Love across time

Alex growled possessively, tugging his baby girl closer at the idea of leaving her behind, glaring at draco for even suggesting it."We'll take her with us.It'll be another protection for tom."He perked up a little at the idea, ignoring that he might need protection himself now that he was female.Looking slightly amazed that wizards had been as cruel as that before shaking his head. smiling a little at the idea of dumbledore being completely helpless, and glad at that idea. gently stroking myst's head he looked down at her."Do you want to come with us?I have to go back to school."He hissed quietly.
Draco snickered at Alex's possessiveness, rolling his eyes as he watched the little Dragon playing with a loos thread on the blanket. “make sure you play with her too, she needs play to enhance her natural motor functions, and it will help keep her out of trouble.” he teased smirking a little as he shook his head at Alex's completely missing the point, Tom chuckling a little as he snuggled into Alex, watching Mist bounce around on the bed, her claws now as hard and sharp as diamond blades. She turned when Alex talked to her,blinking at him. “School? What is school? Is it yummy?” she asked her head tilted as she curled up next to him, purring as she snuggled into him, rubbing her head along his neck and cheek, giving him some Dragon loving. “ Drago glanced at a clock and nodded. “well I have to go before Brax wakes up without me.” he stated with a grin as he hopped out the door, Myst squeaking and chirping as she examined her own vocal ranges, Tom chuckling a little. “what would we do without him hmm love?” he asked smiling a little as he watched Myst, rubbing all over Alex's neck and chin, brushing her fur, soft, so soft along his neck. “we need to get her some toys, and a scratching post too.” he stated calmly. “and we'll have to teach her to read so she can learn from books.” “books.” Myst chirped in English, Tom squeaking himself in surprise, Mist letting out a soft giggle as she flipped onto her back and pawed at Alex's hand, wanting pets. “mommy!” she ordered pouting at him, her long red tongue flicking at him in annoyance when Alex didn't comply fast enough.
Alex laughed as the dragon ordered him about, rubbing her stomach."Im petting I'm petting."He grinned leaning down to kiss her nose before straightening, looking at Tom."This is tom, myst."He introduced the two before nodding, bounding ut of bed,"I'll get dressed.we'll go shopping before we have to go back to school."He grinned happily as he dressed quickly before moving back to the bed,cuddling his dragon."You want toys?Something to play with?"He smiled looking up at tom before stealing a kiss."Love you."He grinned before pulling away, petting Myst again."Let's go.We'll see if the other two want to go."He ceded, knowing they probably would.

"Alex okay with his dragon?"Brax muttered sleepily as Draco climbed back into the bed, shifting to snuggle against him. Muttering in pleasure at the warm body cuddling against his.
Myst looked at tom, her head tilting as she examined him, pondering him then. “Daddy?” she mused Tom cracking into a wide grin but waiting for Alex to accept the title. After all Tom wasn't sure that Alex was ready to share just yet. Myst purred happily as she was pet, her tongue hanging out adorably as her belly was rubbed, Tom giggling a little as he got dressed as well, Myst chrping eagerly at the mention of toys. “Toys! Toys mommy toys!” she ordered, leaping off the bed and running around, Tom giggling as she sneezed violently, flooding the floor with Fog as she sniffed. “well, even if she doesn't have her Icy Breath yet, she certainly has a good stealth on her side.” he teased chuckling a little.

Draco blushed and chuckled as he nodded. “yes, he's fine. I was hoping you hadn't realized i'd gotten out of bed.” he admitted smiling as he snuggled into brax with a small sigh. “i found a book in your library all about water Dragons. Turns out the last known Bonded Pair was Tamartha Malfoy and her Dragon Misery.” he admitted smirking a little. “Misery was the last Water Dragon in existence, I think she and Tamartha created Tom's secrete place and filled it with pure water, so the eggs would hatch in peace. But they both died suddenly, I haven't found out how, which is why the eggs never hatched.” he smirked a little. “i didn't tell Tom that of course, no need to have him being even more protective of his hideout.”
Alex grinned as she tugged on his jacket,"Yes daddy."He grinned picking up her dragon, wrapping his arms around the dragon's middle as he shifted to look at his lether jacket, smirking slightly as he cast a enlarging charm on the pocket, making sure it'd be big enough for her to comfortably in, and still be able to look out and about so she could pick out her own toys. Holding open the edge she grinned dropping Myst into the comfortable space."There you go."He grinned looking at the fog, smirking a little as he looked at tom."I might have to let my class wander around in this. Good blind defense practice."He mused.

