions right?”
Alex groaned cuddling down into the blankets, ignoring the others.She wanted to sleep and feel better.Brax snickered a little following draco out, "I wouldn't be so sure about that love."He teased, knowing if nothing else, it was going to be interesting.

A few days later Alex growled quietly, finally really waking up.Having only really woken up to get fed and go to the bathroom before crashing out asleep again. Though she did feel better now..."Tom?Draco?"she muttered as she crawled out of bed, going in search of the two. Knowing that they'd be close by, since they weren't in bed with her. nowing that she must have worried them enough that they wouldn't wander far until she was out of bed.
when Alex found them they where in the library, Tom sobbing into his hands, letting Draco and Grindle and Brax, comfort him as he sobbed, Draco looking up when Alex entered, sighing in relief. “thank god.” Draco muttered getting up. “Tom remembered everything, he only woke up a few hours ago... he's convinced you won't want him anymore, since he killed someone, and let Septimus rape him.” he admitted softly, closing his eyes. “we can't comfort him... he needs you.” he admitted patting Alex's shoulder. “go and comfort your lover Alex.” he muttered softly. “your the only one who can calm him down right now.”
"Bloody hell.Why don't you give me something easy to do sometime?"she grumbled, walking over to where tom and brax were sitting, bullying his grandfather away from his lover before rawling on the couch next to him,cuddling him."Bloody brat, you're going to give me a headache again."He whined, before wrapping her arms around him, whining and being as muh of a ass as he usually was. Nuzzling tom's neck with a sigh, nibbling at his ear."Love, shh you need to calm down.You'e going to hurt yourself."He soothed.
he whimpered as he felt Alex pulling him into her arms, trembling violently as he pressed his face into the others shoulder, shaking his head. “i'm d..dirt Alex... you d...don't want me anymore...i k..k..know it...t..that's why you l..left, r..right? be..because I'm d..dirty and defiled, and ugly... and because I hurt you...” he whimpered shaking his head. “i know... that I'm bad and dirty and...and wrong inside but... but please don't leave me... I love you...”
Alex shuddered a little sighing quietly as she twisted, letting the other rest against her, his head pillowed on her chest."Tom I left because dumbedore locked me in my animagus form, and broke the spell on me. I'd never leave you willingly. I love you. And I came back for you."she said shuddering. Because it had nearly broken her to do it. She had wanted to die so many times through the years, but she'd held onto the slim hope that someone would figure out where she'd gone, and come to get her.That had been the only thing to keep her going,the idea of returning to her tom.
he whimpered as he snuggled into Alex, Grindle shooing Draco and Brax out, giving the two lovers some privacy as Tom sniffled and looked up at the other, his head tilted a little at him. “ don't h..hate me?” he asked softly offering him a small smile, snuggling into her softly, sighing softly. “i love you.” he whispered softly. “i really do.” he admitted softly snuggling into her again. “i love you.” he muttered softly, smiling a little as he kissed her neck.
Alex managed not to cringe away from the touche,even if her heart raced at the touch.Smiling slightly as she kissed his head."I love you to."She muttered stroking his hair,"And I'm never going anywhere again."He added sighing quietly.Emotionally exhausted.
Tom sighed, relieved and nodded as he snuggled into Tom. “i'm sorry I hurt you.” he whispered softly. “i'll never do it again.” he mumbled softly, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep again.

