Love across time

Tom scowled a little when Alex bent down to kiss Brax, and only scowled harder when Brax bit him, reaching out and grabbing Alex before the other could protest and biting him hard on the neck, leaving a nice ring of imprints. "mine." Tom growled possessively, sucking furiously where he'd bitten to leave a nice sized hickey, Draco snickering a little. even as much as he had changed, Tom was always going to be one jealous, possessive little bitch. "yeah Alex, tell us what you want or go away." he ordered yawning a little as he snuggled into the pillow. "n Tom stop that, your not ready to do those sorts of things yet." Tom released Alex's neck with a rather feminine pout and shook his head. "so!? i have to mark him somehow and i doubt he'd enjoy a tattoo." well at least they didn't have to worry about Tom coming up with the Dark Mark anytime soon.
Alex ducked his head, blushing slightly. Glad that the glamor over the dark mark he wore was such a habit that he didn't even think about holding it anymore. Smiling softly as he nuzzled the other's neck he swallowed hard,trying to stay calm even as his body reacted to the sucking."We want to do something.We're bored."He said.

Brax snickered a little running his fingers through his hair."well, we could always go shopping."he said amused, knowing alex was still anxious about getting tom a christmas gift, and since they only had a day till christmas, he probably could ue the help coming up with something.
Draco almost flinched at the mention of a tattoo from Tom, his fingers brushing over his arm as he shook his head. "no, i definitely think a tattoo would be no good." he stated calmly as he rubbed his eyes. "we'll go shopping." he promised. "i still need to pick up gifts anyway." he stated Tom looking appalled. "really!? i already got everyone their gifts!" "you made everyone's gifts." Draco stated with a small smile. "you had an unfair advantage." he stated looking rather curious about what Tom had made. he'd been working on all of their presents for almost three months now, Brax's for even longer, or so Tom claimed anyway. "ok Brax and i will go shopping together then, since i know he got my present already, and he ALWAYS needs help figuring out you two."

Tom smirked. "i understand you both completely." he teased leaping to his feet, wincing at the pain that flared from his ass and up his back, but quickly shrugged it off. he was too excited to let his rape get him down. "come on Brax! get up! we're going shopping! or you are! wait! Draco's paying me! so i can go shopping too! Draco Pay me already!" "FIIINE!" Draco whined sliding out of bed, completely naked, as always and shoved a coin purse into Tom's hands before heading into the bathroom to get dressed, Tom's eye twitching a little. "i just saw Brax's lovers cock....should i be worried?"
Alex swallowed hard as he struggled not to laugh."I'd be worried if Brax was awake enough to be aware."He smirked laughing as brax stirred sitting up slowly."I do not always need help."Brax pouted as he got up, and like draco, bare ass naked as he started dressing, though he didn't bother to leave the room.Yawning as he looked at the two. Alex smiled running his fingers through his hair, kissing tom lightly."Draco,hurry up.I need your help.Presents to get and everything."he said anxious, because he didn't know what to by.Draco nd brax had been easy, he just had no idea what to get tom.
Tom laughed a little and nodded looking at Brax. "you totally need help." he teased shoving the coins into his pocket without looking, which was a good thing because otherwise he would have been bitching about being overpaid. three galleons and two sickles for three days of work a week was WAY too much in Tom's opinion. "Come on Brax!" Tom complained grabbing his freinds wrist once they where properly dressed. "let's go and get some presents!"

Draco chuckled at Alex's struggle and shook his head a little. "i'm coming, i'm coming." he stated running a brush through his hair. "just calm down would you?" he ordered rolling his eyes at Tom who pouted and sulked into Draco and Brax finished getting ready, grabbing the Floo as soon as they where done and racing into the emerald Flames so that he could get something even better for Alex. and maybe even something for himself for once.
Brax smiled looking at the two elder wizards, waving them off."Go shop.I'll take care of him, and we'll meet back here in a hour for lunch."He said before hustling the overly excited tom towards the street without waiting for a answer. Knowing alex needed to shop, and he didnt want to be anywhere near when alex got frustrated with not finding anything.

Alex gave draco a look befor watching the younger two leave, before sighing."I am calm."He said running a hand through his hair thinking. Biting his lip."I was thinking...maybe something claiming. Something that would make sure he knows I'm staying."He said biting his lip harder, nearly drawing blood, not that he noticed in his anxiety.
Tom was chattering excitedly about all the things he was going to buy, candy mostly as he reached into his pocket pulled out the money and froze, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "...Draco overpaid me." he complained glaring at his fistful of coins scowling a little. "i should go back and give him back the galleons...." but he didn't really want to... all the things he could buy! his greedy half, the half that would one day become Voldemort, was warring with his moral half, the half that Alex and Draco had created. it left him very confused and uncertain of what to do.

