Love across time

he sniffled and hiccuped as he accepted his daughter, kissing the little girls forehead, smiling at her. “your such a cutie.” he whispered softly. “just like your mommy.” he muttered softly, calming down now that he was holding his daughter, smiling at the little girl. “i think... I think you should be named Alexi.” he decided. “my little Lexi...” he murmured softly looking up at the sound of his name, forcing his way through the crowd of doctors, gently taking her hand. “shh love it's ok, I'm here now.” now that he'd had his breakdown, he could focus again and work on making sure Alex stayed with him.
Alex looked up at him with panicked eyes, struggling to control herself even as she struggled against the draco's hands. She didn't want touched. It was to much. Whimpering when she realized she couldn't get away she slouched back, looking up at tom as if he held all the answers and for her, he did. Brax swallowed hard looking at draco, wondering how he was doing."She's fine love."He muttered kissing his head, looking worried draco was in shock over nearly losing alex, moving and ordering the doctors out when she realized that alex was still panicking."Shh love. We're here.It's just us."
Tom smiled at her and leaned down, gently kissing her. “shh Love, it's all going to be alright. You just need to calm down.” he whispered softly, for her ears alone. “i love you, and I promised I would never let anyone hurt you remember?” he asked smiling at her as Draco blinked dumbly at his broken sister on the table, swallowing hard. “she... she...” he shuddered and his knee's buckled, but he caught himself and straightened again, refusing to faint in public, refusing to pass out when Alex was already so upset. “look Alex.” Tom muttered softly smiling as he showed Alex their new baby girl. “it's our baby. She looks kind of like an Alexi to me, what do you think alex? Our own little Lexi?”
alex swallowed hard, looking t tom before smiling a little, calming down at tom's words.He was right, he'd promised not to let anything happen to her. "She's beautiful."She muttered, smiling slightly as she calmed. Smiling a little, "i want to go home." Brax snorted a little, laughing a little as he looked at draco wrapping a arm around his husband, cuddling his own babe, pressing a kiss to draco's head."Shh love, she's fine. Don't worry."He muttered, wanting draco to calm down.
Tom chuckled a little and shook his head. “we can't go home just yet love.” he admitted kissing her forehead. “your very tired right now, and the doctors are worried, they want to keep you for a few days to make sure you don't get sick.” he explained. “but Lexi and I can stay here with you alright? And we all know Myst isn't going to go anywhere.” she was curled around Alex's neck again and this time she refused to move.

Draco nodded. “yes... but...” he closed his eyes and laid his head on Brax's shoulder. “too much.” he complained softly. First Grindle, now Alex, it was just too much for Draco to handle, he had never been good at overly stressful situations, not really his fault, but well... he was getting better, at least he hadn't passed out this time. “we need to tell Tom about Grindle...”
Alex whined quietly,"Okay....going to sleep..."She muttered shifting, sighing quietly as she fell to sleep. To exhuasted and stress out to stay awake longer then required. Brax sighhed holding draco, knowing things were going to be okay. Pressing a kiss to draco's head he looked at time."Love, we'll tell him tomorrow.Just let him get over the shock of alex dying on him.."He muttered stroking draco's back, trying to make him feel better."You need to go to sleep to."
Tom smiled and gently set Lexi into her crib smiling a little as he snuggled into Alex, Draco nodding as he swayed on his feet, smiling slightly at brax, giving him a kiss. “yeah, I need sleep.” he agreed yawning a little. “lets go home and come back in the morning.” he agreed leaning into the other, hoping that his lover would apparate them, he was too tired and too strained, he'd leave part of himself behind.
Brax smiled, kissing his head as he apparated them.This was going to be a long few days.