When Alex woke again it was to breath on her ear, and a sickeningly familiar tone of voice. “so here you are my little pet.” Voldemort, the most recent one. “you tried to run away from me again, did you not like me?” he asked sick, twisted laughter in his voice as he ran his hand down her belly. “i haven't finished with you, your MINE!” he hissed yanking her head back violently. “mine damn you.” he snarled, stroking his hand along her inner thigh, trailing towards her pretty cunt. “i read my diary you know.” he growled, smirking. “when I found out you where trying to change me, I decided I had better come and get you, filthy bitch... did you really think that such a simple thing as a time spell could save you from me!?”
Alex whimpered as she snapped awake glad that long training as a death eater had taught her to wake up instantly from a sound sleep. fighting against the hold even as she felt her hair ripping a little, more then willing to injure herself to get away from this man. in. 20 years had taught her to give in,to make sure it wouldn't hurt as much. And...this was her tom. No matter how twisted, how wrong it was, for a long time it'd been the only thing she had."N-no.Myst brought me back.Didn't try to un away."She muttered whimpering as she looked up at him through watery green eyes.
he chuckled as he felt her go limp under him, running his tongue along her cheek. “aren't you just so tasty?” he growled smirking a little as he ran his hands along her body, panting softly, pausing when the door suddenly opened. “Alex, your going to miss brea.... get off of her!” it was Tom, the young Tom, his wand out and pointed at Voldemort with fury in his eyes. “aaah, I forgot you would be here... hello Tom riddle” he purred smirking as he stood up, leaving Alex alone, for the moment. “i am you, or I will be.” he admitted smirking at the other, Tom's eyes wide. “your Voldemort.” he whispered, panic lacing his voice before fury filled it. “i will NEVER be like you!” he snarled, Voldemort laughing. “aaah but child, you already ARE like me! You know how GOOD it feels to hurt things don't you? To peel the flesh off of things still alive, to hurt those who hurt you, to KILL!” Tom shook his head. “i don't! I have never.... I... I only killed him in self defense!” “but didn't it feel GOOD to hear him SCREAM!?” “ wrong!” but it had... it had felt so good to kill Septimus, to kill myrtle. It had...felt so good. “y..your wrong...” “you can't lie to me boy, I AM you! I know all of your dark, dirty little secretes.”
Alex shuddered as she got out of the seat, whimpering quietly as she got up slaming into the older man, wincing as they both crashing into the wall. Struggling to get the bigger man pinned under him, glaring down at the man, pain showing on her face. it was hurting her to act out against her torturer, forcing her body to fight even if she wanted to give him."I will make sure you never exist.We all have our dirty little secrets, but we dont have to act on them."He growled slapping enough restraint charms to hold the man...hopefully. Snarling over her shoulder at tom as she sat on voldemort."Go get Draco."
Tom hissed and Voldemort snarled, the viscous man arching into Alex, rubbing their groins together, trying to startle the man. “Alex! Get off him!” Tom ordered suddenly, his eyes narrowed as he reached out to his woman, yanking her free of Voldemort, shoving her out the door, panting softly as he faced Voldemort, baring his teeth at Voldemort who laughed as he got up and faced Tom. “so, you admit that I was right. You enjoyed killing Septimus.” Tom nodded. “yes, I enjoyed it, I enjoyed seeing him in pain after what he did to me,i enjoyed seeing the life flee from his eyes, but there is a big difference between you and I.” Tom stated his eyes furious. “i have self control, and I can make a decision for myself. And I CHOOSE to be good! I CHOOSE to not kill, I CHOOSE, to never, ever, be you.” he hissed, Voldemort snarling viciously as he attacked Tom with his bare hands, long spidery fingers wrapping around the boys neck, Tom choking as he kicked and clawed, wanting to get air, needing to breath, shuddering violently as he tried to get free, Voldemort smirking viciously. “i'll kill you! And then I will rule THIS time as well!”
Alex winced as both him and brax smashed into the older man, the two younger malfoys both grappling to pin the older man, before brax pulled tom out of the way."Tom!Get out of here!"Alex panted as her fingers gripped Voldemort's shoulders tightly, trembling slightly as she lowered her head to kiss him,"Love, you cant exist without the young one."He snarled wrapping him in a tght hug, snarling trying to keep the man under control. Brax growled as he shoved Tom away from Voldemort, raising his wand, pressing his wand against the other's temple, looking down at voldemort with a sneer."Ah voldemort, I think I will kill you to keep you from harming...."He mused looking up at myst as the dragon came in to see what the commotion was."Myst!Freeze him!"Alex said looking desperate.
Voldemort hissed as he was tackled, Tom coughing hard as he finally got the air he so desperately needed, clutching his throat as he struggled to keep that air through his crushed airways, Voldemort snarling as he struggled, unleashing burning Crucio's on everyone, Tom arching against the floor and screaming in pain as the Crucio hit him full force, writhing on the ground as Myst entered, hissing furiously as she saw her family in pain. “aaw, I forgot how tiny and pathetic she was.” Voldemort growled reaching down and picking her up by the neck, the dragon hissing and without warning, let out a massive cloud of ice white Myst that crawled along the vicious man's skin, making him scream as the crucio's ended, his hand frozen solid, Myst snapping the Dark Lords hand off as easily as she snapped the fly's out of the air with her tail, the frozen hand shattering on the floor as Voldemort screamed, clutching the Stump that had been left behind blood splashing the floor. “AVADA KEDAVRA!” Voldemort roared, bright green light filling the room, Myst spreading her wings wide, the green spell deflecting effortlessly off of her scales and striking Voldemort in the chest, the Man gasping in horror as he clutched his chest ad staggered. “ all..” he hissed, collapsing onto the floor, dead, Tom wheezing as he struggled to breath through the pain in his throat and..well entire body.
Alex whimpered quietly as she laid back on the floor, panting to breath normally, before crawling over to where tom was, gently touching him."Love?Are you okay?"she whispered as she cast a healing charm, strugglng to focus well beyond the pain that was wanting to put her back on the ground. More worried about tom then herself. Brax cursed as he stumbled out of the room,recovering the fastest though his body screamed at him for trying to move he rushed into the study."Draco, we need your help."He said stumbling slightly, hitting his knees next to his chair, gripping his lover's shoulders tightly."Come on."
Tom coughed when the healing spell settled around his neck, offering free air once more coughing violently as he tried to crawl to Myst, who was laying limp on the floor. “no..Myst... no...” he pleaded, trying to reach her, to make sure she wasn't dead. She wasn't, but only barley so, the Avada Kedavra hadn't killed her but she was hovering close to death, deflecting the spell having used up almost all of her life magic. “Myst wake up...please.” Tom pleaded, tears running down his cheeks as he set a hand on her belly. “oh please...” Draco ran into the room just then and gaped at the sight of Tom, his blond hair mussed up, showing he'd been sleeping. “fuck!” he whispered settling next to Alex, running his hands over the others body to still the pain that the Crucio caused. He'd gotten good at fixing the Crucio. “Draco! Draco she won't wake up!” Tom whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks as he held the limp Dragon out to her. “fix her! Please!” “Tom it's ok, she's not dead.” Draco promised gently cradling the dragon. “she just needs a LOT of rest ok? Are you in pain anywhere?” “all over...” Tom muttered, relaxing now that he knew Myst wasn't dead. “he...he tried to kill me...”
Alex smiled slightly as she stumbled to her feet, shuddering as he got up. Swallowing hard as she wrapped her arms around Draco's waist to stay up. The crucio,despite being gone and draco casting a healing charm, the woman had suffered to much under the crucio to not suffer for a long time under it after. Swallowing she shifted, gently taking myst from tom, needing to touch her. Cuddling her as he rested her head on her shoulder as she headed for the bed."Going to and myst need sleep....tom!come on!Dont worry.Draco'll handle everyone."She said airly, starting to sound a little punch drunk. Brax shuddered a little, in pain but feeling okay. It wasn't his first time being tortured.wrapping his arms around tom, picking him up after a moment."come on.You need to sleep love."He said pressing a kiss to his head.
Draco held her up carefully and Tom Staggered to his feet to help her walk to the other room, sniffling a little as he struggled to stop crying. “no one's ever tried to kill me before...” he muttered softly, sounding like he was in shock as Draco shook his head. “i can't.. have to bury the body, make a potion to help Alex with the Crucio, and you too probably, shock potion for tom calming drought for Alex.” Draco looked Brax over. “are you hurt? Did he hurt you!?” “now Draco.” the voice of Lucien jerked Draco out of his rambling. “you and Brax go sleep, I'll make the necessary potions and deal with the body. This won't be the first time we've had to handle such a thing.”
Alex smiled sleepily as she crawled into bed with tom, cuddling both dragon and boy. "I'm sorry love.You'll be okay.Just rest."She said struggling to stay awake, gently stroking both their heads as he tried to calm tom. Looking so worried about her lover.