Brax grinned a little."Damn, i'm never getting back in there am I?"He grumbled goodnaturedly smiling slightly."Well, and it makes sense Alex is the one who bonded. Tamartha was a daughter of the medici line, and malfoy. Talk about interbreeding."He snickered raising his head to kiss Draco.
Tom chuckled a little as Myst was picked up and dumped into a pocket, dragging something out of his own pocket and examining the stick before offering it to Myst, who grabbed it and dragged it into the pocket so she could chew it to pieces. “your entirely too cruel love.” Tom teased grinning at Alex as he looped his arm around Alex's. “lets go get them out of bed before they start fucking.”

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. “i'm amazed you managed to get in anyway.” he admitted smirking a little as he kissed the other. “no one knows why Dragons bond with their Chosen.” he admitted. “i think Myst bonded with Alex because he needed her the most. Emotionally I mean.” he admitted pondering, squealing in Terror when Tom hurtled through the air and landed on all of them, Draco calming a hand to his heart from terror. “we're going shopping! Wanna come with!?” “TOYS!” Myst cried out eagerly, examining Draco and Brax, half hanging out of the pocket, wings spread for balance.
Alex laughed as she helped Myst balance, petting her head."Yes, we're going to get toys."He smirked looking at the other two. Brax goaned pressing his face into the pillow as he tried to calm his racing heart, as starrtled as draco to find the two in the room with him."Toys I take it?And dragony things?"He said laughinig a little as he stood up, heedless of being naked, starting to get ready. Alex nodded looking down at myst, pointing at Draco."This is your uncle Dragon."He said amused.So amusing to have a dragon with a uncle who's name meant dragon."And your other uncle Brax."He said looking at his grandfrather as he dressed."
Myst blinked, her head tilted as she watched Abraxas getting dressed before turning to Draco who chuckled a little as she chirped and flung herself into the air, landing on Abraxas' shoulder wings spread wide to catch the air and keep her balance as she wound herself around his neck, sniffing his neck all over before launching herself at Draco and doing the same thing, sniffing him up and down before landing on Tom and giving him a good sniff over before she landed in Alex's pocket to chew on her stick again, purring happily. “Toys!” she ordered happily, Draco laughing as he shook his head and finished getting ready for the day. “she's a lively one isn't she?” Draco asked smirking as Mist poked her head out of the pocket and blinked at him. “you smell.” she chirped simply before vanishing, Draco's mouth dropping in horror at the insult.
Both the other malfoys in the room for once let their jaws drop, though one stared at his lover and the other was staring at the dragon in his pocket."He smells myst?Like what?"Alex said, swallowing hard to keep from laughing. Poor draco looked so insulted at the idea he smelled. Abraxas smiled a little as he tugged on his jacket, bending a little to brush his lips along the blond's neck, purring slightly."You smell like sex and good things."He muttered nuzzling his ear, biting his lip to keep from laughing. Draco looked so insulted.
Myst looked up at him. “smells!” she protested sulking a little as Draco scowled at the little dragon before sniffing at his hair. “maybe it's my Lavender hair wash?” he mused laughing as he was smelled by Brax, moaning happily as Myst stared at him, her head tilted. “smells!” she complained before vanishing in her pocket once more, Tom holding his laughs in with both hands clamped tightly around his mouth, Draco huffing as he sulked. “your daughter is RUDE!” he complained Tom unable to hold it in any longer, he burst into laughter and collapsed onto the floor, rolling around because he was laughing so hard.
Alex giggled, collapsing next to his lover, cuddling the dragon as she poked her head out, having been disturbed at the sudden change."S-smells good or bad?"he giggled hissing in her own language, trying to understand why draco smelled and no one else did. Giggling helplessly, his brother was so insulted. Before growling at the words, sitting up on his elbows, the angry effect ruined by his giggles."Don't be rude draco."

Brax snickered kissing draco,"Maybe you should try different washs.After all, you want your niece to like you."he teased poking his lover, "And think you smell good."He said swallowing hard to keep from joining the others in their laughter."Okay you three, time to go.We have toys and dragony things to get beore we have to go back to school tonight."
she poked her head out, sniffed at him again and wrinkled her nose, considering if it was a good or bad smell before snorting. “no! Smells!” she complained sniffing at him again before sneezing, Draco turning red but saying nothing as she ducked her head again,seeming to realize Draco couldn't take anymore insults to his personal hygiene. “i smell just fine!” Draco grumbled, sulking as he yanked his shoes on, sulking as Tom continued to giggle wildly, Draco pausing. “Tom, before I forget, your pay for the week. I thought I might give it to you early, since we're going out today.” Tom looked overjoyed as he accepted the money and shoved it into his pocket. “good! I need new shoes.” he chirped happily as he wrapped his arm around Alex's chest, smirking a little. “and I want Candy too, I bet Myst would like some candy.”
Alex laughed softly."I'm sure she would.Hold on Myst."he muttered the warning before apparating all three of them to diagon alley, reaching down to make sure his girl was okay, "Toys or food first myst?"He asked looking down at her.

