Love across time

Alex swallowed hard hugging himself tighter, staring at the wintery landscape.So...odd to be in this room, that had witness so much many years from now."Because I couldn't mourn.I couldn't... I couldn't feel guilty for getting lucius killed. I couldn't... I knew you'd see it as a betrayal...I...I couldn't chance you walking away from me. not when you were all I had left."He swallowed hard ears choking him.
Draco looked over at Alex, looking startled before he sighed. "Malfoy's don't cry...remember?" he asked softly. "that's what Father always used to say... but he was wrong you know... he was wrong about many things...everything really... i was never upset that Father was killed...only mother, and uncle Sev, and uncles Lestrange." he admitted softly. "but never Father..." he bit his lip and looked up at Alex. "you...saved me from him, in all honestly." he admitted standing up, moving over to Alex and setting his hand on the others shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. "he was... raping me." he finally admitted softly. "when he died i was... only relieved." he wrapped his arms tightly around Alex, holding him close. "i was always... so jealous of you...having a happy family... and now it turns out had the same hateful, painful family as me." he smiled a little. "i am proud...and pleased, to have you as my brother."
Alex nearly collased into him in shock at the truth, resting his head on draco's shoulder, swallowing hard. Guilt choking him. having always wanted to injure the man who was hurting him to make sure he wouldn't tell draco, but he hadn't...hadn't because he'd thought draco loved him. Now...trembling a little he swallowed."I shoul have killed him earlier."He sighed softly, nuzzling the other, "Ah well. I guess this means I get to claim brax as a grandfather. And isn't that amusing?"He said poking his brother, making fun of him because it hurt ot much to think about lucius
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. "what has been done, has been done." he explained softly, pausing at the jibe and sulking at Alex. "that us completely not funny, i'd managed to forget that he was my grandfather...Tom?" Tom had stepped in, blinking at the two, looking confused. "how can Brax be your grandfather." the boy asked, looking vaguely guilty. he hadn't meant to overhear, he hadn't even known they where in the library, he's just wanted to look at the book on the dark arts that Lucien had mentioned during breakfast, he thought it would help him with his latest spell, could Abraxas be a grandfather when the man had never fucked a woman?
Alex jerked his head up off the other's shoulder, twisting to look at tom, looking scared."Uh..."He swallowed hard, not sure what to say. Knowing he had to tell him, otherwise this was going to be such a mess."Draco...go away."He muttered needing to talk to his lover alone, looking pained and slightly scared to tell him
Alex swallowed hard, leaning back against the window he was standing by, watching the other, pain on his face." and draco... aren't from here. Or even this time. We...came back. To change things. Our world, tore itself apart for...someone else's pleasure, it was destroyed.We came back to change what happened to make them happen that way."He shuddered a little looking down."I hadn't expected to fall in love.Brax really is our grandfather.Its how we're malfoys, even when there are no other malfoys in this time except for the ones living at the manor."
Tom stared at him for a moment then. "oh..." he muttered softly biting his lip a little, frowning as he tried to comprehend this. "so you, came back in time to stop something very bad from happening?" he asked his head tilted a little. "that doesn't seem so bad... you...don't have to go back right? you won't leave me right?" he asked, worry staining his voice. "i love you Alex... i don't want you to leave." he admitted wrapping his arms tightly around the other, "please don't leave me..."
Alex smiled a little, "I'm not going anywhere."he muttered praing that it was right. that time itself wouldn't force him back into a changed world, or back to the world he'd known. "I'm staying here."He said holding him tightly, swallowing hard, kissing his head.praying that tom wouldn't ask. wouldn't ask what had driven him to such desperation and pain to try and change the past.He couldn't tell the man in his arms what he'd become.
Tom sighed and smiled, nuzzling into his lover before looking up at him. "but...what in the world happened, that you had to go back so far in time?" he asked curiously, worried about his lover, gently stroking his cheek. "" he muttered seeing the pain in Alex's eyes. "maybe i don't want to know..." he muttered before brightening. "hey! i came in here for a book, and Brax said i'm not supposed to test new spells without someone there to watch me, would you mind giving me a hand? i'm trying to find a way to summon snakes from your wand! i haven't got the wording quite right and the only things i've managed so far was a snake skin and a fang." he admitted with a grimace. "and a pike of inside our snake one." he admitted making a face. "that was gross." changing the subject so that Alex wouldn't be so sad, he's ask Draco later.
Alex laughed softly, tilting his head. "That is gross.And I can save you the trouble."He smirked slowly, raising his wand."Serpentsortia."He muttered softly, smirking as the cobra twisted to look at them, looking throughfully disgrunted at being inside.What do you want? Just trying out a spell.Sorry. Alex hissed back as he lowered his hand smirking a little as he let the snake curl around his arm." There are some benefits to being born after you were. I got the benefits of everything YOU created."He teased kissing the other.
Tom gasped, looking amazed at the snake in front of him, grinning from ear to ear. "I created that spell? really?" he asked looking very eager. "i knew i was brilliant." he chirped playfully. "how about that Love potion i helped make? did that ever get big?" he asked his head tilted. he was very proud of it, he and Brax had toiled over it for months to make it just right. it was a subtle love potion that actually brought out the inner feelings of someone, so if they liked you and didn't realize it, all that would happen would be that they realized it. a certain couple of marauders used it on a Certain Lily and James potter in school. rather ironic that it was a spell tom made, that was the reason Harry Potter was even born.