In the morning brax sighed quietly as he got ready, looking over at Draco."Are you sure we have to tell tom?I'm sure we coul figure this out without his brillance."He said fiddling wih his shirt cuffs, not wanting to upset tom more then they absolutely had to. Surely between him and draco they could figure out how to unpossess grindle and let tom relax with alex.
Draco nodded. “we have to. If he finds out that we didn't tell him he'd be pissed. Grindle is as good as his father Brax, he's worried. He'll relax a little if we can tell him what's wrong with the man and that he can be fixed.” he admitted smiling a little. “and I know he can be fixed because Ginny Weasley was fixed and so where most of the other possession cases.” he admitted kissing the other. “we just have to be clever about it.” he sighed a little and shook his head. “but I'm not sure I want to be the one to tell him either.” he admitted biting his lip a little. “he's going to want to help...”
Brax smirked a little shaking his head."No, I'll tell him. And I'll make him not want to help. He's going to have to stay with alex.You saw her last night.she's not doing well with the doctors and being hurt.And he's the only one that can keep her from going insane. We're completely capable of handling grindle."he said kissing him before apparating them to the hospital, glad that his parents had agreed to watch the twins.
Draco nodded. “this is true.” he agreed letting his lover apparate them to the hospital, where tom was reading a book to Alex and Alexi who was resting in Alex's arms. Draco smiled as he watched this, Draco acting as a back rest for Alex as he read, pausing occasionally to kiss Alex's forehead or bush Lexi's sleepy face. “they all look so happy.” Draco said with a smile. “Tom and Alex are going to be great parents.”
Brax nodded, smiling as he watched alex shift settling closer to tom.Hey Alex."He muttered bending to kiss her cheek before straightening, looking at tom."I need you to promise something before I tell you this. I need you to stay out of it, and stay here and take care of these two.They need you more." He said smirking wider when alex didn't even protest to her neediness, nuzzling tom's shoulder.
Tom smiled at Alex and helped her shift, kissing her temple before he blinked at Brax his eyes narrowed. “i can't leave Alex in the hospital alone.” he complained. “i wouldn't for anything!” well, maybe a few things, but they where exceptions. “whats wrong? It's about Grindle isn't it?” he asked biting his lip. “did he really attack a student?” “yes, but it wasn't his fault.” Draco promised softly, Tom hesitating. “has... has he gone mad?” he asked softly biting his lip a little. “he has hasn't he?”
"No.He was possessed by his necklace." Brax said. Alex frowned a little, looking sleepy as she shifted lexi, sighing quietly."In the duel, the necklace was the last thing hit...cracked it..."She said frowning a little, mentally kicking herself for not thinking something was wrong. Brax smiled a little at tom's easy agreement,"Now don't go blame yourself Alex. You couldn't have known."he said.
Tom nodded. “even knowing that it was probably going to happen, I never suspected that he could possibly be going to be possessed. But Possession has a high rate of success at fixing so we think it will be alright.” Draco admitted. “we already destroyed the Demon's fixed point on earth, now we just have to convince it that it wants to go back to hell and we banish it. Simple.” well not as simple as he made it sound, but Tom and Alex didn't really need to know how many bruises they where probably going to get for this. “you guys just sit tight and we'll come back as soon as we get Grindle fixed up and resting.” he promised smiling a little as he looked over at Brax and nodded before heading for the door.
Brax smiled following draco out, giving him a lok as they headed for grindle's room."If we get hurt and have to explain to him what happened, you're doing it."He stated looking amused.

Alex sighed quietly nuzzling tom's shoulder, smiling slightly."They'll be fine."He said knowing tom was probably worrying about it, lie he always did."And I don't want you going anywhere."she said knowing if she sounded pathetic enough tom wouldn't even feel sorry for letting brax and draco go off on their own.
Draco sighed a little and nodded. “hopefully they have him strapped down.” he stated calmly with a small smirk as he peeked in the room and nodded. “yeah, they have him strapped down.” he stated heading into the room and gently shaking Grindle's shoulder to wake him up, his head tilted. “Grindle?” “yeah it's me.” Grindelwald admitted with a yawn. “i told them to strap me down.” he admitted sleepily. “they didn't want to at first but then I blacked out again and when I woke up I was strapped down, so I guess I attacked them...” “it wasn't you Grindle, you've been possessed.” he explained, realizing Grindle didn't remember being told this the first time. “we're going to try and help him, so maybe he'll leave you.” Grindle just nodded and licked his lips nervously. “so this...demon? Is he the one that addicted Tom to the dark arts?” “we believe so.”

Tom bit his lip and then smiled at her, his head tilted. “alright.” he muttered, more than willing to stop fretting if it meant he could take care of her a little more. “shall I keep reading?” he asked smiling. “little Lexi has fallen asleep.” he teased chuckling as he examined the small babe resting in Alex's arms his head tilted a little. “she really does look just like you.” he admitted smiling. “i'm going to have to beat all the boys off with a bat.”
Brax nodded,"it's the only thing that's changed since your duel with dumbedore, which is where everything went wrong he first time."He smiled a little touching grinles head, wincing at he feel of dark magic, "So. best way to get a demon out?"He said looking at draco.He knew the quickest way, but since they didnt want to kill grindle that ruled hat option out, so he needed back up.

