Love across time

Alex smirked looking at draco."Ah, but him almost being your brother, should make it even more appealling." Brax sputtered giving him a look."Would you just forget about that!?" Alex smirked a little leaning over to kiss draco's cheek."Love, you know I always cheat you."
Draco glared at Alex again. "someday, i will hurt you." he stated simply sighing a little. "besides, Alex will NEVER forget that i let my own grandfather bugger me into the nearest available surface." Tom sputtered, going bright red, his poor Virgin ears just not able to handle that sort of thing. "well... er.. lunch?" he asked hopefully, not really all that willing to talk about sex when he just wasn't ready to make that sort of step yet.
"Bloody hell draco."Alex growled resting his forhead on the table. Slipping easily into the language they'd created."Sie helfen nicht. Ich will mit ihm verdammt Sodomie treiben. Hören Sie auf, das nicht Denken daran härter zu machen."He scowled wincing as Brax laughed a little. "Come on.Time to eat my boy innocent friend."He snickered summoning a house elf to get them food.

(You're not helping.I want to bugger him dammit. Stop making not thinking about it harder.)
"oh così Fratello dispiace." Draco stated simply, a smirk on his lips as he looked over his brother. "Je vais essayer d'être plus prévenant." Draco waved his hand as if something didn't matter, Tom staring at the two brothers with a baffled expression. "natürlich nur, wenn Sie zu entlassen, der Inzest Witze versprechen." Draco smirked at Alex, took Brax's hand and helped himself to one of the sandwiches that had arrived Tom looking baffled. "you people make my head hurt." Tom complained grabbing the bowl of crab on the table that the house elves always brought him before he even looked at the sandwiches.

Translation: oh so sorry Brother. / i'll try to be more considerate. / only of course, if you promise to lay off the incest jokes.
brax snickered a little looking at the man dejectedly eating a sandwich before looking at Draco."You do know I can speak german dont you?"He said amused, before shrugging."Tom, everything makes your head hurt."He teased. Alex whined softly eating his sandwich, "Bite me pretty boy."
Draco smirked a little. "oh so you understood the bit about incest then? the others where french and Italian." he teased smirking as he reached over and bit Alex, Tom choking on his Crab from trying to laugh, Draco laughing at the horrified look on his brothers face. "oh, did you not mean me? i'm sorry, Brax i guess he want's YOU to bite him. "hey! biting him is MY job!" Tom complained glaring at them all Draco laughing as he nodded. "yes i guess it is."
Alex whimpered curling up in his seat, nibbling on his sandwich."No.NO!No biting me."He whimpered curling up trembling a little, trying not to let his body react to the other's words. Oh damn...

Brax snickered a little. "Yes I would leave alex biting to tom."He smiled a little."Though if you want to think about it,seeing as Tom's been adopted, wouldn't ALL of this be incest?"He teased amused.
Tom frowned a little gently reaching over and touching Alex's shoulder. "Alex?... are you ok?" he asked softly frowning a little before a little light bulb seamed to go off in his head. "oh... come here." he ordered grabbing Alex's hand and dragging him off and into the nearest bedroom, offering him a shy, flirty smile as he pushed Alex onto the bed. "they didn't make me do this." he admitted softly. "so it's ok." he murmured unzipping the others pants, hesitating as he pulled it out, biting his lip before gently running his tongue along the head. "mmm you taste just as good as i remember." he murmured. because the three boys who had raped him, had not made him use his mouth, he only had memories of Alex on that particular task.

"you knew he's been adopted?" Draco asked smirking at Brax. "your parents asked you if it was ok didn't they? you knew all along."
Alex moaned softly, sliding his fingers through the other's hair,closing his eyes as he relaxed."Goo...oh...that..."He shuddered squeezing his eyes shut. Because it felt amazing. And since he didn't masturbate, it'd been so long since he'd been touched in any way"good..."He muttered.