Alex nodded a little,laughing as he banished the snake, wrapping his arms around tom."Of course it did.It was your invention after all."He smiled dipping his head nipping on his neck, hands sliding down, resting on his hips as he pulled him closer.Smirking a little,"Though by the time I'm born,your a old man, so your brilliance dimmed with age."He teased smirking because if anyhting, tom had gotten more brilliant as he got older.
Tom grinned as he snuggled back into Alex, sighing softly. "my brilliance will never dim." he purred proudly, grinning up at him. "it's my best trait." he teased grinning as he nuzzled the other before sighing again. "...what was i like? Alex?" he asked, pondering his future. "i bet i ended up being a terrible person." he admitted softly. "i never realized how cruel i was until you came along..." he admitted softly. "i never realized how ALONE i was until i met you... never realized how.... how sad i was..." he admitted with a hard swallow. "i don't think i would have survived this year without you..."
Alex swallowed hard, laughing softly as he held the man tighter shaking his head." dont' aske me."He said his voice and body trembling as he swallowed."Don't.."He sighed pulling away."Let's go find brax and draco."He said avoiding looking at the other, pain showing on his face though.eeling sucker punched by how much it pained him to think about voldemort. Needing draco's calm prescence to seperate the past and present.
Tom frowned a little and gently set his hand on Alex's face, gently pulling him down for a soft kiss. "it's ok Alex." he murmured softly. "i won't ask you about the future anymore." he promised softly, giving him a nuzzle before taking his hand and heading for Brax and Draco, who where laying in bed, Draco was trying to nap, but he couldn't, he was too worried about his brother. "MALFOY'S!" Tom squealed landing on both blonds laying in the bed, grinning eagerly as he managed to squirm himself in-between the two and shove them both off the bed. "Nap Time is over! i'm bored and Alex won't play 'silly kid game's' with me so you have to!" letting everyone know he was ok with them being from the future, while also distracting from Alex who still looked upset.
Ale sputtere a little as he followed the other in, laughing softly, though he still looked vaguely upset."I-what games do you want to play?"he said looking confused. Brax snickered a little as he sat up on the floor, glaring at his friend over the edge of the bed, rubbing his shoulder were he hit the floor."But tom!I havent even had a chance to feel him up yet!"he pouted.
Tom smirked a little as he looked down at the people he thought of as family, Brax in particular. "well that's your own fault for sleeping when you should have been fucking." he stated calmly. "now come on! i wanna learn how to play Hide And Seek!" "play what?" Draco demanded rubbing his face a little. being that it was primarily a muggle game Draco didn't know what it was. he doubted Brax or Alex did either, and Tom just pouted. "ok how about....tag!?" "...tag?" Draco demanded, baffled and confused and Tom sighed shaking his head. "alright, what Wizard games do you people know then?"
Alex snickered a little looking at the three others, something tight in his chest relaxing.Things would be okay...voldemort would never exist."Hide and seek's fine. I'll go with Draco."He said sliding a arm around Draco's waist, proving he was smarter then the other two...or at least spent more time in the muggle world."Tom's it though."he said snickering at the confused look on brax's face. "What?What's it?What do you mean?"the young malfoy whined.
Draco looked confused too. "i don't understand! how do you play this game!?" he demanded Tom laughing as he paused to explain the concept of the game and what you where supposed to do, smirking eagerly as he turned and covered his eyes, beginning to count, Draco nearly freaking out. "wait! wait i'm not ready!" he complained Tom rolling his eyes as Draco scampered off to find a proper hiding place, having never been able to play games as a child Draco was rather excited to learn one of the muggle games that would have had his father rolling in his grave.
Brax smirked a little as he grabbed Draco around the waist pulling him into the library, smirking as he watched Alex head for the kitchen. Amused as he pulled Draco into a aclove, he smiled as he hid them behind one of the bookcases, dipping his head to nuzzle Draco's neck."Just think, it'll take him forever to go through the manor."He said amused.
Draco flushed hard as he realized what Brax was planning. "oh god, that's hot." he groaned softly, smirking a little. "right here in the library, where anyone might find us?" he teased swallowing hard. "mm Brax, do it." he moaned smirking a little. "i want you so bad i think i might just cum in my pants from hearing you talk."
Brax smirked sliding a handup the other's shirt, kissing his neck."Hmmm I think I could like that.Just holding you against the wall, sliding into you...hmmm now thats a perfect thing."He smirked shifting the blond into standing in front of him, undoing his pants. Muttering a lubing spell and without warning slid into the blond with a sigh,fisting his cock.Way way to experienced with having sex in a library. Though he was usually at school instead of home.
Draco moaned, nodding eagerly. "yeah, oh yeah." Draco groaned tipping his head back. "fuck me good." he panted, moaning as he was slid into with no warning and no prep and GOD if it wasn't wonderful. "oooh yesss, Brax. mm fuck i love you... love it when you do things like this to me." he groaned panting hard as he squirmed a little. "your way too comfortable with this." he whined smirking a little. because Draco was pretty used to it too, from his own school days.
Brax winced resting his forehead on hte other's shoulder, tremblign a little. Feeling...feeling bad for being who he was. Swallowing hard as he nuzzled the other, taking his time, but fucking him hard despite it. Swallowing he smiled against Draco's skin."I had had practice."He muttered sighing softly.
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