Draco snorted a little and smiled. "why don't you get him a promise ring?" he suggested simply. "a promise ring will prove that one day you intend to propose to him. and you do intend to propose to him don't you? of course you do." he stated calmly shaking his head a little. "now stop chewing on your lip before you bust it up. Tom will think i punched you or something."
Brax sighed softly atching him."Tom, if he didn't know he was giving it to you he wouldn't have. He wants to pay you that much."He said reasonably, because he knew it was the only way the brunette would accept draco's help."If you don't think of it as payment, think of it as Draco's way of making sure Alex doesn't fret about you not having everything you want."

Alex laughed before nodding."Are you so sure I'll propose?"He asked. Not that he wasn't,but he was curious about his brother's reasoning. Ducking into the jewelry store he smiled as he started looking for the perfect ring
Tom hessitated his eyes narrowing again before he sighed and pocketed the money once more. "your right." he decided nodding. "come on! lets go get presents!" he decided beaming happily. "i think Draco would really like some potions ingredients, since i can afford them now." another thing voldemort never would have done, spend HIS money on someone else. he would have spent it all on candy and things that interested him, even as a child. but now he was wondering what he could buy Draco, and Brax and even Alex. "i think Alex could use a nice necklace." he paused. "no a necklace isn't romantic enough." he muttered sighing a little. "i think my home made gift is too perfect, i can't think of something to buy that would equal it!" he complained pouting a little. "let's seee..." he mused. "you need a present for Draco right Brax?"

Draco smirked a little. "i know you will. your already in love, i can see it. and we all know how you get when you fall in love." he teased shaking his head a little. " i wonder if i should get something pretty for Brax?" he mused before nodding. "i know exactly what to get him." he decided wandering off to the other part of the store, towards the magically defensive section to find just the right thing for both Tom and Brax. he had already picked up something lovey for Brax but he thought he could use a few more presents too.
:I do."Brax smiled a little."I got him something pretty. Now I want to get him something useful."He said sounding amused as he looked through the glass of the windows.Not seeing anything that was really hitting him before perking up a little. "We need to go to knockturn alley."He said heading for the street, smiling happily at knowing what to get. Amused to see his friend changed so much.Even in the short months it'd been, it was impossible to see the man he'd been.

Alex laughed softly watching him go, before he saw the most perfect promise ring. Smirking a little as he paid for it he made his way to draco's side, overlookgn his shoulder."Find anything interesting?"
Tom chuckled a little and nodded. "knockturn alley?" he asked startled. "but that's..." connected to the muggle world, muggles who knew about magic often went in there, not that any of the pure bloods realized it. he shook his head a little and sighed. "fine. maybe i can get professor Medici some rare potions ingredients." he decided smiling a little as he headed towards the forbidden Alley. "let's see... i think there was a bookstore around here too, i need some more books, i've been working on this spell, it will summon snakes when i've finished! or that's the plan anyway."

"Draco grinned as he held up two bracelets, one an emerald green in the fashion of a snake, the other was pure silver and was fashioned to look like a Dragon. "protective bracelets." he admitted simply, shaking his head a little. "after what happened i thought it would be better for them to have something to protect themselves with. only the wearer can remove them, and the Dragon spits fire, while the snake spits blinding venom." he grinned. "i think it suits them don't you?"
Brax laughed softly nodding."If you get it to work, let alex test it out first."He said having had to listen to the man's rants about tom doing dangerous things. Smiling slightly he tilted his head."I'll be right here okay, "He said pointing into the sword shop."The potions store is right there, and the bookstore next to it.Do you want me to come with you, or do you want to come in with me?"He asked looking worried. Not wanting to leave him alone, but knowing that the brunette would take forever and he didnt want to just wander about, at least not until he'd gotten dracos present.

Alex grinned a little,"now that, is perfect."He smiled stroking his fingers over the silver."perfect protection for two scarred teens."he said pain showing n his face before nodding."get them.And get one for yourself."He ordered giving draco a look.
Tom hesitated, also not wanting to be left alone. "let's go to your place first, and then we can go to mine." he decided, well aware that Brax would leave him in the bookstore if he took too long. they where on a deadline after all and Tom could always have a house elf get the books he needed if he had to. "what are you going to get Draco? i was thinking of getting Alex a Dagger set, something he can carry with him and protect himself if he should happen to loose his wand." he admitted nodding a little. "can we stop in that sword shop first? it won't take long i think."