Alex smiled,giggling a little as she turned her head."Well, I was beautiful as a man, of course my daughter's pretty."She said smiling happily, kissing him lightly as seh shifted to lay the babe down in the crib."No beating the boys off. We'll sit back and relax, let draco take care of beaing all the suitors off, since the twins will be just as pretty."
Draco swallowed hard as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “i can think of one, but it's kind of... unpleasant.” he admitted moving forward. “Grindle, I need you to close your eyes, and think about your necklace.” Grindle nodded and closed his eyes. “imagine it melted, broken, ruined, gone forever.” Grindle snarled violently and jerked against the bonds, snapping and snarling at Draco who smiled. “hello Demon. I'm sorry we destroyed your home.” he stated calmly, the demon pausing, looking confused. “if you promise to leave Grindle we can make you a better one?” “no! You will kill me! I won't let you! I'll slaughter you all! I'll kill you all! This is my body now! MY BODY! MY HOME!” “wouldn't you like a better home? We can get you whatever kind of home you want?” “THIS IS MY HOME! MY BODY AND MY HOME!”

Tom smirked a little. “your beautiful as a woman too.” he admitted smiling. “your more gorgeous than that picture of the perfect woman in the textbook, the one that Aphrodite supposedly made? You remember?” Tom had searched the picture of the woman for days trying to find any flaw and had given it up in disgust. “your so much more beautiful even then her.” he promised smiling a little. “well, I don't think Draco is as protective as I am.” he teased. “besides with my luck Lucius is going to try to marry Lexi! And we just can't have that!”
Brax winced a little at the demon's appearance, swallowing hard."I promise as the oldest heir of the house of malfoy, that we will find you a better home."He said resting a hand at his arm, looking down at him."All you have to do is leave this one. He is family, we do not want to lose him to your possession demon."
Alex bkysged smiling a little as he cuddled into him, closing her eyes."Hmm I am beautiul aren't I?"He said preening a little under the attention, smiling as she laid her head on his chest, settling down.Starting to fall asleep."No, lucius can't marry her.There's enough interbreeding in this relationship as their is."He said snikering before smiling."You can't be to protective love."
the demon snarled and struggled against his bonds, hissing and spitting wildly, Draco swallowing thickly. “well, it's either that or you and your new home can lay in that bed for the rest of eternity strapped down and immobile.” there the demon paused, baring Grindle's teeth at them. “you bring me better home!?” he demanded snarling a little Draco nodding. “any kind you want.” “i want GOLD! GOLD HOME!” he demanded kicking at them. “YOU BRING ME GOLD HOME!”

he smirked a little. “utterly ethereal.” he purred smiling a little as he chuckled a little. “i can be protective if I wanna.” he complained pouting a little smiling a little. “it's my job to be protective remember?” he teased smiling as he kissed her forehead. “besides I'm sure she'll beat me up someday and make me leave her alone.”
Brax nodded,"Done."He said before apparating, returning home to get what he needed returning with the golden dragon statue, the metal twisted beautiful and elegant, holding it up."Is this suitable to you, lord demon?"He asked looking amused at the idea of what the dragon wanted. But he figured even a demon wanted to be beauitufl.

Alex laughed quietly."If she's like her uncles, of course she will."She yawned,poking her fiancee tiredly n the side."Go to sleep.You've stayed up all last night, and no lying, I know you watched me all night."She said closing her eyes.So for making him so woried that he'd stayed up.But she was also touche that he did.
the Demon hissed and then paused as he examined the Dragon statue before nodding. Like it! Mine!” he roared leaping out of Grindle and striking the statue, the dark shadowy smokey form wrapping around the statue, coating it like a glove before it sank deep into the gold, Draco shuddering violently. “that was creepy...” he muttered, Grindle groaning as he blinked awake. “oh god... who did I hurt?” Grindle demanded jumping violently when he saw the Dragon statue, his eyes wide. “... is that...” “yeah, that's the demon.” “what are you going to do with it?” Grindle asked nervously Draco hesitating, looking at Brax for suggestions.

He shook his head. “i'm fine.” he promised smiling at her. “i can sleep when we get home.” he promised kissing her cheek. “you need to sleep more than I do.” he admitted gently nuzzling her with a small smile. “you just worry about getting better alright?”
Brax grinned at the two, the michivious child, and brilliant business man showing through that look for a moment before he answered."It's so getting set were it was. It'll be perfect for business meetings."He decided stealing a kiss, looking at draco then grindle."You ready to go home?Your a uncle by the way.Alex's is here,and they have a little girl."

Alex yawned smiling as she snuggled him."Okay.But you sleep to."She demanded wrapping her arms around him, sighing as she started falling asleep.
Draco almost choked. “your going to keep a demon in the house!?” he demanded his eyes wide. “what if it tries to posses someone else!?” as long ass it's home didn't get broken again, the Demon would be happier in the golden statue than in a human body, Demon's loved gold and pretty things, and humans where not very pretty. Grindle just chuckled and explained that to Draco as he carefully sat up, rubbing his sore head before gasping in joy. “they had the baby!?” he demanded excitedly smiling a little. “that's wonderful! Can we see them now!?”

Tom smiled and nodded. “alright, I'll sleep too.” he promised closing his eyes, too tired to argue any more.
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