Brax laughed kissing his lover softly."You smell perfectly.Her sense of smell is just really sensitive. Everything probably smells bad."He said wrapping his arms around him before apparating, kissing him softly."Now. Do you want something to make you feel better?"He asked, willing to do anything to make his lover feel better about being told he smelled by a dragon.
Myst pondered and then. “Toys!” she decided climbing out of the pocket to wrap around his neck, flicking her tongue around, smelling everything with her tongue as she examined all of the people and the things with wide, fascinated eyes. “fun!” she stated looking around at everything.

Draco still pouted but nodded. “yes, I suppose. It is either my shampoo, or the fact that I smell like a man and a woman.” he admitted sighing a little as he snuggled into his lover, smiling a little. “i was hoping we might go and just hang out for a while. Maybe go and get something to eat and walk in that new park? Like a date?” he asked smiling a little.
"It is."Alex smiled stroking the dragon's head before slipping a hand into Tom's, nodding goodbye to the other two, heading for the animal shop, wanting to get toys. Wondering if they'd have anything. Smiling as he stepped inside, pausing to get his bearings.Having come here about 70 years."Myst, what do you want?"He said before looking at hte shop keeper."Do you have any dragon designed toys?"

Brax smiled watching the other two leave before looking at draco, nodding, kissing him agian."A walk and a picnic then."he said heading for the new shop, honeydukes, knowing besides candy they also sold regular food. wanting to get something special for their first actual like date. They spent alot of time together,but they really hadn't had a chance to date.
the shopkeeper looked stunned. “d..dragon?!” she stated looking horrified. “ you have a dragon!?” she demanded, clearly worried about his health and his sanity, Tom snickering a little. “calm down Lady, jeeze.” he stated with a roll of his eyes. “we're asking because we found a baby Hungarian horntail in the woods, mother dead. We need to take care of it until some Dragon keepers can be found to take it in.” she still looked horrified and he rolled his eyes. “never mind, do you have any scratching posts? Maybe some rubber mouses? Anything that jingles I think.” Myst stayed silent and hidden in Alex's hair, fearful because of the woman's reaction. “i think some bouncing balls and some dog chew toys too.” she told them the isles and he nodded, dragging Alex off into the store, looking amused. “i don't think I've ever seen someone so terrified in my life!”

he smiled as he headed into honeydukes. “in seventy years this is the biggest candy shop in the wizarding world., they invent some of the most amazing candies you've ever seen.” he admitted grinning a little. “i don't remember them having a restaurant though, they must have abandoned it when they realized that it was better to just sell candy.” he muttered looking around and settling at a table, smiling at the menu. “oooh,a shame too! These all sound delicious!”
Alex grinned nodding a little as he raised a hand to stroke myst's head, feeling her distress at the woman's reaction, gently melding his calm to her emotions, trying to calm her down. Before shuddering at toms words, the memories raising behind those clear blue eyes, shivering a little at remembered pain before shoving it away."Scratching posts would be good.And mousies."he decided choosing some brightly colored balls, and rubber mouses and a long magically renforced scratching post, knowing she would need the magic to keep from breaking it. Choosing some toys that you could hide treats in to, so that she could knock them loose as she played."Anything else?"he asked looking around.

"They are."Brax said laughing a little, it was so odd to hear about the future of the stores, ordering some pasta and wine, before looking at draco."What are you eating?"He asked curious, wondering what he'd decide on. It was always amusing to watch him decide, knowing the other could be finicky about his food.
Myst relaxed at his calming emotions and purred softly as she nuzzled his ear smiling a little as Tom chuckled a little. “honestly that much terror over a dragon.” he shook his head. “people really are idiots you know?” he asked smiling at Alex. “but Myst and all the other Water dragon's will change their minds. Dragon's are proud species and wonderful creatures. Not something to be feared.” he pondered as Myst poked her head out and examined the things grabbing some jingle balls with her tail and adding it to the basket, giggling when they jingled Tom laughing as he nodded. “squeaky toys!” he chirped eagerly rushing over to the dog toys and throwing in couple of squeaking tennis balls and a squeaking blue pig that made Myst giggle. “and some string toys!” Tom decided, getting some stringy cat toys that Myst would be able to chase around. It was very clear that Tom was going to spoil Myst rotten.

Draco hesitated as he examined the menu, pondering before. “a garden salad with green peppers, some white whine aaaand.” he narrowed his eyes pondering what else he wanted to risk eating. “the cheese Ravioli in red meat sauce.” he decided hesitating before nodding. “yes...” hesitating again before handing the menu to the waiter smiling at Brax sheepishly. “hush you...”
ALex laughed quietly at his lover's enthusiam, turning his head slightly to study the dragon balancing on his shoulder."Like your papa do you?"he teased kissing her nose as he picked up the crystal toys, that not only sparkled and had a bell in them to jingle, but were spelled to be chew toys, knowing she'd need something to strength her teeth."Do you want a bed to pretty girl?"He asked moving to the dog beds, running his fingers over the velvety surfaces.