Draco smirked a little at Alex. "i will only get one, if you get one too." he ordered, getting a silver dragon pendant for himself, and hesitating as he tried to decide which one would suit Alex better, before picking out a silver serpent and taking them to the cash register. "i wonder what the boys are going to get us... for that matter i'm shocked tom hasn't hunted me down yet. i gave him three galleon's for that work he did for me. he probably thinks it's too much."
"No.Not long."He smiled slightly ducking into the sword shopping looking around."I was thinking a dagger set to.Well a short sword out...something to be worn along his forearms, with a wand holster to. So that its closeby, along with weapons should he lose his wand."He smiled a little as he looked for the perfect set, wanting something perfect for their first chistmas, before stopping.Staring at the set of twin daggers. The smooth dragon handles led into two slightly curved blades. Perfect for the warrior he knew his blond was. Smiling as he read the card, once they were bonded with someone, the daggers would spit flames at another but their master handling htem."I got mine.What do you think alex'd like"He asked as he paid for his daggers.

Alex snickered before sighing as took the serpent pendant from the cashier after he'd paid, sliding it on before he looked at draco."Brax probably convinced him he was doing oyu a favor by keeping the money."He said amused."And if I know them, they're probably deadly items, whatever else our presents will be"
Tom carefully lifted something up off in a corner, his eyes wide and astonished as he gripped it with both hands and gave it a swing. it was a thin sword, the gleaming metal silver,, the handle was made of ivory and had a holster for a magical implement so that you could focus magic into the blade even without a wand. "this." Tom breathed stroking the magically enhanced silver. "i'm getting him this." because it was, as it said on the tag, a long history of Malfoy Family weaponry. and no matter how Alex tried to deny it, the man was a Malfoy, and a Medici, and he needed a proper sword. one that was of his lineage.

Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "that sounds like Brax." he admitted looking pleased with himself as he looked around the store to make sure he didn't see anything else that caught his eye before heading out into the streets. "so where do you think our boys are? probably Knockturn alley knowing them. come on, lets go hit the candy store. Tom has a sweat tooth and i wanted to get him some candy too."
Brax smiled looking amazed as he stared at the beautiful sword nodding a little. Despite how hard draco and alex tried to deny it, Alex was a malfoy, and he deserved to have such a wepon of his line."He'll love it."He said as tom paid for it, smiling relieved that the other had enough for the sword before nudging him."Come on love, we'll go get the potion ingridents, and your books now."He teased.

Alex nodded smiling a little as he followed the other into the sweet shop, sighing softly as he ran his hand over his hair,"Of course they're in knockturn alley."He said laughing softly."I'd not expect anything else."He said amused.
Tom smiled at Brax, his eyes shining with glee. "and i still have a sickle left!" he chirped happily. "i think i might buy some of those Moon Lily petals, their not easy to get, but Draco only needed three, i think i could get three for a sickle don't you think?" he asked grinning as he carefully shrunk the sword and then paused. "heh! hey it's our little play thing!" "..." Tom turned slowly and faced three muggle boys, wearing muggle clothes, all of them rather ugly and big, all of them staring at Tom. "mmm how nice to find him here, all alone." " me alone." tom ordered, stepping back and collapsing, eyes wide, terrified. "don't touch me! wasn't once enough!?" he begged as one of the boys laughed, reaching down to grab Tom. "for a tight little fuck like you? never enough."

Draco laughed a little as he examined the wares, his head tilted a little as he examined everything. "hmm, i think some Berty's, and a mound of chocolate frogs so he stops stealing mine! little thief." but this was said with affection. "some fizzing whisbee's of course, and sherbet balls, what else?... Alex? are you listening to me?"
Brax growled softly stepping out next to him,swallowing hard. Even knowing with magic they were going to get hurt. Wishing there was a way to get to alex and draco.Looking at his friend."I'll take care of them, get to alex."He growled stepping forward between the boys and tom.