Brax smiled a little,"There see. There's times being a malfoy helps, and when its time to bury a body, is one of them."he said wrapping his arms around his waist, heading for the door. Walking with him slowly, worried about draco more then himself, more worried about alex and tom to."I'm not that hurt.Shhh love."He said kissing draco's head smiling slightly at his father as he helped draco towards the door.
Tom nodded and snuggled intot he other. “not your fault.” he mumbled softly. “now he can't ever hurt you again.” he promised softly. “i won't...ever be like him.” he promised softly, drifting off to sleep. “never ever...”

Draco nodded, wrapping his arms tightly around his lover suddenly. “oh god... I saw that body... saw Voldemort and I...i swore I...i saw you dead..” he whispered softly. “i just knew he'd killed you all...” he whispered, kissing Brax's face all over. “i seriously thought... I never imagined he would follow Alex back here...” he sighed, starting to calm down now that he was certain Brax wasn't hurt and the body was taken care of, sighing a little as he nuzzled Brax all over.
Alex smiled sleepily, cuddling against him as she fell asleep, feeling safe with them.

Brax nodded, tilting hsi head a little."I'm sorry.I didn't mean to make you worry."He muttered stroking the other's hair, closing his eyes, exhausted, body and soul."I never thought he'd try."He said amazed that athe future voldemort had been so attatched to his alex that he had followed her back."Go to sleep."He ordere gently, giggling a little as draco kissed his face all over.
in the morning there was the heavy stench of thick burned food smoke filtering through the hallways, Tom coughing in the kitchen as he cussed and cursed, pulling more pancakes off the stove and dumping them in the trash, the House Elves wailing in horror at the destruction of their kitchen and Tom's utter refusal to let them help. Draco walking in and gaping as he watched Tom pour too much batter into the pan, his tongue sticking out in concentration, Draco running out and dragging alex out of bed to witness Tom trying to cook for his lover. “aaw isn't he cute?” Draco asked Alex smirking. “he's trying to cook you breakfast.” Tom cursed some more as his pancake burned again and he tossed it into the garbage again trying to make another.
Alex looked at her brother sleepily, sulking at being dragged out of bed even if she was touched at the sight of it."You dragged me out of bed for this?But myst needs me."she said fretting over the dragon, so worried about her it was a physical ache. nearly jumping out of her skin when Brax walked up behind her. "ah, it smells good in here."Brax said sniffing a little, looking amused as he watched tom look all cute and adorable.
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