Brax smirked tilting his head."Of course I knew.An yes they did."He laughed softly."But it was so amusing to watch you guys try to get me to freak out."
Tom smiled, pleased that he was able to do this as he slipped the head into his mouth and sucked on it, playing with it as he ran his fingers along the shaft, panting softly. "isn't that the whole purpose of me doing this? to make you feel good?" he teased smirking a little, though he knew if Alex tried to return the favor Tom would panic. because they hadn't made him suck them off, but they had sucked him off. they had made him like it... Shame slammed into him and he flinched, leaning away from Alex to get a Grip on himself for a moment, swallowing hard. "sorry...just..give me a sec..."

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "that's just cruel...i like it." he laughed a little. "we should not let them know that you know!" it's more shocking for them that way." he teased winking at Brax before sighing. "i hope Tom is going to be alright.. he's pushing himself too hard again..."
Alex flinche sitting up, looking at the other before scooting away."Don't. Just...don't.Lay and be quiet.It's okay."He said shame and pain choking him, moving to get up. Doing up his pants, ashamed of himself for putting tom on the spot. Smiling slightly as he tilted his head."We'll go do something else..."He muttered not looking at the other

Brax laughed softly."We shouldn't."He bit his lip looking concerned."And he is pushing himself...should we go interrupt them? Even if they yell at us?"He asked tilting his head.
Tom swallowed hard and he covered his face with his hands. "i can't even... they just..." he shook his head. "i wanted to, and then i remembered that they... and i just.." he looked up at Alex, tears brimming in his eyes. "this isn't fair...Alex.. i want to feel good again like when you touch me... and all i feel is disgust at myself for... for..for ENJOYING it!" there, he'd said it.. he was such a dirty little whore, a nasty little slut. he covered his face with his hands again. "i'm so wrong inside Alex... i'm so dirty.... who...who cums..when their being raped!?"

Draco sighed a little and shook his head. "i don't know." he admitted. "if Tom is actually ready for this step..." he frowned a little. "but we both know he isn't..." he muttered standing up and he headed over tot he other room, gasping as he heard Tom's admittance, a hand to his mouth. "oh that poor boy..." he murmured softly. "it's so much harder, knowing you enjoyed it." he admitted softly wrapping his fingers in Abraxas's, holding his hand tightly. "it almost makes it feel all your fault..." Draco knew, Draco understood. because Lucius had not let Draco go during those weekly sessions, unless Draco came for his father. "i think... i might get in contact with a therapist...all four of us could really use one..." even if they where going to have to drag Alex there in a full body bind.
Alex looked startled, before sighing softly. A pain filled sound as he gently wrapped his arms around the other, hesitating as he closed his arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head."I do.Did."He shuddered harder, knowing it was going to be hrd for both of them, but he could talk about this. He could."Six years Tom. Six years and countless times in bed...and he never let me leave until he knew I enjoyed it to."

Brax paled a little before moving back from the door, pulling draco with him,wrapping his arms around the other with a slightly disgusted amused look."You're going to drag alex to a therapist?He's liable to kill you."He pointed out heading for his room.
Tom trembled violently as he snuggled into the other, clinging to him tightly. but he didn't cry, no he wouldn't cry anymore. crying didn't make anything better. "i'm sorry." he whispered softly. "making you go through that... i won't ever do it.' he whispered holding him tightly. "i won't, ever make you..." he swallowed hard. "i... i want.. to be better." he admitted softly. "i want there to be a magic potion, to make all of this alright again..."

Draco nodded. "he might, but out of all of us, i honestly think he needs it the most." he admitted softly, closing his eyes. "i will ask your mother if she knows where i can find one." he murmured softly. "i'm glad i thought to remove all of the gold from my vault before i came here..." he admitted. "i can still afford to hire a therapist for all of us." he admitted smiling a little as he gently kissed Brax's nose. "i think we would be fine without one but Alex and Tom, i think it would be better for them."
Alex shuddered closing his eyes, resting his head n the other's shoulder as he clung to him. "If there was, I'd have made draco make it by now. But we will get through this together."He muttered nuzzling the other sighing softly.