Alex frowned harder,"No.Something's wrong."He growled grabbing Draco's arm and apparating, to where the ring around his finger was drawing him. Snarling as he landed, his swords in hand before he'd realized where he was. Glaring as he faced the others, snarling as he looked around."Brax.Tom.What's going on?"He snarled leveling the sword and wand at the muggles, tilting his head. Looking at draco."Get them out of here."He growled, rage pulling at him.
Tom sobbed and curled up, hands over his face trying to protect himself as the muggles laughed, looking Brax over. "oh look! this one's even prettier, i bet he'd be even tighter than our dear tom." they smirked, one of the boys darting around Brax to get at the now unresponsive Tom, who had sunk back into himself, hoping that it would help. the other two advancing on Brax, all of them freezing when they caught sight of Alex and Draco. "oooh back up." "bummer." they started inching backwards, but Draco knew, Tom had shown him through a memory. "Alex." Draco stated his eyes filled with hate. "kill them." he stated softly. "their the ones that hurt Tom." "w..what!? you have no proof!" the leader yelled, going pale. "i have Tom's memories, that's all the proof i need." Draco stated, grabbing Brax's wrist and Tom's and apparating with a crack, settling them both into bed, giving Brax a calming drought and trying to pull Tom out of his catatonic state, leaving the three helpless muggles to Alex.
Alex smirk as he turned on the muggles, would have done any predator proud.

When he arrive dback at the mnor he sighed softly, wincing as he walked slowly, favoring his left leg, hoping he could get it healed without telling draco.Because well....dracod never let him live it done on the idiotic way of getting hurt. Smiling slighty as he walked to brax's bedroom, knowing draco would have put him and tom in the same bed just to make it easier to watch them. Watching brax try to coax tom back into normal state for a minute before looking at Draco."I need help. I'm to covered to clean myself."He muttered blushing a little at the idea of slaughtering them so badly, so mugglish that the only thing keeping him from dripping blood on the manor floors was the wards holding the blood on his body.
Draco gaped at Alex for a long moment, they had no success in trying to call Tom back from inside of himself, the boy was way too out of it. "intot he bathroom." Draco ordered bullying Alex into the bathroom, turning the water in on the bathtub and ordering Alex to drop the wards. "as soon as your clean, don't bother trying to save the clothes just rinse em off so they don't drip on the floor and toss em." Draco ordered. "Tom needs you as soon as your don." Draco admitted sighing softly. "he's gone catatonic.. i think if you speak to him a little it might help."
Alex nodded wving him out."I'll be out in a few minutes."He said before sighing starting to scrub the blood and gore off his skin. After getting out he frowned at the cut along his back,and vowed,to never let draco realize he'd done it himself.He'd get berated enough for getting hurt by a enemy, worse if Draco knew he'd been so pissed he'd shoved his sword into the sheath to hard and sliced the leather and skin to ribbons. Sighing as he realized it wasn't bleeding anymore he headed out, naked, because draco hadn't left him any clothes.Not that draco'd never seen him naked,and brax could just live with it. "Nothing still?"He asked sitting down on the bed, gently stroking tom's hair as he pulled a blanket over his lap, looking concerned.
Tom was still laying there, curled up in the fetal position, his eyes open but blank as Draco tried to get the boy to drink a potion. "nothing." Draco said with a small sigh. "this is something to be expected... after such a traumatic experience coming up on the people who hurt you with no warning?.." he glanced at Brax and swallowed hard, clearly imagining his lover in the same position. "that's why we need you... your the only person he could stand to touch him after words, you might be able to pull him out of it... if not...we'll just have to wait..." Draco admitted with a small sigh watching Tom as he laid there, motionless as the dead save for the soft breathing.
Brax stared,not quite believing that he'd just sense alex covered in blood. It was...disturbing to realize that it had also happened before, because alex hadn't been disturbed."you need clothes.Draco go get clothes."He ordered before getting up dragging the blond out of the room, wanting both of them out of the room.

Alex sighed softly stroking tom's hair, sighing softly."Tom love can you hear me?Love, you're safe. I promise.Safe. I took care of things.Tom you are safe."he saiid softly. Wanting desperately to make the seemingly dead man wake.
Draco didn't seem at all disturbed either, not even by the fact that he now had blood all over his hands from touching Alex. "Brax? are you alright?" Draco asked worried about his lover as he wiped his hands off on his pants before taking the others hand. "come on, i think you need a calming potion... i forget that your not used to blood." Draco admitted with a small sigh. "i'm so used to everyone around me being used to it that i forget."

Tom didn't move, didn't twitch, didn't anything. he just laid there while Alex spoke to him, Nagini slithering out of Tom's pocket to hiss gentle words to him...but somehow, the parseltongue.. he blinked when Nagini spoke to him, and he started to uncurl a little, as if relaxing. because no one could speak parseltongue except for Alex..had he heard Alex? he wasn't sure... he couldn't focus..where where the bad ones? the ones who made him hurt?
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