Brax laughed quietly as he handed his menu back, watching the waiter leave before looking at Draco."Ahh but you like it when I don't hush."He teased looking over at him reaching across to wrap his fingers around his,squeezing lightly.
Tom chuckled a little as he smiled as Myst purred happily and nodded. “toys!” she chirped happily before settling into the bed and curling up on it, sighing softly. “yes.” she decided, enjoying the smooth soft velvet Tom chuckling a little. “now she has somewhere to sleep when your teaching class. She can sit on or next to your desk the entire time.” he teased smiling as she nodded. “Yes!”

Draco chuckled a little and nodded. “very true, particularly in bed.” he teased winking at the other before pressing a kiss to his lovers fingers. “i love you.” he murmured happily, smiling at Brax. “your the best thing that's ever happened to me.”
Alex smiled nodding a little as he headed for the front, carrying everything, "I want all of this sent to hogwarts, in care of dumbledore. Tell him to see it to Alex Medici's rooms."He said arrogance coloring the words as he paid the woman. As if he never doubted that his things would get to where he wanted to them to.

Brax flushed swallowing hard as he smiled slightly."I love you to.And by far, you're the best thing I have."He said smiling slightly, shivering. The memory of his rape clouding his mind, pain flashing through his eyes as he looked at the table. Trying not to think about what weasley had said to him, struggling to feel worthy of this man's attention.
the woman nodded, eyes wide as he ordered her, suddenly noticing Myst as the little Dragon poked her head out of his hair and hiccuped, though no mist fell out of her nose this time. “ GOD is that...a dragon!?” she asked, suddenly enthralled as she saw the pretty Myst, though did not try to touch. “i thought they where extinct.” “everyone did.” Tom stated smiling a little. “but their back and we're trying to keep it quiet so they have a chance to survive.” she gasped and nodded quickly. “my lips are sealed!” she winked at them. “and a discount price for the pretty lady.” she stated smiling at mist who hiccuped again and then preened, making herself even prettier before puffing up, all self glorified making Tom snort.

Draco smiled and he gently stroked Brax's cheek. “stop that.” he ordered softly, well aware of what the other was thinking. “if anyone is unworthy in this relationship it's me.” he promised smiling a little. “you are the kindest, bravest, most perfect person I have ever met in my life.” he assured the other. “and nothing will ever change that.”
Alex laughed quietly as he smiled at his dragon,"You're going to be a confident arrogant dragon aren't you myst?"He said, knowing if anything his arrogance and self assurance was going to be rubbing off on her, even as she offered him the emotional balance he needed."Now. Myst, anything else before we say goodbye to the pretty woman?"He asked stroking her head, amused at myst winning over the woman.

Brax sighed a little leaning into the other's hand, relaxing at the reassurance, ggrowling a little at his words."You're not unworthy."He growled at him, angry that he'd even suggest it. Willing to defend draco against anyone, even himself."And I'm far from perfect. Tom's the genius you know."He said trying to lighten the mood as their food arrived.
Myst purred happily, Tom laughing as he shook his head. “you mean she's going to have a head as big as yours is.” he teased smiling a little as he wrapped his hand around Alex's. Holding his hand as Myst examined the lady, wrinkling her nose as she pondered then. “smells!” she chirped Tom laughing a little. “we still haven't figured out what she means by that!” he admitted when she looked horrified. “can't tell if she means it's a bad smell or a good smell or just an unusual smell.” he shook his head a little chuckling as she pondered and then sniffed at her hair. “maybe it's my shampoo? I use apple scented...” “... WOW!” Tom stated suddenly having caught sight of the woman's eight month baby bump. “your really pregnant!” she laughed and nodded, rubbing her belly,as Myst sniffed at her again. “smells!” she protested. “toys!” she pleaded driving her head into the bag, wanting to play with her toys.

Draco looked a little startled by the growl before smiling a little. “well, alright then.” he decided. “we can be unworthy and imperfect together.” he decided chuckling as he examined his food closely to see if it fit his standards before smiling, pleased. “and tom is a genius but I think he's getting stupid in his love for Alex.” he admitted laughing a little.
Alex nearly dropped the bag of toys as he let Myst into the bag. A bad, bad idea occuring to him. A pregnant woman...the only one she'd reacted to. The same way she'd reacted to Draco.And a potion that turned him into a woman...and draco into..."We need to find draco."He said looking stunned."I think I know what she means."He said his stomach tightening, wondering how he was going to tell draco his theory. pretty sure his brother had had sex between the potion and now.

Brax laughed starting to eat, "well it works out since he thinks you're going stupid loving me. And alex...well alex is punch drunk in love with a dragon and tom.Of us all, he's the stupidest."He said wisely.
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