Brax nodded wrapping his arms around him, pressing a kiss to his head."Mother will know."He sighed softly."He's....he's broken in a way thats hard to see.Which sounds odd,but he needs to talk to someone, but he wont."He said already envisioning it, having faith that the other would just sit there and stare if he was forced to go."We'd be fine. they need help."
he nodded and tucked himself into Alex, sighing softly. "we're all so broken inside." he whispered softly. "like little doves sitting in cages with broken wings so they can't fly away." he muttered sleepily. "we're all like...caged birds..." he fell asleep, just like that, the emotional upheaval always wore him out more than anything else.

Draco nodded. "we're all broken in ways that can't be seen." he admitted heading into the sitting room where the elder Malfoy's where playing chess. "Lord and Lady Malfoy.. i was hoping i might be able ro request some assistance from you?"
Alex smiled sadly kissing his head, shifting so they could lay back,holding him close. Falling asleep with the other in his arms.

Morgana paused with her hand over a piece, looking up at her great-grandson, tilting her head."What can we do for you?"she asked curious, because her son was looking to serious for once.
Draco hesitated then. "i want to hire a therapist for Tom...and Alex though he's going to fight tooth and nail. i need someone who specializes in survivors guilt and rape." he admitted sitting down and shaking his head. "Tom won't recover on his own, and Alex needs someone to talk to." he admitted softly. "do you know of anyone who could be very discreet and live in the house for a few weeks until Tom can find his feet again?"
Morgana frowned thoughtfully, before nodding."I know someone. I will go speak to her now."she stood smiling as she moved her piece."Checkmate."She said kissing her husband's cheek before looking at the boys."Go relax.I will see Elieen now."She smiled. Having a idea for the perfect person.She was just a few years older then alex,but that might make it easier for him to talk to someone his own age. Smiling as she left to go talk to him.

Brax looked startled, tilting his head."This will be interesting..."
Lucien huffed and pouted a little as he lost before smiling a little. "Eileen is young, but she's very skilled." he stated calmly, Draco frowning a little. "Eileen... that name sounds familiar." he muttered softly before shaking his head. "the question now is, do we warn Alex or do we just sit them in a room together and see what happens?" he wondered looking rather amused. "he might kill her if we did that though..."
Brax smirked a little."We probably should not tell him, and bring him in this room, with all of us here. He wouldn't commit murder with witnesses, and risk scaring tom."He said amused. "Right?He wouldn't?He's goign to blow up."he said amused.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "he won't kill her then, he'll kill ME!" h stated calmly. "i think we should ease him into it. tell him there's a therapist here and that she's here to help Tom, and when he's not paying attention shove him in the room and lock the door. then he'll be pissed at us and not her. what do you think?"
Brax snickered a little."Now that is a good idea. Of course, he'll be ready to kill us, but he might talk."He said amused tilting his head as he saw his mother and elieen.

Elieen smiled slightly, curly black hair falling around a face that would look like her son's. Wide dark eyes watched the world around her, and though she wasn't married-yet-she would be. Elieen prince would someday be Elieen Snape, the similarilies to her son showing in her face."Hello.Morgana said you would need help?"she said studying the two blonds in the room.
Draco froze and stared at the woman looking as if he had seen a ghost, swallowing hard as all the blood fled from Draco's face, leaving him as pale as a ghost. "Severus." he whispered softly, tears choking his voice as he watched the woman before shuddering violently and fleeing the room, uncaring that everyone in the room though him to be the one who needed the help now, Lucien standing up, looking shocked. "...pleasure as always to see you Eileen." he stated calmly. "we have some people here that need some physiological help. my son would probably benefit as well... apparently Draco as well..."
Brax frowned watching Draco go."He would.but we're not the ones who need it the most."He said tilting his head."Excuse me, I'll go see if the other three are feeling up to talking."He said walking out, going in search of draco. Needing to know what was wrong.Eileen frowned slightly watching him go before sighing softly."Well. That was...odd."She said looking confused.
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